Recent comments

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 49 weeks ago

    Coalage3, Whether it is a rightie, leftie, or outside influencer that is involved with these so called pipe bombs, they appear to be declaring to the world that they are very inept or could they be intentionally trying to appear as such. From what I have seen so far they did everything but print ACME BOMB CO. on the outside of the envelope.

    The week will be another interesting one.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 49 weeks ago

    Since the leftists seem to love conspiracy theories, here is mine in regards to the "bombs" (if you can call them that)...

    The packages are being sent by a leftist/progressive/crazy democrat. Why? What were the top news stories over the last week or so? The mid-term elections and the caravan. Both of those stories were trending against the democrats. Now the "bomb" story is front and center. With the help of the liberal media, this was designed to drum up sympathetic support for those poor democrats targeted by this mad bomber.

    Considering what the left is capable of, this sounds perfectly plausible to me.

  • With The Dalai Lama   5 years 49 weeks ago

    With all that is happening in our country right now, we truly need a Dalai Lama.

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  • Why Won't the Media Push Back Against Liar Think Tanks and Experts?   5 years 49 weeks ago

    Media are biased. They are funded with politicians who want nothing but appreciation and fame. It's not just here but all over the world. If only we can have a true media that is founded by taxpayers then we can let the whole country know the real crisis happening in our society nowadays.

    driveway repair greenville sc

  • Daily Topics - Monday February 12th, 2018   5 years 49 weeks ago

    Worldwide exchange was flooding and America blasting; China's slide into collapse had been suppressed; even the euro zone was flourishing. In 2018 the story is altogether different. This week stockmarkets tumbled over the globe as get assignment help online speculators stressed, for the second time this year, about abating development and the impacts of more tightly American fiscal strategy. Those apprehensions are very much established.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 49 weeks ago
  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 49 weeks ago
  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 49 weeks ago
  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 49 weeks ago

    HotCoffee: Those killing in Mexico are typical stories that occur in a daily basis. Back 35 years ago we had a home in Acapulco and over a very short period of time the deterioration of the city was obvious. We sold and were very glad to be out. Haven't been back since but we can still keep track of the property through Google earth. The good days in that city are long gone.

    Sleep well kid.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 49 weeks ago
  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 49 weeks ago


    Alexander Hamilton Was Obsessed With the Threat a Presidency Like Trump’s Poses for America
    This isn't the first time our democracy has faced the founder’s nightmare—but it is the most dangerous.
    Independent Media Institute, September 19, 2018
    By Thom Hartmann:

    In the largest sense, today’s right-wing insanity started with the corporate and wealthy “conservative” backlash to the progressive and trust-busting policies of Teddy Roosevelt, William H. Taft, and Woodrow Wilson from 1901 to 1920.

    In the spring of 1920, a presidential election year, Republican Warren G. Harding, famously corrupt and horny (he had an out-of-wedlock child the year before the election, and the rumor persists to this day that his wife poisoned the 57-year-old president four years later for refusing to stop his affairs), had secured his party’s nomination for president.

    He ran on a platform that sounded populist, although his major goal was to return the oligarchs who financed him to power after they’d taken a hit from three previous progressive administrations. Harding’s main slogan was that era’s more modest version of make America great again: “A Return to Normalcy.”

    The other slogan of his campaign, and, indeed, of his presidency, was privatization and deregulation: “More business in government, less government in business” was his personal favorite slogan, used also on the campaign trail.

    Harding’s goal was to deregulate business, while outsourcing government functions whenever possible. And he did it, particularly the deregulation part, including “freeing” the bankers and stockbrokers.

    Well-informed Americans of the time saw Harding’s policies as a recipe for disaster; we’d been through all this with the takeover of American government in the last 30 years of the 1800s, referred to by then as the Gilded Age, which ended with the “Great Panic” of 1893-1897. The robber barons of that era treated everybody except the morbidly rich as serfs, right down to fomenting murder and police violence to disrupt workers agitating for unions, better pay or decent working hours.

    Thus, during the 1920 Harding campaign came H.L. Mencken’s famous quote about the willingness of the American electorate to follow hustlers, con men, and downright demagogues like Harding. On July 26, 1920, Mencken published an essay in the Baltimore Evening Sun that included:

    “As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”


  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 49 weeks ago
  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 49 weeks ago

    Alexander Hamilton Was Obsessed With the Threat a Presidency Like Trump’s Poses for America
    This isn't the first time our democracy has faced the founder’s nightmare—but it is the most dangerous.
    Independent Media Institute, September 19, 2018
    By Thom Hartmann:

    Presidential economic adviser Larry Kudlow suggested to the Economic Club of New York that, after the elections, Republicans will target “spending” on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid with “reforms” (cuts) to help pay for the massive deficits created by Trump’s $1.5 trillion tax cut for billionaires.

    Conservatives have controlled our government for three definable periods in recent history—the Gilded Age of the last three decades of the 1800s (progressives followed from 1901 to 1920), the Roaring 20s (progressives followed from 1933 to 1980), and the Reagan Era that started in 1981 and continues to this day.

    Each conservative era has led to terrible suffering among working people, each ended in a wipeout financial disaster, and this one will probably be no different. Republicans have already radically cut long-term unemployment insurance, killed “welfare as we know it” (with the help of Bill Clinton), and cut the budgets of Social Security and Medicare to the point where it’s hard to get anybody on the phone. They’ve deregulated much of the fossil fuel industry, sold off public lands to mining and drilling interests, and slashed away at the EPA.

    But this time, there’s a larger concern than the survival of the economy, the environment, and the middle class. This time, democracy itself may well be at stake.

    The 2016 takeover of our government by Trump and his billionaire oligarch cronies could be the nightmare that Alexander Hamilton identified, warned us about, and then refused to believe could ever come to pass.

    A little history is in order.


  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 49 weeks ago
  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 49 weeks ago


    I'm not reading the DS stuff.....If DS wants to be a fart catcher and spread the smell it's up to him/her/whomever! I doubt anyone else is either.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 49 weeks ago

    (Jefferson died broke)

    “Our Founders were not the 1%.”

    by Thom Hartmann:

    Often you hear the canard that economic freedom consists in allowing the very wealthy to dominate the economy. This is usually justified by pointing to some abstract notion such as “capitalism” or the “intent of the founders.” In fact, this is not what the nation’s founders intended, and it does not reflect the reality of their lives.

    The founders, while landowners, lived in a time when land was cheap, and were far from wealthy. Thomas Jefferson and George Washington both died bankrupt. George Washington reluctantly assumed the role of first president because he needed the money.

    What follows are excerpts of a broadcast by Thom Hartman in which he explains it:

    “There’s a myth floating around right now about our Founding Fathers – and the men who wrote the Constitution – the Framers. And that myth is that America was created by rich white men who wrote the Constitution to protect their own interests and the interests of other wealthy, rich white men like themselves. It’s a myth that’s conveniently used…by people who argue for more corporate power in government and more advantages for the wealthy by saying that’s simply a continuation of the intent of the Founders and Framers of the Constitution.

    And it’s also a myth used on the Left – especially during times of economic crisis when it seems like the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer…You know, it’s enticing to think that way. Especially at a time when nearly half of all the Members of Congress are millionaires – and laws are being passed that exclusively benefit millionaires and billionaires at the expense of the rest of us.

    …But it’s not true – it’s the myth of the super-wealthy Founding Fathers.

    Of course there were very, very rich people in America at the time of the Revolution – but they were not the ones taking part in the Constitutional Convention. In fact – all of the truly rich people here in the 1760s fled this new nation during the Revolution – they went up to Canada or back to Britain. There wasn't a millionaire – in today’s dollars – living in the United States until the 1790’s – a generation after the Revolution.

    In terms of lifestyle, assets, and disposable income – the Founders were upper-middle class at best…Toward the end of his life – Washington didn't have enough money to buy the slaves his wife inherited so that he could set them free, which he genuinely wanted to do. And Jefferson died in bankruptcy.

    These guys weren't bankers – they weren't rich investors – they weren't land speculators. They might have owned a lot of land – but that was about it, and land didn't have that much value back then.

    Historian Forrest McDonald did an exhaustive analysis of each state that ratified the Constitution – and looked at the make-up of the delegates and what they did for a living.

    As McDonald found in, for example, Delaware: 77% of the delegates were farmers. And we’re not talking rich farmers. In fact – 2/3s of those farmers had meager incomes between 75 cents and 5 dollars a week. Only 23% of the delegates were professionals – people like lawyers, doctors, and judges. Not one delegate was a banker – not one was a manufacturer – not one was a rich merchant…not one. The same was true in New Jersey – where 64% of the delegates were farmers.

    The point is – the people who hammered out, and then ratified the Constitution weren't thinking about money…They were voting for democracy instead of oligarchy. They were voting to create and maintain a middle class instead of creating a nation of, by and for the rich.

    As Thomas Jefferson said:

    "Those seeking profits, were they given total freedom, would not be the ones to trust to keep government pure and our rights secure. Indeed, it has always been those seeking wealth who were the source of corruption in government."

    People, for some reason, think the Constitution said that only rich, white, male landowners could vote – but none of those things are anywhere in the Constitution. While our new country was far from perfect, in many of the states in our early years women voted, blacks voted, and even people who lived in the poorhouses that George Washington appropriated federal money to pay for, voted. Although over time most of the states individually took away many of those rights…none of that was – or is – in the Constitution.

    Today – our lawmakers could learn a lot from our Founding Fathers.”

    So could our business leaders and every individual who has been persuaded to believe in the myth that our purpose as a nation and as an economy is to make the rich richer and deprive the rest of us of economic opportunity.

    The fact is today’s right wing and civil libertarians stand in opposition to everything that the founders in fact stood for. The nation’s founders, including Thomas Jefferson, understood, and explicitly expressed, that the unnbridled influence of the very wealthy undermine both democracy and the economic viability of the middle class.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 49 weeks ago

    Wednesday, October 24, 2018

    Sunday in Tijuana: 8 dead, including one calcinated and another decapitated, add 143 murdered in October Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat from Zeta Tijuana-thank you Neal
    Sunday......So far in October, 143 people have been deprived of life in Tijuana. Eight people dead in the last hours swell the statistic. Around 10:20 am on Sunday, October 21, a man identified as Edgar del Angel Loera, 41 years old, was shot to death when he was on Arroyo Verde Avenue and Arroyo Seco in the Hacienda Las Delicias section. . At the scene of the crime, a bullet and two 9mm casings were located. Two hours later in the same Hacienda Las Delicias subdivision, but now in Arroyo Mirador Privada Ulmarias street, two unidentified men between 25 and 30 years old were shot dead. Three caliber .230 shells and one bullet, were seized by experts.
    In the General Hospital of Tijuana, he died as a result of gunshot wounds to the thorax and abdomen, Alfredo Cruz Estrada, 44 years old. The victim had entered the hospital on October 4. In Urbi Villa del Prado, second section, the decapitated body of a male was found. The victim was found in a brown armchair, wrapped in a blue canvas, multiple fragments of adhesive tape and two plastic bags. Óscar Hernández Aguilar, 40, was deprived of his life by gunfire when he was on Paraíso Azteca Avenue in Colonia Valle Bonito. In the armed attack another person was injured in the femur. In the scene a panel-type vehicle and a bullet were located. At dawn on Monday, October 22, the burned body of a person was found in Rancho Tijuana street in the Villas de Baja California subdivision. Finally in the colony Valle Redondo 100 meters from a galvanizing company was located the lifeless body of a male.Borderland Beat Reporter Chivis Posted at 8:56 AM

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 49 weeks ago


    Stop GOP Voter Suppression—Or Else!
    Most American voters generally don’t like billionaires and corporations running politics, so the GOP is simply not letting them vote.

    by Thom Hartmann:

    In an 1816 letter to Samuel Kercheval, Jefferson explained, “I am not among those who fear the people. They, and not the rich, are our dependance (sic) for continued freedom.”

    He added that if we ended up with an oligarchic government that is run, directly or indirectly, by the rich, America’s working people “must come to labor sixteen hours in the twenty-four;… and the sixteenth being insufficient to afford us bread, we must live, as they [poor Europeans] now do, on oatmeal and potatoes; have no time to think, no means of calling the mismanagers to account; but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow sufferers.”

    One wonders how the employees of the giant corporations that throw so much money at the Republican Party would compare that metaphor with their own current existence, since the GOP has successfully fought any meaningful reform of union rights, universal health care, or the minimum wage since Reagan.

    And they’re using voting suppression to maintain a situation that’s so hostile to workers that wages have actually fallen for the bottom half of American workers in the 38 years since Reagan’s election in 1980.

    Thomas Paine, in his 1795 Dissertation on First Principles of Government, noted that, “The right of voting for representatives is the primary right by which other rights are protected. To take away this right is to reduce a man to slavery, for slavery consists in being subject to the will of another, and he that has not a vote in the election of representatives is in this case.”

    If we fail to do something large, substantial and dramatic about the scourge of voter suppression, we must all begin learning how to rivet chains.

    Those are our options.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 49 weeks ago

    President Trump Invites Hundreds of Black Conservative Leaders at TPUSA Leadership Summit to White House for Friday Speech

    Twitter Suspends Influential Black Female Trump Supporter’s Account After She Announces She Is Attending TPUSA Event in Washington DC by Jim Hoft October 24, 2018

    “Melissa” is a black conservative and Trump supporter with a huge following on Twitter.
    (Melissa asked us not to use her full name because she has small children at home.)

    Earlier this week Melissa announced on Twitter that she was attending the Black Conservative Summit in Washington DC this week sponsored by Turning Point USA.

    Within an hour of posting her announcement on Twitter Melissa was suspended by Twitter.

    This was the third account she created since coming out as a black female Trump supporter.

    Melissa wrote The Gateway Pundit earlier today.

    My Name is Melissa and I am a black conservative pro-Trump influencer on Twitter.

    I am writing you because Twitter suspended my account (which has 118K followers) shortly after I announced I was attending to the Young Black Conservatives Summit in Washington DC and going to the White House to meet the President.

    Within less than an hour of my tweeting about Visiting the White House to see President Trump, twitter locked me out of my account. I had to jump through a few hoops to get it back up including giving my personal phone number.

    Then last night, four days later my account was suspended with NO STATED REASON. I did not even receive an email notification of suspension or why. Till today i have no idea why twitter suspended my account.

    I sent an appeal to have the account yesterday reinstated but they have not responded.

    I was also fundraising for the trip to the White House to which my followers were donating. I believe Twitter is trying to sabotage my fundraising efforts.

    Since I have a large following, I am pretty certain they targeted me because they don’t want me documenting hundreds of young black people visiting and supporting President Trump because it destroys their narrative that Trump is racist and “literally Hitler”.

    Please may you write a story on this as the latest example of twitter silencing conservatives. This is the 3rd account I have had to create. Twitter locked me out of 2 other accounts with thousands of followers.

    They have also been unfollowing thousands of my followers to the point that i have not seen a net gain in followers for more than 6 months. Many of my followers tell me they have had to re-follow me.

    It is just truly amazing that we now live in a country where I am silenced and shut down for my views.

    Please help expose Twitter’s censorship of black conservatives.

    Melissa is raising money to help pay for her trip to Washington DC.

    You can donate to her campaign here.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 49 weeks ago


    Stop GOP Voter Suppression—Or Else!
    Most American voters generally don’t like billionaires and corporations running politics, so the GOP is simply not letting them vote.

    by Thom Hartmann:

    Although about half of the founders were slaveholders, practicing their own form of voter suppression, they nonetheless held egalitarian values for the future of this country and worried obsessively about a takeover by the very rich. It’s hard to imagine that they’d ever sanction interpreting the First Amendment as a license for billionaires and corporations to buy our political system (as the Supreme Court first did in 1976 in the Buckley case, and then supercharged in 2010 with Citizens United).

    In the summer of 1785, James Madison was essentially running the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, and he gave a speech (you can read in his Notes on the Convention) about the importance of not allowing the new country they were forming to become an oligarchy, run of, by, and for the rich. He noted that there are “two cardinal objects of government, the rights of persons and the rights of property.”

    He added that if only the rights of property were written into the Constitution, the rich would ravage the few assets of the poor. “Give all power to property,” he said, “and the indigent will be oppressed.”

    In fact, Madison noted, all the former republics that they had studied in his five years of preparation for writing our Constitution had ended up corrupted by exactly that: the political power of concentrated money.

    “In all the governments which were considered as beacons to republican patriots and lawgivers,” he said, “the rights of persons were subjected to those of property. The poor were sacrificed to the rich.”

    Thus, wanting to establish a country where the rich didn't end up running it as their own private kingdom or oligarchy, he proposed that only the House of Representatives—the only branch elected directly by the people, and every two years at that—should have the power to raise taxes or spend federal funds.

    “The time to guard against this danger is at the first forming of the Constitution,” he said in his speech. “Liberty, not less than justice, pleads for the policy here recommended.

    “If all power be suffered to slide into hands [of the rich]” he warned, the American citizenry will “become the dupes and instruments of ambition, or their poverty and dependence will render them the mercenary instruments of wealth. In either case liberty will be subverted: in the first, by a despotism growing out of anarchy; in the second, by an oligarchy founded on corruption.”

    And, indeed, the delegates assembled agreed. Only the House of Representatives, to this day, can raise taxes or spend money.

    In a 1787 letter to Edward Carrington, Jefferson noted, “It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions; and experience declares that man is the only animal which devours his own kind; for I can apply no milder term to the governments of Europe, and to the general prey of the rich on the poor.”

    Fighting those instincts of human nature, he argued, was at the core of the American experiment. (Like George Washington and many of his peers, Jefferson died broke. America’s first millionaire came along in 1791—a shipping magnate—and none of the founders or framers were wealthy enough to leave an estate that lasted even to a second generation.)


  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 49 weeks ago

    Investigative reporter, Paul Sperry said it perfectly:

    6 bombs sent to Democrats. 0 go off. All crudely made pipe bombs and conspicuously obvious explosives, and all easily screened and discovered. Stunt seems designed for maximum political/media optics, not maximum damage

    — Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) October 24, 2018

    The pipe bombs might as well have had "ACME" stamped on them. Totally telegraphed by packaging (excessive postage, taping), amateur packing of gun powder (bad end caps, etc)

    — Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) October 24, 2018

    Also....Flashback: Suspected Ricin Letters Mailed to President Trump, Other Senior Govt Officials Three Weeks Ago

    I don't listen to Alex but this is interesting.

    Deep state rolls out staged “bomb” attack on CNN headquarters, just as Mike Adams and Alex Jones publicly predicted on multiple video broadcasts

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 49 weeks ago


    Stop GOP Voter Suppression—Or Else!
    Most American voters generally don’t like billionaires and corporations running politics, so the GOP is simply not letting them vote.

    by Thom Hartmann:

    Average American voters generally don’t like billionaires and corporations running politics, so the billionaires and their corporations have organized major efforts to keep those people from voting. Numbers are sketchy, because Republican Secretaries of State are unwilling to release purge numbers and details without being sued to do so.

    Fortunately for America, investigative reporter Greg Palast is executing such lawsuits right now, and the purge lists he’s acquired in the past two weeks include over 90,000 people in largely Democratic parts of Nevada, 769,436 voters purged in Colorado, 340,134 in Georgia, 550,000 in Illinois, a large but as-yet-uncounted list from Nebraska, and 469,000 just purged in Indiana. More are coming in virtually daily, as Palast continues his lawsuits, along with the NAACP and Rainbow Push.

    True the Vote, the latest Astroturf group pushing for voter purges, is partly funded by the Judicial Crisis Network (JCN), the group that spent millions to run nationwide TV ads for Judge Brett Kavanaugh disparaging Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony as a “sham.”

    JCN, in turn, is funded by the Wellspring Committee that, according to investigative reporter Ken Vogel, was started by billionaires Charles and David Koch. (Their father, Fred Koch, was a founder and major funder of the John Birch Society, which ran “Impeach [Supreme Court Chief Justice] Earl Warren” billboards and ads across America in the 1950s and 1960s decrying the Supreme Court’s 1954 desegregation order in Brown v. Board, and funded publications and efforts characterizing the voter drives of Martin Luther King Jr. as a communist plot.)

    Without these major voter purges, and without the disenfranchisement of young people, old people, and poor people by voter ID laws, it’s a virtual certainty that America would have had President Al Gore and President Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic Party would have a 7-3 or larger Democratic majority on the U.S. Supreme Court.

    Republicans, instead of helping working people, love to lecture Americans that only their elected officials and Federal and Supreme Court justices are actually channeling the “original intent” of the founders and framers of the Constitution. (“Originalism” is a scam run uniquely by Republican justices, for example.)

    Like their rigged elections and their ads saying that they want to defend Social Security and protect us against insurance companies viz preexisting conditions, it’s a lie.


  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 49 weeks ago
  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 49 weeks ago

    Thank appears that a suspicious package was addressed to mad Maxine after all. Can't have the Unabomber discriminating against democratic black women.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 49 weeks ago


    I agree.

    Breaking news Maxine all of a sudden condems violence.

    She was warned this would get out of control and is partly responsible.

    She ran her mouth after the Scalise shooting thinking nothing would come home to roost.

    Rumors are patriots are heading to the border. So far just Rumors.

    Turkeys fed!

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