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  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 30 weeks ago


    There is no supreme race, we are all on this planet together.

    The divisions are created to keep us divided.

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Hi Jeffl,

    Thanks for you response.

    Dems, Repubs, Socialists...from my perspective most systems can work, but they will only be as good as the people running them. As long as evil, hatred,power,and greed are involved none will work.

    Most people crave Love, respect, honor, and justice, too bad we fall so short.

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Nice article. I am no antropologist, historian, or expert in the matter. yet, I can make a few comments. I believe you present the evolution of social organizational with a naive perpective that after basic needs are satisfied "we" turn to our sosial needs. Nothing can be farther from reality. Both things happen and ARE happening SIMULTANEOUSLY, even today. Your view of the evolution of familiy is also flawed. I suggest you read "The origin of the familiy, private property and the stae" by Engels (That if you are not allergic to marx and engels). He actually follows and discusses closely the writings of L.H. Morgan, an american. As it turns out, ALL THREE elements, basic needs, social organization, and spiritual development evolved TOGETHER and not sequentially as your naive perspective proposes...

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Are Republicans the supreme race?

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Yes... Bigotry, hate, anti-Semitisim, etc. isn't reserved for any one race, religion, ethnic group etc..

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Sorry HC

    This Jew... who actually got in an altercation with a "Farrakhan follower" several years ago, will talk to you. ;-)

  • The Radical Left Wing Polices Most Americans Want Right Now   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Your spot on a Thom.

    So if we have more than Two Thirds of the voters agreeing to these recommendations to improve the life of all it should happen.Surely the more people making the final decisions the closer to democracy you have . The electorate has to fund the political system not rich individuals or corporations .

    The common good is life decided by the people not the rich and powerful. When does the interests of the all supersede the rights of the few ?

    Change is a commin....

  • EPA Says Fracking Harmful to Drinking Water - Will Trump Listen?   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Pass the writing of your essay to quality essay at Paper Masters

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Well since there's no body home I'll continue....

    Have Progressives lost their minds? We protested in Seattle against a tariff-free world in which workers in every nation are pitted in a contest to see who will work for lowest wages. The majority of Democratic senators voted against NAFTA.

    In 2016, the Democrats lost Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin by theft for sure, but it would not have been close enough to steal except that Obama was pushing the TPP and Hillary free trade.

    The idea of free trade with a slave state like China is a terrible joke played on America’s working class.

    Do we hate Trump so much that we are obliged to attack when he does the right thing for the American worker?

    Obama slapped heavy tariffs on Chinese auto parts before the 2012 election, and didn’t start a trade war. But he did win Ohio.

    and more

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Banding Together for the Common Good

    is Thom's title.

    I suggest we band together by first being honest about where we are...on all sides.

    Thom seems to be stuck somewhere down history lane, while there is much to deal with in the here and now, together for the common good.

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 30 weeks ago


    Exactly my point, seems the left is so busy looking for nazis on the right, they can't see the ones in plain sight on the left.

    Ellison is the DNC party vice chair! And the left doesn't know that?

    Or about mad Maxine? Plus several others.

    Or about hiding the pic's of Obama with Farrakhan until after the election? Are you starting to see a trend here...Rev. Write?? (sp)

    Farrakhan...the racisist..misognyist..white hating, Jew hating... baffoon?

    The only reason CNN Jake Trapper told the truth is because Farrakhan is also against gays.

    Or maybe the left just doesn't want to know...seems like the pot s been calling the kettle to me....

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Thrust of Primitive Society is to adapt oneself to the environment

    Thrust of Western Culture (since Greeks) is to gain control of environment

    Thrust of Socialism is to gain control of humankind

    (Taken from a textbook on stucture of human societies)

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Certainly did not catch my liberal left wing attention. There are plenty of extremist right wingers that you could pay attention to.

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 30 weeks ago

    #2 - Agree about the hyper stuff currently all over the place

    Just awaiting the next fad... me!

    Happy you have no personal experience of mysogeny in the form of groping etc

    The main body of your narrative is very interesting since I have known girls to respond to unwanted advance from males with a well aimed knee or hand or verbal shaming

    Usually stops 'em dead

    I'd like to believe such becomes a life changing experience for the man

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 30 weeks ago

    #6 - But the wacko decision by (so called) supreme court ruled in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission 2010 that corporations are people

    You can't make this stuff up can you?

    Sorry! But I believe the real matter of concern here is marginalisation of women kind (singular)

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Anyone on the left want to speak to this?

    snip from:

    And if it weren’t for The Daily Caller and CNN’s Jake Tapper, we wouldn’t have known about a particularly ugly Farrakhan eruption the other day at his Saviours’ Day 2018 address.

    We also wouldn’t have known about the tortured logic that some, like U.S. Rep. Danny Davis, the Chicago Democrat, use to explain their relationship with Farrakhan.

    “White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God's grace, has pulled the cover off of that Satanic Jew and I'm here to say your time is up, your world is through," Farrakhan said in his speech.

    He said other things too, but I’m not going to spread his hate here. What interests me is the silence of the left.

    My barber Raffaele Raia understands this kind of silence.

    Chi tace acconsente," says Mr. Raia. “He who is silent says yes. The silence is the consent."

    Of course it is.

    And when it comes to Farrakhan, the left is silent. They’d rather be silent than risk being denounced by him.

    The other day, The Daily Caller — a conservative news and opinion site — capitalized on the silence, and on the acquiescence of Davis, who was quoted as saying Farrakhan’s views aren’t a big deal.

    The Daily Caller has called out others on their relationship with Farrakhan, from U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters of California to Democratic Party Vice Chairman Keith Ellison. And so far, from them and others on the left, you hear crickets.

    praising how is this ok with the left, how do you allow this and call the right racisist and Hitlers ????

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Jefferson was keen enough to recognize the risk to democracy of "moneyed corporations" as early as 1816, the year winter never ended, but I doubt he could foresee how a monopolized 21st century media could indirectly place a demagogue in the White House.

    This is especially alarming to anti fascists like myself because it proves that even here in the United States we are at risk for a Putinesque figure to rise to power. Felonious Donny is harmless compared to who the Kochs and Putin could prop up in the near future.....via the citizens united money pipeline to the corpse media and high tech social media.

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Thom, today's blog is viberant with world history and psychological needs for a healthy society. I took a screenshot of it to share and save. You are exactly right about quoting our Maslows needs. When I went to a trade school for a few classes in auto repair; at one time I had the equivalent of two and a half fulltime jobs for about six months. Then I went onto get a bachelor's degree and onto a M.Ed. I was 99% completed and a Nation Honor Student. I relocated to Troy, Ohio and the school board told me they don't accept resumes off the street, and if I wanted a job in their schools, I would need to have an administrator recommend me. I told them I just moved here and don't know a soul. The lady said: "Try volunteering, maybe they will like you." and I walked away thinking, I need a paying job. Anything, a teachers assistant! So higher education does not mean greater employment. $180, 000 in student loans and FAFSA Grants...for what?

    I could have stayed a mechanic and been a millionaire!

    Lol, Randall

  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Hey Di,

    I agree, I mostly go for the al gore network too.

    For business reasons I do alot of research so I tend to already be on the net.

    I listen to the john batchlor show on the radio at night and also like articles by victor davis hansons private papers.

    Hannity is pompous, but I do like sara carter, and she's on often. Also check my rss on democracy now and gregg greenwald...try to balance the incoming awareness.

    Your groucho comment just too funny!

    Being from SF and a Dem most of my life I'm pretty well informed on those beliefs. Never thought they would become so toxicly hateful though.

    Now I'm just Netural, of no policical persuasion, just care about individual issues.

    Enjoy your day!

  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 30 weeks ago

    HC, how are ya?

    Personally, I don't watch more than a couple of minutes of Fox News Cable TV per day. In the past I found Hannity very arrogant, Ingram is barely tolerable, Tucker Carlson's facial expressions are hilarious and I can't imagine any of the opposition dumb enough to go on the air with him. Glad O'Reilly is gone, he and Olberman had the same sized ego and both deserve exactly what they got. Other than those few, the rest are all smiling blond lawyers with big eyes and great legs.

    There are times when I do have Fox Business channel running in the background but only because of Lou Dobbs.

    I am developing a habit of watching HLN as I really like S.E. Cupp. I know her political leaning but she does a great job of remaining neutral.

    In my opinion, MSNBC and CNN are both lost causes except for an occasional minute or two of "tingle up my leg" Matthews who is always good for a hoot, or Maddow who with the sound down and a mustache could be a dead ringer for Groucho Marx.

    Other than that, thanks to Al Gore there are a number of places to gather news and form opinions.

    Source, me

  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Hi Di,

    and more

    Sean Hannity Unrivaled As Fox News Cruises To Big February Ratings Win

    Fox News Channel host Sean Hannity crushed the cable news competition in February, finishing first with an average audience of 3.3 million total viewers. February marked Hannity's fifth straight month as the unrivaled King of Cable News, maintaining a wide lead over MSNBC rival Rachel Maddow, who finished the month in third place overall.

    Maddow, who led MSNBC to record ratings in 2017, delivered a total audience of 2.874 million viewers in February. Maddow finished behind FNC's Tucker Carlson, who took second place overall with 3.144 million total viewers. In the advertiser-coveted demographic of viewers 25-54, Hannity led (711,000) followed by Carlson (650,000) and Maddow (641,000).

    more here

    people seem to be voting with their clickers.

  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 30 weeks ago
  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 30 weeks ago

    First Amendment. Claiming the First Amendment right of all "persons" to free speech, corporate lawsuits against the government successfully struck down laws that prevented corporations from lobbying or giving money to politicians and political candidates.

    False. Corporations are barred from giving money to political candidates.

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 30 weeks ago

    I guess.. mama should have let her baby grow up to be a cowboy?!!

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 30 weeks ago

    The vast majority of the "movers and shakers"..
    The corporate "titans"...
    The "billionaires"..
    The ones that wield power and control over others!

    Are MEN!!

    It was that way 2000 years ago...
    It was that way 200 years ago...
    And it's still (unfortunately) that way today!!

    And these greedy power mongers..
    [Who are the owners of most of these "corporate persons."]
    Have their "women" by their sides...
    Or worse yet, a few steps behind them!
    It really is "fucked up"!!!

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