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  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Leftie/socialists in the middle of the night calling someone else deranged. Holy shit, go to bed get some sleep.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    HC needs to get over her obsession with Hillary. Comes across as deranged. Maybe see a shrink.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    I would like address Thom's topic about tariffs and the economy, but let's face it. This is a very complex subject that would take a book to even approach understanding…and even then, probably would never be satisfactory, and likely impossible to resolve.

    While I agree with Thom about the principle of tariffs and his documenting of their history relating to the American economy. I can't help but have this nagging feeling that the onset of Hamiltonian economics may well have been the beginning of the end for the environment, with regards to the welfare of the planet earth.

    In other words, our success, has been devastating to the health of the planet. Ideally, this could be addressed as we restructure out economic planning to reimpose tariffs. But what are the chances of that? Especially with a loose cannon like Trump at the helm.

    In many ways, one could even think of the economic success of once third-world countries, as an equalization and even payback, to imperialist policies that depleted and exploited the resources of many of these countries.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the ride and privilege that has come with American imperialism. But I don't think it's endless!

    Ultimately, to get along, we will have to accept meaniful sacrifices in the way we live and live a much less consumerist and more humble, though not necessarily less satisfying, lifestyle. Any volunteers?

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Dear Hot Coffee, There is no meaning to any of this bullshit about who you know or what you know as long as you are not producing evidence to prove it. You can keep repeating it till' the cows come home as long you want, but we have no real reason to believe any of what you say or who you know without proof. So it's ridiculous to post such specific shit on this site unless you are willing to identify yourself and document these claims!

    I certainly don't expect anyone to take anything I say about my personal life as more than antidotal, or as context to make a point. But proof….forget it!

    I've already answered all you questions! Your questions are endless schizophrenic rabbit holes…best defined as trying to talk to children…answers that can never be satisfactory or complete, but usually ignored when they offer evidence counter to whatever rabbit hole you want to try to take us down.

    But ultimately, the fact that you can't let go of your Hillary hating obsessn, more than a year after the election, undermines any credibility you wish to claim as a reasonable, reliable source of factual info or someone that can be taken seriously.

    In fact, I do worry about your situation. Married and living on 80 acres of land? How the fuck do you have time to obsess endlessly about Hillary, spend 24/7 trolling the internet for anything and everything anti-Hillary and anti-liberal, tending to 80 acres of land and maintaining a reasonably happy marriage? I noticed that we haven't heard from your "better half?" Hell, I lived by myself, on an acre and a half of land and between maintaing the house and weed-whacking, I barely had time to wake up and drink coffee, let alone dick around on the internet.

    What question did you ask?…as if I give a fuck. "Believe me" answering any of your questions is a total waste of time! And I suspect, most here agree… with the exception of you troll buddies.

    By the way, I'm Napoleon and Santa Claus! Merry Christmas Death-Rey!

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    I really don't give a " flying fuck" about Hillary Clinton!! Crook or no crook.. It just doesn't matter to me! Why does it matter sooo much to you?!? Shes such a non issue now.. Get over it!!

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Hillary has been disliked and under investigation since little rock and she's very much under investigation now, as is her foundation. This time she may not be able to buy & threaten her way out of it. And prosecutions could happen now that Eric Holder isn't covering her butt, just might be to busy covering his own.

    Issues (to many to even list) just seem to follow inoccent Hilly everywhere she's been.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago


    I'll answer your question...will you answer mine #33.

    I've aready said many times here... Born & raised in SF voted straight Dem tickets up till the last election. Voted Bernie last primary election....Didn't vote election.

    Not a lot of repubs read Greg Palast..Democracy now...Mother Jones, et al...ya think? Yet I refer to them often. Know Diane Feinstein quite well, Nancy Pelosi, but Barbara Boxer the most as I also lived in Marin Co. Of the 3 Barbara Boxer is the best human being especially when she wasn't taking her marching orders from Di Fi.

    Therefore constantly calling me a troll is actually amusing...shows how desperate you are to find enemies.

    That being said ...again...please think what you want...I have nothing to prove to you.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Ok.. I guess I'm a progressive Democrat. "Chuckling" That was easy!

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    stogap: I agree, diversion, especially the Hillary derangement syndrome kind is getting extremely least we aren't hearing about Benghazi anymore. Funny how that ended abruptly November 8th 2016.....huh? What a wonderful free press we have in the wealthiest third world on the planet.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago I assume if you voted for Clinton and Obama, you must have also voted for down-ballot Dems too....???? After all, who would vote for a candidate and then turn around and vote for opposition to that candidate?.....or are you just messing with us like a good little troll?

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago


  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Jeff...why not call yourself a progressive democrat? Actually it's all about voting in candidates who want to do their job and honor the will of the people. I only recently became a member of the Democratic Party so I could vote for Bernie in the primary...but I admit to never voting for a Republican in four decades. That's what it's all about man....don't get hung up on labels.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago


    Life and it's issues are complicated. Not black & white.

    I try to see things from different perspectives.

    I admit I can be wrong...after all I voted for clinton and obama twice each, yet considering the alternatives at the time I would do it again.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Stopgap, Legend

    One thing I've noticed thats consistent about HC,is her inconsistency. She tends to be all over the place on subjects that are discussed on this site.Its hard to get a read on her...

    At least shes not mean spirited, nasty, and belligerent like Reynolds.
    Or ignorant and totally shallow like Kend.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago


    Lets say you live in a little tiny apatment in a big city and all the residents of the whole city wanted to see you dead, and all your family too.

    What would you do?

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago


    So Tusli didn't kiss HC's fat ass..., Or her Co- thief DWS, oh my.

    And she doesn't believe that Iran is pro gay, pro free speech, or pro american. You can always move there if that's the life you prefer.

    She changed her mind on the things CNN complains about. As if CNN is accurate about anything. Perhaps CNN is not your friend.

    She's a hell of a lot better than HRC's super predator remarks and her slap down of Donna Brazille, racisist remarks you so easily forgive. So you want to put the out- house in charge of the house...not me.

    You might want tp pick your friends more carefully.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    I heard a good statement today that these right wing Trolls are so far brainwashed it is not worth debate. Fox has them, do not bother.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Actually HC, I did respond to your Farrakhan question at the end of Thom's previous blog. But a bit late for anyone to notice. I have reposted it here.

    Yes, Hot Coffee! By all means liberals…let's divert our focus from holding Trump accountable, to chasing down HCs rabbit holes.

    Louis Farrakahan is not the fucking president! He is not the leader of the free world! But HC would have us divert attention and energies from Trump, to chase down the rabbit hole of someone that is of little importance to the current problems of the world and even the US.

    Considering the clear and present danger of having a President Trump, HC would have us divert attention of putting out our burning house, to go and save the out-house first.

    And I really had to laugh about her statement: "Farrakhan…the racist..misogynist (sic)…white hating, jew hating…baffoon?" Change the phrase "white hating" to "minority hating," and you perfectly describe Trump and 90 percent of his supporters.

    Then in her next post, she decides to address Thom's topic of the"Common Good" after deliberately changing the subject for the purpose of stirring up shit. But that's what Trolls Do!

    The links below may not prove anything or make a point other than that two can play at the posting links game.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago


    You rarely answer any of my questions as well, such as the one about Dems, hugging and kissing on Farrakhan a post or two back.

    I do recall all those chants of hey hey LBJ though. While I haven't totaled the $....I sure know the cost in human life and it's evil no matter who's idea it is, and there is plenty of blame to go around on both sides. I said, even if we quit all our you really believe the other countries would just sit back and say OK that's cool? Presto no more war? USA you just go ahead and save all that money?

    I think the people on both sides agree that corporations are not people...yet we can't even end that. Why it because we can't come together on anything? Too politicaly incorrect to work together?

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    The Democratic Party (and Republican Party) have changed a lot through the years. Lyndon Johnson did some good things but also escalated the Vietnam War. Having lots of stock in Bell Helicopter and number 1 supporter Brown & Root helped. I am a progressive Democrat. A supporter of Bernie's style of politics. Bill Clinton is a neoliberal Democrat. Unfortunately we have a 2 party system. 3rd Parties are a waste of time with our system.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago


    I guess l find it hard to call myself a Democrat.Even though l for the most part, aline with their ideology.
    I understand that it is a general and broad term. And it loosely encompasses a wide gambit of ideologies.. From the right leaning
    "red dog" conservative wing, to the rank and file centrists, to the socialist wing, onto the liberal wing and at the left spectrum the progressive wing.
    And though there is at times, major differences between the different factions of the Democratic party, I do believe theres enough common ideals, beliefs,and goals to (sort of) unite them as a party...
    I believe their massaging, for the most part, totally sucks!!
    They need to steal a move from the Republican playbook and go on the attack more! Be more "united" and aggressive in their messaging. And quit being so defensive of their positions on issues! When they are attacked..actually take pride in their positions!
    Like the Republicans who need to get a HEART!
    The Democrats need to get a set of BALLS!

    Now, lm not saying they should " bull faced" lie over and over..again and again.. like the Republicans do in their messaging.
    Or play to peoples fears and the Republicans do over and over in their messaging.
    But.. Id love to see the Dems. be tougher and more on the offence in their messaging...
    It's long past time to take no more "bullshit" from the corporate oligarchy controlled party..that used to not just be called..but actually were (40 plus years ago), conservatives!!

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    I'll say it again, Putin is an extremely dangerous man. Hillary Clinton knows as much as anybody in our intel about him, which is why he feared her so much. This country couldn't be in a worse position right now with Trump as the illegit President owned and controlled by him. Putin is winning the war...hell, we aren't even resisting him...kind of like Hitler rolling over the Netherlands/lowlands in 1940..Hello, anybody there?..he's doing as much damage as the Kochs in destroying our democracy while many still believe all is just hunky dory.

    Does anybody really think that by supplying North Korea with long range rocket technology, Putin didn't first think through the consequences of that action?...LOL

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Yes, Hot Coffee! By all means liberals! Lets divert our focus from holding Trump accountable, to chasing down HCs rabbit holes.

    Louis Farrakahan is not the fucking president! He is not he leader of the free world! But HC would have us divert our attention and energies from Trump, to chase down the rabbit hole of someone that is of little importance to the the current problems of the world and even the US.

    Considering the clear and present danger of having a President Trump. HC would have us divert out attention of putting out our burning house to go and save the outhouse first.

    And I really had to laugh about her statement: "Farrakhan… the racist..misongnysit (sic)…white hating, jew hating… baffoon?" Change the phrase "white hating" to minority hating, and you describe Trump and 90 percent of his supporters.

    Then in her next post she decides to address Thom's topic of the "Common Good" after deliberately changing the subject for the purpose of stirring up shit. But that's what Trolls do!

    The links below may not prove anything or make a point, but two can play at the posting links game!

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Coffee: I don't mean to make fun of you, but read my posts again real slow....your response doesn't apply at all to what I said. ..or if you agree with me, just say it, which means despite not having a party, you must have voted for the Democrats all these years because the fomentation of jobs being shipped overseas was legislation initiated by the authoritarian right...and put into law by the Kochbagger Party.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Jeff: I fully realize the role Bill Clinton and Obama have played in globalization and I have spoke out against them for it. My point again is that our legislative branch is ultimately responsible for the legislation reaching the White House desk. In all free trade agreements the Democratic Party has voted no, while the Party of free trade, the one bought and paid for by those who would benefit from the race to the bottom, the Kochpublican Party, has voted yes...... a fact that the trolls posting here, who vote for that party, cannot deny. This issue is just one of many spotlighting their self destructive voting habits, whether it's a case of plain old ignorance or vulnerability to propaganda, I can't say.

    Massive profits from slave labor may be fine with the Republi-cons, but not so much with Democratic minded citizens.

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