Recent comments

  • Yes, We CAN Win Without Billionaires   6 years 6 weeks ago
  • Poll: Hillary Clinton Won the First Dem Debate   6 years 6 weeks ago

    Bernie didn't appeal to the quick wisdom easily whipped up n' over crowd on responsible gun control ... and for that, voters will remember suwanee towing this a lot more favorably in the key early bellweather states of NH, Iowa and South Carolina.

  • How Bernie Sanders Wants To Save The U.S. Postal Service   6 years 6 weeks ago
  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 6 weeks ago

    Hi HotCoffee. Sorry I haven't been around. Since Thom has gone completely nuts I have all but stopped listening to his show.

    The democrats are a dumpster fire but the current darlings of the democrats appear to be. Mad Maxine Waters and the 28 year old idiot from NYC.

    I sympathize with you living in California. You may be far better off if they break it into three states.

    Stay away from plastic straws and I just heard that the California legislature passed a bill prohibiting restaurants from serving anything but unflavored milk or water (I am surprised they even are allowed to offer water) to minor children.

    Jesus, you have to get out of there.

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 6 weeks ago

    What a well-written article.

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  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 6 weeks ago

    Thom's book should be called....


  • Thom Hartmann's Hunter and Farmer Approach to ADD/ADHD   6 years 6 weeks ago

    The differences between farmers and hunter are really impressive, it looks like 2 worlds appart...

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 7 weeks ago

    This is a great post. Frank - Windshield Replacement Des Moines

  • Should Progressives Fight for a Federal Jobs Guarantee or Universal Basic Income?   6 years 7 weeks ago

    At the point when was the last time, you heard even liberals call for reestablishing the fundamental human rights (UN's UDHR) of sustenance and asylum to our extremely poor? The US went the correct inverse way, finishing genuine welfare help, vanishing our really poor from the media/open discourse. Consider that the general future of the US poor officially fell beneath that of each created country, and liberal media never again even recognize the presence of anybody more regrettable off than the lowest pay permitted by law specialists, such as Custom Essay Writing Service. As this service has a deep set ideology of rendering complete customer satisfaction. So place an order today

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 7 weeks ago

    Here is my take on Trump! Of course, there are two types of Trump supporters: those that benefit from his BS and those that hurt by it. This is for those hurt!


    How to talk to a Trump Supporter!

    I get that you're pissed off and I understand, really I do and I'm pissed off too.
    But please consider this: Trump is the rodeo clown and he is very good at getting your attention. He pulls your eyes toward him all the time, doesn't he! He's loud, garish, outrageous, and he pisses allot of people off and I can see the attraction! But you, my friend are the bull! And the people pulling the belt on your balls is not the immigrants! They don't have the clout to keep you from making a decent living do they!

    No, the guys pulling that belt tight are the corporations! In 1965, the average CEO pay compared to worker pay was about 20 times higher. So what is it today? How about 271 times higher! While you were looking at the rodeo clown, they were taking your money and you didn't notice!

    Please consider this for a moment. So while productivity went up by 75%, wages went up by less than 10% (from 1973 to 2013)! This is not your fault or the fault of the immigrants or anyone else! Who has the power to keep you and your family barely scraping by? Think about the rodeo clown! His job is to distract the bull from the rider and keep the rider safe. The Rodeo Clown is doing a great job! So tell me, why does the bull keep falling for the same old game?

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 7 weeks ago

    I was listening to S. F. KGO radio today....a liberal station. Cumulus took it over a few years ago and turned it from a #1 award station into a trying to survive station. This is a 50 watt station that all of Ca. loved.

    Almost everyone that called in that works for a living said they were in the process of leaving Ca. or waiting for their children to finnish college and pick a state to move to and then the parents would follow so they could be near their gandchildren .

    Why? Very few taxpayers carry the load for everyone else.

    We've gone from 2nd in quality of life & education to 49th under Socialist leaders, and their dimwitted Bureaucrats.

    Roads, piss, homelessness, Laws, taxes, fines, fees and penalties. LACK OF FREEDOM.

    If you want to start a business it takes months to get licences. I was told this week after paying $600.00 for a licence that they can't process two licences at the same time but I could forfeit my $600.00 and re-apply for a second lic. of couse that would cost another $600.00. However I HAVE TO HAVE both licences to operate my business, so sayeth Ca.

    It isn't even the money they want that bugs's the money they are stopping me from making while I wait for the slow, slow process. Ca. has much in common with the Russia I grew up hearing about.

    One DMV for the state ( no wait ) and one for the people ( an all day experience of long lines.)

    Trump plays golf yes, as did Obama...remember during Benghazi? But then I can do dishes, talk, think, have laundry washing. and know whats going on around my house at the same time...maybe presidents can do more than one thing at a time as well.

    Who knows what happened to Osama, suppossedly he was dumped in the ocean...anyone have any proof?? Seems the Seal Team got dead somehow.

    From what I have seen of old videos of Trump he has only been thinking about this for about 30 years or so. Possibly the only sober person at many campaign parties watching, listening, donating....Hummmm I wonder what he learned.

    Building in NY....yep, no better place to lean about crooked politicians on the take...The Mob....Banksters....I guess you could get fed up real quick, maybe find out how they really deal with you if they think they have you by the nuts. Just like many a home owner did after paying years of mortgage payments just to have banks takes thier homes. ( 2006) Created a lot of homelessness.

    Hi, Dianne,

    Yep, got my boots.....but I rarely go to the city. :))

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 8 weeks ago

    And now we have progressives/liberals/democrats openly advocating censorship (see Twitter, Facebook, etc.) under the bogus claim of "hate speech". And these same censorship advocates have the gall to label conservatives as facist? What a joke and a load of bull.

    The democratic party I grew up with would never have backed censorship or tried to block someone from expressing their opinions, even if they bitterly disagreed with those opinions and views.

    It is sad to see what has happened to the democrat party in this country. They have become a joke and a parody of themselves. The party of tolerance? Or should I say..the facist elite democrat party.

  • Daily Topics - Monday March 5th, 2018   6 years 8 weeks ago

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  • Why Fighting Depression Could Mean Changing the World? (w/guest Johann Hari   6 years 8 weeks ago

    Hey, this is true that we live in a world where most of the people are suffering either from depression or stress problems. It is really important to understand the early signs of depression and mental stress so that they can be treated properly. There are many different ways in which we can overcome from depression, like the exercise, meditation, healthy diet, and the helpful hints from the voyante sérieuse psychic reader who can help to get a positive vision for living.

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 8 weeks ago

    From James Pinkerton:


    Thus we come to the 1972 presidential election. Nixon was not particularly popular, and yet it was his great good fortune that the Democrats, hopped up on their own culture—plus, perhaps, various substances—chose to shun their moderate candidates, instead choosing a lefty, George McGovern. And McGovern was further weighed down by the baggage of those even further to the left, including those who gloried in a Sontag Sensibility.

    Not surprisingly, McGovern was disastrously defeated, losing 49 states. We can stop this little historical tour here. Suffice it to say that never since have the Democrats run a candidate as far to the left as McGovern.

    Well, actually, maybe we should say that they haven’t so far. As we have seen, the left’s cultural drift even further leftwards—to the point of outright antagonism towards America—is likely to put off many voters, even those who might not be fans of Trump. In other words, Social Justice Warriors might predominate in Berkeley and Burlington, but they play poorly in Pontiac and Provo.

    So what will happen to the Democrats in 2020? Will they succumb, once again, to the siren song of McGovernism, with its notes of Sontagism, and, to apply today’s terminology, Jeong-ism? No plausible Democratic presidential candidate is openly hostile to the majority of the people in this country. Yet it remains to be seen whether any of the hopefuls will actively denounce Jeong’s words, thereby inoculating themselves against PC poison.

    We might recall that such denouncing was the effective strategy of Democrat Bill Clinton in 1992. In May of that year, Clinton responded to the incendiary comments of rapper Sister Souljah who said, “Why not have a week and kill white people?” by doing exactly what a normal American would want him to do and condemning her. Of course, Clinton was clever about it: he compared her to David Duke, the Klansman, thus triangulating himself in the sensible middle, equidistant from both noxious figures.

    Yet his calculation notwithstanding, Clinton obviously did the right thing. In that moment—what’s remembered as his Sister Souljah moment—he established himself as a gutsy centrist, unafraid to take on extremism wherever he found it. He took heat from the left at the time, and yet, of course, in November the voters rewarded him and he won the White House in a landslide.

    Can the Democrats repeat Clinton’s feat today? Can they free themselves from their coalition’s most politically toxic elements?

    It’s entirely possible that the 2020 presidential election will hinge on the answer to those questions.

  • Thom Hartmann's Hunter and Farmer Approach to ADD/ADHD   6 years 8 weeks ago

    For my part i support the farmers against the hunters, i prefer the way of life of the farmers...

  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 8 weeks ago

    Wow this is interesting stuff!!

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 8 weeks ago

    It is definitely an interesting country we live in!

  • Whenever we Divide People by Race This is What Happens   6 years 8 weeks ago

    Holocaust was the mistake, so terrible. None of the nation deserves such attitude from another nation.


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  • What The NRA Doesn't Want You To Know   6 years 8 weeks ago

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  • Caller: GOP Turned on Soldier Because They Hate Obama   6 years 8 weeks ago
  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 8 weeks ago

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  • Is The Fed The Only Thing Keeping Us From a Great Depression?   6 years 8 weeks ago

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  • Friday 9 March '18 show notes   6 years 8 weeks ago

    wow there is just a wealth of information on this page. I know to take some time and go over all of it. I know its a big topic with a lot of different views.

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