Recent comments

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   6 years 21 weeks ago

    Hopefully they will be at peace some day.

    Roofing Company Sandy Springs

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   6 years 21 weeks ago
  • Libertarians Flirts with Sex Slavery as "solution" to Incel Violence   6 years 21 weeks ago

    Karen, you must not have bothered to listen to the interview. You've got it all wrong.

  • It's Halloween Week! Jacob is picking the most "creative" comment to get a signed copy of Threshold- what's yours?   6 years 22 weeks ago

    Share your very excellent. It helped me to have much more knowledge in this field. Hope to contribute my work to my work better.

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  • Libertarians Flirts with Sex Slavery as "solution" to Incel Violence   6 years 22 weeks ago

    My support of you stops NOW with your inability to hear the phrase "gentle rape" and immediately stop the conversation with Charles Sauer. Why should women be drugged to unconscousness and "Gently Raped"? Why are you using your national platform to promote these ideas? yes, by not shutting down the conversation and asking for the solution to the incels - normalizing their existance as a social problem that it is up to the rest of us to solve - you are promoting and validating these ideas. Maybe ask a woman what she thinks about "gentle rape" who's been voilated in her sleep and ask about the use of the word "gentle". You'll volunteer your family, sons and daughters, up first for this social experiment?

    your casual misogyny is horrifying.

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 22 weeks ago

    Completely agree with this perspective, so true and can be very effective when executed appropriately and everyones on the same page. Courtney

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 22 weeks ago

    Peope with ordinary incomes give more as a percentage of their wealth than do people like Gates. More important, because of their relatively greater numbers and independence in deploying their gifts, a more diverse group of recipients are funded by the philanthropy of ordinary income earners. So it would seem that diverting more income and wealth more widely, by any means, would be more beneficial to research and development in America.

    We risk suffering increasing industrial tunnel vision when we allow wealth and monopoly power to concentrate in the hands of a few. The value of increasing diversity in ownership and investment and development to the nation as a whole is far greater than the value of greater concentration. This value increase arrises from the increased amount of our total total incomes going into philanthropy, and the greater diversity of philanthropic contributions.

    None of this value increase takes into account the additional valuable economic effects of increasing the incomes and wealth of our ordinary income earners. They will consume and create employment at a far greater per dollar of income rate, than will our Billionaires. That will result in even more dramatic increases in prosperity.

    So why do we do such stupid things? We do them largely because our government has been being progressively corrupted by massive payments to elected and appointed officials permitted by a corrupted regulators, judges, and an increasingly packed right wing Supreme Court . It won't stop until one guy owns everything, or we rise up to stop the concentration.

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 22 weeks ago

    The prime corporate edict to maximize the return on stockholders investment is not part of a list of corporate commandments it is the one and only corporate commandment. Corporations may also have some socially responsible or politically valuable policies but not any that might ever actually compromise their compliance with the prime edict.

    The fact that the prime edict uses the word maximize is a very powerful statement. It requires that everything in the corporate mission must align to deliver the largest possible profit return to the stockholders. Were the word maximize replaced with word that required a competitive return, there might be some room for social responsibility, but the word in the prime edict is maximize. That makes every corporate person into a psychopath, a voracious=maniac seeking an unlimited profit goal that can never be satisfied.

    Awarding "personhood" that parralells the personhood of human beings, who mostly have a conscience and limited appetites, to corporations that have neither, was down right nuts.

  • Do Republican Evangelicals Strip Christianity of It's Humanity   6 years 22 weeks ago

    I think they believe in the cultural Myth of survival of the fittest .They pretend in Christianity but do not teach or believe in it's core principles. (The Golden Rule.)

  • Do Republican Evangelicals Strip Christianity of It's Humanity   6 years 22 weeks ago

    Religions in general have been abused and weaponized by those who seek wealth and power all through history. There's nothing more dangerous than brainwashed people who think God is only on their side. Pick up any book on the Crusades. Evangelical hypocrisy is the same old evil creeping around.

  • At Nordeck   6 years 22 weeks ago

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  • The tipi   6 years 22 weeks ago

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  • Mom and Dad   6 years 22 weeks ago

    Excellent photo for the post, it just decorates it, keep blogging in the same style 192.168.l.l

  • With The Dalai Lama   6 years 22 weeks ago

    This news pleases me to the core, thanks for telling me on my blog

  • Do Republicans Fundamentally Not Understand the Point of Healthcare?   6 years 22 weeks ago

    yes Thom we heard the hipchat is closing NOT sure if that is in cement or what yet ...... but there really is nowhere else to go . YouTube is very confusing with the pace of comments (some of which are disturbing)...some of the older folks dont like or do F B ..specially with the most recent F B admissions . So IS THE hipchat room closing ? And if so what can be done to keep it open ? Thanks Thom and keep on, keepin on

  • Do Republicans Fundamentally Not Understand the Point of Healthcare?   6 years 22 weeks ago

    Dear Thom: People in your chat room are concerned their room will be closed. Long time chatters have been there over 10 years. We have sent you a letter with some of our best suggestions on how to how we can keep the chat alive. With your consent, we are happy to take full responsibility for it. We understand you, Louise and Shawn recieve hundreds of emails every day, but we hope you can find and take time for read our letter before it's too late. We don't want our Hipchat room shut down. Thank you. Gloria S.

  • Mom and Dad   6 years 23 weeks ago
  • Friday 9 March '18 show notes   6 years 23 weeks ago

    On the payday am I happy i got rid of mine, we need stricter laws for these scams.

  • Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists with Donna Minkowitz   6 years 23 weeks ago

    At Upland, CA City Council meeting last night, we had bunch of loud mouth bullies from a White Hate group, invited by our PD or City Attorney or both. Our Mayor & PD let them bully the rest of us, saying they saw unruly behavior on both sides.(sounds like Trump) This Hate Group swarmed a 70 yr, 5' lady like a group of wild dogs, the Police escorted her out instead of removing the 10 to 15 that attacked her. I am so ashamed of these city, the motto is Gracious Living it should be changed to Racist Living!

    The police keep forcing Upland Citizens to bunch together in a small area where we couldn't see or hear what was going on with the issue being discussed. This SB 54 issue wasn't even 1st on the agenda and this group wouldn't even give up their seats for those that wanted to speak on the matter at hand.

    8 hours of standing before I could even speak as an Upland citizen! This Hate Group didn't even live in our city, they demanded Upland join a Huntington Beach lawsuit against SB 54 California Values Act, spewing nothing but lies regarding SB 54. Fortunately, our city is broke from a 2007 lawsuit brought to us because of former right-wing mayor that committed fraud, laundering money through RNC SuperPAC to pay off County officials.

    These groups are hitting all cities in California, they were also at Yuciapa last night! Stand up to this Hate by speaking up at council meeting & Don't Engage these Haters!

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   6 years 23 weeks ago

    So is this just a ploy for the north korean dictator?

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   6 years 23 weeks ago

    Thanks for sharing your website, pretty interesting!

  • EPA Says Fracking Harmful to Drinking Water - Will Trump Listen?   6 years 23 weeks ago

    I've found great site with quality essay

  • Daily Topics - Monday February 5th, 2018   6 years 23 weeks ago

    My comments on first line news. I think that It could go one step further and require a long term paper declaration of war before the launch of any missile at any country by the US. Firing a missile is an act of war. There ought to be an international treaty regulating missile production, emplacement, targeting and firing. We’ve let all sort of missiles production get out of control.

  • Are Republicans Trying to Bring Back the Poll Tax?   6 years 24 weeks ago

    Not really. The elites, those coastal professionals, educators and students that Donald believes are foreign nationals, don't get tax cuts.
    The billionaires get the cuts. People like trump.
    Hardly elite, except for the wealth. essay have service.

  • Daily Topics - Monday March 5th, 2018   6 years 24 weeks ago

    The people who missed the live broadcast and the information created by the discussion this is a great opportunity for those people.This BestDissertation review lets the people know about the quality of the information discussed in the show.Could you please provide the other statement by the special guests in the discussion board?

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