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  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 3 weeks ago

    I question the "all racism all the time" premise. I'm right of center, for the record, just so people know.
    When in the past I've said that I think immigration laws should be enforced, with absolutely nothing else to go on, people have accused me of having "racially tinged views," of being afraid of foreigners, and of having "issues with brown people." We often hear that people who espouse my view are merely "covering up their obvious racism" while feigning a respect for the law.
    I propose that, for those who have said these things and who should know better, politics is screwing with their brains.
    And yet, this is a common refrain from the left. I can't say I think immigration laws should be enforced without having to wade through an hour of accusations. If I know people who think this way, others do, too.
    So how are we to determine just how awfully racist the USA is in 2018 when bunches of the populous buy into specious reasoning?

    (Updated to correct egregious spelling errors.)

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 3 weeks ago

    Part of what makes this country what it is is due to the amount of billionaires. When they put their money to good use through investments and venture capitalism, and that money goes to startups and small businesses such as my friend's dustless floor refinishing Boston business, that is where we see the circle happen, and some of that wealth benefiting this country.

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 3 weeks ago

    Too much of anything good has it's downfalls.. but if the "American Dream" is capped that might prevent a lot of small business owners such as myself, a kitchen contractor Framingham MA, from pursuing wealth.

    I'm all for encouraging billionaires, as long as they understand their place in a capitalist economy and find philanthropic ways to benefit society.

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 3 weeks ago

    Abigail Adams was a real pioneer in her day for women's rights! I've driven by that house many times in Braintree.. So much history!

    I run a business with garage building contractors nh and as one of the many small business owners in America, I like to think that just as I am required to uphold the laws this country has set in place, so should big corporations be held to uphold laws and not be above them.

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 3 weeks ago

    @RyanActon - I visited that little historic house in Braintree Massachusetts as well, birthplace of John Quincy Adams. Keeping america's history alive through things like sharing what Abigail Adams wrote are important. And local businesses like Tree Service Haverhill work hard to get their part of the American dream to become reality.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 3 weeks ago

    From the Washington Post no less,

    "Middle-class income rose above $61,000 for the first time last year, U.S. Census Bureau says"

    Thank you President Trump.

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 3 weeks ago

    This is really good. I think if we come together more, we'll see more people like Sterling Heights Deck Builders doing more good. Thank you for sharing this article!

  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 3 weeks ago

    Here is the writer's opinion on this issue: Write my papers agency has reviewed the two biggest problems in the USA law system.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 3 weeks ago

    With the mid-terms fast approaching, the voters should ask their congressional and senate candidates what they are going to do to assist the president in keeping this economy roaring. If they cannot give a cogent answer to that question, whether they be repub or dem, then you know you need to move on.

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 3 weeks ago

    The more mankind can work together, the more we can do for the common good. This is so true in business as well. My carpet cleaning business wouldn't be able to make it without the dozens of other companies and business that help me. For example, I use one company for my website, another for my invoicing, another for purchasing any supplies I need, and others for purchasing and repairing my vehicles. Civilized people can make life better for everyone!

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 3 weeks ago

    I am spartacus

    Ha Ha...

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 3 weeks ago

    Let the whining and stomping of hooves continue,

    How many judges did obama appoint, MOSTLY under a Republican congress I might add?

    The total number of Obama Article III judgeship nominees to be confirmed by the United States Senate is 329, including two justices to the Supreme Court of the United States, 55 judges to the United States Courts of Appeals, 268 judges to the United States district courts, and four judges to the United States Court of International Trade.

    How many judges has President Trump appointed?

    As of September 6, 2018, the United States Senate has confirmed 68 Article III judges nominated by President Trump, including 1 Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, 26 judges for the United States Courts of Appeals, 41 judges for the United States District Courts, and 0 judges for the United Stats Court of International Trade.

    President Trump has a long way to go to catch obama with just six more years in office so, as usual, the leftie/socialist crocodile tears are way out of proportion to actual reality.

    I am spartacus

  • The Great American Eclipse is Coming Soon   6 years 3 weeks ago

    Eclipse is the big day, which cannot be viewed without glasses. This can be done by taking some eye protection.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 3 weeks ago


    Another Trumpie with poor reading comprehension. As they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    Sorry for using so many words, I guess, but most or all of the gibberish and off-the-mark points you're sputtering about in your last two "dump-trucks" have already been duly answered above. What a waste of time that was.

    "Trump won the election so he gets to appoint the judges. That's the way it works."
    -- Coalage3

    Tell that to Obama.

    Okay, I think we're done here. The beatings will resume in November. Enjoy

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 3 weeks ago

    Just reading the words of John Adam Smith sent chills down my spine. I never realized how decadent people were in the past.. I only thought we were perverted now.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 3 weeks ago

    Humm, who wrote the oped piece in the New York Times? Donald Trump? Remember how he posed as an inside source before ( to promote himself? The idea in the NYTimes article and in Trump and his supporters since is that this is another example of what he and Bannon have described as the "Deep State " governing America in secret.


  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 3 weeks ago

    Here is probably the best indication of just how good the economy is right now under Trump. Barack Obama says today that he deserves some credit for the economy. For BO to say that is an acknowledgement that the economy must be roaring. If I were Trump, I would use that clip every single chance I could.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 3 weeks ago

    ‘Poontronage’: When Kamala Met Willie spartacus/harris /2020

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 3 weeks ago

    Just what I thought. You cannot name one way that the Trump presidency has personally harmed you. If you could have, you would have. I bet that you have even prospered since the beginning of his term and you are afraid to admit it.

    Now that is very interesting since you believe him to be a terrible president. Right?

    He must not be that bad if you cannot list even one single way in which he has harmed you. That's okay...not one progressive on this forum has been able to list any harm that Trump has done to them.

    I'll make it even easier for you. Unless you are an illegal immigrant, what harm has Trump done to anyone in the US? Come on now...surely you must have an answer for that softball question?

  • ADD Success Stories   6 years 3 weeks ago

    my story began with the fact that I was looking for someone who had more time to do my math homework for me online. then I found a service that I can help. in the future I became successful with the help of professionals able to quickly and efficiently do my homework

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 3 weeks ago


  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 3 weeks ago


    In other words you have absolutely no clue what fascism actually is but love to hurl the word around as if you do, especially against the Democratic Party.

    And no, Democrats are not "trying to stifle [your] free speech and free assocation [sic] rights," nor will they "do whatever it takes to silence any dissenting voice." You just pulled that out of your butt because it dovetails in with the whole body of lies that is the right-wing universe, the dime-a-dozen talking points that make up virtually 100% of your posts on the Thom Hartmann forums -- certainly nothing very original or savvy, mostly just shameless displays of crude ignorance.

    Now ignorance is not necessarily stupidity, but willful ignorance certainly is. So what is it; are you not well informed or just plain stupid? Right-wing propaganda appeals to both types of lazy minds, the gullible who don't think for themselves and depend on authoritarian figures like Trump, Fux News hosts, and right-wing haters on the radio and the internet to tell them what (alternative) reality is. Mostly, they just hear what they want to hear, because it makes them feel safe in an uncertain world and vindicates their narrow attitudes and viewpoints.

    The good news is that the hopelessly brainwashed only make up a shrinking third of the electorate and should get clobbered this November and again in 2020. As they say in the Army, bend over and grab yer ass, 'cause here it comes. Your time is up, troglodytes.

    Speaking of whom, the only ones I see -- on this particular thread anyway -- who are either ridiculing or advocating to stifle free speech and free association are you, Diane, and Kend. Antifa certainly does not represent the Democratic Party just as radicalized white supremacists do not represent the Republican Party. (At least I hope not.) While each side has the constitutional right to assemble in protest or counter-protest, they do not have the right to violence. Democratic leaders have repeatedly condemned such acts. So clean the manure out your ears and quit lying about it.

    In answer to your inane question, of which you seem so proud and mistakenly think has such great import: No, the installment of Trump by the outdated Electoral College (He lost the election by the People.) has not caused harm to me personally -- not yet. It soon will, however, when I'll be in the market for a new car, or for home improvements, or pay medical bills, or buy groceries, gas, electronics, or just about anything else I may need or want. His meataxe approach to an unnecessary and self-defeating trade war, if it continues on the same trajectory, will inevitably skyrocket prices across the board, put upward pressure on inflation, and force the Fed to jack up interest rates, exploding the cost of borrowing.

    Given the facts that we are near the tail end of the second longest economic expansion in modern history, that his administration has deregulated an already wild-west shadow banking system, and that the vast majority of workers' wages have remained flat, most nonpartisan economists fear that we could be facing another major recession rivaling the Great Republican Recession of 2008. Possibly it could be much worse. Get back to us then and be sure " tell everybody on this board how the election of Trump has specifically harmed you." Perhaps you are a billionaire and will be insulted. Bully for you.

    The reason your question is silly and pointless is that relying on anecdotal evidence from a limited sample does not indicate a larger trend. Then again, reading chicken bones is what passes for scientific research in Republican Bizarro World. You'd get better results by asking the people actually harmed by Trump's idiocy and bigotry -- say, legitimate asylum seekers, who are not merely immigrants, but who had their kids kidnaped and thrown into cages by Trump nonetheless. (No, Obama never had that policy, no matter how many times you repeat that despicable lie.)

    Furthermore, it doesn't get any more personal than the dirty air we breathe, the tainted water we drink, and the poisoned food we eat as he guts the EPA. Similarly, pulling out of the climate accords and denying human-caused global warming through inaction will hand our kids, their kids, and their kids' kids a nightmare world on the brink of total collapse. (BTW, there's no such thing as "clean coal" and never will be.) Too bad you won't be around to ask them if they were harmed personally. All our hapless children will also be paying for the five trillion dollar tax giveaway to the billionaire class ($1.5 trillion immediately added to the deficit) that Trump gleefully signed off on. They will also be paying with blood and treasure for endless war as a result of lavishing taxpayer largesse on his billionaire buddies in the for-profit "defense" (offense) industry. I could go on, but those are the big issues that will harm everyone personally sooner or later.

    Your question reveals one of the fundamental differences between so-called "conservatives" and liberals/progressives. The former only focuses myopically on their little egocentric patch of existence and wellbeing, to hell with everyone else; the latter, which, fortunately, is the majority of the human population, feels more empathy for others and can lift their inner spirits out of abject selfishness to care for those less fortunate. It comes down to whether you think we live in a "me" society or a "we" society. "We all do better when we all do better." -- Paul Wellstone.

    I assume that you won't (your loss), but you really should read Conservatives Without Conscience by John W. Dean.

    In regards to my feelings about Trump, hate is the wrong word. Disgust is more apt. One reason is his bumbling ineptitude at his job -- a man clearly out of his depth who simply has no business running the country domestically or interacting with our allies and enemies abroad, especially when he attempts to craft his more base instincts into policy, usually with disastrous results. (Read the anonymous oped by one of his senior aids published in the New York Times a few days ago, or the excerpts published in the Washington Post from Bob Woodward's latest book soon to be released, Fear: Trump in the White House.) Another is his deeply ingrained racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, and just plain bigoted attitudes on display daily for all to witness. Perhaps the biggest reason for disgust though is his severely partisan politics that fan the flames of hatred and divisiveness not only in our own population but, by extension, throughout the world. He's setting such a horrible example from such a powerful bully pulpit. Beyond all that, however, I also feel great sympathy on a human level for this terribly damaged soul, just as I would toward anyone who suffers from such all-consuming mental illness, coupled with declining mental capacity.

    Speaking of embarrassment, If I was a troll, I would be red-faced embarrassed to have voted for this vindictive, loudmouthed, small-minded fool, a congenital pathological liar and malignant narcissist who stinks morally to high heaven and only thinks of himself first and foremost. (It has been leaked that even his own lawyers pleaded with Mueller in an off-the-record meeting to not put him under oath, because he simply is incapable of telling the truth or remembering all his lies -- so far, 5,000 in less than two years.) But through their own words, Trump trolls betray no sense of shame or self-reflection. How can one have a constructive debate with anesthetized people who are intellectually dishonest and refuse to accept indisputable facts and outward reality?

    By the way, I will ask you the same question I've asked all the other right-wing trolls who post here. And nobody could give me an honest answer. Why do you hang around on the Hartmann forums anyway? Do you have some quirky psychological need (perhaps a deep-seated resentment) to talk back to Democrats/liberals/progressives/whatever -- you know, to give 'em a good what for, as if you fancy yourself a truth teller enlightening lesser minds? (Hint: that doesn't work unless you actually tell the truth.) If that's not the case, then why are you here?

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  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 4 weeks ago

    I am with Diane. If I was a Democrat I would be so embarrassed with the ridiculous screaming by these idiots. You would think the Democrat Senators would plead for it to stop but it seems they encourage it instead.

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