Recent comments

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    R. Rosenstein.....wiretap the pres 2 weeks into the job. LOL

    Check mate is in our future. Dems are taking themselves down.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    I thought Children were not named and records were sealed if you are under 18 by law.

    So .....

    1. Dr. Ford when did this happen?

    I don't know.

    2. Where did this happen?

    I don't know

    3. Who was there?

    I don't know

    4. Who did you tell?

    No one, except Di Fi 30+ years later

    5. What do you want us to do.

    Stop all Government business and make the FBI investigate him, at MY convenience.

    6. OK, we will look at what you have to say, come tell us your story.

    NO! Well maybe after the elections.

    7. Well then there's nothing we can investigate.

    WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Bully Meannie, Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Where's my safe space???

    The end.

    And what did you do when you were in high school? Angels right?

  • Will Marijuana See Federal Legalization (w/Guest Anela Bacca)   6 years 1 week ago

    Great segment. Very informative.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    And why does Feinstein not make avaiable to Grassley the original letter she received that started this whole debacle? A redacted version has been furnished, but not the original. This is a legitimate request from the committee chairman. What is Feinstein hiding? Maybe she wants her Chinese friends to have the first look at it?

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    And now we have this gem from Sen. Gilibrand:

    “Denying Dr. Ford an FBI investigation is silencing her. Forcing her into a sham hearing is silencing her. And pushing through Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation is silencing her.”

    Huh? That makes absolutely no sense. She is more than free to come testify. Oh, wait a minute...I forgot. Gilibrand is a democrat from New York. Never mind...

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 1 week ago

    No wonder Obama is trying to get credit for the economy. I don't blame him. Unemployment claims at the lowest level since 1969. The stock market rising again to record highs. Trade wars? Tariffs bad? Apparently investors think otherwise.

    i hope everyone has a 401K.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Why didn't this alleged victim come forward before now? 30+ years? This looks and smells like a set-up. We already know the fascist dems will do anything and everything to try and get what they want. They really are shameless. Thanks Ted Kennedy. You have set a standard that the country can really be proud of. The dems have learned weill the previous lessons taught by Hitler's inner circle. As to Merrick Garland, the dems should ask Little Joe Biden what was he thinking.

    Kavanaugh has already been investigated and vetted by the FBI on at least two prior ocassions. The allegations will never ever be proven one way or the other. That is obvious. The only person who is gaining anything by this action is the Professor. You think there will be a book deal in the future? Kavanaugh is the one who is taking a hit, not the professor. The liberal media will make sure that she is accorded rock star status regardless of the outcome. Her "conditions for testifying" are also nothing more than a setup so that that she can make a grand entrance into DC, in front of the cameras, if she does show up.

    Grassley should grow a pair and tell the woman she is welcome to testify on Monday as scheduled. Trump should offer to send Air Force One to pick her up. The committee will insure her safety. She will be treated fairly and respectfully. And then Kavanaugh can answer questions. And then vote on the nomination.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 2 weeks ago

    AKA Chelsea Clinton: During said program, Thom did not ignore Bill Clinton's indiscretions and did continually qualify his personal opinion of Kavanaugh's "alleged" behavior as commentary and allegation only, and corrected himself when he did not, unlike Fux "News," Trump, and Republicans in general. Their own odoriferous opinions -- as thick as manure but not as useful -- are a far cry from even minimal journalistic standards. IOW: "fake news."

    Obviously, the FBI should complete a further background check so that members of the judicial committee can determine objective facts more thoroughly and therefore vote more wisely. The only time constraint preventing a rational approach is self-imposed by Republicans, who are shamelessly maneuvering the whole process for crass political purposes before the midterms. The leaders have even said so.

    They could care less (After all, the Pussy-grabber in Chief is fending off allegations from twenty-some women ...womp, womp.) whether Kavanaugh is an alleged rapist wannabe -- and an alleged liar for denying it -- as long as he votes for more corporate power over the little people, hopefully for the next 30 or 40 years. That's way, way more important than even overturning Roe v. Wade, which for most Republican corporatists is nothing but a hot-button wedge issue to whip up the fundamentalist base into their usual derangement syndrome.

    Somebody is lying. Are we to believe the alleged heavy-breathing, low-life slime-ball who has lied repeatedly under oath to the Senate during his various confirmation hearings (and whose cohorts definitely do not want the FBI poking around the wrong places); or, are we to believe the alleged victim who was reluctantly dragged into the town square, who has nothing to gain and everything to lose? Even a perfunctory behavioral analysis would seem to indicate that the side seeking an outside investigation is more believable than the side avoiding it.

    If the allegations prove to be true, then what? Do we really want a guy who showed such poor judgment -- criminal behavior! -- in high school as well as an adult (lying under oath to Congress) ramrodded onto the highest court for life, sitting in final judgment of others, especially over issues important to women?

    Of coarse you do ...if you're a Trumpadóir.

    Alas, consider a troll's primary source of inspiration:

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 2 weeks ago

    Now it is being reported that the accuser will testify if certain conditions are met. What? She should be treated like any other senate committee witness. If they really want to question her, then issue a subpoena for a specific date and time. If she doesn't want to comply, then move on and have the vote. If she really has something of substance to offer, she will show when she is told to do so.

    The dems will do anything to delay and obfuscate. Have they no shame?

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 2 weeks ago

    At least Grassley appears to have finally come to his senses and set a Friday deadline for the Kavanaugh accuser to agree to appear before the Judicial committee, or not. Unsubstantiated accusations should not delay the business of the senate, and it is also not fair to the nominee.

    Feinstein and the dems are now channeling the ghost of Joe McCarthy. Congrats to them! And like McCarthy, their smear tactics and actions will come back to bite them in the rear end.

    Have you no shame?

  • Why Tax Cuts For the Rich Cuts The Wages Of The Working and Poor   6 years 2 weeks ago

    Interesting take on tax cuts for the rich. I tend to agree with Thom on a macro level and the historical points he laid out back him up. On the other hand being a small business owner (my junk removal company) makes me far from rich, but I still reap SOME of the benefits of said tax cuts. It is not necessarily a voting issue for me because I am torn on the matter but love the informative commentary here.


  • The Democratic Forum: Where Were the Progressive Moderators?   6 years 2 weeks ago

    Dear Friends,

    I doubt I'm the only one paying attention to this, but I can tell you I am not proud to be an American right now. I just found a piece online about the woman who is going public with her news about Kavanaugh. That article follows. Among the more notible quotes was the following: "Ford has not committed to testify." Oh really? That's not what I heard. And even if she does want the FBI to get involved, isn't that the idea?

    And let me tell you something; never before did I even imagine learning someone's name, the way I have Kavanaugh's. Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh. If this clown makes it to the supreme court, I may damn well move to Canada.

    Then we have George W Bushwack. He claims this guy is honorable. Really? Yeah, I guess just as honorable as the supreme court who put your ass in the White House, after you lost to Gore...

    I am sick and tired of women suffering from Misogyny. And if this clown gets nominated, even if he lasts five more days, Yours Truely is about to become a part of American history. The pen is stronger than the sword, so they say...

    Love, Brother

    P.S. ...And now to the article, and I quote:

    At 10:28 Tuesday morning, a Twitter account with a white ­nationalist talking point for its handle posted Christine Blasey Ford’s personal address.

    The account called for “peaceful protests” at Ford’s home in Northern California over her accusation that Judge Brett M. ­Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her at a party in the early 1980s when they were teenagers. The allegation was a “hoax” orchestrated by the “deranged left,” the account tweeted.

    This was at least the third time a Twitter user had “doxed” Ford — posted her personal information online — since she revealed her identity to The Washington Post and accused President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee of sexual assault.

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    Within hours of coming forward, Ford faced attacks on her privacy and credibility, confirming the fears she had expressed about what would happen if she went public and echoing the backlash faced by other accusers in the #MeToo era.

    Kavanaugh, a federal judge and married father of two, has strongly denied the allegations, saying in a statement he has “never done anything like what the accuser describes.” He has agreed to testify under oath before a congressional committee Monday.

    Ford has not committed to testify. In a letter late Tuesday to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles E. Grassley (R), Ford’s attorneys said that she wants the FBI to investigate the incident first, and that “her worst fears have materialized” as a result of her coming forward.

    “She has been the target of vicious harassment and even death threats,” they wrote. “As a result of these kind of threats, her family was forced to relocate out of their home. Her email has been hacked, and she has been impersonated online.”

    In Washington, criticism of Ford has centered primarily on her credibility and concerns that Kavanaugh could be permanently tainted by a false allegation.

    Kavanaugh’s supporters have raised questions about her motives, pointing to her status as a registered Democrat and her decision to hire an attorney while her story was still a secret. Others have highlighted details that are missing from Ford’s account of the alleged assault, including the date of the party and the exact location where it took place.

    “The problem is, Dr. Ford can’t remember when it was, where it was, or how it came to be,” Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Tex.) told reporters at the Capitol on Tuesday. “There are some gaps there that need to be filled.”

    Influential conservatives outside Congress have also aggressively questioned Ford’s account.

    The opinion pages of the Wall Street Journal included three pieces skeptical of her story on Tuesday. One called it a “calculated political ambush.”

    “This is a case of an alleged teenage encounter . . . brought forward to ruin Mr. Kavanaugh’s reputation for partisan purposes,” the editorial stated.

    Carrie Severino, a top official with the conservative Judicial Crisis Network, which is planning to launch a $1.5 million television ad campaign in support of Kavanaugh, questioned Ford’s description of the alleged incident as an attempted rape.

    The accusations “cover a whole range of conduct, from boorishness to rough horseplay to actual attempted rape,” Severino told CNN. “I’m saying that the behavior she describes could describe a whole range of things.”

    Elsewhere, particularly online, the questioning has veered into more vicious territory — and claimed other casualties.

    A little-known online media outlet, Grabien News, published a story that mistook Ford, a professor at Palo Alto University, for Christine A. Ford, a former professor at California State University at Fullerton. The piece quoted what it said were poor online reviews of Christine A. Ford’s teaching by students between 2010 and 2014.

    Before it was retracted on Monday, the story went viral, fueled by tweets from the Drudge Report and conservative media host Laura Ingraham, whose former executive producer runs Grabien News.

    Reached by phone, Christine A. Ford acknowledged that the last few days had been difficult for her and said that she had hired a lawyer. She declined to say whether she had faced any threats. “I’m not a public figure, and I don’t have that expectation of being run through the press,” she said.

    Her attorney, Marc Cohen, said she was considering her legal options. “My client is embarrassed and humiliated as a result of reckless reporting simply because she has a similar name as someone prominent in the news,” he said.

    Another story that took off on Twitter related to Kavanaugh’s mother, a state judge in Maryland, who was once involved in a foreclosure case against Christine Blasey Ford’s parents.

    The connection “could explain motive or fuel conspiracy,” conservative columnist Eric Erickson tweeted Monday.

    Lawyers for Ford said in a statement that she had “no knowledge” of the case until this week and that Kavanaugh’s mother made a ruling that was favorable to Ford’s parents.

    Meanwhile, Ford has erased any social media presence from the Internet. A spokeswoman for Palo Alto University confirmed she is still employed there, though her name and contact information no longer appear on the school’s website.

    Ford has received a flood of supportive messages since The Post reported her identity Sunday, according to a person close to her, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter. But she has also faced a stream of harassing messages and threats.

    “No one believes you,” one message said. “Karma is a [expletive] and it will be visiting you very very soon.”

    Ford and her family have moved out of their home as a security precaution, and she and her husband are staying apart from their two children. “She’s spending her time trying to figure out the logistics of her life as it is now and how to keep herself and her family safe,” the person said.

    Twitter spokesman Ian Plunkett declined to say whether the site suspended any accounts or deleted any tweets for revealing personal information about Ford. “If we receive reports of violations, we will take action where appropriate,” he said.

    As of Tuesday evening, the Twitter account posting Ford’s address was still active, and another account had posted what it said was an aerial photo of Ford’s house.

    Anita Hill, who accused Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment during his confirmation process in 1991, has said the experience and attention profoundly affected her life. “I’ve had my life turned upside down,” Hill told John Oliver on his HBO show in July.

    In the interview with The Post, Ford said she hesitated to speak publicly because she anticipated that her life would be upended and that Kavanaugh could be confirmed regardless. “Why suffer through the annihilation if it’s not going to matter?” she said.

  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 2 weeks ago

    I agreed with your every word! Thank for the opinion!

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 2 weeks ago

    Interesting thoughts.. Keep it up! I'll follow this blog


  • The Battle to Save Democracy   6 years 2 weeks ago

    I appreciate this post, it was cool, thanks! login

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 2 weeks ago

    this is a very important issue and I'm glad that you touched it

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 2 weeks ago

    Very interesting story, keep posting more, thanks


  • Are Drug Companies Exploiting People for Profit Saturday   6 years 2 weeks ago

    In the United States and other rich industrialized nations, “big pharma” is already the gatekeeper for life-saving medicines. The Global South is the next frontier in the patent war, where public health advocates form the front line against an industry seeking to colonize nascent health care markets. The Novartis ruling is just one of many legal showdowns that have embroiled the drug industry in recent years. Meanwhile, corporations are pushing back through trade deals and other intellectual property reforms. The outcome could be devastating—stripping government and citizens of authority over health care costs and lavishing more market power on top drug manufacturers. The mechanisms by which the drug companies pursue this power, however, are off the public radar, designed by international bodies determined to evade democratic control.

    rooftop snipers

  • The Making Of A Liberal Icon - Bobby Kennedy   6 years 2 weeks ago
  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 2 weeks ago

    LOL, hi Diane,

    A great day to you as well!

    I don't really listen to Thom anymore, however I get an email from him on fridays that reminds me to stop by here from time to time.

    Yes, the nanny state .....straws and cow farts will be the downfall of the world...didn't you know? Do ya think the wildfires might have made up for all the spare the air days where Ca. couldn't warm their homes with a fireplace, or enjoy a BBQ?

    I believe in a clean world....but what about never mentioned airplanes, chemtrails, GMOs, pesticides, rockets, you know the little stuff.

    Ca. needs a real water storage plan...instead we get a railway to no where that no one wants.

    Hope your state is smarter!

    Can't wait to see the FISA docs & emails. The sooner the better.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 2 weeks ago

    Good morning HotCoffee. I hope you are well. I wish you would have caught at last part of Thom's show yesterday

    I tune in to the leftie/socialist comedy radio hour only if there is something of political substance happening just to hear the hypocrisy pour forth from Thom and his callers.

    Yesterday may have been the best example of talking out of both sides of one's mouth to date. Thom vacillated between ignoring Bill Clinton's proven indiscretions saying all presidents do it so it's OK, to one minute later outright accusing Kavanaugh of rape based on one persons (who has a major ax to grind) last minute, unproven CLAIM dredged up from 36 years ago. It was comical to say the least. Apparently making a fool of one's self over the airwavesis also OK. The show appears to have become a self therapy session for Thom to cope with a President who he helped put in office.

    I will return to his leftie/socialist hour after the hearings next Tuesday as his daily re-writes of history are more than I can take.

    Enjoy your day and remember to register your straws. They can be dangerous.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 2 weeks ago

    Of course, this is all political now. The democrats could care less about this accuser. If they were really "concerned" , Feinstein would have spoke up weeks ago. All they care about is stopping the Kavanaugh appointment at any cost. And the republicans are helping them. idiots!

    The only supposed witness to the incident denies the accusation. The alleged victim supposedly cannot recall any other relevant details. An accusation itself is not evidence. Kavanaugh has already been investigated and vetted more than once. Let the woman testify, let Kavanaugh respond, and then McConnell/Grassley should immediately schedule the confirmation vote.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 2 weeks ago

    There you go again Diane letting the facts get in the way. If they wanted facts they would have taken at least one of the women seriously that Billy boy molested.

    However at least we will now start to get to the bottom of this FISA farce!!!!


  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 2 weeks ago

    I tuned in today for the first time in quite a while. What a display. In your opening statement you convicted Brett Kavanaugh of raping a young lady. There was no alleged in your opening comment. I stopped listening after your personal group therapy session got into full swing but I have no reason to believe at any point you stopped peeing down your own leg. Shame on you big time.

    So far we have:

    - Her lawyer saying she's not saying it should disqualify him.

    - Her entire social media history has been scrubbed.

    - Avowed progressive Democrat who has donated to leftist causes

    - Her parents losing their home at a foreclosure presided by his mother.

    - The person she says pulled him off her denies it ever happened

    - Kavanaugh's unequivocal denial, which is a thing of beauty

    - Zero substantiating witnesses

    - A 35 year old accusation held until time for the vote when Feinstein supposedly had it for months

    - Feinstein's office refusing to set up discussions with her for congress

    - A party outraged about an unsubstantiated report with zero evidence from 35 years ago who doesn't want to talk about the well-documented Keith Ellison allegations.

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   6 years 2 weeks ago

    This is True, sad but true . We can talk about it for Years but nothing will change flaireviews

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