Recent comments

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 28 weeks ago

    It appears nothing will be done to stop Putin's meddling in our elections in 2018. Why would we expect the party benefiting to stop the attack anyway?

    I'll try to be clear about the real danger one more time. With each passing day and more info coming in I'm now convinced that very powerful United States citizens have in a sense farmed out the election fraud to a foreign hostile power just like someone would hire an assassin. This distancing from the actual crime keeps the domestic side of the collusion far under the radar. It's quite convenient to enlist Putin who has already been trying to subvert our democracy. Thus those who in a sense are using him are actually far more dangerous to the stability of our Republic than Putin.

    This attack would have been ended immediatly had it been Democrats enlisting a Dem Socialist country for help to put someone like Bernie in the White House.

    Our intel agencies have the ability to stop this. Ask yourself why they aren't...pretty obvious and all treasonous. It's a big fat lie that Trump won't give them permission's their constitutional mandate to stop the attack....but the crime roots are domestic and fascist.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 28 weeks ago

    Trump is a republican, at least in name. The current fascists are democrats.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 28 weeks ago

    Gumball: Trump not long ago signed legislation that will add at least 1.5 trillion to the deficit. Most of that money will end up in the pockets of the Fascists Thom makes the case "Trump is beholden to." Thom agrees with Trump on tariffs, that's about it.

    BTW: Oligarchs don't necessarily promote racism and antisemitism....Fascists do! However the current fascists are being very discreet about it, even fooling most progressives. So calling them oligarchs misses the mark and creates a false sense of ease about the path this country and many others are following right now.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 28 weeks ago


    I will at least buy one, just in case you want one too.....

    Miniature Violin: Small, 4 inches Available from these sellers.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 28 weeks ago

    Back to the topic at hand.

    I keep hearing Thom trying to make the case that Trump is beholden to the oligarchs. If that were the case why is he taking on the trade policies that have benefited the corporations at the expense of workers?

    There has been a lot of talk from Clinton/Obama on the campaign trails, and then when they get into power they do the opposite. Now all of a sudden the left is becoming Free Traders; that is what I get from reading Huffington Post.

  • Does Political Power Requires Economic Power (w/Guest Mark Pocan)   6 years 28 weeks ago

    Delete your Facebook account asap.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 28 weeks ago

    "HotCoffee • 4 days 50 min ago#6

    Looks like Thom's website is going down....just like mccabe."

    HotCoffee, you apparently are correct, after a long bout with mental illness, this forum has committed suicide. In lieu of flowers, please donate to your local tiny violin manufacturer.

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 28 weeks ago

    Corporations allow crimes to be committed under the guise of business when those same actions will land an individual in prison. They are designed by the elite and powerful to maintain the status quo. Make the rich richer and the poor to stay poor while the middle class is distracted by the modern gladiator games oblivious to their own ignorance.

    Will Charles,

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 28 weeks ago


    Enjoy your sense of humor!

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 28 weeks ago

    Coalage3, "facts" sometimes come from selective sources. Here is a great source from one of the kids whose generation was busy eating tidepods a few weeks ago and now is an expert political commentator.

    "David Hogg Reveals Why He’s Such An “Expert” In Politics…"

    Sources; Al Gores invention

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 28 weeks ago

    That was a strange post considering you seem to be someone who cannot enter a thought or comment unless it is accompanied by a google search. That just further proves my point that the democrats are becoming the true fascists. That is, they have quit thinking for themselves and now are content to let someone else do it for them. They must first consult the "offical sources" before commenting. After all, they can't having their progressive card revoked for saying something outside of the party boundaries.

    You are right Legend...not worth commenting. Everybody already knows what your "sources" think. Apparently, you don't care at all to say what you think. Never mind...

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 28 weeks ago

    The world of Republican Trolls. Fact free. Ignore history. Post anything that comes to mind. Brainwashed by their right wing media. It is a very closed world. Not worth commenting on.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 28 weeks ago

    Rick Steve,

    In leftie/socialist lingo, a Troll is anyone who disagrees with their opinion.

    Just like the Thom Hartmann show, this is an opinion forum not a high school English Lit class. We are free to express ourselves as we see fit. If you disagree, don't respond.

    One of the only times I ever agreed with past poster Mr. Ed who said,

    “You're not Mommy the Monitor. This is a free-speech zone, so post as much or as little as your black heart desires. If you can't handle my politically incorrect posts, then don't read them and don't respond.” See the pattern here?

    The fact you constantly get the vapors over someone else not agreeing with you is of no consequence.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 28 weeks ago

    Okay Legend. Does the current democratic party welcome pro-lifers? I think not. Does the current democratic party welcome pro-religion believers? Of course not. Does the current democratic party welcome gun owners? Really, you got to be kidding. Is there, or is there not, a current faction of the democratic party that is trying to limit the free speech rights of groups and individuals that they do not agree with? Are you automatically a bigot if you don't understand and agree with all facets of the LGBTXMUTS movements? A lot of democrats/progressives think so.

    Now, at least to me, these tendencies of the current democratic party are exactly fascist in nature. That is, one must adhere to the party line, or you are a heretic. There is no room for dissenting views...period. And I don't need a writer for the NYT, or National Review, or the Nation to verify it for me. Its right there in front of my own eyes for all to see.

    Sieg Heil!!!

  • What the True Purpose of Insurance Is, and Why Single Payer is the Most Efficient Answer   6 years 28 weeks ago

    This video gives an insight about the most effective way of insurance. Single payer refers to Medicare policy that gives various advantages. Many countries follow this single payer insurance plan, as it gives the coverage to all and reduces the premium amount. There is an additional condition in the insurance that it restricts people over 65 and under 65 who have specific diseases like the end-stage renal disease. There are some insurance providers like the direct insurance network who can give some expert advice on different insurance like the home insurance boca raton, health insurance, and Medicare.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 28 weeks ago

    Back when Thom had the Forum there were a lot of excellent posters. And then there were the Trolls. A lot of discussion took place about posting mindless non factual postings and posting fact with reference. I can post that Melania Trump was a prostituit before she married Trump. That is a mindless non factual posting. Nothing to back it up. Then you say refute it. All that you can say is no she was not. There is nothing that proves she was not. That does not prove anything either. Posting mindless non factual postings does nothing for this site. It just proves that Trolls normally only can post that way. The Trolls are very guilty of this. Did you not learn in High School about writing and documenting with Footnotes and references? That you just do not cut and paste from written articles without quotes and references?

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 28 weeks ago

    For the sake of keeping Thoms blog alive...since he isn't.

    I have another one of my rabbit holes for you.

    The Confederate Mind


  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 28 weeks ago

    Part of a book review by Garry Kasparov ...Winter Is Coming: Why Vladimir Putin and the Enemies of the Free World Must Be Stopped.

    "According to author Garry Kasparov Western appeasers with names like Bush, Merkel, Major, Clinton, Chirac, Obama, Schroder, Berlusconi, Sarkozy have been playing ball with Russian President Vladimir Putin for 15 years now. During the term of his predecessor Boris Yeltsin there had been a short window of opportunity to introduce democratic reforms to Russia and Yeltsin’s efforts met with limited success. Unfortunately, aided and abetted by the aforementioned Western leaders Vladimir Putin has reversed course since 2000 and has fashioned a KGB police state with far-reaching consequences for his own country and for the rest of humanity. Kasparov lays out precisely how we got here from there in his hard-hitting new book “Winter Is Coming: Why Vladimir Putin and the Enemies of the Free World must be Stopped”. This is easily one of the most important books I have read recently." by Paul Tognetti (above)

    Yes, there is a lot of history and names I didn't know - but the point is "what" is happening - "how" it is happening, and "why"
    I happened to order this book recently - before the information about Putins involvement in the American election. Good timing. I have always been fearful and concerned about Putin - especially since his submarine war games with Venzeuela in 2008 - scheduled to be in the Gulf of Mexico - and conflicts with Putin over the ownership of the arctic - since it is beginning to melt.

    more @

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 28 weeks ago


    Messer Chups - Magneto - The Open Stage Berlin

    Kinda of reminds me of opening theme to the twlight zone....not bad.

    If you noticed I mentioned the bad guys have been around since the 1st Pharo.

    That leaves many years for one of them to get it right. 8 yrs for Obama, 8 years for Clintons to shut down the wars, win the war on hunger, poverty et al. Hence my position that both sides are responsible. Soros for greed & power on one side, Koch bro's for greed & power on the other.

    Remember the war on poverty? The Kennedy's? That was my democratic party..what happened? Well I think the clintons happened. Also if you recall, there was some P grabbing going on in Kennedy's day also.

    Therfore what good does it do to rile people up to the point they start talking about creating a civil war. What purpose or more to the point who's purpose does that serve?

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 28 weeks ago

    Coffee: What closet have you been locked in??? Putin has always been problematic not only for us, but also to his own people and NATO. Tons of reading out there relative to Putin and his ubiquitous challenge for our intel agencies. Tell me all about that reference to uranium. I'd be quite interested in knowing how and who wrapped your head around that story....Brietbart? LMAO.

    BTW: Don't fret about my happiness. I'm comfortably retired, still rock n roll as a drummer, and can crack six minutes for a mile. Caring about humanity and the roll truth plays in the proper functioning of representative government does not equate to unhappiness at all. Do something for yourself....crack a beer and you tube the Messer Chups. Exactly my kind of band..talented Russians!

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 28 weeks ago

    Well it seems it cost us taxpayers at least 22K to listen to Hillary insult us in India.

    HILLARY CLINTON’S India Trip Cost Taxpayers Over 22k…Negative Political Fallout from Democrats? Priceless

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 28 weeks ago

    well well,

    Anyone want to comment on this?

    Blackmail of Congress members suspected in House hacking case; witnesses’ silence speaks volumes

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 28 weeks ago

    My friend legend, you aren’t able to refute any of what Coalage3 says. All you do is call names, or find meaningless “references” . Admit it, he or she is right, you are wrong.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 28 weeks ago

    If my post labeling the democratic party as the fascist party is way off base and full of "fact free nonsense", then it should be very simple for you or others to refute. But you don't even try. You just come back with some nonsensical response. That tells me, and every other poster, that you really must be accepting what I wrote.

    I'm not sick, I'm just pointing out the obvious.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 28 weeks ago

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