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  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    "If my dear friend Donald Trump ever decided to sacrifice his fabulous billionaire lifestyle to become President, he would be an unstoppable force for ULTIMATE JUSTICE that Democrats and Republicans alike, would celebrate." John F. Kennedy, Jr. George Magazine, 1999.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Age3: Thanks for your astute contribution. Uh huh... "Just like the Nazis, the dems..."

    What's more like the Nazis is how Grassley conspired with seasoned W. Bush lawyers to scrub Kavanaugh's record as Staff Secretary for the White House -- a most powerful position -- between 2003 and 2006. Of particular concern is his involvement with regards to some of the most momentous decisions The Village Idiot Decider decided, such as warrantless wiretapping, the treatment of detainees, and:

    "Those three years were chock-full of controversial issues. Bush signed a partial-birth abortion ban, sought a same-sex marriage ban, expanded Medicare, opposed euthanasia and stem cell research, and failed to partially privatize Social Security or create a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

    Throughout those years, the administration defended its "enhanced interrogation" of detainees in the war against terrorism; Kavanaugh denied any involvement in the debate over torture during his confirmation hearings for the appeals court. Hurricane Katrina struck in August 2005. A week later, Chief Justice William Rehnquist died."

    So if he "denied any involvement in the debate over torture," then why not release the records to prove it -- and all other relevant and pertinent documents that could speak to the good judge's good judgment during his time in the breech of critical decision-making at the pinnacle of power, affecting lives in the hundreds of millions for many decades to come?

    HotCoffee: His skimpy calendars don't prove a damn thing as far as mitigating evidence, since he also admitted that he didn't write everything down.

    "Dear Diary: Gonna get really sh*t-faced tonight and rape one of those sweet teens hangin' at the parties, the younger the better. Dear Diary: (next morning) I hate it when they wear one-piece bathing suits!"

    To allay your deeply felt concerns, then, are you on board for demanding a further FBI background investigation before the Senate confirmation vote takes place? Call your senator now!

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Isn't Blasey a Social psychologist?

    Well what is that exactly?

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. --Plato

    Advisor to Kavanaugh’s accuser was caught on audio in July predicting a coming plot to destroy nomination

    by Frieda Powers
    A Democratic operative and former Clinton White House official who is now an advisor to Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser predicted a “strategy” to defeat the US Supreme Court nominee months ago.

    Ricki Seidman spoke about a plot to take down Kavanaugh in a conference call with the American Constitution Society in July, suggesting a “strategy will emerge” that would destroy the nomination of President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court pick.

    “I do think that over the coming days and weeks there will be a strategy that will emerge, and I think it’s possible that strategy might ultimately defeat the nominee,” Seidman said in audio that was recorded by the Republican National Committee’s War Room. “And whether or not it ultimately defeats the nominee it will, I think, help people understand why it’s so important that they vote.”

    The timing of the call in the audio coincides with Ford’s delivery of a letter to Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein in July alleging the assault by Kavanaugh Seidman, who advised Anita Hill to testify against Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas in 1991, has also had a long history working with Democrats.

    According to her bio at TSD Communications where she is a senior principal, Seidman “took a leave of absence in 2008 to work for President Obama’s general election campaign, serving as Vice President Joe Biden’s communications director. In the spring and summer of 2009, she assisted the White House in the successful confirmation effort for President Obama’s first nominee to the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor.”

    During the Clinton Administration, she served as White House Deputy Communications Director, Counselor to the Chief of Staff, and Director of Scheduling and Advance for the President as well as later serving as Deputy Associate Attorney General in the Department of Justice.
    Seidman “cut her teeth running attack ads against Robert Bork, a nomination that was eventually derailed. She then moved to Democratic Sen. Ted Kennedy’s office, where she was instrumental in convincing Anita Hill to go public with her claim that Clarence Thomas sexually harassed her,” The Daily Caller reported.

    Democrats may deny there is a plot to destroy Kavanaugh’s nomination – and his reputation in the process – but the audio clip reveals the real strategies as Seidman is now advising Ford in the political smear campaign.

    “This feels more like a Democratic super PAC than a legal effort to get at the truth,” a senior Republican official told Politico.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Blassey gate continues....................

    By Peter Baker

    • Sept. 23, 2018

    WASHINGTON — Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh has calendars from the summer of 1982 that he plans to hand over to the Senate Judiciary Committee that do not show a party consistent with the description of his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, according to someone working for his confirmation.

    The calendar pages from June, July and August 1982, which were examined by The New York Times, show that Judge Kavanaugh was out of town much of the summer at the beach or away with his parents. When he was at home, the calendars list his basketball games, movie outings, football workouts and college interviews. A few parties are mentioned but include names of friends other than those identified by Dr. Blasey. Roddy Rosenstein may being having a bad week as well.Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to meet with Trump Thursday with his fate uncertain

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Investigate what? An accusation is not evidence. At least not in the real world, but maybe in the bizarro world of progressive/liberal/facist democratic fantasies. If it did happen, it should have been reported many years ago. Even the Professor doesn't know when, where, or who was there. I'm not sure the FBI even has jurisdiction. Kavanaugh has already been vetted/investigated on at least three separate occasions. Even the slightest hint of impropriety would have come up during those vettings. But nothing did (as far as we know)...why is that?

    Now you have the democratic presidential nominee for 2020 saying he has evidence that Kavanaugh was drugging women for sexual favors. And he really thinks anybody with a brain actually believes him? What???

    This has gone beyond ridiculous. Do you believe over 100 women and men who have worked and known him for years (including his school time) and have testifed to his exemplary behavior, or do you believe someone who just now speaks up when he is about to be appointed to the SC? Might fishy...and it certainly stinks.

    The fact remains...Kavanaugh is a first class judge with an excellent academic and work background. Like I said earlier. The dems don't care diddly squat about this professor. She is a just a means to an end. And that is to stop Trump from being able to appoint another SC judge. Just like the Nazis, the dems will attempt to do whatever it takes to reach that goal.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Kend: Great, we're in agreement!

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation should investigate any and all sexual predation accusations (or any other questionable issues) lodged against United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Brett Michael Kavanaugh. Additionally, this investigation should take place before the Senate Judiciary Committee votes (if not, certainly before the full senate votes) on his lifetime appointment as Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America, in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Eighteen.

    Now for action: I don't know if you have dual citizenship and are a constituent who votes; if so, call your senator as soon as possible and demand that Senators Chuck Grassley and Mitch McConnell also abide by the above agreement, instead of bullying the good doctor and trying to highball the process without a proper vetting.

    Coalage3: You on board, kid? Or do you have to consult Matt Drudge first? (Face palm.)

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 1 week ago

    Great post. I like this a lot!

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  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    yes he does obat penyakit prostat,,,

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    From the NYT:


    Judge Kavanaugh’s prospects were further clouded on Sunday when The New Yorker reported on a new allegation of sexual impropriety: A woman who went to Yale with Judge Kavanaugh said that, during a drunken dormitory party their freshman year, he exposed himself to her, thrust his penis into her face and caused her to touch it without her consent.In a statement, Judge Kavanaugh denied the allegation from the woman, Deborah Ramirez, and called it “a smear, plain and simple.” The New Yorker did not confirm with other eyewitnesses that Judge Kavanaugh was at the party.The Times had interviewed several dozen people over the past week in an attempt to corroborate her story, and could find no one with firsthand knowledge. Ms. Ramirez herself contacted former Yale classmates asking if they recalled the incident and told some of them that she could not be certain Mr. Kavanaugh was the one who exposed himself.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    According to Drudge, now there is another alleged accuser. I'm shocked I tell you, just shocked.

    Now that the Ford accusation wasn't going exactly as planned, the facist dems have to come up with a backup. And supposedly, the woman is a Never Trumper. I'm shocked I tell you. And meanwhile, anybody heard any news about Keith Ellison?

    This sounds like the Mueller investigation. No collusion, who cares? We'll just keep the wheels of injustice grinding anyway.

    The facist dems really are disgusting.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Deep. I agree with you there should be an investigation. The Dr. Said she doesn't even remember what year it happened. All I am saying is we should hear both sides of the story before we make a judgement. Americans as everyone in the world should be considered innocent until proven guilty. I say this because years ago I almost lost a job because someone gave my plate number to the police from my company truck and suggested I was involved in a crime, lucky for me I could prove I was no where near the place it happened. Just saying maybe the Dr mistakenly thinks it's him or something. Lets wait to here from her before we hang the judge.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Kend, Who has replied that he is guilty. We want to hear her side. Unfortunately this was not done effeciently with Clarance Thomas. A monster of a SC Justice. Why rush an appointment for life??????? Especially at 51%.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    No, it doesn't. What sets a really bad precedent is to make a rush job out of a deliberative process that was wholly intended to be as thorough as humanly possible, especially after serious allegations surface. Dr. Blasey should not be considered a mere "hiccup." (ATTN: Women of Nevada. Republican senator Dean Heller is up for reelection. Vote this bum out!)

    BTW, do you ever take a moment to ponder what you say before you say it? You arbitrarily seek sympathy for the feelings and predicament of the alleged perp; yet, you freely cast aspersions on the alleged victim without any regard for her feelings. Can you imagine having gone through such a traumatic, desperately unwanted, horribly memorable experience only to have it dismissed as your own fault? Why is your empathy only one-sided? Oh yeah, you're CON-servative.

    Blaming the victim is the worst defense imaginable. WTF is wrong with you? "Oh piffle, it was a long time ago and she's too stupid to remember it right and obviously must be mistaken. Oh yeah, and no doubt she was drunk and asked for it." (So, you were in that room too?) How would you feel, Kend, if someone said something like that about you "under the same circumstances"? What happened to you doesn't matter and nobody cares and you're lying anyway. Now go away, bitch.

    "Presume" is the wrong word; you're looking for "suspect." Whenever an allegation of this magnitude is presented, anyone with a brain must of course suspect the accused. That's the whole point of an accusation and a justice system to resolve it. However, under our principles of justice, that suspicion must be tempered with a presumption of innocence until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. I think most people on all sides agree with that, notwithstanding the fiery-eyed true believers of their own bullsh*t. Your insinuation otherwise is disingenuous. But to keep it real, vetting for a qualified justice is about assessing character as much as it is about adjudicating any purported legal exposure.

    The "many" who should scare you are those who advocate not to have a proper and impartial FBI investigation before the hearing. For someone to be awarded for life one of the most exalted pedestals in the great hallways of American justice, the American people deserve to have confidence the process is being conducted fairly for all involved, including Kavanaugh. If he is truly innocent, shouldn't he be the first to call for a thorough investigation to clear his name, so that he won't have a dark cloud hanging over his every decision like Clarence Thomas does? Conducting a quick and dirty hearing that smacks of a witch trial is an unprecedented breach of acceptable standards and one more step toward fascism.

    All the issues and concerns that you Trump trolls have brought up is the very reason the FBI needs to step in and try to sort it all out in a professional manner that is on record. As I've said before, all your counterpoints and questions unwittingly make my point: Call for the f*cking investigation! It's in the best interests of Kavanaugh, Dr. Blasey, and the American people. Why is that so goddamn hard to understand, for chrissake?!

    Kend, you recently posted that you've been coming to this blog for 10 years in a good faith effort to understand the Democratic/progressive/liberal/whatever mindset. Then you basically concluded that in all that time you haven't learned a damn thing and are no closer to an understanding. I agree.

  • What's the Trump administration doing in the face of the rise of armed hatred in the United States?   6 years 1 week ago

    The alt right needs to be stopped they are getting totally out of control. My company goes to lots of alt right houses. It's like they just assume I agree with them. It gets ridiculous after a while.

  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 1 week ago

    I actually quit smoking by undergoing hypnosis. It has saved my life and everyone at my company and my employees are glad to see it. I am thinking about using it to break other bad habits now. You should try it!

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    What is scary to me is that many have already presumed Kavanaugh is guilty already. If they have a husband, father, brother or son and someone said this about them under the same circumstances would you feel the same. This was a long time ago and see was drunk. She could be making a mistake. It sets a really bad precedent doesn't it.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Because his mind is too shot to juggle much complexity, the Boy King outsourced his job of vetting judges to the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation, two of the most influential sources of anti-democratic, pro-billionaire propaganda, disinformation, and chronic mind rot. The slobbering goblins holed up in these loony bins snorted in delight at their amazing luck and got right to work on their wet-dream list of prospective Supreme Court nominees.

    Dredging the swamp, they snagged 25 of the nation's most pro-active corporatist bottom-feeders they could find, so slimy even the Koch brothers stand in awe. So if Kavanaugh flames out (because "that woman" doesn't know her place and didn't keep her damn mouth shut), there are plenty more squealing little oinkers waiting in the pen from which to choose.

    Too bad for the clownish egomaniac-cum-tinpot dictator though. Kavanaugh, more than your average fascist-minded judge, basically believes -- once all his legalese rhetoric is stripped away -- that a president should be a king, exempt from the laws to which we mere subjects are, well, subjected. How convenient to have the ultimate yes-man glued to that vacant seat for the upcoming SCOTUS battle, Trump v. Democracy -- or perhaps, Trump v. Reality.

    The more wealth and power, the more privilege; the more privilege, the more wealth and power. Can't you see that fascism works just great? It's more efficient and so much simpler to run society with an iron fist from atop the hill -- at least for the taker class of one-percenters.

    What is this democracy sh*t of which you speak, peasant? "Constitutionally limited, representative, democratic republic?" Too many words. Back to work! MAGA, MAGA, MAGA !!!

    Yeah, Mentalage3 does seem to have a lot of trouble viewing the real world as it actually is. I wonder if there's any cure for "photo negative mind," or does it become a permanent condition after so many hours of Fux News, et al, mind rot? Poor guy. Sad.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Kavanaugh will be seated because Mitch McConnell changed the rules to 51%. This is for the very important position that is assigned for life. Kavanaugh would never be confirmed at 67%. This is an appointee of the 1%. He is a Fascist, just like Gorsuch. He will be for the causes of the 1%, Corporations and to keep the vote Evangelicals. He will be against the causes of the middle class. So decide which group you are in. Gorsuch attended Georgetown Prep the same high school as Kavanaugh. Where he was President of the "Fascists Forever Club". Current tuition at Georgetown Prep is $50000 per year.

    Coalage has a bad case of photo negative mind. He calls white walls black and black walls white. It is sad that his (or whatever) mind has been so completely brain washed by Fox News and right wing radio.

  • What The NRA Doesn't Want You To Know   6 years 1 week ago

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  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Who knows. Haha, can she blame old-age forgetfulness? "Dang, where's the stupid keys ...and the letter ...the damn letter ...oh well." It could be a confidentiality thing too, which the original author may have to release before the letter can be further disseminated. Plus, the original recipient was Dr. Blasey's own senator, who forwarded it to Feinstein, who forwarded it to the FBI, who then stuck it in Kavanaugh's background file as miscellaneous information without acting on it.

    The primary problem it seems was that Dr. Blasey vacillated between playing it safe or sticking her head above the fox hole, which is her right. That decision was ultimately taken away from her, however, when someone in the aforementioned chain of custody leaked her name and upended her life, which all happened very recently.

    One must applaud this woman's bravery for a willingness to step forward, tell her own story, and expose her deepest nightmare to the world so that the rest of us might better understand who exactly is being considered as a key Justice for our nation's most august body. Until there is evidence to the contrary, we must all treat her with the utmost respect, as an honorable woman who is doing her patriotic duty by charging forward and facing down some of the most influential power-mongers on the planet. That sure ain't for the faint of heart.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Why does Feinstein not make avaiable to Grassley the original letter she received that started this whole debacle?

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Winter is coming. Or rather, human-induced global warming.

    My previous post was in response to Coalage3, but if the shoe fits, any other clueless troll will do in such a target-rich environment. "Zips in the wire! We're lousy with 'em, Cap'n!"

    Aside from your usual obfuscation and deflection, the more pertinent questions you ask indicate the need for an independent investigation. You and Mentalage3 are making my point.

    How would I conduct an investigation? Mmm, let's see ...I'd insert a nice shiny bullet into a nice shiny revolver and play Russian roulette for each dumb yes or no question ...until you piss your goddamn pants, maggot! Or maybe stick my upside-down, sweaty face inches away from your mealymouthed mug and with glaring red eyes and heavy whiskey breath very slowly and deliberately whisper into your sh*t-filled ear, "I'm going to cut your f*cking head off, Brett. Feeeel that cold steel tickle your pulsating neck..."

    But then, I guess I wouldn't make a very good interrogator/detective. Ya think? And it's transparently self-evident by how you choose to navigate your own peculiar forest of scattered decision trees that neither would you. So let's leave it up to the professionals, eh?

    Talking tough to the press is one thing for a reluctant witness; staring down an ornery agent to whom it's a felony to lie is quite another. You'd be surprised what the FBI can turn up and figure out with seemingly very little to go on, and do it very quickly when the need arises. Well, the need has arose. So let the FBI do its job and the Senators theirs. God knows suited-up lawmakers have more important business at hand. Oh I don't know, like war and peace and anthropogenic climate disruption (ACD) maybe? Or even more crucial to all of humankind: trying to maintain their slim majority over the hordes of evil dems storming the castle.

    The point is that a harried hearing slapped together by a pack of partisan hacks is not the proper venue for an objective investigation, discovery, and due diligence. If Republicans can run out the clock for a whole year on Obama's pick for no good reason, certainly they can carve out the time for a proper vetting of Kavanaugh, even more so in light of these latest, very serious allegations. When they're finished, the FBI can present their findings formally and the confirmation hearing may recommence. For Republican leaders, why does it always seem like a bridge too far to do it the right way? Why do they always feel the need to lie, cheat, and steal or enable the ones who do?

    Attempted rape, no matter at what age, and then lying about it later under oath as a judge, are unacceptable behaviors that are beyond the pale, requiring every kleig light that will fit in the room. Let's see every telltale dribble of sweat in vivid HD. If he's clean, great. If he's dirty, he should withdraw his nomination, present himself to be impeached as a circuit judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, and expect to be prosecuted and disbarred for lying to Congress. Karma's a bitch. But sexual predators need to account for the lives they ruin instead of pouting over their own self-imposed misfortunes.

    Why should a person interviewing for one of the most powerful, most trusted positions in society, which he or she will be occupying for a very long time, not be granted a bit of extra time and scrutiny beforehand? Why is that asking too much under the rules set forth in the Constitution governing co-equal branches of government? Oh wait, it turns out that it is not asking too much; in fact, it is expected.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Lets investigate Ellison at the same time. There are little things to go on, like witnesses and videos to work with. Hyppocrites. I still haven't heard one single Dem Woman or Man stand up for Juanita, Paula, or any of Billy"s victims, and one WAS actually raped.

    Tell us DeepSpace, Just how would you investigate.??? The Dr. doesn't KNOW anything except his name. Di Fi won't even release the or whatever it was. They have told the Dr., we will come to you or you can come to us, we all know nothing will be quite enough to meet her demands. Just a little part of the insurance policy.

    Why take down her yearbook and social media? So FBI could investigate easier or does she want a one sided investigation.

    Why didn't her Atty. start investigating back in July ???? Who gave the minors the Kegs? How drunk was the DR?

    No Dem seems to care He has a wife and daughters plus the whole town they live in that sees this crap.

    I guess you choose how you look, unlike everyone else, nope no pasty face for you. You sure seem to like Clinton's pasty face though.

    R Rosenstein was outed by the lefts beloved NYT not Fox News but then facts don't much matter now do they?

    Getting time to drag Bruce & Nellie in to testify.


    Checkmate is a coming.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Oh for God's sake, man, pull yourself together! You're flopping around like a fish who swallowed Fux "News" hook, line, and sinker. "No, no; don't look over there! Look up, down, sideways, everywhere, anywhere but over there. It's the dems, the dems, the dems!"

    Every time the cons get caught screwing the pooch and raping the People (or attempting rape, literally, allegedly), somehow it's always the fault of those wicked, evil dems, always weaving their complex web of convoluted conspiracies, always picking on poor lil' repugs, innocent victims with big trusting eyes -- kinda like clubbing baby seals (except more fun).

    Such sad little snowflakes. You'd think someone with little, bitty BBs ("That is obvious.") wouldn't dare tell someone else to "grow a pair" ...even if it is Grassley. "Me man; you woman; now do what you're told, dammit! And quit wearing those confounding one-piece swim suits under your clothes. That 'attempted' thing sucks bigly!"

    Biden? Really? Is that how anti-democratic, far-right fascist followers justify McTurtle unjustifiably refusing to hold even a simple hearing on Merrick Garland for nearly a whole year until it was too late? Because opposition research unearthed some stale, three-decade-old speech by some friendly but threadbare corporate dem (bless his heart) whose time has come and gone, and who no longer speaks for the bulk of the big-bad-blue wave about to crash down on your damn fool head?

    Enough flopping around; back to the point: Why not conduct a more comprehensive background check on Brett Kavanaugh? What's he got to hide? Just like Trump, he sure doesn't act innocent. And, for all to witness, he's certainly on record lying to Congress (a felony) during his previous hearings, including the most recent. So what else is a proven liar lying about? And why are Republicans so paranoid about bringing in the FBI when it comes to their own sh*t? Dear Leader thinks that that agency is only supposed to investigate Democrats, especially if their names rhyme with Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, or anyone else who dares to cross him, like any member of the Press, the "enemy of the people."

    "The [troll] doth protest too much, methinks."

    False accusations and worthless opinions, even your own words tossed haphazardly into the ether, are exactly why the FBI should step in and conduct a thorough investigation to sort out fact from fiction as best they can. Your posts are prima facie evidence for the whys and wherefores of a by-God, by-the-book probe, if indeed such sentiments and attitudes reflect the majority on the committee, which for all intents and purposes is an all-male inquisition by old, stick-in-the-mud Repugnantcons, misogynistic bullies who haven't learned a damn thing about R-E-S-P-E-C-T since the Anita Hill hearings/humiliations.

    With absolutely no evidence whatsoever -- other than whatever fragments of programed talking points a zombielike troll is capable of retaining from the day's indoctrination sessions on Fux "News," hate radio, web disinformation, et al -- you have already deemed the wench a liar, or at the very least, nothing but a hapless pawn (read weak woman) being dragged along in an ever-evolving plot by those "very bad people" (in Trump talk) trying to destroy Meerkkka -- MAGA, MAGA, MAGA!

    Obviously, she must be "confused" (Orrin Hatch) ...has ulterior motives ...wants to write a book no doubt in it for the fame and glory. A liar, liar, liar! What else could she be? Besides ..."The allegations will never ever be proven one way or the other. That is obvious." (Yeah, obviously, especially when there's no real investigation.)

    Surely, our slick-talking, pasty-face prep boy with a smarmy smile would never lie, now would he? And if you believe that, pal, I gotta bunch of booming stock in a Paul Manafort overseas consulting firm to sell ya. Ever notice that if you squint these two clowns look remarkably similar? Puffy white guys in fancy suits with plastic smiles and big hair and shifty eyes, full of themselves.

    Hurry up, folks, come one and all, for the final farce! Don't miss the exciting conclusion of this forgone conclusion. So c'mon, all you men and women, boys and girls, babies and old ladies: let's get this goddamn fake hearing over with for chrissake; burn that silly woman at the stake; take the partisan vote for the cameras and campaign literature. Bada bing, bada boom; install another boot-licking corporate stooge and immoral son of a bitch (allegedly) on the court for life.

    F*ck the People! (Double fist pump!)

    (FTP hats available on your way out for only $9.99)

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