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  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago


    You must have a comprehension problem if you don't think I believe in climate change...just go through my posts. We just have differing opinions on why, and I suspect I've done more to try to combat climate change than you ever will.

    Have you ever applied for a grant to test solutions in climate change? I have and you learn alot about scientists & politicians that way, as well as the grant process. Scientific studies are as rigged as medical studies done by big pharma and so are Grants. Thats why you possibly enjoyed your GMOs for breakfast, and can look up to your chem trailed sky today....hmmmm wonder how good those chemmies are for the planet, dead trees dead bees,...never mind just keep your eye on your eye CNN will tell you how California can clean up all that dirty air blowing in from China! Don't you want to know what's droppin on your head? I'm sure CNN will tell ya!

    Oh and by the way, we're trying to force the EU to gobble up more GMO's that aren't even fit for cows as I type.

    In a free market, without all the regs, the best products win. Solar is doing great, but it's not reliable on it's own, yet!

    No California, you wont save the planet with your new Prius and $5.00 a gallon gasoline.

    Like you said garbage in, garbage out!

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago


    Seriously, you're going to contest the IPCC report?! Good luck with that. OF COURSE you won't believe the world's climate scientists, but you're totally on board with the whole George Soros derangement syndrome on the right, which is pure garbage.

    Garbage in, garbage out.

    For the record, post #19 was in response to #17, which, any reasonable person must admit, was an abortion of links to your hazy, unstated main points. Sorry, HotStuff, ain't following you down your cherrypicked rabbit holes, which usually run far afield of whatever theme happens to be under discussion at any given time. Just not into scatter-brained debates with purveyors of disinformation who would make Putin proud.

    Also for the record, here's the rest of that quote, which HotStuff neglected to include: "A search engine is not an arbiter of truth; it's only a tool that connects you to everything ever written, true or not. It's what you are searching for and where you are searching that's the challenge."

    (FYI: Generally speaking, it might be better for readability to state your main points up front before wandering off into the internet wilderness in a confused attempt to flesh out said points -- before assuming the reader even knows what the hell you are talking about.)

    Have you even read John Perkins' books, or do you just glean excerps or what others might have written about him? Can you even verbalize his principal contention in regards to American imperialism, i.e., corporate fascism?

    No answer required; these are merely rhetorical questions. Given your long track record of obfuscating and repeating glaringly false Republican propaganda, it's folly to take anything you say seriously.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    In the mainstream media, Cosko is being portrayed as a hapless overzealous intern who didn’t even have the smarts to cover up his criminal act. His former boss— Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-Texas) has denied she knew anything about Cosko’s activities. In a press conference held this week, Jackson-Lee explained that she fired Cosko and is cooperating with officials investigating the crimes. (Interestingly, cameras recorded Jackson-Lee passing an envelope to Christine Blasey Ford’s lawyer just before her testimony got underway.)

    Yet, Jackson-Lee still has some explaining to do. While she claims Cosko was an “unpaid intern” in her office, the Washington Post reports that Cosko was actually a “fellow.” This was confirmed by Cosko’s lawyer, who said his client was a “fellow” in Jackson-Lee’s office and that he was being paid by an “outside institution.”

    What “outside institution” paid for Cosko’s fellowship? Did that entity know about his illegal activities? What other fellowships does this “outside organization” pay for? What other House or Senate offices are hosting fellows paid by this organization?

    “Intern” and “fellow” are not interchangeable because they aren’t even close to being the same thing. While internships are reserved for inexperienced college students, fellowships are usually serious policy positions and are typically filled by professionals working within other federal agencies or the private sector who are brought to a congressional office for a short stint to help a member of Congress better understand the agency or business for which that member has oversight responsibilities.

    Ok, good start now let’s see some arrests for the people making death threats via internet and phone and mail to the senators on the right. One arrest is not a success. If anyone ever asks you what’s wrong with big government, point them to the Democratic Party. Nothing but a bunch of takers, money launderers, and favorites.

    If this story were ever reported in detail in the opposition media, the headline would include the words “lone wolf.” Or “isolated incident.” CNN said it briefly but never mentioned his political affiliation nor what office he was working out of.

    Let’s not forget it was Shelia Jackson that handed Ford an envelope during her testimony. What was in that?

    Either way, it’s all about momentum which the Republicans have. Everything that smells should be exposed; sunlight is the best disinfectant. If they would do this to harm someone, they will do anything.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    To quote DS,

    "HC: Gimmie a break! PUH-lease! Google will confirm any damn thing you want it to, if you spend enough time digging around." # 19.

    Also true of #38 & 39? Or did the rules just change again?

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago


    November is coming. Tick, tick, tick...

    Oh, but Trump IS that bad. And, yes, facts do matter to most Democrats -- just not your ridiculous, non-factual "facts," -- all those wonderful "alternative facts," in which you have pickled yourself, where "truth isn't truth," and where you "don't believe what you hear or read" ...your lying eyes. Putin and his fake-haired, orange lapdog are the big-daddies who will define "truth" for you, so that your lazy mind won't have to bother with all the pesky details and complications. Get in line! Click your heels! Zieg heil!

    Well, I believe Dr. Blasey. And so does most of the nation, or anyone with a brain and a conscience (which automatically disqualifies most Trump Republicans), despite that your "very stable genius" hamstrung the FBI, ah, "investigation" by refusing to allow the investigators to investigate.

    There were over forty contemporaneous witnesses to Kavanaugh's drunken prep-boy antics and criminal behavior, in both high school and college, who could have shed more light on these very serious allegations, but who were deliberately NOT interviewed. They weren't even allowed to interview the principals. What???!

    This was a textbook whitewash job. So now, the people must suffer an on-the-record liar and credibly accused sexual predator on the Supreme Court as well as in the White House. A chip off the old block ...oh yeah, and a toady who will rubber-stamp in perpetuity favorable rulings for a fake president and his numerous transgressions that undoubtedly will go all the way up the ladder for the prep boy's worthless, tainted opinions.

    It must be assumed that your mother would have been (and probably was) very disappointed in you. She spawned a liar and a fool. In other words, a Republican. Her own son! You can't reason with liars, you can't appeal to their sense of decency (They have none.), and you certainly can't change their brainwashed little minds. All you can do is vote them out of power.

    Face it: Two thirds of the American people don't believe your bullsh*t and don't care what you think. Virtually all your half-baked thoughts, so arrogantly and shamelessly expressed in the Thom Hartmann forums, have no basis in reality, nor do they have any depth of truth. They are nothing but false talking points manufactured by the ubiquitous Republican propagandists poisoning the political discourse and by implanted in the immature and gullible minds of the politically naive, such as yourself.

    Ergo: "MentalAge3".

    I'm not going to waste much more internet ink responding to fringe lunacy, especially your juvenile absurdities. Go back to the beginning of this thread and start over, Grasshopper. Most if your disengenous nonsense has been adequately addressed and duly dismissed as dumb.

    Seriously, dude, seek help -- outside intervention and intense deprogramming ...anywhere but here.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    As to the Kavanaugh confirmation, it should now be obvious to everyone (including her so called supporters) that the testimony of Ford has a lot of suspect elements. More holes have been exposed in her testimony that a slice of good Swiss cheese.

    But who cares? Facts don't matter to the facist left anyway.

    What has happened to the democratic party in this country?

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    Come on DS, if Trump is that bad, than answer my question. What has he done that has caused you harm?

    The democrats have just gone completely off the deep end. The looney left has now taken over. No moral fiber? I think its the other way around. Which party opposes due process? Democrats. Which party opposes the concept of innocent until proven guilty? Democrats. Which party now openly advocates violence to achieve their dubioius goals? The democrats. Which party is now the the party of death, and proud of it? The democrats.

    My mother, who was a proud democrat for her entire lifetime, has to be rolling over in her grave at the sight of what the democrat party has become.

  • Is Fake News Just An Extension of the MSM After the Demise of the Fairness Doctrine?   5 years 51 weeks ago

    While some news may actually be made up stories it is not the primary isue of "fake news". The real isue is almost every news reporter or news comentator choosing what to report, or what not to report. By repoprting what fits and skiping what doesn't an overall imag is created of a reality that is one sided.

  • U.K. Pound Falls As Markets Get Brexit Jitters   5 years 51 weeks ago

    So worried about leaving UE for our country, our economy and link with our border countries

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago
  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    Trump, the despicable liar and sexual predator with no intelligence, his party of gutless cowards with no moral fiber, and the contemptible hypocrites and wide-eyed gullible who support them will go down in history as the biggest goddamn fools of all time:

    Full report:

    Yeah, real fun to think about.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    Hey DianeR,

    I'm starting to think the entire dem party is fueled by Ambien, Lyrica, and Ginsberg's faviorite wine! Maybe we need to drug test congress and senate critters?

    Happy to see Soros waste so much money, Wouldn't it be shocking if Cox wins Ca. We could have our straws back! Cows would be allowed to fart again !!...LOL...not likely but fun to think about.


  • 2016 - the year we turn the climate around?   5 years 51 weeks ago
  • Clinton: I'll defend Israel but push for 'two-state solution   5 years 51 weeks ago

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  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   5 years 51 weeks ago

    The world is better if there is no war,,

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  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    Hi HotCoffee: A sad day for America as the senate just voted in a way too liberal judge to become a Supreme Court Justice. Oh well, at least he likes the second amendment. Maybe Ginsburg will run out of Geritol and denture cream and we can have a re-do and get someone serious on the bench. A lady perhaps. The leftie/socialists currently seem to prefer front holers.

    Stay away from the poop sweepers and black market straw dealers.

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   5 years 51 weeks ago

    Very interesting thoughts. Mankind working together is necessary for a healthy, thriving future of our world!

    Keith - My Website

  • The Middle Class is not “Normal”   5 years 51 weeks ago

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  • What's the Trump administration doing in the face of the rise of armed hatred in the United States?   5 years 51 weeks ago

    Well that is what lenin and stalin did, Assignment doer uk oh yea that was in Russia where there is no freedom of speack.

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   5 years 52 weeks ago

    And this from Erick Erickson:


    I find myself in an odd position where, for the first time, I see myself, one of the original so-called "Never Trump conservatives," voting for Trump in 2020. I have inevitably concluded at times that Trump would do something to push me away from him. He has not disappointed on that front, from tariffs to character issues. But now I do not see how anyone else can offer a more compelling alternative to the president. Each time the president does something I do not like, his opponents play a game of "hold my beer."

    Trump may have criticized Kavanaugh's first accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, in a way I found inappropriate for a president to do, but his opponents have thrown out the millennia-old principle that a man is to be presumed innocent. The president may have enacted tariffs I find harmful to the economy, but his opponents are willfully destroying a good, innocent man so they can keep destroying children.

    Between Trump and his opposition, I would rather vote for him, despite his flaws, than for his opponents who want a flawless progressive utopia. Trump is neither an ambassador for my values nor the articulate champion of my principles I would prefer. But he is a safe harbor in a progressive storm that seeks to both destroy my values and upend our constitutional republic.

    Progressives believe Trump is an authoritarian tyrant barely constrained by the rule of law. With a straight face, these same progressives argue that the accusations against Kavanaugh are proof of his guilt, that he should not be presumed innocent, that a lack of witnesses is confirmation he did what they claim, that all women must be believed except the ones who defend Kavanaugh and that any dissent is just white male privilege. Progressives may claim Trump is Caesar at the edge of the Rubicon, but they have embraced the bastard love child of Joseph Stalin and Franz Kafka and enlisted the American political press to smear, defame and attack anyone who stands in their way.

    The political press has behaved as co-conspirators with the Democrats in the Kavanaugh matter. They have clearly been fully co-opted. Reporters are planting their flags with the so-called Resistance and donning pink hats instead of defending truth and reporting facts.

    There is much in the present political age about which I am uncertain. But there is one thing about which I am absolutely certain: President Trump is not my enemy.

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  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 52 weeks ago

    I keep thinking the democrats will finally come to their senses and return to their roots. But they just keep jumping into a deep dark facist hole, and then they want to keep digging.

    Now I read that a VP at Facebook is under progressive fire because Kavanaugh is a friend of his, and he sat behind him during part of the committee hearings. I saw clips of protestors at the capitol shouting something like..."Kavanaugh should be in jail". What? I thought progressives were making fun of Trump supporters who used to shout "lock her up" when he mentioned Hillary. And now they are doing the very same thing that they said was inappropriate behavior.

    Just like true facists, standards of decency do not apply because the interests of the party come first. It is absolutely disgusting and horrifying to view what the democratic party has now become. Due process? Forget about that. Innocent until proven guilty? Nope, not anymore. Free speech and religious liberty? Ha Ha, are you trying to be funny?

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   5 years 52 weeks ago

    Why the democratic party continues to go over the cliff:


    My only haven will be the ballot box. Anything else would be a tip-off risking more alienation from many peers. The party needs to suffer more, before they can grow. Tactics like this are shameful. The question is…will they do it by 2020? Will we even last that long? I suspect there are thousands of people like me who are disgusted with the way they are heading. I loathe Trump, and would never vote for him; but the Democrats had one job…and they can’t manage even a partial turn to the center. That’s why I’m calling it now: Democrats won’t claim the Senate. If the Democrats can return to valuing the blue collar workers, and not just the minimum wage crowd, find room in their tent for those who find abortion wrong, and reclaim themselves as defenders of free speech; they might have a future. However, identity politics and all the myriad other ills seem too entrenched. So do the politics of destroying people, rather than honestly and ardently debating the flaws of their ideas.

  • Is Donald Trump's Stupidity a National Security Threat?   6 years 2 hours ago

    Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   6 years 12 hours ago

    As to Jazz, your calls for a more thorough investigation are nonsensical. Why? Because the dems on the committee have already said they believe the professor. Womans groups around the country have been proclaiming her sincerity and her alleged bravery.

    If you already believe the woman, they why have anymore investigations? Its just a waste of time and money. But of course, wasting time is the point for the McCarthy democrats. After reading the latest report, along with all of the other thousands of pages of documents already submitted on Kavanaugh, do you believe any democrat is going to change their mind? Or any republican for that matter? Of course not.

    I wish these democrats would stop urinating all over the american people, and then try to say its just raining outside.

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