Recent comments

  • At Nordeck   5 years 50 weeks ago

    remove certain things and added stuff 192.168.l.254

  • At Nordeck   5 years 50 weeks ago

    Feed. You. Stuff. No time.

  • The tipi   5 years 50 weeks ago

    Fix hard-coded [object Object] string (thanks!) 192.168.l.254

  • The tipi   5 years 50 weeks ago

    Insert Commit Message Here

  • Mom and Dad   5 years 50 weeks ago

    Don't Ask Me, I Have No Idea Why This Works Either

  • Mom and Dad   5 years 50 weeks ago

    I did it for the lulz! 192.168.l.254

  • With The Dalai Lama   5 years 50 weeks ago

    Low On Caffeine, Please Forgive Coding Style 192.168.l.254

  • How Democrats Can Get Passed a Far Right Court   5 years 50 weeks ago

    This idea is THE revolution.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 50 weeks ago

    Hey HotCoffee, Here is another daily beauty,

    Have a great night.

  • With The Dalai Lama   5 years 50 weeks ago

    Fingers crossed!

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 50 weeks ago

    Watch out; this is science! And from a left-wing rag to boot! OMG, put your blindfolds on and your earplugs in, all you Trumpadóirs! (Irish for trumpeter but also for an obnoxious loudmouth, whom you'd rather not hear or see. How fitting.)

    A gem that explains a lot, "The Brain of a Trump Loyalist":

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    Why don't you two just get a room ...with Fux News blaring 24/7?

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    I keep thinking of all the fund rasiers Trump went to for both sides, and to think he was possibly the only sober one in the room. The stories he could tell...he knows them all very well.

    I'll try to catch that CM bit. I heard Hillary just lost her security clearance so I'm off to see if that's confirmed.

    Would be nice to find a private way to exchange email addresses.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    Thanks for the link HotCoffee. I knew Mitch had them by the balls and bless him for getting the job done. I had absolutely no idea of the genius of Mitch McConnell could show. I will also say the same of Chuck Grassley who calmly led the dems into a trap that they themselves created. Clearly there are some smart people in D.C.. that know how and when to apply enough pressure to get the job done.

    I have said many times in the past to some very cranky leftie/socialists here, there two reasons why I voted for Donald J. Trump.

    #1 He would appoint solid constructionist Judges.

    #2 Trump was neither a Republican or a Democrat, although after nearly two years, he is finding out what a bunch of vindictive bedwetters reside on the left side of the aisle and he is addressing their childlike behavior with much appreciated gusto.

    As a side benefit, Trump has left the leftie/socialists stammering and sputtering. If you get the chance, catch the first two minutes of Chris "tingle up my leg" Matthews show. He is so pissed sometimes he has trouble finding the words and you can see the spit flying out of his bottom teeth.

    If something big happens over the weekend I will listen to the first hour of Thom's show but the last couple of times I tuned in, it was nothing but solid pitchman "as seen on TV" commercials taking up the hour. My God, I thought Billy Mays had come back to life.

    Anyway, have a good weekend.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    You'll love this..........

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago


    Problems in these parts are mostly this time of year when people come up from the cities to rip off growers, including home invasions....or keeping bears out of the garbage, Also mountian lions eating pets.

    Politics are about 50/50. Most people don't talk politics much. Now they are busy getting firewood and winter supplies. Almost everyone is armed and have been since they were children. They hunt & fish in season and it's not unusal to get fresh smoked salmon or venison jerky as a christmas gifts. I actually ordered ammo from Texas as a birthday gift ( he has a rare type of gun ) for a friend and the dealer said this is the only place in Ca. they could send it to. However it's illegal to have MMJ & guns together.

    In the winter it's very quiet and you might not see anyone at all unless you go to town. No cell phone service out here at all. Sherrif at least an hour away. Must be able to handle emergencies yourself. Extreme Health emergiencies usally require a helicopter ride. The radio is mostly liberal NPR and such during the night more stations come in some repub talk.

    Very different from CA. city life.

    So Trump wins again...Pastor coming home from Turkey! Stock market going back up!


  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    Greg Gutfield's take on the Kanye West WH visit:

    So -- just another day in the Trump presidency. This really is a new frontier -- full of incredible allies, surreal surprises.

    After being told it was the apocalypse, we have a booming economy ridiculously low unemployment, a new justice, no big ugly wars, progress in trade, and peace is breaking out among the Koreas.

    And now you have the world’s biggest male pop star going to the White House to discuss big issues. And getting what seems to be a concession.

    You'd think he would receive media acclaim for trying. You'd be wrong. Ali Velshi, MSNBC: “That was bonkers.”

    Stephanie Ruhle: “if you think you’re going to get a thoughtful play-by-play and political analysis, you’re not. Because that was an assault on our White House.” … “that was crazy. That was bonkers.

    Such ridicule, by those who would never think of taking such risks. They call the event “bonkers,” and crazy -dog whistles meant to bring up Kanye's mental state. Sorry, Steph - if you used mental illness as a disqualifying factor to express opinion, you'd have no guests on your network.

    So, after today expect a pile-on. “SNL” will do a skit that will be much less entertaining than the real thing. And the means girls at CNN will call him names like they did Wednesday night.

    Tara Setmayer, political commentator, CNN: “…and he’s an attention whore, like the president. He’s all of a sudden now the model spokesperson. He’s the token negro of the Trump administration.”

    Advice: when you're on TV giving a hot take in front of a dwindling audience,I'd hold off the accusations of attention seeking. But West can handle it. None of this bothers him because he’s on a mission. And the risk he's taking -- extending an olive branch to someone the media demands he condemn -- lifts him above and beyond the abysmal groupthink of the entertainment world. Especially when he does this.

    Kanye: I love this guy right here! Let me give this guy a hug right here ((they hug)) i love this guy right here.

    Trump: that’s really nice! … Jim, Kanye – I really appreciate it. So let’s go have some lunch.

    Let’s go have some lunch? Why bother? You just ate the Democrats.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    HotCoffee: It looks like you are living the life many of us would like minus the leftie/socialists interfering. Lot's of Pot grown there, if so, any problems with crime that keeps you up at night?

    Glad you have straws and if you need to protect your property, I hope you also have the necessary equipment to keep safe. Your firearms laws suck and criminals have no regard for them so I hope you feel the same. With Kavanaugh on the SC you will soon see a lot of state and city gun laws now being taken up. Prior to him being on the bench, Kennedy was squishy about firearms and the four solid second amendment justices did not want to take the chance of losing so they just did not agree to look at them.

    Love your local "news". Not a Trump bash in there. Very refreshing.

    It looks like the entire left coast in under leftie/socialist attack with Seattle and Portland being highlighted as entering third world status. Stuff like like this comes through Al Gores internet every day. It makes one wonder how could anyone screw this up so badly.

    Notice Trump just overruled Sessions and is on board with Prison reform and early release for non violent offenders. That alone will drive leftie/socialists nuts as they have been squawking about that for years and it will be Trump that gets the ball rolling. If this is not met with resistance,I predict he will remove federal restrictions on pot just before the 2020 election.

    What sweet justice.

    Have a good one.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    About that voter fraud......& DMV

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    Hey DianeR,

    I saw that clip! Just what I said about the state going to hell. The news in my area looks more like this.
    Population in my area is about 100 scattered in the hills. The first thing you see in the morning are the turkeys waiting for a scoop of bird seed! enjoy the day.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    Back in the late fifties, or early 60's, I lived in California. I remember going to a party on a farm. I can't remember exactly where it was, but of this I'm 100% sure Diane Feinstein was at the party, and she had sex with some of the farm animals. The sex acts may have been filmed. I think the FBI needs to investigate.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    Morning HotCoffee,

    It sounds like you are somewhat out to the main stream population in CA. I visualize a place where you have the ability to avoid the rif-raf and quietly live your life in peace. Too bad the taxman has your address. If your home and heart is there, it sounds like you have the perfect set-up.

    An interesting video,

    As for me, think south central US. In fact a rather large corporation recently left Torrance, Ca. to relocate minutes down the road.

    Keep your powder dry.

  • What is to be Done with Those Responsible for Climate Change   5 years 51 weeks ago

    Hi Thom

    Great show ,such important topics you cover.

    It goes back to stewardship and the guiding principle of being a good steward of the land,air and water .We all need these to survive and thrive and for the planet to sustain us all.

    If this indeed was the guiding principle half the corporations and their industries would be shut down overnight .We as humans are being irrevocably damaged as a result of this .Who is more important their profits or human life .

    The whole community has to be considered in making decisions ,the definition of self has to include everyone .This is the only solution to our on going self induced hell’s going to be if we continue with our cultural story.

    Thanks for all that you do .

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    Comments from Joanna Williams:


    Yet rather than trying to understand the reason for Collins’ vote, activists have only extended the net of hatred further. Over at the New York Times, Alexis Grenell moves deftly from disdain for Collins to fury at “all the women in the Republican conference” before eventually focusing her anger on the category of “white women.” White women, Grenell opines, “will defend their privilege to the death.” In the eyes of Grenell, women think and act according to the dictates of their race. There is a “blood pact between white men and white women,” she tells us, though how this ties in with Ford’s whiteness is anyone’s guess. Apparently, all white women are “gender traitors” who have “made standing by the patriarchy a full-time job.”

    So there we have it. The show trial of Kavanaugh shows us exactly where feminism is heading in the #MeToo era. Women are not to be considered rational beings equal to men before the law but as emotional creatures who deserve special treatment. Women’s political views are, apparently, determined by their race. And it’s legitimate now to make explicitly sexist and racist arguments in the pages of respectable national newspapers—as long as “white women” are the target.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 51 weeks ago

    You make zero points. Like all good progressives these days, all you do is complain about how evil Trump is (although strangely he hasn't done any harm to you) while the country just continues to move forward.

    Trump just keeps on winning. New trade deals? Win. Much better economy and lower unemployment? Win. Tax cut? Win. Foreign affairs? Much to the chagrin of the MSM, another win. Another appointment to the SC? Win. Like he tells his rally goers, you are going to get tired of winning. Now, considering that half of the people in his own party cannot stand him either, those are pretty impressive achievements for a political newcomer.

    By the way, what democratic mob are you a part of? Antifa? Despite the strained and incredulous comments by Don Lemon, there are indeed progressive mobs threatening violence (just like the Nazi brownshirts), harassing people who may have a different opinion of things (just like the Nazi brownshirts), while offering little in the way of policy changes. That is how you can tell how effective Trump really has been.

    If the democrats want to get rid of Trump, how about coming up with some better ideas for a change. It should be apparent by now that trying to ridicule him and his followers is only making him stronger.

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