Recent comments

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    You've made a good point about the "what if"...about the "if only" we had honest elections!
    But, when it comes to the terrible free trade policies.. Im sorry to say but, BOTH parties are guilty!! Clinton bought into and campaigned on pushing free trade through. And in 94 he happily signed it into law. Shit man, Obama was having a fuckn wet dream trying to push the TPP through! And if the Republicans racist hatred for the black man in charge hadn't been so big! He probably would have succeeded... And then the"wet dream" would have been a real "fucking"!!

    And lets not forget that all through both Reagan's terms, that the Dems controlled the house by over 50 seats. They could have stopped "dead in the tracks", the absolutely insane upper tier tax cuts from becoming law in 81, and again in 86. Instead, they voted for them! In fact, both times, those"future" laws were introduced in the house as a bill,by the Democrats. Shit man, Obama made most of the Bush tax cuts permanent...
    While l might aline with the Dems on most things.. I'm not turning a blind eye on them either! They aren't innocent bystanders..
    l do believe the Republicans are much more to blame. They have INTENTIONALLY legislated terrible, destructive policies and laws that harm the middle class, organized labor, the needy and poor, the veterans,and the environment...all while.. Passing laws and deregulating others to help the greedy, powerful mega-rich and the Corporations get bigger, richer and way more powerful!!
    That being said..the Dems are complacent to a lesser degree!
    Whether intentional or not...

    And dont even get me going on the bi-partisan repeal of key provisions of the Glass Steagall act in 99...

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 29 weeks ago

    I became an American citizen in 1999, mom being a TRU AMERICAN. A believer if peace justice and the American way.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago


    I don't have a party.

    But I can look around my house or most houses and almost everything in them is from China, right down to our underwear. That doesn't bother you? Items that used to last 20 yrs now last maybe 2 yrs.

    When we used to sell products in the USA they would say made in USA, made in Mexico etc. now they say country of origin may vary...thats how fast companies shift according to lowest labor costs.

    A race to the bottom.

    How do you defend your Country if you don't make the products you need for defence?

    We can play cum by ya...but that doesn't mean other countries will.

    It wasn't Donny giving Russia our uranium!

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    LOL....The rocket engine comment stirred up Worn Out! That's not lost on me at all. Face it, Putin is a Fascist, and he's felonious Donny's pal, be it by blackmail or whatever. Putin is every bit as dangerous as Hitler with the Kochs creating the perfect storm for him. Funny how I posted long ago about Putins's reports are now coming out that he's the wealthiest man on the planet. Eastern Europe anon has been warning us about this for years. That wealth belongs to the Russian citizens.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Coffee...How much is the endless war costing? Wouldn't have happened if we had legit elections...A President Gore wouldn't have allowed it. War for Profit is your parties thing.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago


    When your done about the right and might want to address Hillary's reset button, and Obama's 150 billion to Iran. Not to mention the bribes Bill Clinton gave NK if they would just play nice...they didn't.

    If you don't think the trade deficit puts us in debt...think again.

    And if we did end up in a war...I really don't want to ask China if we could please have the stuff we need to fight steel and stuff. Do you?

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Worn Out...I must have touched a nerve, LOL? You righties have continually supported the party that is all about free trade, and then suddenly because an out of control idiot directs you towards progressive policy, you now are against free trade???? Ask Mitch McConnell which party supports free trade. That's what dumb is, inability to think for yourself. How's Russia?

    You speak for everyone else in your own mind Knobster!

    I've never seen a mature comment from you...try raising the bar.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Kend: The Democratic Party voted against only made it to Clinton because of your Kochpublican in all free trade agreements moving through congress. You can't have it both ways Pal. Things have been getting better since the Obama years, it's propaganda convincing you otherwise. Have you forgot about the Great Republican recession already?

    BTW: The tax cuts you support are pushing our debt to record highs....trillion dollar deficits will soon be permanent. More hypocrisy from you righties.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    10 K. Wasn't it Clinton a Democrat the one who signed the Nafta agreement. I think most of us would agree that both party's are to blame for all of these poor trade deals. They have been going on for decades. Since Reagan the Republicans have been in power 12 years and Democrats 16. Lots of time for both parties to make changes. Besides. Trump isn't really a Republican, both parties really don't like him. 10 k are you honestly saying that since Trump was elected things are not getting better for all Americans. with the low unemployment rates wages are going to go up. Tax cuts are putting more money in the pockets of hard working Americans. Investment in America is increasing daily. Lighten up times are good

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    My friend 2950-10

    I’m sure I speak for everyone else who posts here....Thank you for being here. Your posts keep us from being viewed as the dumbest who respond here.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Hey now baby, get into my big black car.
    I just want to show you what my politics are.

    "Politician" from Cream.
    From the album "Wheels of Fire"
    Circa: 1968

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    We really do need more women in positions of power. They have only the "BIG" head to think with! You know, the one on top of their shoulders...
    Unlike men in power, who more often than not, spend a preponderance of their time thinking with the "little" head. You know, the one between their legs...

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Reynolds, Kend: Sorry to ruin your giddiness, but I have a couple inconvenient truths for you. First, your Kochpublican party is the party of globalization, not the Democratic Party. Look up the history of free trade legislation, who voted for it, and who voted against it. Secondly, despite employment figures, which Trump always said were fake, wages have been flat since Reagan's anti-union trickle down fraud. So unless you have been voting for Democratic candidates for the last 30 some years , your comments are hypocritical at best and make no rational sense. ..or are you turning liberal because even a broken Trump can get it right if he follows a progressive democratic agenda?

    Wake up, your thoughts are being controlled by extremely wealthy people who could care less about you. To still hold any respect for Trump says a lot about your character.

    BTW Reynolds: Korea is taking advantage of Trump's ineptness and control by Putin. Putin supplied the engines for those Korean rockets that can now reach us...with nukes. The magical world you live in is not at all reality.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Trump did say he was running for President of the US not the President of the world. As a Canadian I can tell you Trump has scared the crap out of the world. America has a leader who is putting Americans well being ahead of other countries. its going to be hard to bring mfg. back to the US as it takes years and in some cases decades just to get approval for a new mfg plant or trying to do it with the strict environmental controls when you are competing with countries that have none. Thom is right the left has lose there way. It's not often that I agree with Thom but he is going in the right direction here.

    Legend your right, Trump is having huge staffing issues. Truth is no one cares as long as their standard of living is getting better.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    I went into a "Farm and Fleet" store a few winters back looking to replace an old (made in USA) Carhartt with a new winter work coat (heavy woven cotton duck). They carry three different brand names of basically the same product.
    I checked the cheapest one out first. Brand name: "Work N Sport".
    [Made in China.]
    I then checked out the mid priced one. Brand name: "Wells".
    [ Made in China.]
    I figured okay.. The most expensive priced it is. Brand name: "Carhartt". [Made in Mexico...]
    Several years earlier,Carhartt shut down a large portion of their American manufacturing and moved it down to Mexico.
    Strange how the cheaper manufacturing and labor( now moved out of the USA) wasn't/isn't reflected in lower prices to consumers?!?
    At least not pertaining to Carhartt...

    Buy American? I guess l did... Mexico is in North America...

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    #1 - May I ask what is a leftie/socialist?

    Kindly define


  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    #! - Is it Christmas?

    POTUS appears to be genuine in persuit of his election proclamations

    Hoping he does okay with it all

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 29 weeks ago

    #14 - Dead right!

    And, the creation of some belief systems along with identity dogma that includes the race card... and on... and on

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Well done Thom! However, in 1791 patriotism was implicit and Americans bought locally manufactured goods and circulated our currency within the new nation. What no-one concerned with our current currency draining trade deficit ever seems to mention is the responsibility of patriotic Americans to support American industry by buying American made products. We do not want to take personal responsibility for a damn thing: the pollution of the environment, the flow of American currency to off-shore entities due directly to our mindless consumer purchases at Wallyworld, and our endless wars. Trump and his billionarire cronies are globalists and America be damned. Until the average American citizen wakes up and takes responsibility for our own individual actions and purchases, all the central pie-in-the-sky government policies will be for naught.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    I am a senior and I used my tax refund to buy a pair of Frye boots. Now if everyone can afford to buy American made shoe wear we won't worry about trade equality. Then again we only get tax refunds once a year. Last year at tax refund time I had to pay a bunch of unforseen things that make me crazy. The year before that I had an eye exam and bought two pair of glasses for the first time in over ten years. Welcome to Amerika. At least I can say I love being able to see and walking really well because public trans is my usual way to go.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    This is the news we are getting in California from progressive Gov. Jerry Bown.

    Cost for California bullet train system rises to $77.3 billion

    for what....

    The California bullet train project took a sharp jump in price Friday when the state rail authority announced the cost of connecting Los Angeles to San Francisco would total $77.3 billion, an increase of $13 billion from estimates two years ago, and could potentially rise as high as $98.1 billion.

    The rail authority also said that the earliest trains could operate on a partial system between San Jose and the farming town of Wasco would be 2029, five years later than the previous projection. The disclosures are contained in a 114-page business plan that was issued in draft form by the rail authority and will be finalized this summer in a submission to the...
    Thats 77.3 Billion folks... How much to go mars????

    Oh well we didn't need that money for anything else...right?

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Hi Diane.

    So Hillary tries to steal the election from Bernie and her picture is promenate on Thom's site .

    And Thom wants to steal unearned thunder from Trump.

    No matter what proggressives thought for 8 years, Trump did it in one year.

    There is a big differece between thinking of something and doing something.

    Where's you values Thom?

    Sad Thom can't think of a better plan than theft! Seems we already have plenty of that.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Modern Times are defined by the "Solar Mortality Theory" a 1993 scientific discovery of the mechanism that synchronizes the human species to grow in wavelets wherein one generation is a 22.2yr solar cycle & every 3 generations, IF there's NO Birth Control then CHAOS ensues> It's why there's TURMOIL in middle east (3.1kids/woman) but CHINA has succeeded due to Birth Control (1kid/family) Side effect of NO Birth Control is that Death Control ensues> hence U have middle east in TURMOIL, Sunnis killing Shia & vice versa Unintended consequence is RUFUGEES trying to escape Death Control, but they bring the same DISEASE w/them as ISLAM has NO Birth Control, so its just a matter of time before Refugees collapse into CHAOS & choose to SLAY those who are INFIDELS> Time to wake up folks> We're in beginnings of WW3 & its nature will be CIVIL WAR, for DEFENSE CHINA also has over 1BILLION SLAVES so there's no way U can economically compeat w/China unless U develop ROBOTICS which is better/cheaper than Slaves> Tariffs are only 1part of combating China who can deliver STEEL PRODUCTS at cost of Raw Mat'ls One choice is to force gov't employees to buy American Cars IF they use Taxpayer wage But problem w/that is Cars source products from other countries (for example Harley gets front forkes from Japan's massive M/C industry so they can produce 'em cheaply) POPE has the ultimate solution> STOP BREEDING & all problems disappear w/in century

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Yes this adminstration is running as smooth as a high speed train wreck.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Great speech Thom but President Trump brought it up first you will have a hard time convincing democrat candidate Maxine Watters to tag along and pretend she thought of it first.

    Nothing but fun last night listening to leftie/socialists MSM stammer about Trumps potential to be the first US president in history to sit with No. Korea head of state, followed by great new jobs numbers, followed by the unemployment numbers for blacks and Hispanics at record lows, and business confidence at an all time high.

    Oh, I forgot, there is the hooker story and those pesky "russians" to keep MSNBC and CNN occupied.

    Merry Christmas again and I repeat, your biggest fear is that President Trump will be successful in spite of all the shit you try so hard to shovel in front of him on a minute by minute basis.

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