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  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    There ya go again, HotCake, posing not only as a hotshot investigator but now, as a hot-mama psychiatrist whose got all the answers for troubled teens.

    "Security! Perp on page 2 wearing a lab coat, stethoscope, and weirdly, an FBI baseball cap ...and watch out; she's hot spilled coffee."

    BTW, it's not a matter of either/or, Blasey or FISA . That's a false dichotomy you pulled out of your ..."whatever." And it's a lie that I don't want the FISA stuff out there. ("Stuff" is a most appropriate word for such a load of crap.) In fact, the more the better to prove that there is no such thing as a so-called "deep state" conspiracy against the paranoid Boy King. All his troubles are of his own making and no one else's.

    And, if you lie so easily about what I say, how can you sit in judgment of a real doctor's veracity?

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    So you want the Blasey stuff out there....someday, but not the FISA stuff??? I wonder why.

    A psycologist that needs a therapist to conguer up 36 year old memories no one else remembers....and now she wants the resume of the Atty that will question her. Whats next her own pumpkin carriage and a promise to be back home by midnight? Her husband must be a saint, a fool or maybe being paid $$$$ to put up with this crap.

    So lets assume for a minute it happened, anyone who was a teenager at the time will tell you it was a common experience putting up with drunk boys trying to fiqure out what they could get away with.

    So lets compare that with Elizabeth Smart who WAS at 15 years old kidnapped and raped many times, bearing 2 children, and the mature way she has handled all of it, including the recent release of the woman that assisted it. And then Blasey a Dr.of phycology that is so tramatised 36 years later???

    FISA is well documented, 18+ mos of a shifting goal post. What happened to Russia Russia Russia. Where are the rights of the people to see the evidence just like Blaseys rights.

    Excuse me, who are the lizard people?

    And you call me easy.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Funny how if you're lying, you don't want an FBI investigation; if you're not, you do. Now who's calling for one?

    "...It's the FISA, McCabe, Clapper, Brennen stuff ... that I would like to see." --HotCake channeling Donald Trump, the obstructor of justice.

    You know, the deep-state conspiracy of aliens and lizard people out to get him. Witch hunt; no collusion, fake news. Everyone is always picking on poor lil' me, the greatest president ever! Look here, there, everywhere, but whatever you do, "don't believe what you hear or read. Believe me." -- Donald Trump channeling George Orwell.


  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    It would suit me just fine if Blasey takes months....its the FISA, McCabe, Clapper, Brennen stuff that they are using Blasey to stall that I would like to see.

    Kavanaugh might want to get it over with though so his children & wife could be done with this crap. Funny how if you didn't do it you're in a hurry, but if you BS you stall!

    No dective work needed's just human nature.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    I didn't mean the timing of Grassley's little upcoming witch trial of the good doctor. Leadership was whining that a "goddamn FBI investigation" will take too long, and that this once-in-a-lifetime vote has to happen right efing NOW before the Republicans get killed in November, losing the House, possibly even the Senate. They need to wrap up business and get back home to campaign, lickity split, chop-chop, MAGA-MAGA-MAGA!

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    No time limit...

    She won't fly so....

    She can take a covered wagon in a handmaiden's outfit and sing Hellen Reddy's I am woman to her Husband all the way there for all I care. :)

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    CLAP ! Back to present-day reality.

    If you think what all those dem dudes did was so criminal and immoral, then you should be equally disgusted and outraged that a potential sexual predator and felony liar is about to be placed on the Supreme Court without a deeper, more comprehensive background check. There's plenty of time when you take away the crass political calculations of the Republican Senate leadership. After all, Bitch McTurtle refused to allow a hearing for Merrick Garland -- the very judge he initially recommended! -- for eleven months. Scalia's seat was vacant for fourteen months as a result. What's the big hurry now?

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Breads doing just fine...thanks

    #LiberalLogic101: 'Every Woman Has The Right To Be Believed': Except Those Raped By Bill Clinton, Beaten By Keith Ellison, Groped By Cory Booker Or Killed By Ted Kennedy

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    You're too easy..}:--))

    Hey, HotCakes, your buns are burning!

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Was that a sexist remark????? Call the FBI in 36 years and hang that horse....LOL

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago


    Nope, I didn't keep track of your re-names for folks...sorry.

    Well see how wrong you can be...I'm calmly waiting for loaves of bread to finnish baking, enjoying coffee and dinners cooking.

    Life is good!

    All while you chase immaginary mosquitos!

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Actually, I can't take credit for that gem. Now back to the kitchen, woman.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    SWAT ! Damn, missed again,

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Thanks for asking, HotCakes, but I only drink a dram or two of a good single malt rarely on very special occasions. After swatting at you buzzing around like a hungry mosquito, this might be one of them.

    I thought you knew: "Diane Reynolds" is an alias that Chelsea Clinton used for awhile traveling around, booking hotels, etc. It was just a little dig at your sister troll, who hacks up half-digested fur-balls now and then, like you do.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    For DianeR & Coalage

    List of companies offering benefits due to the Trump and GOP Tax cutsThe list is over 500 companies that are giving bonuses, raises, increased 401K and utility rate reductions due to the Republican and Trump Tax Cuts!

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago


    Must be sipping the wiskey already.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    So you agree. Call the FBI. Yeah for Diane (not Chelsea)!

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    No need,

    that would be Di Fi,

    and you would be suprised at the people I know that know her very well + my own experiences with her.

    What was that DT read about the snake, you knew I was a snake when you took me in.

    Fits Di Fi perfectly.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    So call your senator and demand an FBI investigation into all the secrecy surrounding Kavanaugh's key government gigs. That's their job; yours is to demand that senators do theirs.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    "The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to SECRET SOCIETIES, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment." JFK
    No worries DS I don't hang in swamps!

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Stay the ef away, leper! Whatever's in the water in your part of the woods, I won't nothin' to do with.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Well yes, I guess he is dangerous to the dems HUGE lies! Thought you would like the Huge part!!

    Unlike some folks I don't follow the party line, just look for the truth.

    Take a step up and join me DS. the air is cleaner up here. And my coffee doen't give you a hangover and cloud your thinking.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    @ #14:

    There is one thing that you have established quite well: You certainly are no genius chief inspector. Everything you laid out are the amateurish insights of a wannabe sleuth pretending to know how to do the FBI's job. FYI: The FBI does this stuff all the time, like swatting flies, and they're very good at it. So please, ma'am, just sit down, drink your coffee, and let the pros handle this one. Meanwhile, try to work on not believing Trump's lies. It shows.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Well, HotCakes, what a ridiculous and worthless opinion to have in 1999, in light of how things turned out in 20018 --and from a Democrat no less. How shocking! Wouldn't you agree?

    Okay now, listen carefully: After counting to three, I'll clap my hands and you'll wake up in present-day reality.

    One, two, three ... CLAP !

    Reality beckons:

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago


    I'm fine with an investigation, although it would only take about 20 minutes. There have been 6 of them so far. I'm not fine with the games taking until Dec. 2020 as is planned by the Dems. especially if they lose the mid terms.

    As many have already tried to point out, to investigate something you need at least one of these....a time, a place, a victim that can remember SOMETHING besides she wants to stop him from being a SCJ, and witness that was actually there , of which Blassey has none of the above. All of her wittnesses have said there was no party they can remember, are they al lying too?

    Hard to believe Blaseys repressed memory revived by her therapist is the only true , honest and real memory.

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