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  • The Recent History of Americans Separating Children from Their Families   6 years 15 weeks ago


    This caller's account of the treatment of Native American children immediately reminded me of the book "The Education of Little Tree" by Forrest Carter, a book everyone should read. The movie version is also quite good (James Cromwell - aka "Stretch Cunningham" from All in the Family - plays Little Tree's grandfather).

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 15 weeks ago

    Yours is an inquiry that makes various either not well educated or half-baked suppositions, I'm hesitant to state.

    Right off the bat, extremely rich people exist not on the grounds that somebody "needs" them. Their reality is, from a certain point of view, in view of an indistinguishable standard from to why we have star competitors, magnificent specialists, extraordinary creators, researchers or writers: it is a consequence of focused exertion with respect to a person in a specific field or, now and again, legacy from such a person. Such people don't and ought not require our "authorization" or "need" to wind up extremely rich people.

    Besides, why should we say how somebody ought to spend their cash? Unquestionably, in a free-showcase society under the manage of law, an individual has both the property rights to ensure his benefits/property and the flexibility to do with them as they see fit, gave no damage is done to others. Maybe, you ought to propose a contemplated answer concerning why they "ought" not have "so much riches"?

  • Thom Hartmann: Why the Stock market plunged   6 years 15 weeks ago

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  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 15 weeks ago

    AGREED SIR. But Thom is no saint for trashing our president, who I did not vote for either but as a loyal American I support with my dollars and my life. That sir is the sound of a Patriot.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 15 weeks ago

    Wow, you leave me breathless. You have said ALL the words many of us were thinking and it is a great day when just one American will stand up and shout out the truth!

    Ronald Reagan

    "I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."

    Kudos to you Diane

  • How to Respond to Lies Republicans Tell on Immigration   6 years 15 weeks ago

    I would like Mr Hartmann to educate/remind us about The School of the Americas, which changed it name to something like Western Hemisphere Security. It’s at Ft Benning, Georgia. I believe this is where anti-immigrant people should be protesting. Hillary and Bernie waned it closed.

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   6 years 15 weeks ago
  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 15 weeks ago

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  • Why did Donald Trump Sell Out The United States and South Korea   6 years 16 weeks ago

    Trading Propaganda with North Korea.

    Past presidents could have meet with the North Korean dictator anytime, but why didn’t they? …. because this is the first president in recent history willing to use the office of the president as a vehicle to trade propaganda with a foreign power. Prior Presidents would not have imagined a cheap political advertising stunt was worth enabling a foreign dictator the means to better brainwash his people. One can only imagine how these Singapore images are playing out in North Korea,” See our Great Leader at the negotiating table in Singapore!”, Notice how our Great Leader’s military prowess has brought the enemy (United States) to its knees!.

    Outside of North Korea, the Singapore peace summit fraud, is nothing more than a carefully choregraphed reenactment of a presidential signing ceremony with Trump himself masterfully photo-shopped at its center. The false portrayal of a summit conclusion, bolsters the ego driven narrative that Trump is a master negotiator, fit for the big-league international stage, and able to achieve what no other president has in the past; even though nothing new (except for strengthening North Korean’s hand) was accomplished. ....So what are Iran and our allies complaining about ?...Right?

    The marketing genius of the Singapore event, is that the very same images can be used by both parties to propagandize their respective citizens. It’s a win/win from a propaganda perspective. As these marketing stunts require very little work or substance, (when compared to real negotiations), its likely more fake "summits" with North Korea will occur in the future, whenever both "Great Leaders" decide a propaganda twofer is needed again.

  • What The NRA Doesn't Want You To Know   6 years 16 weeks ago

    You write about really important things and the problem you need to look at. I needed to write an essay for on this topic and the facts I encountered frightened me very much. An important point is that most of these methods, carried out in the light of observance of interests or national security, usually do not stir up public opinion, and, on the contrary, are often supported by it. As a result, different types of violence, for example, aggression, occupation and even genocide, are calmly accepted by the public without causing serious confrontation on its part.

  • Making Democratic a verb to Beat Donald Trump & the Morbidly Rich   6 years 16 weeks ago

    He even doesn't trying to stop wars, though he can.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 16 weeks ago

    The chronic liar should be upended and embarrassed by the media, not given a platform and a "passover." The GOP tax heist that gave $5 trillion to households with over a million dollars income occurred without hearings, compromises, and negotiations. Now the trade policy makes skeptics out of friends and threatens Canada, Germany, and all productive countries. The 2008 financial meltdown should be a wakeup call and warning that the markets are not self-healing, regulation is a necessity and exploding inequality affects all society. Corporations spent $214 billion buying back their own stock in the first three months of 2018 (cf. The Real Economic Review)

    more at,,, and!

  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 16 weeks ago

    With the culture that we have in this country, i think the laws would do more good than harm. Gun regulation is what this country needs. Better refinement of exitisting policies are what we need.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 16 weeks ago

    “Now back in 1927 an American socialist, Norman Thomas, six times candidate for president on the Socialist Party ticket, said the American people would never vote for socialism. But he said under the name of liberalism the American people will adopt every fragment of the socialist program.”

    Ronald Reagan

    "I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."

    George Mason, Co-author of the Second Amendment, during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the Constitution, 1788

    "A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks." (Thomas Jefferson, letter to Peter Carr, August 19, 1785)

    So let’s see how Messianic Obama really was by comparing other statements and positions he made, with reality:

    We will lower the rising of the oceans

    You can keep your doctor, period.

    You can keep your healthcare plan, period.

    You will save $2500 a year on healthcare, period.

    America can never again achieve three-percent economic growth.

    We will contain ISIS.ISIS is a JV team.

    Mine will be the most transparent administration in history.

    You didn’t build that!

    There’s not a smidgen of evidence of Hillary’s guilt or misconduct.

    Russia is no longer a threat to America.

    The “red line” in Syria that he failed to enforce.

    Blaming a photographer for causing the deaths of Americans in Benghazi.

    It costs less to get a gun in America than to buy a book.

    Take a gun to a knife fight.

    Illegal aliens will never get government healthcare.

    Illegal aliens will never get welfare.

    Illegal aliens will never get the vote.

    Obama claimed his White House “didn’t have a scandal”.

  • Daily Topics - Wednesday December 20th, 2017   6 years 16 weeks ago

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  • Why is Paul Ryan Blocking Bipartisan Fix DACA   6 years 16 weeks ago

    Trump & his well paid, well organized cronies are using this as a wedge issue for the 2018 elections. We saw this happen in our own Upland City Council meeting, our police Chief(R) and City Attorney(R) invited this Hate Group(We the People Rising) to our meeting for a vote to join lawsuit against SB 54. This non-Upland group came 3 hrs before the meeting, taking every seat, w/hate signs and MAGA hats. Forcing citizens that wanted to participate on the 1st Agenda item stand outside. This aggressive hate group tried to start fights by yelling and shoving their signs in our faces. All 4 City Council members with an (R) behind their voted w/this hate group, even with facts from immigration attorneys. The fact that Upland does not have a jail, SB 54 does not concern Upland meant nothing to these council members. Some feel this was just giving Upland PD the OK sign to beat in the heads of brown people.

    BTW: It took me over a year to get this Council to put a Resoultion against 'Citizen United' on the city's agenda for a vote. Yet it took this hate group no time at all!

    Although 1 month later Upland citizens that took the sides w/this hate group stood together with us, against those same 4 council members in councils efforts to Censure for the 2nd time) the only (D) council member that doesn't rubber stamp the commons give-a-way or uncalled for utility increases by 40%. They want to use this as a campaign issue, to bring in another lock-step (R).

    So there is hope, the only ones amazed that we could come together on this issue were the Republicans.

  • Italian Uber Driver Says Trump Is Just Like Berlusconi!   6 years 16 weeks ago

    viva Italia

    all in excess this berlusconi

  • Pro Sports: Rooting for the Billionaires?   6 years 17 weeks ago

    Totaly agree with him

  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 17 weeks ago

    Love this article

  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 17 weeks ago

    Thank you for that information you article great article, I was very impressed about it

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 17 weeks ago

    Thanks for sharing the informative information through the article. and all the details are awesome and good in this post.
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  • Making Democratic a verb to Beat Donald Trump & the Morbidly Rich   6 years 17 weeks ago

    I think the thing being missed here is there is a difference between how people running for office or already in office talk and what they do.
    Dems aren't voting for us to have higher wages nor are they voting against war.
    Dems are not voting for universal healthcare nor are they putting forth bills and supporting them with their votes for us to have that.
    Same for clean energy.
    Same for a green jobs program.
    Same for holding banks accountable.
    Same on issue after issue.
    How they sell themselves is different from what they do.
    If people go to the Congress or Senate sites or the Federal Register or they can see Dems aren't and haven't been doing anything for the people for years. Their actual actions show it, their talk means nothing. It's not that media won't let them talk about it, it's that they don't do it.
    When asked, Pelosi in a recent video even said people weren't looking for a new direction. So, she doesn't think we want single payer, an end to endless wars or anything else. She's the big money magnet for the party and she wants things to stay exactly as is while our country falls deeper and deeper into debt, poverty and lost rights.
    The Dems with the exception of a handful all voted to give Trump $80,000,000,000 MORE for war when he had "only" asked for $54,000,000,000.
    No debate, nothing.
    They caved on DACA with an agreement that the Republicans would talk about a possible deal later.
    That doesn't have anything to do with the media "letting" them talk about certain issues, nor does it have anything to do with their branding or messaging or strong clear talk. It has 100% to do with them being bought.
    Everyone talks of how they should just SAY what Bernie said and people will vote for them, but they skip realizing that even if they SAY it that doesn't mean they will DO it and with their 40 year history of what they vote for, what they vote against, what bills they put forth and sponsor.... their talk means zero.
    Everyone should go do some research on their vote history.
    Ignore what comes out of their mouths and look at what they do, that is the only thing important.


  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   6 years 17 weeks ago

    This is always going to be a problem. If its not one side its the other.

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  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   6 years 17 weeks ago

    Wow what a great point!

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  • Should Progressives Fight for a Federal Jobs Guarantee or Universal Basic Income?   6 years 17 weeks ago

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