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  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 4 weeks ago

    As for Cory's big stand at the hearing,

    “We cleared the documents last night after Senator Booker’s staff asked us to. We were surprised to learn about Senator Booker’s histrionics this morning because we had already told him he could use the documents publicly. In fact, we have said yes to every request made by the Senate Democrats to make documents public.”

    Source: Twitter account for Seung Min Kim

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 4 weeks ago

    I sure hope they release the FISA reports tonight. Just open up the whole can of worms and lets see whats really going on. OOPS I forgot CNN won't tell the dems about that.

    Never mind!

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 4 weeks ago

    I love the paid protesters in the Kavanaugh hearings. It appears the leftie/socialists are getting more desperate every minute. Nothing like a bunch of screeching people to help the cause.

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   6 years 4 weeks ago

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  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 4 weeks ago

    If that is the best you got, why don't you just stop now and quit embarassing yourself? If a group is trying to stifle my free speech and free assocation rights, then I consider them fascist in nature, if not in actual practice. Unfortunately, a good portion of the current democratic party fits that description very well.

    As to destroying families at the border, the administration of the sainted Obama basically followed the same policies. As you know, he was responsible for the deportation of more illegal immigrants than any presiden in history. Geez, what a racist bigot he must be. Right?

    If the economy improves under Trump, which it has, he gets the credit. If the economy fails under Trump, he will get the blame. Thats the way it works. He won the election so he gets to appoint the judges. Thats the way it works.

    By the way, I will ask you the same question I asked on other Hartmann forums. And nobody could give me an answer. Unless you are an illegal immigrant, I want you to tell everybody on this board how the election of Trump has specifically harmed you. Now don't give me that nonsense that he is a bigot, an idiot, a nazi, or the usual lies spouted by the left. Tell us exactly how his election has personally caused you harm.

    Have you lost your job due to his economic policies? How about your home? Have you had to go fight in a war that Trump started? Do you have less money in your bank account because of Trump? Come on, it should be an easy question to answer for a Trump hater.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 4 weeks ago

    Again, you named the wrong party and asked the wrong questions.

    So what, pray tell, has happened to your mind and all those who share the same skewed worldview, so far to the right it fell off the end of the bar into the spittoon? That's the real question for starry-eyed, sycophantic trolls who post endless, mind-numbing falsehoods on this once-fine blog. Practitioners of the Trump Cult, i.e. Republicans, need to take a serious look at themselves and their own heavy delusions instead of pointing their stink-fingers at everyone else, as Trump the Dear Leader constantly does. And now you.

    Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Do it for for the sakes of your own sorry selves, if not for the good of the country and the sane among us. Hey, here's some more threadbare conservative advice to pass on to your fake president and his Organization of Orcs: Rise up out of La La Land and take responsibility for your own corrosive actions and divisive words. Come clean and face the judgment of the People like real men, albeit rich and privileged white men, instead of like sniveling cowards in the pockets of billionaires, like Putin the Puppet Master. Or is that too oxymoronic? Thus far, all Trump's actions and words indicate someone who is guilty as hell. For starters, forget Hillary's stupid emails and release Trump's damn tax returns! All of them. Let's get at the truth. All of it.

    So let's talk about fake outrage and hysteria, hypocrites, hacks, and frauds. Ever been to or seen a Trump rally? Or listened to right-wing hate radio, watched Faux Fux News, or read "Alt Right" racist propaganda, or your everyday, whacked-out, conspiracy-theory websites? Of course you have. Quite a bit, obviously. By the way, all the above is the real “lügenpresse” (lying press) that is destroying our body politic. Notice that most of the white-supremacist perps and their enablers invariably vote Republican no matter what -- true blue through and through, transparent and shallow to the end. Why is that? And why does it seem that your own brand of fake outrage is primarily directed at only one party -- weirdly enough, the one not even in power? Go figure.

    How about all the vitriolic, over-the top, beyond-the-pale, kiss-my-ass (pick your descriptors) floor speeches by Republican politicians ad nauseam during the Clinton and Obama turns at the helm? Mmmm, what's that hackneyed Fux News motto -- "Fair and Balanced"? Now there's some good old fashion Orwellian-speak. Or how about simply reading at random any of the numbed-out, robotic Trump-trolls strangely fixated on this blog -- dead-enders who couldn't give up the ghost even after it was shut down for six months. Sad. (My favorite theory is they're subconsciously crying for help, desperately seeking adult intervention from truth tellers like Thom.)

    While gushing over Cover-it-all-up Cavanaugh (an unabashed, anti-union/anti-worker, corporatist Wall Street goon from way back) and groaning in ecstasy about their watered-down, upside down version of legislative fairness (yeah right), Republican boot-licking circle-jerkers always ignore, play down, or excuse how Mitch McTurtle (again) turned the People's government into a funny-book farce, a laughing stock of democracies everywhere. Always mindful of his wealthy donors' wishes and for self-serving, blatantly partisan political advantage, he stubbornly refused to hold fair-minded hearings on Merrick Garland for nearly a year -- a much more qualified judge than the latest slimy weasel the Heritage Foundation just dug out of the swamp, cleaned up, and handed off to Trump the Clueless Clown, in an all-out effort to help McTurtle ram the process through before Senators can do their job and properly vet Cavanaugh's long paper trail. In one fell swoop, Mitch the Whiny Bitch directly violated the whole spirit and intent of the Constitution (again), to which he swore an oath (yeah right). His one-sided, one-off, so-called "McConnell Rule" à la Merrick Garland has spun constitutional logic into a hopeless Gordian knot. And all his goddamn fellow Republican sell-outs know full well this was a huuuge abrogation of his public duty; yet, they still let him slide. So what else is new?

    Sorry, some of your other Goebbels-esque "half-truths and big lies," spewing forth almost nonstop from your calloused fingertips, will have to wait for a proper cleansing later. To wit: "Republicans are the party of the workers." WTF?! Dear God in heaven, stick an ice pick in me throbbing temple and pray for me black soul!

    And on immigration: Somehow in the atrophied brains of right-wing bubble-heads, it's not really such a bad thing after all that the irreligious, psychopathic toilet-tweeter in the White-man House had directly ordered a deliberate, unflinching policy to rip thousands of innocent, crying, little brown children in their formative years from the arms of their innocent, crying, little brown parents, and then throwing them into metal cages onto cold, cement floors like stray dogs, causing permanent psychological damage that will last a lifetime.

    Help me out here; I'm at a loss. What would be the proper adjectives to describe an evil beyond the phrase "pure evil"? Perhaps radical evangelical Christianists who support this ungodly administration should strive to actually understand their bible instead of just thumping on it or using it as a cudgel against nonbelievers. King James, Luke 17:2: "It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones." Just one?! Hell, Dildo Trump, lil' Jeffie Sessions, neo-Nazi Steve Miller, et all, just offended 3,000 of God's little brown ones. What should be their proper punishment -- something magnanimous just short of medieval justice, one would hope anyway? Perhaps being hung, drawn and quartered, with their severed limbs scattered to the four corners of Earth would be more fitting -- metaphorically speaking, that is, in the equivalent political sense. At the very least, "Vote the bums out!"

    Republicans, the so-called party of family values (Hah!), is busily destroying families who are guilty of nothing more than misdemeanor border crossings, all too often because they were routinely and indiscriminately -- and illegally -- turned away at the legal crossings. Far too many of these downtrodden families are seeking legitimate asylum after escaping certain death, forced prostitution of their daughters, and the inevitable prospect of having their sons drafted as child soldiers in their gang-infested, "sh*t-hole" countries with dysfunctional governments, brought to us by the erstwhile, undemocratic, so-called "free"-market policies of the addled Reagan, henchmen like Oliver North (the new NRA fair-haired butt-boy), and the fascist boys from the widely discredited Chicago School of Economics. All Republican, all the way, with a huge helping of Ayn Rand/Koch brothers' libertarianism.

    The long and despicable history of CIA and NSA foreign meddling is coming back to bite us in the ass.​ Vis-à-vis South and Central America, one revealing read that never loses its luster of truth is of course War is a Racket by Smedley Butler. Tried and true American fascism at its finest. Two more are Confessions of an Economic Hit Man and its sequel by John Perkins.

    Somehow these unspeakable atrocities, carried out by the jack-booted thugs of ICES (Immigration and Customs Enforcement Stormtroopers, pronounced "ISIS") are excused because that damnable, uppity Obama had deported more undocumented immigrants than any other president to date. Sure, his aggressive policy of catching the worst of the criminals -- true evil-doers who committed actual serious crimes, not just run-of-the-mill traffic tickets, misdemeanors, and such -- did unfortunately break up families, just like what happens during the course of any other criminal adjudication, for citizens and non-citizens alike. But that wasn't the singular, overt goal of his policy, unlike Trump's wicked intent. By the way, Obama turned the tide. When his presidency ended, more immigrants were going south than coming north, a fact never acknowledged by Trump or his racist crowd of brain-dead zombies.

    "Fascism will come to America wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." USA! USA! USA!

    On the economy and jobs: How soon we forget. Google the "bikini graph." Despite fierce Republican resistance to any Obama-era legislative "win," (When the Tea Party Came to Town by Robert Draper), a Democratic administration managed to dig us out of the Republican Great Recession of 2008 that cost millions of jobs (much like FDR did after the Republican Great Depression of the 1930s) to hand the Republicans one of the longest expansions in modern times, the coattails on which they and Trump are now riding high, hypocritically taking credit and boasting without any agency whatsoever. In fact, the Republican Party and Republican policies are anti-worker and pro-billionaire. Always have been; always will be. No matter how hard you try to flip the script.

    Note: Although you may post whatever jive turns your crank in this little shop of horrors and whores, why not stick to just one or two topics per discussion for easy consumption and debate, instead of wandering all over the place, which is Hot Coffee's wont? Karl Rove coined the term "dump-trucking," whereby one dumps so much garbage into a conversation that no one else can possibly refute it all without writing a book. Then, taking an undeserved victory lap, fake debaters will proclaim that a lack of response must be an affirmation of said lies. How convenient.

    Full circle: So what exactly is your understanding of modern-day fascism? Not some sterile, abstract dictionary definition, but a real-life understanding in your own words of the actual, ongoing fact of it, and your apparent complicity as an unwitting authoritarian follower.

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  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 4 weeks ago

    Its not fake news that Cavanaugh will be the next SC justice. Its not fake news that the economy is doing better than anybody anticipated. Unemployment at record lows, including minority groups. Its not fake news that Trump is following through on a campaign pledge to redo some of the one-sided trade deals. It is not fake news that the infamous Russian dossier was bought and paid for by the democratic party for millions of dollars. That is real collusion.

    The left is hysterical over what Trump says. Fair enough, but let someone run against him based on what he has actually done. The fact is that Trump would have been considered a democrat in years past just based on his economic and immigration policies. Some of us fondly remember when the democrats used to talk about protecting American industry and jobs. Not anymore. That in itself tells you how far the current democrats have gone completely off the rails.

    If enforcing immigration laws makes someone a racist, then Barack Obama is the biggest one in the country since he deported more illegals than any president in history. And yes that includes separating children from parents as confirmed by his former Homeland Security director. Where was the outrage then? Where was Booker and Harris and Warren then? They were sitting on their hands because they are political hypocrites, hacks, and frauds.

    What has happened to the democratic party in this country?

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 4 weeks ago

    Billerica Tow - yes we enjoy free speech rights in America. At least for now, But be wary and vigilant because the fascist democratic party would like to take those rights away from you, especially if you are a conservative. Just like the Borg, you will assimilate, or be destroyed. Your free speech rights will stop because you might hurt somebody's feelings, don't you know?

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 4 weeks ago


    In July 2004, when the Berger story broke, Comey told the media, "As a general matter, we take issues of classified information very seriously. It's our lifeblood, those secrets." As Comey proved again in the summer of 2016, if a prominent Democrat is implicated, he and his colleagues do not take these issues seriously at all. If, however, the security issue involves someone who is unconnected or disruptive, prosecutors will turn over every stone just for the spectacle of turning them over.

    Scooter Libby learned this the hard way. His undoing started with a news leak about a telegenic, if insignificant, CIA agent named Valerie Plame. The leak had nothing to do with Libby or his boss, Vice President Dick Cheney. No matter. Comey pressured his boss John Ashcroft to recuse himself from an investigation into the leak. Sound familiar? He then named a special counsel who just happened to be the godfather of one of Comey’s children. That sounds familiar too.

    The Patrick Fitzgerald appointment took place at roughly the same time the archivists were alerting the DoJ to Berger’s repeated theft of critical documents. The media much preferred the Plame story to the Berger story, and so the opportunists played to the media.

    Even before Fitzgerald really got started on the investigation, however, he, Mueller, and Comey learned who the leaker was. The news was not welcome. He was one of their own, Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, a veteran swamp dweller and an open critic of President Bush.

    Still, Fitzgerald had his commission and the uncritical attention of the media. With their full-throated support, he did an unrestrained dumpster dive into the Bush White House not unlike Mueller’s into the Trump White House. All Fitzgerald managed to climb out with was Libby. The media were hoping for hated Bush advisor Karl Rove and maybe even Cheney. They had to make do.

    Six months after Berger got his wrist slapped, Fitzgerald indicted Libby for a series of Martha Stewart-style process crimes. Unlike Berger who got no jail time, Libby was hit with thirty months. Under pressure from the right, President Bush commuted his sentence, but Libby had to wait until 2018 to be pardoned, courtesy of President Trump.

    As to Armitage, he was never prosecuted for anything. The DOJ accepted his claim the leak was unintentional much the way it would accept Hillary’s “lack of intent” claim years later. The deep state takes care of its own.

    In many ways, 2005 was a dress rehearsal for 2016. Mueller and Comey had learned how to play their parts. The media had learned how to play theirs. Indeed, the show would have been another huge hit if only Trump had stuck to the “good Republican” script the way Bush had.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 4 weeks ago

    No, the deeper question is what has happened to the gullible minds, mostly uneducated, of a third of the nation? This is your brain on Fox News/Republican Party/Trump the Fool. There's yer fake news, laddie, lassie, Russian bot, or whatever ye be.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 4 weeks ago

    Just look at the fake outrage as expressed by Senators Booker, Harris, and Blumenthal during the Cavanaugh hearing. Booker, in particular, should be nominated for an Oscar for his over the top performance. I really believe (wink, wink) that they need to review the "missing" documents so they can make a fair evaluaton. Ha Ha...what a joke they are. They would be better off to just come out and say that they are not going to vote to confirm Cavanaugh no matter what because it is all about politics with them. Cavanaugh is just as qualified to serve on the SC as Kagan or Ginsberg.

    I am not a fan of Lindsey Graham, but he did say something right on the mark yesterday. He remarked..."if you want to appoint judges, then win elections".

    What has happened to the democratic party in this country?

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 4 weeks ago

    "... alternative facts ... truth isn't truth ... up is down ... East is West ... don't believe what you hear or read ... believe me, folks ... believe me .... only I can fix it ... me ... me ... me ... it's all about me, not you ... best president ever ... better poll numbers than Lincoln!

    No really.

    Believe me

    ...not FAKE NEWS !!!

    Lies, lies, lies, all lies !!!

    No collusion, collusion, collusion.

    No really, folks.

    I'm not a crook.

    Investigate the Democrats, the FBI, the 400 pound guy on the bed

    ...anybody but me, me, me, the greatest president ever.

    ...fake news ...fake news ...fake news

    ...enemy of the people ...enemy of the people ...enemy of the people the wall the wall the wall

    ...lock her up ...lock her up ...lock her up !!!

    ...USA ...USA ...USA !!!

    ...Jesus ...Jesus ...Jesus !!!

    Rinse and repeat the bald-faced lies 5,000 times (just since inauguration)

    ...and counting.

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  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 4 weeks ago

    Well said Coalage3.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 4 weeks ago

    The "proof is in the pudding". If you act like a fascist, if you look like a fascist, if you talk like a fascist, you are probably a fascist.

    The democratic party now acts, looks, and especially talks like fascists. Why has the democratic party now ceded their support of the working people in this country to the repubs? Why does the democratic party now side with big business, big pharma, big banking, and silicon valley?

    What has happened to the democratic party in this country?

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 4 weeks ago

    Bad try Hemlock. Who is for silencing dissenting voices? I will give you a hint. Its not anybody on the right. What group condones and supports violence? The progressive fascist left.

    Your democratic party of today is now the party of the 1% elite. Why do you think all of the elite supported Hillary? Your democratic party of today was the war party in the last election. Why do you think war mongers John McCain and Lindsay Graham liked Hillary so much?

    What has happened to the democratic support for the unions in this country, and for the working man in general? I have not heard one democratic congressional candidate talk about support for the working man, or economic policies to benefit them. Why is that? Because they let the Donald beat them to it. Just think about that. Donald Trump now seems to be the only who cares for all the working people in the US. He is certainly the only one talking about the problems facing poor and middle class Americans.

    What a sad time for the democratic party in this country.

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 4 weeks ago

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  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 4 weeks ago

    hemlockone: Excellent comeback! Although it's impossible to peer into the dark recesses of Coalage3's mind (Who would want to?) in order to ferret out the true motive(s) for posting such ridiculous nonsense, one may reasonably surmise from the hollow words that such an apparently angry person must be extremely irritated that the party of Trump (truly a kakistocracy) is almost universally thought of -- other than by the shrinking minority of Republican fascist followers -- as a racist, fascist, sexist, criminal organization that is rapidly, finally! imploding spectacularly on itself thanks largely to the increasing lunacy of its childish leader, "a sad, embarrassing wreck of a man" (George Will). So Coalage3 is engaging in a pathetic attempt to turn the tables by redirecting these damning accusations toward present-day Democrats -- with no real proof of course. It's an age-old, rather desperate, psychologically defensive tactic and nothing more than a meaningless and immature schoolyard taunt: "I'm rubber; you're glue. What you say bounces off me and sticks to you." Nice try indeed.​

    "Sure sounds and looks like fascism to me..." -- Coalage3. Obviously this sad, embarrassing wreck of a poster has no idea what fascism actually is.

    John Scott: It was a pleasure reading your explication and analysis of libertarianism.

    "In an idealized free market economy, prices for goods and services are set freely by the forces of supply and demand and are allowed to reach their point of equilibrium without intervention by government policy." -- Wikipedia

    The key word here is "idealized," since libertarianism has never worked in reality anywhere at any time in history or in the modern era. By "worked" I mean for the good of the people on the whole rather than only for the tiny ruling class of greedy, power-hungry reprobates.

    In a nutshell: "This Libertarianism is a movement against the principles of democracy in favor of control of the population by an oligarchy." -- John Scott

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 4 weeks ago

    Nice try Coalage3. You sound like another poor victimized white conservative. Manipulated by the capitalist elite to keep the working classes divided. Tell me when has the GOP ever supported legislation or appointed judges that favor the individual over big capital/corporations? Tell me when they last supported a tax bill that did not favor the oligarchs and/or corporations? Tell me when they last supported legislation that would restrict police powers? If the democrats are the party of racism, why is it that the GOP works so hard to restrict the voting rights of minorities? You tell me, who is more of an authoritarian, Obama or Trump? Who is more of a hypernationalist? The GOP fits the bill of being more fascist and more racist by far more than the Democratic Party.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 4 weeks ago

    Hey Thom, I saw this yesterday and thought of you,

    "19 illegal immigrants indicted for voting in the 2016 election"

    Do you have any idea as to how hard it is to catch and prosecute these people? Hats off to one sharp election judge who was obviously a republican.

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 4 weeks ago


    I don't agree with everything that Trump has done, however I will say that the lowering of the corporate income tax has been good for me, my partners and our employees.

    As small business owners we believes in people. Without good people to work for any type of business, the business doesn't survive. So as an owner of various service type busineeses that rely heavily on trades people from HVAC Repair, Roofing Contractors and Tree Service we've been able to provide better insurance for our emplyees and give them all a raise with the money we've saved in taxes.

    This has been great for us as many of our employees have young families with children and we believe that the more you're able to give the more you get in return. Always deliver more than our customers expect and our employees get more in return. We all win with this type of philosophy.

    Again, I may not agree with everything Trump has done but we'll use whatever is good for us and move on. We're just glad that we can finally help the people that are responsible for our businesses success. I've been fortunate enough to have made a few dollars, noticed some talented people in other industries and help them become successful business owners along with me as their partner.

    Thanks, Gary

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