Recent comments

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   6 years 24 weeks ago

    I agree with you, and thanks for the website too.

    epaviste marseille

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   6 years 24 weeks ago

    I think you made a good point there. Good job !

    smartphone actu

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   6 years 24 weeks ago

    Thanks for sharing with us.

    mode hommes

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   6 years 24 weeks ago

    Thanks for sharing your website, pretty interesting

    Check mine : bien mincir

  • Even Conservatives Wonder Where is Congressional Oversight on Trump's War Plans For Syria   6 years 24 weeks ago

    The attack on Syria is just a gateway to war with Iran! The same fascists in control of our government support Saudi atrocities in Yemen! we know humanitarian motivations/justifications do not exist in this attack on Syria. Iran will soon react and Trump will authorize bombing of their nuclear facilities.

    BTW: Very little in the media about GM layoffs related to poor sales...perfect storm of economic downturn and global warfare. As I've stated before, no good ending here. Hillary Clinton won the election. Shame on us for allowing another election fraud and thus more war for profit....this time lead by those with reckless evangelical like fervor.

    War with Iran is Imminent: Israel and the Saudi's want us to pay a very large price for problems they refuse to work out in a peaceful manner.

  • U.K. Pound Falls As Markets Get Brexit Jitters   6 years 24 weeks ago

    The weekend saw Conservative MPs and ministers rushing to confirm their position, after collective responsibility over Europe was lifted for the government. By: agen poker terpercaya

  • War is a Racket When Lives are Traded for Profit   6 years 25 weeks ago

    Cheney's Halliburton, Erik Prince's Blackwater, Lockheed, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon.... Psychopathic capitalism is bound to come back on us like a boomerang. We've allowed these maniacs to create a living hell for countless numbers of fellow human beings on this planet. At some point, rich people killing poor people, in order to maintain a life of luxury will come to a god awful ugly ending.... again. Indeed, we seemingly never learn from the repetitive history of warfare.

  • Do Republicans Fundamentally Not Understand the Point of Healthcare?   6 years 25 weeks ago

    re: chat room... Marion Delgado set up a stand-alone chat room for us... it would help if you help us notify the chatters of new location...thank you. TH Chat

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 25 weeks ago

    It's you're or you are.

    It sounds that way legally, but a relative of mine died at 60 from a Colonoscopy. They pierced his intestine and after surgery to repair, he went into septic shock and died. Lawyers said that he and most everyone sign all liability away prior to surgery.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 25 weeks ago

    Yes I agree the healthcare system in the US is less then perfect. I think one of the reasons it's so expensive is because America is the only country in the world that sues the crap out of each other for everything Do you all not realize how much that drives up the cost. I am down here right now and every second commercial is a lawyer. The insurance that Doctors and drug companies have to carry here is insane.

    I barely made it through high school. Your right I do not spell very well. But I was smart enough to hire employees who could.

  • Do Republicans Fundamentally Not Understand the Point of Healthcare?   6 years 25 weeks ago

    Indeed so. I would indeed volunteer as I'm in and out here most of the day anyway.. Many of us have been here over a decade and have formed a close knit community. Youtube chat is inadequate as a replacment, and some of us do not have nor have any intention of registering with FB.

    We are a good progressive community that doesn't deserve to be uprooted and cast aside.

    Thank you for your consideration.

  • Do Republicans Fundamentally Not Understand the Point of Healthcare?   6 years 25 weeks ago

    RE Closing chat room: Thom..Please dont close the chat room! four of 9 will volunteer to moderat it ... we all will be lost without the chat room. Youtube is only good during the show, and more than a few of us dont use facebook. thank you! harry ashburn

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 25 weeks ago

    Cut and paste this where ever you can in public forum.

    November 6th is election day. Verify now that you are a registered voter and up to date. If not registered, register as a Democrat. Strength in numbers. Tell friends and co-workers to do the same. Vote Congress and Senate Democratic in 2018. Also vote Party line for all other positions.

  • Mom and Dad   6 years 25 weeks ago
  • Will Trump Start a War To Avoid Mueller Prosecution   6 years 25 weeks ago

    Crooked Donny's reaction to the entire investigation has been in essence a guilty plea. Inability of many citizens to grasp this obvious fact is verification of brainwashing. Fake news demonized Obama and Hillary while elevating the real demon right into the White House. The Fascists know they have a complete idiot here, but he signed their tax break legislation, and will now take us into more war for profit....trillions more...Putin wins, however economic collapse may end up being the least of our problems.

    Sure, he's going to fire Rosenstein and eventually resign, but not before he opens the gates of hell. As Tillerson put it after he got ousted..." he's praying for America"....he knows too!

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 25 weeks ago

    and the younger generation is looking at your generation wondering why.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 25 weeks ago

    I talked to a couple today (64 years old) that had $2200 per month insurance. The wife fell and hit her head and was taken to the ER. Minimal was done. The deductible was $6800. The bill was around $20000. This is insanity.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 25 weeks ago


  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 25 weeks ago

    Fact is knobs the Trump administration is a train wreck everyday. He was living off of the Market going up but has now killed that. November cannot come soon enough.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 25 weeks ago

    Kend, my #42 was in response to your #41, I had your name on it, but a software glitch on this website messed up the whole message.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 25 weeks ago

    I do not see how "knobs" can call a conviction in a court of law a "tRumped" up charge. Keep in mind that tRump can afford the best lawyers. For the tRump university con job he had to pay a $25 million fine. I do not understand how anyone cannot think that tRump is not a horrible person for screwing over so many students to make a profit. Worse than that, however, is a factual display that he pathologically lies. For a Prez, it seems to me that trusting his word, at least a little, is the whole enchilada.

    I would like to mention that it seems that polls are a measure of whose propaganda is the best.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 25 weeks ago

    My friend Legend:

    The problem is you are working from a diffent set of facts. Which is one of the reasons this site is closing. You and others on the left are posting “wishing and hoping” facts. Kend and others are posting actual facts. The readers of this blog know what is true, no matter how many BS references you cite. Here are a few facts for you. Presidente Trumps approvals are improving. President Trumps tax cut is huge success. No Democrat supported the tax cut. Most folks see through all the Trumped up charges (pun intended) you lefties are generating. The left has lost all credibility, except among those on the left. If you don’t want to be left behind, you better get over it. The resistance isn’t working...

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 26 weeks ago

    Interesting when Kend posts "Oh well looks like I might have to find a new place to argue my very intelligent, fact based comments." When he has never posted 1 fact, posts only opinion and has been called out on it multible times. Intelligent? You cannot even spell College correct.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 26 weeks ago

    Oh dear, before you go please tell us; for a substantial portion of your life doing anything to get everything for yourself including making sure that wealth distribution comes your way, please take a moment to explain... as exceptional and intelligent as you say that you are and standing out from the rest of us lollygags, now that you have everything, exactly what you have, etc.?

  • Education now only for the wealthy?   6 years 26 weeks ago

    If you want to make it easier for lower income students to attend college, then figure out the ways to reduce the total cost of education at a college or university. Rate of costs increases for colleges has risen significantly higher than the normal costs of living. Check recent statistics at writing service report online. Also, maybe the solution is to expanded the function of community colleges and have more students start with them. In other words, get the education where YOU can afford. This article was liberal whining at its best!

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