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  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 4 weeks ago

    The Myth of Utopian Libertarian Economic Liberty

    John Scott

    Definition from the web site of the Institute of Humane Studies

    The libertarian or “classical liberal” perspective is that peace, prosperity, and social harmony are fostered by “as much liberty as possible” and “as little government as necessary.”

    According to Libertarianism: A Primer by David Boaz, Free Press, 1997:

    Libertarianism is the view that each person has the right to live his life in any way he chooses so long as he respects the equal rights of others. Libertarians defend each person’s right to life, liberty, and property-rights that people have naturally, before governments are created. In the libertarian view, all human relationships should be voluntary; the only actions that should be forbidden by law are those that involve the initiation of force against those who have not themselves used force-actions like murder, rape, robbery, kidnapping, and fraud.

    Libertarians admire the free market ideology as described by Adam Smith and articulated by Milton Friedman, who was a disciple of F.A. Hayek,

    Definition by Wikipedia

    In economics by the open market and consumers, in which the laws and forces of supply and demand are free from any intervention by a government, price-setting monopoly, or other authority. Proponents of the concept of free market contrast it with a regulated market, in which a government intervenes in supply and demand through various methods such as tariffs used to restrict trade and protect the economy. In an idealized free market economy, prices for goods and services are set freely by the forces of supply and demand and are allowed to reach their point of equilibrium without intervention by government policy.

    In the US in the 1950s, conservative founders of the John Birch Society embraced Libertarian ideas and free market ideology. James McGill Buchanan became a particular darling of this group and later founded the George Mason University which became an intellectual breeding ground for right-wing activists. Nancy MacLean in her book DEMOCRACY IN CHAINS describes in detail the history of a group of wealthy individuals who have organized and funded the rise of an extreme anti-democratic movement. This has been done over a number of decades with determination and stealth.

    According to author Nancy MacLean there are a number of traits shared by these wealthy individuals. They do not believe that they should be compelled to contribute to the well-being or welfare of any other group or individual. They do not believe that their economic liberty should be regulated or interfered with by government or any other institution. However, at the same time they refuse to guard the political or civil liberty of any other group or individual. They have been quite willing to use military force and dictatorship in imposing their economic policies on populations around the world. You may refer to the book Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein for an exploration of their methods and the disastrous results. History demonstrates that this economic/social scheme has never been voluntarily accepted by any population. It has only been imposed with violent force.

    The Libertarian ideal of the golden age of the US was the period following Reconstruction after the Civil War and ending with the beginning of the Great Depression. This period of history is also referred to as the Robber Baron age. This Libertarianism is a movement against the principles of democracy in favor of control of the population by an oligarchy.

    What developed in the late 19th century and the early 20th century were movements that mobilized communities in solidary in collective actions. The labor movement demanded livable wages and safe working conditions. This greatly offended the oligarch masters. How dare workers unite to negotiate their working conditions and wages? This was considered a distortion of the labor market and threatened established power structures. Increased wages created a consumer market for appliances and goods that were previously unaffordable.

    The oligarch class desires to see voting rights restricted as in the late 18th century to white men of property. Starting in 1920 women earned the right to vote. In 1965 with the passage of the Voting Rights Act African Americans were finally given the unrestricted right to vote. The expansion of voting rights was the result of people working as a community together to achieve a desired positive result. Democracy is by character a government defined as rule of the majority. The libertarian oligarch class feels extremely offended to be coerced to support with taxation social programs like public schools, social security, medical care and the US Postal Service.

    In their utopia all people would solely be responsible to provide for their own education, health care, pension and transportation. With all minimum wage laws and child labor laws abolished how would it be possible for wage slaves to educate their children, provide health care and self-fund pensions? This sounds like the old class system of Europe with an aristocracy that controlled resources while the working classes lived in desperate poverty as serfs. This is liberty for the few and servitude for the many. Like Protestant Calvinists they believe that the wealthy are by grace destined to rule over the rest of humanity.

    The Libertarian oligarchs are determined to destroy all aspects of community and collective action. This may be due to their worship of individualism or their knowledge that it is much easier to subdue and control isolated individuals. Charles Koch has organized his own community of billionaires to fund think tanks like the Cato Institute. His organizations have basically taken over the Republican Party by threatening incumbent office holders with funding more extreme primary opponents if they do not support their extreme undemocratic agenda. Their agenda is more authoritarian than the liberty as promised by their Libertarianism.

    They state that they wish to go back to a time before governments were created. What would that mean in a modern society? Do they really pine for the days when the man with the biggest stick ruled? If there were no government then how would the people in a society interact? The oligarchs who controlled the resources use police state tactics as they have done in countries such as Chile?

    I think that we should all be suspicious of all utopian schemes. Libertarians would claim that their theories would have solved all problems caused by boom and bust business cycles and market corrections if only their theories were employed more completely and purely. We have heard this all before from extreme left leaning and right leaning purists.

    James Madison in contributing to the drafting of the US Constitution was concerned about the tyranny of the majority over the minority. The minority have always been the moneyed elite. The extreme radical right’s plan to take this protection way beyond Madison’s checks and balances threatens to destroy all of the democratic gains by the working majority of the last 100 years.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 4 weeks ago

    Are you kidding me? The party of racism is the democratic party. And by the way, they are also now the party of fascism as well. They will do whatever it takes to silence any dissenting voice. Anitfa? They are just the new fascist brownshirts. Beat the hell out of anybody they don't like. Sure sounds and looks like fascism to me, and the leadership of the democratic party just remains silent. As the saying goes, their silence speaks volumes. Per Don Lemon, they "aren't perfect". Yeah, just like the KKK is not perfect either.

    The democrats have now totally abandoned the working people and unions in this country in favor of the 1% elite and their minions. Kind of ironic, isn't it?

    What has happened to the democratic party in this country?

  • Thursday 1 March '18 show notes   6 years 4 weeks ago

    Often, I have to reduce the initial number of ideas for . Sometimes they fall out of the topic of the article or do not link with other ideas. To write a good article often have to refuse something.

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 5 weeks ago

    As a small business owner, I may not agree with everything written. I do strongly believe we all have the right to a different opinion. The beauty of that is that if we have patience with others of a different opinion and have an honest dialog then we all learn something and can come to great compromises that can benefit all.

    The beauty of America is that we have free speech and rights that many other countries don't have. I started a small Billerica MA Towing Company in a small community with one truck, now we're up to 5 and employ 15 people. Some part-time but most full-time.

    Many of the countries that my family has traveled to people are not able to start businesses as easily as we can here.

    Yes. America is not perfect but it's better than many other places in the world where people don't have the opportunities that we have here.

    Thanks for writing your article and your point of view. I like talking with people of different views as I find that I learn a lot.

    Again Thanks,

    Looking forward to more of your articles.

  • Transcript: Leonardo DiCaprio (The 11th Hour movie), Aug 17 2007   6 years 5 weeks ago

    It is really great to hear great interview such as this. Thanks for sharing the transcript here for us to read.

    Mary G (Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy)

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 5 weeks ago
  • The Battle to Save Democracy   6 years 5 weeks ago

    You tell us to speak out! Please, hear me! My life has been damaged to protect a rich boy. Please,

    You tell me to speak out. Well, here I am with a story . Please hear me!!!!!! My life has been damaged to protect a rich boy! Please, hear me!!! The courts are destroying the 2nd Amendment rights thru their liberal issuance of the restraining orders without due process, and their perversion of the Hearsay Rule. My story begins in the middle of the trial to make Sam’s temporary restraining order, permanent. My story is informative and entertaining. Please, help!. Like us on face book @

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 5 weeks ago

    You tell me to speak out. Well, here I am with a story . Please hear me!!!!!! My life has been damaged to protect a rich boy! Please, hear me!!! The courts are destroying the 2nd Amendment rights thru their liberal issuance of the restraining orders without due process, and their perversion of the Hearsay Rule. My story begins in the middle of the trial to make Sam’s temporary restraining order, permanent. My story is informative and entertaining. Please, help!. Like us on face book @

  • How the GOP Used a Two Santa Clauses Tactic to Con America for Nearly 40 Years   6 years 5 weeks ago

    Interesting article. An excellent comparison of Republicans with drunken sailors. If you recall the story, the Republican Party advocated the prohibition of slavery in the territories of the states north of the 36th parallel (which was abolished in 1854 by the act of Kansas-Nebraska), the distribution of free lands free of charge to all comers (formally free lands were in fact populated by Indian tribes, whose opinion , however, no one was interested), and also for the establishment of high duties on imported industrial goods from Europe. After the victory of the northerners and their leader Abraham Lincoln in the Civil War, the Republicans almost 50 years dominated both in the presidential and parliamentary elections. They always knew how to throw dust into the eyes of the people! By the way, such information can be found or ordered on online assignment writing services (well, this is for those who are interested). Thanks to the author, good article.

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 5 weeks ago

    America ... A country of corporations from limitless possibilities! Good article. I like the nose)

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 5 weeks ago

    America ... A country of corporations from limitless possibilities! Good article. I like the nose)

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 5 weeks ago

    People from time immemorial united in groups. This is natural for our being. So why do many now deny it?

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 5 weeks ago

    As for me, the title of this article is too pretentious. There are interesting thoughts in the text.

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 5 weeks ago

    The healthcare scheme needs urgent attention as voiced in the comments above.

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 5 weeks ago

    Thanks for sharing these thoughts. I don't agree with everything you said, but that is what makes America great. We can share our thoughts with others and freely challenge and learn from one another.

    Frank -

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 5 weeks ago

    HotCoffee, I just read this and thought of you. Beautiful land or not it will soon be impossible to live there. I predict many will soon be saying "Go East young man"

    "Democrat California gubernatorial candidate Gavin Newson said in an interview released Tuesday that, as governor, he would grant universal health care to illegal aliens through an executive order."

  • We Need to Act Now to Save the Post Office   6 years 5 weeks ago

    Now you can enjoy all postal services on liteblue. Login to liteblue on

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 5 weeks ago

    Hi Diane

    I don't listen to him either...but I get an email on fridays that reminds me he is still around.

    I won't leave Ca. I was born here as was my mother. Grandparents were from Tenn. and Montana.

    I have many acres on a beautiful River. If only I could take it with me to another state...:)

    The Ca. split would have left me with Sacramento and S.F. in my 1/3 defeating the purpose. Guess I better hide my straws !!! Funny MMJ legal, straws....go to jail. Don't forget the cow farts! LORD help us!!!

    Besides so many are leaving it's turning other states blue...even Texas!

    Seems Clinton Network News is more upset about Mc Cain than Fox, just goes to show what side he was really on. Hope we don't have to put up with a LONG funeral.

    Enjoy life!


  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   6 years 5 weeks ago

    Great post. Frank - Windshield Replacement Norfolk

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   6 years 5 weeks ago

    Great Post.

    Frank - <a href="">Windshield Replacement Norfolk</a>

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 5 weeks ago

    From Rod Dreher:


    It is possible to believe that the current political and culture order has been corrupted in some fundamental way, and to believe at the same time that Donald Trump is no enemy of that corruption, but in fact is a product of it. I think that is manifestly obvious. The same corruption infests the Left. It consists of believing that truth and righteousness is what advances the cause of one’s own tribe. Many of the same left-liberals who quite properly call out Trumpists for their own hypocrisy will turn around and say, for example, that black people cannot be racist, because racism is solely a function of power. Under both corrupt schemes, right and wrong depends entirely on who benefits from the outcome. If this isn’t corruption, what is?

    One of these days, Trump is going to be out of office, and a progressive Democrat will be in power. On what grounds will Republicans resist that Democrat when he or she behaves like Trump does? Will Democrats behave like so many Republicans, and sell out their own convictions for the sake of power? Of course they will, and when the Republicans down the road get back into power, they’ll be Trumpists without Trump. Damon Linker wrote an interesting piece this week on the naivete of analysts who believe that demonstrating Trump’s amorality is sufficient to cause his backers to turn on him.

    And let me not get too much on my high horse here: given how hostile so many on the Left are to religious liberty, I cannot personally rule out voting for Trump in 2020, despite the fact that I believe he is a menace to the rule of law. To vote against Trump will almost certainly mean voting for a president who will turn the power of the state on people like me. That still might be the decent and correct thing to do, and if so, I hope I have the courage to do it. But it’s a hell of an ask.

  • Will the GOP STEAL the Georgia Runoff?   6 years 6 weeks ago

    Cagle’s rivals went the extra mile to treat him as insufficiently conservative and themselves as hard-core, gun-hugging, Trump-worshiping enemies of illegal immigration and all things towing Athens liberal.

  • TPP - The Death Sentence Clause   6 years 6 weeks ago

    There is a tow trucks Buford a clear partisan divide exists among the U.S. public in supporting the trade deal.

  • GOP has Become Fear and Hate President Eisenhower Warned Of   6 years 6 weeks ago

    If there was no spending, there would be no towing Rome taxes.

  • Former Congressman David Stockman Warns Of Unimaginable Economic Catastrophe   6 years 6 weeks ago

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