Recent comments

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    What's a matter DS do you want to come here and rant at yourself ????

    Incase you haven't noticed no one else is paying any attention to you!

    Besides it will be amusing to watch you come unglued when the FISA & 302's are released.

    Checkmate Soon!

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    November's coming...

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    ...tick ... tick ... tick ...

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago


    Why the f*ck are you here?

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago


    Why the f*ck are you here?

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago


    Why the f*ck are you here?

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    MentalAge3 the Liar: "I have read your posts and your answers to that specific question are non-answers."

    LMAO! You never fail to prove my points about far-right brainwash and your acute lack of veracity. And thanks for confirming your astounding inability to admit simple reality. I mean, how much simpler can it be for an addled mind to process than a straight-forward declarative statement?

    So, let's par this down to as few words as possible in another futile attempt (What, the fourth time now?) to penetrate that blob of gray matter behind the sloped forehead and caveman unibrow that stares back at you in the mirror: "No, ... Trump ... has not caused harm to me personally..." How many times must that sentence be re-worked before it finally dawns on you? Are eight words still too many? Should we also exclude the word, "personally?" After all, that's the only one with more than a single syllable.

    Realistically, things are never as simple as they seem in this complex, interrelated world. Although, for a Trump-troll simpleton, any deeper analysis (even those backed up by solid science, reliable multiple sourcing, nonpartisan fact checkers, and stalwart truth-tellers from across the spectrum) into the harsh reality of an egomaniacal pathological liar and life-long sexual predator as fake president of the planet's most frightening imperial superpower to have ever existed, which should give pause (disgust?) to any normal human being with a pulse and a thinking/feeling brain with the mental capacity beyond a three-year old, would, I suppose, only come across as gibberish in that sore pimple atop your neck. Too many thoughts to juggle, evidently.

    Oh, but how you gleefully gobble up the garbage from long-established, right-wing propagandists and then come over here to a progressive/liberal site to puke it all up. (Gee, thanks. Do you have a mop?) Like I said: no original thinking. (Daniel McCarthy, The Spectator? Really? Good God, it's no wonder you're hopelessly confused!) Gibberish? Ha ha, by contrast, reading your severely limited repertoire of staccato-drumbeat lies, damn lies, and statistics is like wading through glue. Still, it's easy enough to see through your wing-nut flights of fancy and deep dark delusions and to understand perfectly the swamp whence you came.

    But don't let clear-eyed reality get in the way of abject ignorance.

    The Irish have a saying that explains truth vs lies: "Blarney is the varnished truth. Baloney is the unvarnished lie." Or put another way: "Blarney is flattery laid on just thin enough to like it. Baloney is flattery laid on so thick we hate it." I'll stack up my gibberish against yours any day of the week and still sleep at night with a clear conscience. You, though, must have some really restless nights, paranoid nightmares, and sweaty sheets in the morning. I feel sorry for you. Okay, not really

    So, I've answered that truly stupid question on which you have fixated. Now, will you ever answer the one I've repeatedly ask of you and every other dim-witted Trump troll who feels the need to post far-right baloney on Thom's website, one which they have never answered honestly? In all probability, it would be most difficult for you to tell the simple truth for once in your miserable Republican life. C'mon, step up to the plate; make your dear-departed mother proud.

    Why the f*ck are you even here?

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago


    More on California

  • What The NRA Doesn't Want You To Know   5 years 51 weeks ago

    You write approximately honestly essential matters and the trouble you want to take a look at. I had to Law Dissertation Help UK on this topic and the statistics I encountered worried me very an awful lot. A vital factor is that maximum of those methods, finished inside the mild of observance of interests or countrywide protection, generally do not stir up public opinion, and, at the contrary, are regularly supported by means of it. As a result, different sorts of violence, for instance, aggression, profession or even genocide, are lightly regular via the general public without causing serious disagreement on its part.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    ***583** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    Remember all those posts where DS said she was gone...acient history? Here comes more whinning and crying about why shes not president.

    WASHINGTON – The Clintons are going on tour.

    Former President Bill Clinton and 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will be traveling the U.S. and Canada together, stopping in 13 cities from November 2018 to May 2019. Unfortunately for those hoping for a "Partridge Family"-style tour, the Clintons will not be performing any family musical acts, but instead holding a series of conversations about Clintonian matters.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago


    California DMV mishandled thousands of voter registrations

    By Bryan Anderson

    Voter registration ‘mistakes from the DMV are absolutely unacceptable,’ Alex Padilla says More than 23,000 Californians were registered to vote incorrectly by state DMV More foolishness.
    The facts don't seem to agree with DS.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    aka Chelsea channeling extreme right-wing Judicial Watch: "...California counties have more registered voters than voting-age citizens..."

    No doubt, counties should strive hard to clean up their registration rolls in a timely manner. It's a basic chore of any county to do so, and most do their jobs admirably well.

    However, for an even faster and more accurate process to update the data advocated by conspiracy nuts, one no-brainer solution would be to raise local taxes (for a battery of robust computers, guvmunt booroocRATS, and $10,000 crappers) -- or Republicans' usual go-to option of cutting local services for the poor -- to cover the added expense of complying with the more stringent requirements of the Republicans' new and improved NVRA, which is primarily designed around their false allegation that our nation is in the grip of a massive voter fraud crisis.

    (The Russians are coming, and that certainly is a huge problem. But they can't hold a candle to the alarming reality of Republican election fraud, as opposed to the fictitious meme of Democratic voter fraud. The real crisis sounding the death knell for our fleeting democracy is by way of a long-term endeavor to disenfranchise the poor, the young, the old, college students, and minorities -- all people whom one would expect to vote Democratic, since that would be in their best interests.)

    Wanna bet that Republicans in those counties named in the JW lawsuit are vociferously against any kind of tax increase whatsoever. And if it is politically infeasible to cut services, then how should the county deal with what amounts to an unfunded mandate from the Republican Big-Guvmunt version of the NVRA? Damn, shot themselves in the foot again!

    Perhaps they could convince the good Christians from the local churches to volunteer on Sunday afternoons at the courthouse to plug the gap in personnel to handle the extra workload -- the same way the poverty crisis should rely on volunteerism instead of welfare. (So how did that work out in 1840s Ireland during the "free" market Victorian era?) That way, greedy/selfish/unprincipled Republicans won't have to pay their fair share of taxes to help support the local community.

    By the way, please name one county in the United States that does not have a discrepancy between registered voters and actual voters. Counties must continuously update their rolls because people are continuously moving and dying. It's an inexact science; registration rolls are never accurate and never will be, even if an entire department of county workers tried to update their files every day.

    So where's the big scandal? Just because there's a bogus name on the list doesn't mean it will translate into a vote. Duh. In fact, Republicans can point to zero evidence of widespread voter fraud anywhere at all ...because there is none to be found anywhere at all.

    So all their ridiculous efforts are just a big waste of everybody's time and energy and money. Since Republican dirty tricksters know full well that they belong to an unpopular party that can only muster a minority of voters, their ulterior motive is to purge as many potential Democratic voters off the rolls as possible. Naturally.

    The whole registration thing is malarkey, of course, but consider aka Chelsea Clinton's source (garbage in, garbage out):

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    From Daniel McCarthy:

    The protests liberals whipped up against Kavanaugh this weekend, on the other hand, revealed too much about their own weakness. Washington, D.C. is a majority Democratic city with a black majority. But the Democratic voters out there yelling about Kavanaugh were as white as any country club gathering of Republicans. They looked like a line of Starbucks patrons — Caucasian, professional, largely millennial, with earth tones and earnest expressions aplenty. Men and women wore the same fashionable glasses and more or less the same clothes. It was a Pumpkin Spice Riot.

    Where were the black Democrats? Where were the non-yuppies? Hillary Clinton could have asked the same questions on November 9, 2016, after she failed to get them to show up for her the way they’d showed up for Barack Obama. That election, like the Kavanaugh protest, showed that white liberalism has a problem: it’s too liberal for a majority of whites, yet too distant from the concerns of most non-whites. But its proponents enjoy so much cultural prestige as liberals and so much self-confidence as part of a historic white majority — however much they may disdain such a thing — that they failed to recognise how alienated they are from everyone else. They see themselves as the natural moral arbiters of society. But nobody else sees them that way. Nothing says that a multiracial or multicultural society has to be politically centre-left, after all. India has a right-wing nationalist and religious fundamentalist government. Brazil looks set to elect a right-wing president in a runoff later this month. Yet white American liberals cling to the belief that demographic magic will rescue them from the insufficiency of their ideology appeal. White liberalism is in fact in more trouble in this country than conservatism is. The only places where white liberals values matter are in elite cultural institutions — which is why getting Kevin Williamson fired from The Atlantic is a lot easier than getting senators to vote against confirming Kavanaugh. The Democrats had only one defection in the Kavanaugh vote, as it happens, but it was enough to avoid what would otherwise have been a 49-49 tie: Joe Manchin, up for re-election this year in the reddest state with a Democratic senator. Liberals swore retribution — supporting Kavanaugh might just have cost him the vote of every single New Yorker subscriber in West Virginia.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    Hi HotCoffee: Is it safe to assume you are aware of this,

    In the letter, Judicial Watch noted that public records obtained on the Election Assistance Commission’s 2016 Election Administration Voting Survey and through verbal accounts from various county agencies show 11 California counties have more registered voters than voting-age citizens: Imperial (102%), Lassen (102%), Los Angeles (112%), Monterey (104%), San Diego (138%), San Francisco (114%), San Mateo (111%), Santa Cruz (109%), Solano (111%), Stanislaus (102%), and Yolo (110%).

    As a side note,

    Send a note to Feinstein thanking her for her mishandling Ford's letter, throwing her under the bus and assuring Kavanaugh getting on the bench. Between Governor moonbeam, Feinstein and Harris you really have your hands full.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    I have read your posts and your answers to that specific question are non-answers. Just a bunch of non-specific gibberish about maybe prices going up, maybe this, maybe that.

    To be fair to you though, that's the same answer I get when I pose the question to my democrat friends. They cannot give a specific answer because they cannot really think of any harm that Trump policy has done to them. They give the same non-answers like Trump said this terrible thing, and he is a racist, woman hating egomaniac. Well maybe, but if he has not done you any harm then he must be doing an effective job as president.

    The democrats have morphed into the bizarro political party. The hysterical reaction to Trump, and now to the Kavanaugh appointment, just reinforce the fact that progressives have now turned to the dark side. They won't even allow serious debate about their policies. Why is that? Instead of discussion, their tactics now are intimidation and harassment. And the media openly supports it.

    This is clearly not the democratic party that I grew up, nor the democratic party of my parents and grandparents. It is sad to watch.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    Age3 the Liar: "You still didn't really name one way that Trump has harmed you."

    #3 above ...AGAIN: "No, the installment of Trump by the outdated Electoral College (He lost the election by the People.) has not caused harm to me personally..."

    Now go back and read the rest of the post that fleshes out that answer.

    Godamnit, you thick f*cking idiot, if you're going to comment on what I wrote, at least have the common courtesy of actually reading it! I could care less whether you agree wth my politics; but if you did read it, don't run such a direct answer through the fog of your delusional mind.

    What is wrong with you? That's the most serious question you need to ask.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    You still didn't really name one way that Trump has harmed you. For the worst president in history, that should be a softball question. Prices are only marginally rising. Inflation is still under control due to the Fed's monetary policy. Wages are up (which offsets your inflation fears), and unemployment at record lows among just about every demographic group. By any measure the economy is roaring.

    And by the way, the air and water in this country are cleaner then ever despite Trump's efforts to roll back certain regs.

    Everybody is disgusted by Trump, including some of his most ardent supporters. He can come out with some whoppers. But he takes no crap from anybody, especially the media. He's not exactly politically correct, is he? Nuance is not one of his favorite words. That's why his voters like him. He is not your average, everyday politician, and he doesn't want to be. He just keeps proving his critics wrong.

    Kavanaugh has already been investigated 6 times. You and I both know that this will never end and the democrats in the senate (other than Joe) were never ever going to vote for him anyway. So what's the point? It doesn't matter who Trump nominates. The democrats wouldn't vote for Jesus or Gandhi either if Trump nominated them. Surely you must be smart enough to have figured out that the issue of determining Kavanaugh's innocence or guilt is not the goal. The dems are scared to death that after a near half century of a liberal Supreme Court, its about to go the other way.

    Put that was a pretty good try on your part.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    Age3, the liar:

    Nearly all the points you just posted are absolute lies. And even though you repeat these same transparent lies over and over in virtually every post with little variation in structure, they are still lies, backed up by nothing but more lies. And I don't debate liars. They can only be exposed for what they are: liars!

    The one glaring lie, among so many others, addressed at this point in our dead-end dialogue, will be the one that seems really stuck in your craw the most, the one most revealing about your sad little character, inasmuch as you are blind to your surrounding environment and incurious to discover anything new outside an extremely narrow worldview. And isn't it revealing that all your implanted, secondhand musings align perfectly -- OF COURSE! -- with the lies churned out daily by the Republican Party, Fux News, hate radio, and the far-right internet swamp? You have displayed no original thinking whatsoever; unfortunately, you never will as long as you are imprisoned by their profound lies.

    Your truly dumb question, "How Trump's election has harmed me personally," was already answered fully and honestly in post #18, page one of this thread. As expected for someone so hopelessly indoctrinated, you either completely dismissed it and are deliberately lying, or you are so blinded by the widespread lies emanating from the Trump insane asylum, and other cranky-billionaire-sponsored Republican propagandists high up the food chain, that you missed it altogether.

    Again, which is it: are you shockingly ignorant, just plain stupid, or irreligiously immoral and don't think there's anything wrong with lying -- or all three? (e.g., Trump's 5,000 provable lies just since he's been in office, and probably hundreds of thousands throughout his greedy, selfish, white-privileged life.) Why else would you plant such an obvious lie within an obvious lie about another obvious lie?

    Age3 directly lying in the post above:

    "You can rail about Trump all you want, but you still haven't answered the question. That's okay, I won't ask again because I know that the Trump policies have not harmed you in any way. In fact, I bet you have profited from his presidency."

    Answered way back on page one, #18:

    "In answer to your inane question, of which you seem so proud and mistakenly think has such great import: No, the installment of Trump by the outdated Electoral College (He lost the election by the People.) has not caused harm to me personally -- not yet. It soon will, however, when I'll be in the market for a new car, or for home improvements, or pay medical bills, or buy groceries, gas, electronics, or just about anything else I may need or want. His meataxe approach to an unnecessary and self-defeating trade war, if it continues on the same trajectory, will inevitably skyrocket prices across the board, put upward pressure on inflation, and force the Fed to jack up interest rates, exploding the cost of borrowing.

    "Given the fact that we are near the tail end of the second longest economic expansion in modern history, that his administration has deregulated an already wild-west shadow banking system, and that the vast majority of workers' wages have remained flat, most nonpartisan economists fear that we could be facing another major recession rivaling the Great Republican Recession of 2008. Possibly it could be much worse. Get back to us then and be sure " tell everybody on this board how the election of Trump has specifically harmed you." Perhaps you are a billionaire and will be insulated. Bully for you.

    "The reason your question is silly and pointless is that relying on anecdotal evidence from a limited sample does not indicate a larger trend. Then again, reading chicken bones is what passes for scientific research in Republican Bizarro World. You'd get better results by asking the people actually harmed by Trump's idiocy and bigotry -- say, legitimate asylum seekers, who are not merely immigrants, but who had their kids kidnaped and thrown into cages by Trump nonetheless. (No, Obama never had that policy, no matter how many times you repeat that despicable lie.)

    "Furthermore, it doesn't get any more personal than the dirty air we breathe, the tainted water we drink, and the poisoned food we eat as he guts the EPA. Similarly, pulling out of the climate accords and denying human-caused global warming through inaction will hand our kids, their kids, and their kids' kids a nightmare world on the brink of total collapse. (BTW, there's no such thing as "clean coal" and never will be.) Too bad you won't be around to ask them if they were harmed personally. All our hapless children will also be paying for the five trillion dollar tax giveaway to the billionaire class ($1.5 trillion immediately added to the deficit) that Trump gleefully signed off on. They will also be paying with blood and treasure for endless war as a result of lavishing taxpayer largesse on his billionaire buddies in the for-profit "defense" (offense) industry. I could go on, but those are the big issues that will harm everyone personally sooner or later.

    "Your question reveals one of the fundamental differences between so-called "conservatives" and liberals/progressives. The former only focuses myopically on their little egocentric patch of existence and wellbeing, to hell with everyone else; the latter, which, fortunately, is the majority of the human population, feels more empathy for others and can lift their inner spirits out of abject selfishness to care for those less fortunate. It comes down to whether you think we live in a "me" society or a "we" society. "We all do better when we all do better." -- Paul Wellstone.

    "I assume that you won't (your loss), but you really should read Conservatives Without Conscience by John W. Dean."

    Too bad you don't like the answer (Cry me a river.) but let this one small example demonstrate just how easily you will lie without any conscience.

    You are only making a fool of yourself. Seek help.

    ...Somewhere far away from normal people.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    Salient comments from Julie Kelly:


    Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) quickly became the Left’s new villain for her pivotal vote to confirm Kavanaugh; the four-term senator, with an 88 percent rating by the National Organization for Women, stands accused of being a traitor to all women. Keep in mind, this is the very same cohort of women that voted in 2016 for a white woman of privilege married to man credibly accused of multiple sexual assaults that they either helped justify or waved off for more than two decades.

    Other journalists lamented the realization that having a vagina does not make someone a Democrat for life. (Isn’t it funny how the gender nonconformists on the Left want gender conformity on political views?) The Guardian’s Lucia Graves revealed the sinister reason why plenty of white women vote Republican and—surprise!—it’s that we are influenced by our husbands. Married white women have a strange need to defend their husbands and sons from false allegations of sexual crimes and we still oddly believe in standards of law such as due process, Graves discovered. (What are we thinking!?!)

    Then this: “Research . . . has shown when women get married they have less contact with other women and more intense contact with their husbands and family, and that these ties influence political participation.” Political tribalism apparently only applies to white married women with children, not so with other voting blocs such as African-Americans or LGBTQ citizens who vote for Democrats almost unanimously. No, we are the unaware voter.

    It’s hard to see the value of the Democratic Party picking a fight with the largest voting demographic four weeks before a crucial election. But the tactic is obvious: Democrats cannot sway white women based on their ideas for the economy or national security or tax policy, so they’re left with coercion and intimidation. They want to shame white women voters into electing more Democrats by implying if we vote for Republicans, we are enabling and empowering rapists.

    It is a highly cynical, if not craven, ploy with major implications for the health and sustainability of our political system. It does nothing to ensure the consideration of real sexual assault victims, assigns automatic guilt to half of the population based on gender, and empowers the peddlers of despair and racial hostilities. And it unfortunately guarantees the nation will suffer through many more horrific periods like the past few weeks.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    Lets suspend reality for a moment and say that you may be right. I know that's a real stretch, but just play along anyway. Kavanaugh may have drank too much in high school and college. So what? He evidently didn't drink enough to keep from graduating at the top of his class. He testifed that he drank too much sometimes. So your issue is what exactly? What has he done the last 25 years of his life? I love how some of these women protestors say that they should be believed no matter what. That is unless they are women who support Kavanaugh...then never mind.

    There is NO evidence he did anythign to Ford. Its up to Ford and her cohorts to prove the allegation. An accusation is not evidence. At least until the facist dems get back in power, due process is still the law of the land. The fact that she is unwilling, or unable, to provide any other relevant details tells me this was all a setup. Now, she may not have been aware of what was going on but her story was just fuzzy enough to make it hard to refute. This was all by design. Therapists notes? Not going to release them. Polygraph details? Not going to release those either. i am still waiting on CNN to do one of their panel discussions on her ex-boyfriends comments which basically refute a lot of what Ford maintained. Fat chance of that happening. But he is probably a white guy anyway so he cannot be believed.

    Last time I checked, Trump is not a lawyer unlike too many of our DC politicians. Perhaps he is smart to take the views of conservative groups as to judge appointments. Do you really expect him to appoint another Ginsberg? I know I said we were suspending reality, but that is going a little too far.

    Its interesting that you bring up wealth, privilege, and power. That should be the new mantra of the facist democrats. You forget that Trump supporters are just poor, religious, white trash people. You know, the deplorables of society as confirmed by Hillary. Its sad...the democrat party that I grew up with would have embraced these people. Not anymore. Whether Trump actually cares about their issues or not is still up in the air. But what matters is that they think he cares. And he at least acts like he is trying to address their problems. They know for sure that the current democrats don't give a rats ass about their concerns. Hillary wouldn't even campaign in these areas of the country. No wonder she lost what should have been a sure thing.

    The democrats now openly support the elite 1%. Hillary was their darling. Big banking, big pharma, Silicon valley, etc. The new democrats now care more about whether a man who wants to dress up like a woman can pee in the women's bathroom, instead of caring about the economy, foreign affairs, illegal immigration, etc.

    You can rail about Trump all you want, but you still haven't answered the question. That's okay, I won't ask again because I know that the Trump policies have not harmed you in any way. In fact, I bet you have profited from his presidency. He is doing exactly what he said he was going to do while campaigning. And he is probably the most transparent president ever. He loves to engage the media and he obviously enjoys rocking their boat. No president in my lifetime would ever have talked to the reporters as often as Trump does.

    And that is the real world.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    But, I grow weary and will yield the floor on page four to the circle jerk of Trumpies spinning their fantastic yarns.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    No, actually I'm having wicked fun critiquing your right-wing idiocy, which isn't really much of a challenge.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago


    My, my, how utterly presumptuous of you, little pissant. Don't compare me to you, and don't assume you know anything about me or what I've done.

    I went through most of your painful posts, as they were written, and have come to the firm conclusion that you talk out of both sides of your mouth, notwithstanding your unwavering hatred of Hillary and all things Clinton and/or Democratic. But one doesn't need to pore over the archives to figure that out. Just compare post #46 with #43, which not-so-subtly implies that man-made climate change is a hoax by associating what was said in #38 with a partial quote in #19 about garbage in, garbage out. That's the way it reads anyway; yet, you don't even have a nominal comprehension of the implication of your own words, whether they mean what you intended or not. Most people aren't as easily confused as Trump trolls are by the meaning of their own words, twisted into pretzels.

    The same is true about the rest of your self-righteous screed in #46, in which you give a brief, token nod to (human-caused) climate change and then proceed to be quite animated and lengthy in tearing down and deflecting from the long-term, widely accepted, peer-reviewed, scientific studies of the most important issue in all of human history. You regale us with a largely meaningless anecdote about the grant process and a meandering dollop of big pharma, EU, GMOs, chem trails, dead trees, dead bees, solar, CNN, and how useless it is (apparently) that "California can clean up all that dirty air blowing in from China!"

    So, how much more obfuscation (garbage) can you squeeze into one post anyway? Mmm... who to believe: the world's most qualified and respected climate scientists who are in near total agreement with most of the dire warnings from their exhaustive studies, or some poser who can't seem to keep her own words straight?

    Actually, China is taking anthropogenic climate disruption very seriously -- much more than the Trump (non-) Administration -- and is in the process of creating well over twenty million, high-paying jobs in green technologies. Why? Because they can't f*cking breathe!

    Those jobs could be ours, if Republicans would quit denying the science and get serious about bringing good jobs to the American workers, not just low-paid service jobs. After 30-some years of fascistic transnational corporations (read billionaires) transplanting America's manufacturing base to China -- for the dual purposes of screwing over wage earners in both countries and for China's heretofore extremely lax pollution laws -- "all that dirty air blowing in" is the predictable result. So much for deregulating polluting corporations. As Kavanaugh said (in a much more sinister and vindictive context, of course), "What goes around comes around."

    Speaking of garbage in, garbage out: "In a free market, without all the regs, the best products win." No, the only thing in the grossly misnamed "free market" that "wins" is the cabal of billionaires who run the world and own most of the world's wealth, while the world's peons starve and die in "unregulated" economies and corporate resource wars. The cost is human suffering on a grand scale.

    Republicans in DC over the years have heaped a whole lot of regulations onto the backs of green industries and technologies at the same time they deregulated the coal, oil, gas, and defense industries. (The "defense" industry mostly just defends the interests of the super wealthy, which means primarily protecting the sea routes for oil transport and the fossil fuel operations inside undemocratic third-world countries and police states, such as Saudi Arabia.) Otherwise, solar and wind, as well as a plethora of other green technologies, would be the dominate energy sources today. Never underestimate the power of billionaires to bend the laws in favor of fossil fuels, their big fat cash cow (and, boy, can that cow ever fart!) There is no "free" in the market; the regulations are just tilted in favor of the obscenely rich at the cost of a crumbling civilization and a dying planet.

    In Republican minds, regulations addressing pollution and financial misdealings are for everyone and everything else that threatens to compete with billionaires and transcontinental monopolies, their main donors. Defying common-sense regulations is how Trump and his sugar-daddy consolidated wealth throughout the eighties and nineties -- by defrauding the people of the United States in subverting construction codes, housing subsidy regulations, and tax laws. Daddy Trump was playing fast and loose with business regulations and compliant politicians as far back as the forties. Why in hell do you think bastards like these low-life reprobates were regulated in the first place?

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago


    Having a bad day are you?

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