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  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 6 days ago

    HotCakes the HillaryHater:

    So, do you hate Hillary?

    But what you call "hateful," as applied to "Dems" in general and to me specifically, is actually more accurately described as outrage, disgust, and resolve -- strong feelings the majority of the electorate will be expressing in November and again in 2020. No worries though; it'll be a good thing for you ...and everyone else on the planet.

    All the daily, over-the-top lies and outrageous hypocrisy of Trump's immoral and likely criminal behavior ...

    All Trump's divisive, highly partisan, hate-filled, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic, nonstop, campaign-style rhetoric that falsely blames the Democratic Party for his own destructive words and actions ...

    All the tales of ineptitude and lack of ability to govern responsibly in a lowbrow, overly dramatic, back-stabbing, endlessly chaotic, reality-show, White House atmosphere ...

    All the innocent children yanked from their mothers' arms, kidnaped, and thrown in cages ...

    All the inaction on gun violence after offering insincere and hypocritical "thoughts and prayers" ...

    All the pollution and poison we'll be eating, drinking, and breathing because of mindless, profit-driven deregulation, and all the horrific effects of ACD (anthropogenic climate disruption) that future generations will suffer because ours didn't taking it seriously when we had a chance to slow it down and possibly reverse it ...

    All the shame and ridicule around the world heaped on the United States for violating key agreements, alienating allies, emboldening enemies, and for overall buffoonery in conducting a disjointed, ineffective, incoherent, and dangerous foreign "policy," or lack thereof ...

    All the taxpayer sweat and blood squandered in endless, pointless warfare that only subsidizes and enriches billionaires in the "defense" and oil industries ...

    All the ignominious displays of subservience and cowardice by a billionaire-owned Republican congress that has dropped all pretense of decorum, tradition, and fairness in constantly trying to ram through fascistic policies that primarily benefit the plutocrats at the expense of ordinary people. Let's say that again: The only two "accomplishments" Republicans can brag on will only end up hurting you and me and the kids:

    1) Big Whoopee Tax Cut: Screws over American workers, taxpayers, and families by exploding the deficit, forcing regular taxpayers to pay for what can only be described as history's single biggest, most naked transference of wealth from the bottom 90% to the top 10%, with the lion's share going to the top 1%. The other main way the Liars on the Hill plan on paying for this shameless redistribution of wealth is to take it out of the hide of the needy and defenseless by cutting funding for public education, public infrastructure and transportation, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, food stamps, housing, or any other such nonsense that smacks of sympathy and empathy for the less fortunate.

    2) FAR far-right Judges: Installing as many corporate friendly, anti-labor hacks as possible as quickly as possible only dims the prospects for American workers and their families for the indefinite future. The single biggest litmus test they face besides being against Roe v. Wade is a proven track record of heavily tilted decisions in favor of corporate power and against the concerns of the luckless victims of that ungodly power.

    ... All of these things are just some of the things that have outraged and disgusted Americans enough to motivate large numbers to register and vote, especially women, minorities, the young, and the poor.

    It's not just me -- most everyone just about everywhere, besides immoderate Republicans, have figured out by now that what you euphemistically (nice try) refer to as "opposing opinions" are really nothing but outright lies that require some serious pushback. It's the lies, not the opinions that are the issue. Always has been, always will be.

    So quit deflecting and admit it: the R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C-A-N Party, NOT the Democratic Party is the one in power pulling the strings and the one embroiled in huge scandal after huge scandal of their own making (sorry, no Democratic conspiracy) that have become everyday occurrences dangerously normalized.

    You and Age3 have it all upside down, backwards, and inside out -- two lost souls deep in a cave with a dying candle and a soggy match.

    "And it's hard to hold a candle in the cold November rain" --Guns N' Roses

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 6 days ago

    WOW I caught a Dem doin there job!

    H.R.6929 - To improve the retirement security of American families by strengthening Social Security.Sponsor:Rep. Sanchez, Linda T. [D-CA-38] (Introduced 09/27/2018)Committees:House - Ways and Means; Education and the WorkforceLatest Action:House - 09/27/2018 Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and in addition to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. (All Actions)

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 6 days ago

    Now that there will possibly be more FBI investigations lets investigate this too.

    Enough aleady.

    Someone is doxxing GOP senators on a computer from the House of Representatives, began shortly after the Graham speech. I'm not going to retweet the account where this is posted.

    — Burgess Everett (@burgessev) September 27, 2018

    THAT is a violation of at least 3 Federal Statutes, not to mention being a threat against sitting members of Congress. The FBI needs to get on that system NOW and find out who did it so they can be fired and charged.

    — COLORADO HAOLE (@ColoradoScubaFr) September 27, 2018

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 6 days ago

    All anyone needs to do is look at the cities run by democrates over the last 20 years or so to see exactly how the well the middle and lower income folks have done under democrat rule. All the income the people have gained, how the the homeless have been helped....right? Oh I forgot thats Trumps fault that our counry has slid into a sh*thole country. He turned SF into sh*t and feces, Illinois into the shooting capitol of the country, LA into one large homeless incampment et al.

    As I'm typing this the Dems are outside the hearing having a temper tantrum because they didn't get their way. That is what they have become, a bitch*n whinning mass temper tantrum that Maxine has led into a harassing, hateful, violent group of stalkers.

    No one has been run off from Thoms blog except maybe people that can't stand an opposing opinion. I don't see in this blog any speech more hateful than DS, be that as it may, no one suggests that it would be better for him not to post. It's very sad to watch Dems tear the country apart, hatefully turning against their own families, and also against the middle of the country that grows the food on their tables. The hateful talk about old white men by old white women who must not ever look in the mirror. Very sad.

    Tell me if this country is as bad as Dems say why do so many people want to come here?

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 6 days ago

    DS is emblematic of the problem with the facist democratic party in this country. He reminds me of the must assimilate. If you dissent from the facist democratic party line then you must be destroyed. Sounds just like the Germany of Hitler, doesn't it?

    Thank God for Sen. Graham. He is definitely not my favorite senator because he has never met a military action that he doesn't like. But his remarks at the hearing were a thing of beauty. Finally, a senator who had the guts to speak out against the deplorable tactics of the democrats.

    I don't know what has happened to the democratic party in this country. They have gone from supporting the working men and women in this country to siding with the elitist 1%.

    Anybody heard anything from the democrats lately about any economic policy for the middle and lower classes? No. Heard anything about foreign policy from the democrats? No. Heard anything from the democrats other than hate and division? That would be a resounding NO.

    The election of Trump, plus the fact that Congress and most of the state legislatures are controlled by republicans, just proves how far away the democrats have drifted. To quote Metallica..."sad but true".

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 6 days ago


    You are falsely insinuating (lying) that I am not honoring the principle of free speech, e.g., "the right of every American to their opinion," as it applies here. Where's the evidence of that, pray tell? I continually state as clearly as possible that anyone and everyone, even despicable liars, have the right to come here and say whatever the hell they want, within the law, right or wrong. It sure ain't my call, since I'm not the monitor, thank god.

    AND, on the flip side, the right of anyone else to push back, contest, protest, or ridicule as loudly as they wish, within the law, is just as sacrosanct, probably more so. Anyone, even with the mental age of a three-year old, of course has the right to post their opinion, as worthless as it is, anywhere their little black heart so desires. Freedom of speech, however, is a double-edged sword, which means that anyone else also has the right to slap them down (metaphorically) and tell them to shut the f*ck up and get the f*ck away -- you know, like being accosted on the sidewalk by a religious whackjob with a bullhorn. "Praise the lord ...and gimme some money goddamn it!" -- Alex Jones being a more extreme case in point as a well-earned victim of free-speech backlash in the private sector.

    Do I think people should be forced to shut up and sit down? Not unless they go beyond the pale with the whole hate and anger and violence thing, which Alex Jones did in spades. Do I wish lying, brainwashed little trolls scurrying about underfoot every-goddamn-where would just crawl back into their fever swamp and make this a better blog, like it use to be way back when? Absolutely! Any sane person would. But that's just my frank opinion, as worthless as it is to you.

    Or does the "right of every American to their opinion" only apply to you, or someone even further along the lunatic fringe of the right-wing spectrum? Seriously, I'm not kidding that Age3 should seek intervention for the sake of his own sanity. Subconsciously trying to verify or justify one's far-right, dangerous-to-democracy delusions on a progressive site is a poor replacement for professional counseling, especially if you see an ornery horse glaring down at you.

    True patriotism is the right to dissent, and boy do I ever dissent from the forces of big-money fascism! Apologies, me lady, for offending your delicate sensibilities, but In a purported working democracy of, by, and for the people, it is the sacred duty of all citizens to get off their big dumb asses and fight back against fascist flying monkeys swooping down from the undemocratic heights of their corporate castles to spread falsehoods across social media and everywhere else human minds intermingle.

    Suppressing the vote and suffocating free speech -- attacking the heart of organic democracy -- with lies and half-truths is just what Republican politicians and the corporatist class of billionaires do. It's in their DNA, like shifting the tax burden downward and the tax benefits upward, socializing profits for the rich and capitalizing loses for the poor by cutting their already meager benefits. The rich man economy may be doing great, but the middle class is deep in debt with stagnate wages that don't even come close to keeping up with inflation, while the ranks of poor folk in need of basic assistance are swelling because their low wages are way below the level of subsistence for this jungle economy. And that's just one of the ways, albeit huge, that hard-working taxpayers are subsidizing the billionaire class. There are many other ways. (Hint: that's why they're billionaires and you're not.)

    The Republican massive disinformation campaigns are carefully and constantly scrubbed through focus-groups and engineered by right-wing propagandists (who are greatly more effective than their Russian counterpart wannabes). These masters of deception operate out of opposition research departments squirreled away in their laughably misnamed "think tanks" and/or counterintelligence units, where the political stances, religious prejudices, and personal biases of American oligarchs are widely disseminated and planted into the susceptible minds of the politically naive.

    Everyone can and does have their honest opinions, and Thom's Blog used to be a great place for airing things out. One could always find thoughtful insight, a wide variety of viewpoints, and a lively, free-wheeling discussion of important topics and issues, which were usually pinned to hard reality more than to just abstract political ideologies based on absurdities, poorly sourced bullsh*t, or wandering, scatter-brain deflections from the main topic(s) at hand. Legend has elaborated on this much better than I.

    Let it be remembered, children, that once upon a time this dusty ghost town was a vibrant place to share the real news and to discuss its true significance. It was a rare safe harbor from the cacophony of ear-splitting ignorance and ubiquitous lies overwhelming every analogue or digital platform that people use nowadays to reach out and touch the world.

    Alas, we have entered the Trump epoch when "truth isn't truth," and shameless, straight-up lying is the coin of the realm. Check the archives: one by one, as Trump trolls gradually clogged up the threads with right-wing garbage, the progressive/liberal/moderate/Democratic voices, searching for some kind of sanity outside the chaos of the nonstop media circus, began to drop away. Then, Sue Nethercott had to deal with health issues and quit monitoring. Hell, even Thom, undoubtedly with a million other things to do, eventually got fed up (presumably) with the infestation of trolls and quit contributing to his own blog, which was becoming a waste of his precious time.

    Roger that! Now, it's like a scene out of the Aliens movie with drooling trolls slinking around dark, empty corridors. I only came back temporarily (aren't you glad) for some easy target practice and to sharpen my teeth a bit, and perhaps to scrape a little guano off the floor. Sorry, there's just too much of that now. Even heavy sledge hammers (long posts) can't bust it up. "Truth isn't truth." Not anymore.

    Buried somewhere in the previous lingering thread that drug out for several months, a dead-ender troll was sarcastically lamenting that they had chased away (with blunt-force stupidity and lies no doubt) most of the liberal and progressive voices (you know, normal people) who had regularly posted here. Another troll clinging to the carcass (Was it you perhaps?) gleefully exclaimed. "Good, we won!"

    Won what exactly? A mostly empty echo chamber of screeching, hooting, inbred flying monkeys crapping in their own nest? Yo, HotCakes, don't burn your buns in all the excitement ...or rather, all the excrement, especially the huuuge pile of horse turds I just added to the menu for your everlasting enjoyment and sustenance.

    You're welcome, madam.


  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago


    Don't let DS tell you where or when you may post! Every American has a right to their opinion and where they want to post it. Rights do not just belong to the deep left.

    If only the left posted here DS would be speaking only to himself.

    OK, the real circus is about to start!

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    How did Blasey's attys just happen to not tell her that she could have been questioned in California?

    Why the lie she doesn't fly, when she seems fine with flying?

    Why didn't her attys go to the Safeway she said would help with time & dates regarding time frame her witness worked there? They have employment records as does Social Security Dept.

    Blasey may believe what she says but the Dems & attys did no follow through to prove her testimony. I believe the Dems decieved Blasey and the American people.

    So far no witnessess or supporting evidence.

    Dems asking no real questions just posturing their political BS.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Again, Age3, answer the damn question! Why are you even on this blog, when all you ever do is double down on gross ignorance, and in a public forum no less for all to witness?

    So what is your "Republican agenda" and ulterior motive anyway, or are you really just as stupid as you appear? Clearly, you do not even understand what fascism is, as it has evolved in America and around the world, nor do you realize your own pathetic role as a follower. Yet, here you are, pontificating and enlightening the rest of us. Sad.

    A right-wing despicable liar who quotes another right-wing despicable liar (#2 above) doesn't prove anything except that authoritarian followers like yourself can't think for themselves and must turn to a supposed outside authority to lend a veneer of supposed acceptability with a supposed scholarly rebuttal that hopefully won't sound as idiotic as your own, that might make delusion seem like reality. Sorry, it didn't work (confirmed in #3 above).

    So where is the evidence that "the Democrats" (meaning who exactly?) are involved in any secret conspiracy whatsoever to destroy Kavanaugh's nomination? It looks like he's accomplishing that amazing feat all on his own due to his own (alleged) past behavior. Karma's a bitch. If you don't believe the veracity of the accusations, then, by all means, call your Senator and demand an FBI investigation to clear the judge's good name -- before the full Senate votes!

    Occam's razor would indicate that this whole sad spectacle is nohing more, nothing less than exactly what it appears to be: sexual assault survivors bravely coming forward on their own at this time because they are appalled and disgusted that their most feared and hated monster is about to be elevated to a most exalted status -- totally undeserved -- by a political party that could care less about women's issues and their greatest concerns. And these victims-cum-activists think the rest of us should damn-well know about it!

    But logical explanations and appeals to intellectual honesty based on outside reality simply don't compute in the atrophied brain of a Trump knob-jobber. One cannot reason with fervent, overzealous, brainwashed, far-right Republican lunatics; one can only vote them out of power. And don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out in November.

    Seek help. (Preferably somewhere else.)

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    He said/she said. Professor Ford might be the most sympathetic witness ever to appear before Congress. Okay, but where is the proof to backup her allegation? As far as I can determine, there still isn't any. Its interesting that her memory of the event overall is shaky at best. As I have said earlier, an accusation is not evidence.

    The dems (perhaps with one or two exceptions) were not going to vote for Kavanaugh under any circumstance. Trump was absolutely right when he remarked that the democrats would not vote for George Washington if he nominated him. Trump could renominate the ghost of Thurgood Marshall and the dems would find a reason to not vote for him.

    This whole arranged and orchestrated debacle about alleged "attacks" was intended to try and put pressure on Collins and Murkowski to vote no because they are women. Its not about the facts because there are none. At least not any that can be verified.

    We all know how this will play. If the vote is held within the next few days, and Kavanaugh is confirmed, then the demcrats and their liberal media allies will lie and portray it as an attack on women instead of telling the truth and saying that there was no evidence to support the claims of the accuser. If the vote is delayed for whatever reason, the liberal media and democrats will still lie and say the republicans hate women anyway. So what do the republicans have to lose?

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    And the facist democrats march on (or should I say goose step):

    From Rod Dreher:


    I am hearing from conservatives who can’t stand Trump (people like, well, myself), who are standing with Kavanaugh, not because we have any regard for Trump, but because what liberals are doing here is so transparently vicious and unjust. Beinart is correct that we look at what’s being done to Kavanaugh and fear, but it’s very much not because we want to see a sexual assailant elevated to the Court. I can see why liberals tell themselves that, but it’s not true. We fear because Kavanaugh is being publicly destroyed on the basis of flimsy accusations made at politically opportune times. We fear because #MeToo has created a climate in which mere accusation is tantamount to an imposition of guilt.

    Honestly, Trump deserves much of the scorn and loathing he routinely inspires on the Left. He invites it. Kavanaugh, though? Conservatives look at Kavanaugh and see an ordinary, bland Republican man who is not getting a fair shake, who is being vilified primarily for being a conservative male who is believed to be against abortion (though I don’t know why they think that).

    Kavanaugh might actually be guilty of these terrible things. But that has yet to be demonstrated. The Democrats have created an environment in which the truth scarcely matters. What is true is what serves the Party.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    FREE COUPON good for one mental health intervention awarded to aka Age3:

    SUMMARY: You keep circling back in downward spirals of utter nonsense to the same hackneyed talking points, which you've obviously gleaned from the right-wing bubble-sphere and which have no basis in reality. All those stale word-salads over the years with no calories and "dressing" contaminated with fascists' feces (explained below) and flesh-eating bacteria have infected your gray matter quite extensively.

    RECOMMENDED TREATMENT: I'm sorry to report that your condition is acute, and from this point forward, your number one goal in life should be to ...gimme a sec ...lemme look at your chart ...holy sh*t! Go seek some really, really serious help, man, right efing NOW! Fast! Give yourself up before they track you down with dogs! The shrinks will undoubtedly have to prescribe several bouts of high-voltage shock treatments and long-term deprogramming therapy in the cellar​ of some loony bin hidden deep in grizzly bear country, far, far away from Limbaugh, Hannity, Fux News, Drudge, white supremacists, or who-efing-ever, but especially from Trump tweets! Meanwhile, lock yourself in a dark room and call 911 immediately.

    DIAGNOSIS: Your mishmash of, ah, "facts" are what Kellyanne Conway calls "alternative facts," what Giuliani means in "truth isn't truth," and what Joseph Goebbels called "half truths and lies." Virtually every one of your posts are just fragments of disconnected, factually incorrect thoughts and off-the-shelf, mindlessly repetitive, only slightly varied sentences strung together around the same programed, focus-group-filtered, market-tested talking points from Bizarro World, updated daily and loudly broadcast throughout the Bubble Kingdom.

    Whatever disgusting dreck is flushed into the sewers of the billionaires' "stink tanks" is shoveled directly into the hungry maws of sh*theads who lap it up. The corporate-sponsored daily news cycle across the spectrum covers every platform on the internet, radio, and TV, from morning tweets and emails to daytime talk shows, news feeds, and podcasts to evening prime-time news to every other possible nook and cranny of humankind's communication network.

    From sunup to sundown, your so-called "minions" are in reality zombie armies of little right-wing dung beetles rolling up endless little balls of sh*t for the easy consumption of vacant media pundits, who then regurgitate everything into even easier to consume servings of splashy soundbites, which in turn become fodder for viral email and aggregated news dumps -- so that the wild-eyed Trumpies in the tribe, such as yourself, can slurp it up and puke it up yet again -- so that family and friends may enjoy recycled billionaire bile too. (Fun "fact" from Bizarro World: right-wing dung beetles can only fly in circles in the same direction. Duh!)

    ...And on it goes, polishing the same turds day after day, and each morning expecting a different flavor -- Einstein's definition of insanity, slightly paraphrased.

    CONCLUSION: Quit gobbling up and spewing out right-wing sh*t and seek help. Or rub bacon grease on your hiking boots and make a grizzly happy. It would be a much more humane and fruitful passing (and a relief for those around you) than slowly wasting away with Trump mind-rot.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Swetnick, the newest accuser of Kavanaugh, is a very bad person

    Either she's lying and thereby discrediting women who have really been raped or because she says she attended multiple parties where she knew women were being gang raped and did nothing she's monstrously evil.

    Knowing that your friends are being raped and doing nothing is not like being raped yourself and not coming forward. Essentially if Swetnick is not lying then she's an accomplice in serial gang rapes.

    Note that even if she's not lying nothing she says shows any direct evidence of Kavanaugh himself raping anyone. Her claim is that she saw him in line but in a small house crowded with partiers his being near does not mean he was in the line. But note that what Swetnick is saying is that she new one of her friends was being gang raped in a room and she did nothing about it. How likely is that?

    also Internally in the statement, she claims she was raped in 1982. She attended parties between 1981 and 1983.

    You were raped... and then kept going to parties for another year?

    Also, she was born in 1963 if she's 55. That means she started going to these parties at 18, was raped at 19 (when Brett was only 17, so really she raped him) and didn't stop going to high school parties until she was 20.

    Also, her resume says she graduated HS in 1980 and then went to University of Maryland. NO ONE is going from College Park back to Georgetown to go to a HIGH SCHOOL KEGGER -- especially since the legal drinking age was 18 before 1984, and she could drink all the wanted at College Park or at actual DC nightclubs.

    The timeline kills her. She was just too old for HS keggers.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Flip Flop!

    Here's What Biden Thought About Using An 'FBI Report' To Clear Clarence Thomas

    Then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) said during the confirmation hearings of Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas in 1991 that FBI reports were useless because the "FBI explicitly does not, in this or any other case reach a conclusion, period."

    The clip has resurfaced as Senate Democrats are desperately trying to delay the confirmation vote for current Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh after allegations of sexual misconduct were recently made from over 30 years ago — without evidence or corroborating witnesses.

    "The reason why I have worked so hard to keep FBI reports totally secret is because they have little or no probative weight, because they are hearsay," Biden said. "The FBI does their interviews by walking up to person A and saying will you speak to us, and the guarantee is anonymity. That is what the FBI tells the person, and the FBI speaks to the person. Now, for us to summarily go back and say, as a matter of policy, that we are going to break the commitment the Federal Government makes to an individual, in order to get that individual to cooperate in an investigation, is disastrous."

    "And the last thing I will point out, the next person who refers to an FBI report as being worth anything, obviously doesn't understand anything," Biden later said. "FBI explicitly does not, in this or any other case reach a conclusion, period, period. So, Judge, there is no reason why you should know this. The reason why we cannot rely on the FBI report, you would not like it if we did because it is inconclusive. They say he said, she said, and they said, period. So when people wave an FBI report before you, understand they do not, they do not reach conclusions. They do not make, as my friend points out more accurately, they do not make recommendations."


  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    And now, the demcratic nominee for president in 2020 (that kind of tells you where his motivation lies) comes out with more stuff. Gang rapes and wild parties on numerous occasions. I'm just shocked I tell you. And as with the other accusations there are no witnessess, no names of the actual rapists. And of course no corroboration of any kind. And 6 previous FBI vettings turn up none of this activity, and no one (parents, police, teachers, friends, etc) can verify.

    This one smells worse than limberger cheese locked in the trunk of a hot car for a couple of weeks.

    I don't understand why Trump doesn't just go ahead and do what every decent american citizen really wants. He should pull the Kavanaugh nomination and appoint Judge Judy.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    You have it backwards, as usual. The facists in this country are the democrats and their minions. As the saying goes, the proof is in the pudding. How often do you practice your goose stepping?

    The fact is that the dems don't care at all about Ford. If they really and truly "cared" about her, the letter would have been released to the committee in July or early August. Feinstein purposely sat on it to disrupt the vote. Or maybe she was waiting on her Chinese spy friends to give her permission. And by the way, how come you lefties are not enraged by her collusion with the Chinese?

    The left has to resort to every dirty trick they can think of because a conservative majority on the SC would put an end to the liberal rule by judicial fiat. The liberal agenda cannot be passed by popular vote in the states. So they have relied on the liberal SC justices to impose their will on the american public. The elevation of Kavanaugh to the SC most likely puts an end to that.

    I don't blame the left for being so upset. I just wish they had the honesty to really admit why they oppose his nomination, and quit lying to the people (fat chance).

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Age3: "This ain't rocket science." Good thing for you, eh?

    Hey, Inspector Clouseau, who exactly are the "they" conspirators doing the "trotting out": the evil Democratic Party; the wicked Clinton cabal; the wily George Soros and his insidious empire; the shadowy, omnipresent "deep state" lurking just below the surface; the little worms eating holes in your brain?

    Now how does this work again? They have binders of women all ready to go behind the curtains, dirty-tricksters for hire in soccer-mom costumes waiting for their cue to parade onto the world stage and ruin the lives of Republican men who dare to gain power? Maybe I'm mistaken, but wasn't that one of Bill Clinton's initial defenses, except as a powerful Democrat? And didn't the pussy grabber also declare his 19 accusers all liars and part of a Democratic plot? Of course he did.

    Now what are we suppose to believe? They have submissive female undercover operatives who don't mind being trotted about by their handlers and are pathological enough to put themselves, husbands, and kids in harm's way, permanently disrupting everyone's lives, including a respected judge and his shell-shocked family? If she's not living a double life as a deeply-imbedded secret agent for some vast conspiracy network, why would an otherwise intelligent, highly educated, highly successful professional woman, wife, and mother do that? For 15 minutes of fame and glory in the hot seat, and then splashy TV appearances and book deals galore?

    Whew! Impressive. A deep-state conspiracy theory ranking right up there in wack-job charts with the whole Lizard People thing.

    One of the principal reasons, out of many, why sexual/physical assault and rape are the number one unreported crimes is succinctly laid out in your post, although your point was different. It's an exercise in futility to come forward and relive the trauma and pain if no one in or out of the system can actually help without making things worse. It's so hard to prove or to be believed anyway, so why bother trying to get the truth out, why scratch open the wound when failure is statistically a foregone conclusion?

    Most women who experience assault suffer PTSD, guilt, shame, betrayal, fear, anger all balled up into a black hole that threatens to suck them in at any moment. Carrying around that heavy emotional baggage is hard enough; then, they must endure the judgments and sideway glances of family, friends, fellow workers, and those in positions of power (mostly men) who can ruin their careers and reputations.

    Our wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters grew up in an extreme peer-pressure culture with a media and justice system that either doesn't believe them or doesn't care and is ready to lay blame on the victim, how they dressed, if they were drinking, if they smiled at the wrong person at the wrong time, on and on -- much about her, not much about him, because, you know, boys will be boys. It takes a helluva lot of guts to sit before a high and mighty star chamber empaneled with a majority of skeptical, stern-faced old men, under the glare of klieg lights, facing a wall of blinking cameras, and bare one's soul and deepest pain.

    Excellent deduction, Sherlock! Of course you'll get your religious/corporate zealot on the court. If not Kavanaugh then it'll be some other far-right whackjob on the corporate-friendly/anti-worker list, which was spoonfed to the big orange Baby Blimp by the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation, two long-established, billionaire-funded, highly partisan, Republican propaganda organizations, euphemistically referred to as "think" tanks. They're part of the real deep state that operates mostly right out in the open, as they never fail to underestimate the stupidity of the American electorate.

    This time though, Republican strategists, egged on by Trump's Mussolini-like glare, definitely underestimated the intelligence -- and will -- of the American women. These are the theys who hold the biggest voting bloc nationwide, and they're totally fed up with the constant stream of lies and chaos erupting from the Trump/Republican dysfunctional marriage. These are the theys who are paying very close attention to the misogyny, bigotry, anti-family policies, war profiteering, and all the other Big Money tax giveaways and regulation givebacks that are leaving the little people in the dust, breathing, drinking, eating pollution with little or no way to pay for access to comprehensive healthcare and higher education -- standard benefits of living in an advanced society that most people in the rest of the developed world take for granted.

    More and more victims of Republican policies over the decades -- women and men, young and old -- also are resigned to push retirement off later and later until they scratch it off their bucket list altogether. Increasing anger, resentment, and desperation tend to motivate large segments of the population into taking action. This will not turn out well for the party of the rich.

    So don't get too cocky, son. You may applaud another step toward fascism, because Republican corporatists for the moment have their votes (barely), but will how they vote ultimately hurt their prospects this November and in 2020? If Republicans in the Senate fail to take these women's claims seriously and railroad this process through without proper investigation and accountability, the blue wave will be largely female, across all demographics, and will be crashing onto the doors of the Senate after sweeping through the House in 2018 and 2020. People tend not to forget the pain of being sexually assaulted ...or stabbed in the back.

    Murkowski, Collins, and red-state Democrats have that inconvenient truth to face:

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Why doesn't Ms Ford challenge Cavanaugh to take a poly-graph? I heard she's already

    taken one and passed. Perception is everything. Bet you he'd refuse.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Good afternoon DianeR,

    All's well here, not worried at all, just had some extra time yesterday to banter with DS. Not taking things seriously. The truth will eventually come out.

    You make good points on the judgeship. I don't think Blasey will show up anyway....if you roll out the red carpet for her she won't like the color. LOL.

    4 years of very close fires is more than enough, but I'm feeling sorry for the victms of Florence and the gas explosions now, and the fact that this crap blew them right out of the news cycle.

    Hope alls well on your piece of the planet.

    Enjoy the day!

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Hi HotCoffee, I hope you are well. Glad your fires are down but best to keep the leftie/socialists out of your woods. Lot's of them running around with their hair on fire and tinfoil and flaming hair don't mix.

    Don't get too bound up over Kavanaugh. I am of the opinion he would be better off on the bench where he now resides. He will see many times more cases than he ever would on the SC and he can extract his revenge slowly but effectively over the next 30 years and attract little attention doing so.

    This gives President Trump the option of picking Amy Coney Barrett who makes Kavanaugh look like a leftie. It will be fun watching the Democrat party look through her past lovers for dirt in an attempt to destroy her life.

    Play well and see you at the turn.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    The fact is that the allegation will never be proven one way or the other. They can keep trotting out these supposed victims, but there is no proof. And as we all know, accusations are not evidence. Now the Farrow article is dying a merciful death, as it should.

    It comes down to this. If you lean right, you will most likely support Cavanaugh. If you lean to the left, you will not support him. This ain't rocket science. Problem for the left is that the repubs have the votes to confirm him.

    Let us all welcome the next SC judge, Brett Kavanaugh.

  • Scientists to Google: no More $$ for Climate Deniers!   6 years 1 week ago
  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Now you're lying about lying, or perhaps just too tired after dinner to think straight.

    "So you want the Blasey stuff out there....someday, but not the FISA stuff??? I wonder why." --HC

    When did I ever suggest that???

    And when did I ever suggest that wild conspiracy-theory fantasy was my thing? That's the purview of Trump Republicans who swallow his crazy juice.

    And yes, you did sit in unfair judgment of Dr. Blasey -- all through this thread. Call it "opinion" or whatever, but don't expect mere semantics to deflect from what clearly slips through the words.

    You're becoming more and more like Dear Leader -- can't keep track of the avalanche of falsehoods, which are the primary elements that make up the right-wing universe.

    Good luck with that nightmare ...and happy trails.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    "And, if you lie so easily about what I say, how can you sit in judgment of a real doctor's veracity?"

    When did I lie about you? That is unless you can't tell the difference between an exclamation point and a few question marks. Also I did not sit in judgement of the DR. I gave my opinion, observations and comparisons there is a difference.

    It's plain to anyone who looks and wants to see the dems and her atty don't want Blasey to have a hearing ( until dems are in office, but then it won't be needed anymore will it?) or the FISA released....everyone else is more than ready.

    Geez isn't there enough to deal with without David Ike, his lizard people and shape shifters I'll leave that for you and George Noory since thats the last place I heard about him...until you brought him up. I Never go to his site or conventions but enjoy if thats your thing.

    Now that you mention it I've read that Hillary & Gillibrand are part of that coven! Who knows? And I really don't watch to see who's butt picking but keep me informed if you must!

    I notice you & Tump actually have a trait in common, you both like to assign names to people you hope will bother them...:) too funny! Maybe it's an Irish, Scottish thing. Now before you get all in a huff I said maybe!

    nuff for now... sweet dreams!

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 1 week ago

    Lizard people? Seriously?

    Whoa, you are way behind the curve there, granny! If you're going to be a good conspiracy theorist worth your chicken bones, you had better bone up, troll:

    "According to British conspiracy theorist David Icke, tall, blood-drinking, shape-shifting reptilian humanoids from the Alpha Draconis star system, now hiding in underground bases, are the force behind a worldwide conspiracy against humanity.[16] He contends that most of the world's ancient and modern leaders are related to these reptilians, including the Merovingian dynasty, the Rothschilds, the Bush family and the British Royal family.[17] Icke's conspiracy theories now have supporters in up to 47 countries and he has given lectures to crowds of up to 6,000.[18][19] American writer Vicki Santillano included it in her list of the 10 most popular conspiracy theories, describing it as the "wackiest theory" she had encountered.[20]

    A poll of Americans in 2013 by Public Policy Polling indicated that 4% of registered voters (±2.8%) believed in David Icke's ideas.[21]"

    And you can wager a pretty safe bet that they all watch Fux News, vote Republican, and don't wash their hands after picking their butts.

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