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  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Coffee# 43

    I have to put the number on because you talk about so much crap in your posts..
    Just curious, do you really think the Mueller Investigation is all about taking down Trump?
    Even you cant be that ignorant, dumb, delusional, whatever?!?

    I mean come on.. Investigating our (most sacred) election process being tampered with and manipulated by a foreign country. And in the process of investigation, determining if they had any domestic help.. You know, l believe "collusion" is the word used... Right?
    Although.. I prefer the word "treason"!!

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Good morning HotCoffee, it sounds like you have a great upcoming spring planned. Apparently both of us have figured a way to wander through life with all the associated drama that seems to plaque many that frequent here. This Trump election really put them way over the top and when it gets to the point that radio bobbleheads start talking about all those now in therapy it is crystal clear there are a lot of disturbed leftie/socialists loose in the marketplace.

    Although I never agreed with anything during Obama’s term, and little of GW’s spending and war policies, there was no point during those 16 years I was anywhere near as crazy as I am seeing displayed here on a daily basis.

    You come here to look for answers and I come here for its pure comedy. If it weren’t for a small number of us foils, this forum would quickly deteriorate even further than it has over the last couple of years. Proof of that is the fact we haven’t been kicked off long ago.

    One quick question, what are your thought on California splitting into two States? In the past I would have been totally against that but the coastline has gone so far into the weeds I can understand the more rational thinking wishing to remove themselves from the crazies. Beautiful state, too bad much of it is being destroyed by the alt-left.

    Have a great day working on your website and shoveling snow, and

    Merry Christmas in advance for the bountiful gifts that surely will appear today from the malcontents in their coops and bunkers as soon as they figure out the correct time of day especially from DiFi over today's appointment of Gina Haspel to director of the CIA.

    Source; me & CNN

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    The republicans are not going to "turn back the clock" despite your protestations to the contrary. They are not going to ban abortions, they are not going to close the borders, they are not going to nuke NK (unless he shoots first), etc. Even under Reagan or Bush, time did not stand still.

    What is wrong with you people, and what has happened to the democratic party in this country?

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago


    With all the Dems and many Rebs trying to take Trump down seems like a perfect time to me for those Russians + Iran + China + say, while USA is in turmoil and fighting among themselves lets take them down....have you ever played a game of chess? Read the art of war?

    Have you heard the saying a house divided against it's self can not stand?

    Should that happen being right about Tump just might not seem so important after all.

    Perhaps that's why I waste my time here suggesting we come together in peace to find solutions instead of ripping each other apart.

    And to Stopgap,

    it's 8:59 and my husband is won't hear from him here he's working on alternative energy solutions. He doesn't do blogs.... more snow comming later this week so I'll hold off on weed wacking the forest...but I will be putting in a veggie garden as soon as the weathers right...that ok with you? The wild turkeys are fine and it's mating season all around the forest...soon will be able to walk a few yards down to the river and see the salmon baby's... a few more days and I'll have the website up I've been working on is good...

    but I'm sure you can make it miserable if you just try hard enough.


    I've got the fibulator ready!

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Stopgap..I'll give your questions the same respect you have given mine ...(" why should I waste my time")

    It is pretty sad though that you can't think of one great time you've had in America...but maybe that has more to do with who you are than America

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Hey Gang, The Republican controlled House Intel Committee has decided that their was "no collusion." Well, I guess that's the end of that. NOT!!!!!

    HC, Could you please provide me with proof that Di Fi, Adam Schiff and whoever Mad Max is, has said that there is no collusion? I've seemed to have missed it. It is highly unlikely that they could discuss openly, what would be classified information, from these House Intel sessions.

    Again, "When are you going to answer my question" about the "Great" era that Republicans want to take us back to? "Why don't you answer my question?"

    10K, I've said it here before numerous times about why we constantly have to waste our time with these rightwing rabbit holes. As Mark Twain said: "A lie gets halfway around the world, before the truth can get its boots on!"

    Again Conservatives, I implore you! "Why don't you answer my question?" "When are you going to answer my question?...How long do we have to wait?...When was that "Great" era?...We're still waiting....Is there a reason that you won't answer the great "MAGA" question?...It seemed so important to Republicans, it's only fair that you should share this wonderful bit of knowledge with us. Then maybe we can understand the adoration that you have for Trump. We're eagerly waiting to join the team…but we need to know what we are supposed to be aiming for. Please, I beg of you!...Tell us!...Tell us. Inquiring minds want to know! Please, were begging you. How can we help you...if you won't tell us?

    God, yet another night without knowing the secret of the "Great" era. And they wonder why we can't sleep. I'm begging you again! Tell us!!!...Tell us!!...Please don't torture us anymore! Tell us the answer to this great "MAGA" mystery.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago


    I would sing the tune you all have been complaining that I sing about her now. And I believe she had plenty of help...from Obama & Eric Holder ( AG) and other protectors that allow her to try to lie cheat and steal the election thinking she couldn't get caught, cause anyone who would catch her was was aleady installed by B. Clinton and Obama to high places that would cover her. Who's going to prosacute her if Eric's AG? After all every poll said she would where was the risk?

    Does Putin try to intefer yes. But remember it was Obama who laughed and told Trump it was impossible for a foreign government to interfer, that Tump should quit whining and go get some was Hillary that wanted Trump to say he would except the results of the election, seems after more than a year she can't quite do that you remember any of that?

    So if Hillary won I would be saying just what I'm saying now.

    You maybe you can hold off your friends b*tching because I dared to say the HC word.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Hey Reynolds
    It's 10:20 PM. I'm going to hit the sack now. My alarm is set for 6:30am.
    So, I'll get a good 8 hours of shut eye...

    So good night. Hugs and kisses. ;-*
    And l almost forgot...Merry Christmas!

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Trump on China abolishing presidential term limits..... "Maybe we'll give that a shot someday" Imagine the fallout if Obama had said that. Look at the leaders Trump prasies around the world.

    Wake up..this is how it all gets started.

    The bald faced hypocrisy of the trolls on this site can only be explained by the slick job of Foxaganda and other bloated rich man propaganda weapons.

    Truth is not a matter of opinion just because you disagree with it.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Coffee: So what tune would you be singing if Putin had helped to install Hillary, collusion or not? I'm sure you'll give us an honest answer. It's a fact that he meddled in our election despite your partisan feelings....and he supplied "Rocketman" with those long range rocket engines that can reach your front yard...but he'll blame it on Ukraine black market sales.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    You all whine about the cost of war while you keep trying to start one with Russia.

    Trump killed russians in Syria...but he didn't call Putin a silly name???

    What the hell is wrong with you?

    House intel said today no collusion by Russia with Trump.

    Di Fi, Adam Shiff, Mad Max, said several times in the last few months no evidence of collusion with Russia.

    Hillary is in India bad mouthing American Women for womens day, cause she's so pro women...??? Reason 9 million and one for why she lost.

    Are you brain dead??...never mind I know the answer.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    You all whine about the cost of war while you keep trying to start one with Russia.

    What the hell is wrong with you?

    House intel said today no collusion by Russia with Trump.

    Di Fi, Adam Shiff, Mad Max, said several times in the last few months no evidence of collusion with Russia.

    Are you brain dead...never mind I know the answer.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Jeff: I can never figure out why Dems don't go on offense, other than they don't want to appear rude or something. I agree, we have truth on our side...just need to package it for general consumption.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    You all whine about the cost of war while you keep trying to start one with Russia.

    What the hell is wrong with you?

    House intel said today no collusion by Russia with Trump.

    Di Fi, Adam Shiff, Mad Max, said several times in the last few months no evidence of collusion with Russia.

    Are you brain dead...never mind I know the answer.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Stopgap.... door "Knobjob" is def a Russian bot. LOL

    With the bond market about to implode, I suppose the era they want to return to is 1929! Good luck to the fed reserve on this one.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Totally agree. Like l said yesterday. The Dems need to message way better. I like your idea about catchy slogans.. As long as we can stick to the TRUTH! And as long as the message can be echoed by ALL the Dem. leadership... You know, like the Republicans all do with their bullshit scripted "talking points."

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Today Thom got a call from a guy asking why neoliberalism isn't called neoconservatism? Thom gave him the right answer, but that man's question was far more important than just a quick explanation. In my opinion his question brought up something I've been pointing out forever. It's all about control of the message. We have to face it, most citizens have very little time for or interest in politics. In many cases lies are the only "truth" they know, so we end up with the Koch backed candidates and a pathological liar like Trump pissing all over the will of the people.

    Words matter.....sure Fascist may sound extreme, but Oligarch doesn't even register with 98% of the voting population. The word liberal has been demonized as much as socialism. Entitilements??? Benghazi took on a, Hillary is a criminal, meaning. Some of us know the truth was, Petraeus didn't do his job, and the Kochbagger congress refused to fund security???? We need to learn how to fight back with truth compressed into slogans in the same manner the Fascists are using it to spread lies.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    OH MY GOD!!! Did you hear what Putin just said about the poisoned former Russian spy? I paraphrase…"we didn't do it, but one thing I cannot tolerate is:" "BETRAYAL." Ever wonder why Trump never says anything bad about Putin…never has one of his cutesy names for Putin? Come to think of it…I never hear any Trumpster ever say anything bad about Putin either.

    This confirms my suspicions about trolls being Russian Bots. It must be hell knowing that any day you could suffer an agonizing death at the hands of a Russian hit man if you fail to impress Putin with your loyalty. Now we understand why you are so obsessively strident and prudent with you posts.

    And again. When is this "Great" era that all Trumpsters want to return to? I'm still waiting... ""Why don't you answer my question?" "You still haven't answered my question!!"

    Oh, and by the way D-Rey. When is comes to "dick lickin" we're sure you are the champ. Who's kinky enough to cross dress as Diane (Chelsea Clinton) Reynolds? blah, blah, blah. Com'on D-Rey, we all know you're a man. You're not fooling anybody. Nice dress Chelsea!!

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    I can only imagine Coalhead's reaction if Hillary had won the election with the help of Putin's propaganda, gerrymandering, Kobach's voter roll purge, etc., you name it. You don't own a bump stock do you?

    The German people were also giddy as hell until Berlin got blown off the map and the Russians stormed into town. stopgap is correct...shit's gonna hit the fan...this is all gonna end god damn ugly.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    Why doesn't Coalhead explain to all of us lovers of democracy just what Hillary Clinton has done to deserve his dark obsession for her? Tell us what crimes she has committed, and while you're at it, what legislation did she vote yes on as Senator has caused you such severe mental pain? But I caution you...fake news ain't gonna do it here.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    I agree HC, You haven't learned anything since kindergarten.

    DeathRey, "There you go again!" Creating your own definitions…"unconventional approach" as a way of describing the insane, schizophrenic, delusional, untruthful speech and actions of Herr Trump! Would you call a heart surgeon that doesn't have a medical degree, doesn't wash up before surgery, doesn't wear prophylactic gloves, doesn't use anesthetics or disinfectants and uses a butcher knife for heart transplants, as one who has an "unconventional approach?"

    Of course you would, if his name was Trump!

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago


    Maybe they should start here

    “These are the things I learned (in Kindergarten):

    1. Share everything.
    2. Play fair.
    3. Don't hit people.
    4. Put thngs back where you found them.
    6. Don't take things that aren't yours.
    7. Say you're SORRY when you HURT somebody.
    8. Wash your hands before you eat.
    9. Flush.
    10. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
    11. Live a balanced life - learn some and drink some and draw some and paint some and sing and dance and play and work everyday some.
    12. Take a nap every afternoon.
    13. When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands, and stick together.
    14. Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the Stryrofoam cup: The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.
    15. Goldfish and hamster and white mice and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup - they all die. So do we.
    16. And then remember the Dick-and-Jane books and the first word you learned - the biggest word of all - LOOK.”
    Robert Fulghum, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    DerangeReynolds: Usually you Righty/Fascists are up in arms about the government meddling with their lives. Fall in line and let the government control your clock. I would prefer to leave the clocks alone. Let business and schools etc. adjust their schedules as they feel they need to.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    I give up!

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 29 weeks ago

    #50 - The 'DON favors a Z jing Ping move

    Don't hold your breath on a 2020 run for anything

    The populace is bamboozled and ready for it courtesy of corporate bought and paid for media

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