Recent comments

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago

    So in reality, it was a man, not a woman. What is wrong with this picture?

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago

    As they say...the hits just keep on coming.

    You Will Wax That Lady’s Scrotum

    Decency demands it:

    16 Vancouver women are facing human rights complaints for refusing to wax a transgender woman’s male genitalia. The anonymous individual “JY” has filed 16 separate complaints with the Human Rights Tribunal after being refused a Brazilian wax from businesses that only service women.

    The faintly surreal news item is worth reading in full, though one passage seems to, as it were, brush against the nub of things:

    In spite of the fact that JY is able to obtain a Manzilian in Vancouver, JY has filed 16 complaints against these women at the BC Human Rights Tribunal, claiming discrimination on the basis of “gender identity.” […] One of them, Shelah Poyer, is a single mom who works out of her home. JY was willing to withdraw his complaint in exchange for $2,500.

    The term naked shakedown comes to mind. Via Claire Lehmann.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago

    Coalage3, you are on to something. Isn't the shotgun route exactly what crazy uncle Joe Biden suggested?

    Persoanlly I think pouring Hot Tar from off the roof, followed by birdseed and turn HotCoffee's trukeys lose may be a bit more humane.

    HotCoffee, Wonderful, I do believe Chris Matthews does pee blue anthough I don'tthink it woulkd leak through his Depends.

    (Please Chris, spend some money at the dentist your mouth looks like the gaping anus of death itself).

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago

    Diane & coalage3,

    If that happened at Maxines house the screams and screeches of racist would never stop. Isn't threating to leave a pipe bomb a terrorist threat?

    Seemss Dems aren't all that happy with the blue trickle. Didn't see C Matthews but the trickle might have have been down his leg instead of up his leg....:)

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago

    These mobs who disturb people at their homes should be arrested at the minimum for disturbing the peace and assault.

    Where I live, if you harass someone at their home (especially at night), you are likely to receive a round of buckshot for your troubles. If you did that in DC, or San Fran, or Portland, you would probably get arrested for hurting the feelings of the Anitfa brownshirts.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago

    Good morning DianeR,

    Speaking of malcontents, Now they are harrassing Tuckers wife & kids.

    ‘Just the beginning’ — Antifa mob doxxes Tucker Carlson, others; Descends on Carlson’s home

    The Dems must be peeing their pants over Ruth Baders fall.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago

    Coalage3, the lefties have gone totally nuts. Their tripe is impossible to listen to and they all have driven me back to Limbaugh and of all people about one hour of Beck which is something I never thought would say.

    Remember all the leftie/socialists were complaining that Session was appointed AG, now these idiots are all complaining he is gone and the bitching about his TEMPORARY replacement has their panties in a wad. There is no rest for the malcontents.

    Bring out the little pink pussyhats and prepare for another scream at the sky day.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago

    I saw something that said Rachel Maddow was going to organize marches in protest of the Sessions firing. What??? Sessions has been a hardliner on immigration and criminal sentencing. I would think anyone from the left would welcome his firing.

    I don't think Maddow is as stupid as she sometime comes across, but I am pretty sure she knows that Trump can fire Sessions, or any other cabinet member, whenever he wants for whatever reason he wants. And he can do so legally. There might be political consequences and scrutiny Trump may face for taking that action, but it is still his perogative and choice.

    Trump could fire Mueller if he chooses. And I would think he would like nothing more than to make that call. After all, the special prosecutor statute says that a SP can only be appointed to investigate a crime that has been committed. With previous SP investigations, a crime had already been committed. There is no crime in the alleged Russian collusion. No one has been charged, and no one has been arrested. The arrests that have been made are unrelated to collusion. Trump has been playing it "cool" in regards to Mueller but that orange mop will probably explode at some point if Mueller keeps trying to poke his nose under the camel's tent to look at Trump's personal finances. That would probably be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago

    HotCoffee good day to you,

    Beautiful day today.

    Normally, I would have dialed in Hartmann following an election but on Wednesdays he has usually has some DC bobblehead congress critter pushing socialism. Guessing they were complaining about voter suppression and how unfair the election process in the US has become. So I passed on that option.

    I got a kick out of the television leftie media yesterday all complaining even after they got their big blue wave and took the house. Now their goal is to eliminate the senate and the electoral college because "it's not fair". I guess these idiots think mob rule should be the norm.

    Here is a funny for you. Project Veritas, the group that the leftie/socialists hate because they exposed ACORN and actually video corruption in real time on hidden camera.

    Illegals voting in TX. "we got ton's of them"

    Interesting side note,

    Ruth Bader Gunsburg injured in fall.

    Till later,

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago

    HotCoffee, that reporter that made a fool on himself just had his credentials pulled for pushing away a White House intern when she tried to take the microphone and give it to another reporter.

    Sucks to be that asswagon.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago

    She is Ca. and just won again against De Leon who is even further left.

    2 dems were our choices, I left it blank.

    I think Mueller is in over his head now that Sessions can't cover him.

    Dinner time....more tomorrow.

    Have a very nice evening :)

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago


    Your Stock Market comment is interesting because it shows Wall Street was very happy Trump kept things the way he wanted them. Fizzling blue waves mean investors are positive about the future.

    I agree about Sessions. He reminded me of day old bread.

    If the economy holds up Trump will be well positioned for another term. Especially if the democrats in the house try to pull of Kavanaugh style shenanigans. That really kept them from getting the senate. Thank you Diane Feinstein. CA isn't she?

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago

    Hi Diane,

    It's been a good day!

    There were a handful of prolific Republicans who the Left really wanted to defeat on Tuesday: Senator Ted Cruz (they didn’t), Rep. Ron DeSantis (they didn’t), Rep. Steve King (they didn’t) and Rep. Devin Nunes (they didn’t) ...Plus Beto down the drain!

    And most of all Jeff Sessions is gone, Stock market is happy....a very good day.

    I watched Trump take down Acosta....just perfect.

    Ca. is as expected, yet at least we kept Nunes...great guy!

    Hope yours is good too.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago

    Hey HotCoffee. Hope your day went well. Interesting to hear sooo many unhappy democrats on television today even after their Big Blue Wave. It appears nothing will ever make them happy. It must be a very tough way to go through life.

    I did hear Trump dismantle a pain in the ass CNN reporter. If I were Trump I would have his press credentials revoked just on general principles. I am reasonably sure Trump keeps him around just tio use as a punching bag for the Fake News fun of it.


  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago
  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago
  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago
  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago
  • Banding Together for the Common Good   5 years 47 weeks ago

    There is a lot of wisdom in this article. People definitely need to work together to survive because if you don't some will propser and many will not. 192.168.l.l

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago


    Have a wonderful relaxing day. I have a lot of things on my plate today.

    Be back later or tomorrow.....cheers!

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago

    This will be my last interaction with anything TH. The fact is while Thom is better than most progressive talk show hosts, he still is a major asset to Moscow and the RussianGOP Party. The Dems in general, and talk show hosts in particular, present income as a zero sum game and drive hard working ambitious Americans to the RussianGOP with these two misconceptions they ALL present.

    1. To improve incomes of the middle class, we must reduce incomes of the rich

    2. The RussianGOP Party helps the rich by transfering wealth from the middle class to those who live on inheritance.

    Both claims IGNORE HISTORY.

    Increasing incomes of working people helps working people, but the rich benefit even more. America became the world leader by increasing incomes of working people, but this also created more billionaires than any other nation for FIFTY YEARS, before the RussianGOP started their attack on America. Billionaires don't need help, they just need a lack of roadblocks. By helping those who CREATE wealth, workers, PROGRESSIVE economics help EVERYONE. The Dems are driving voters away by telling them that if they work hard and succeed, Dems will hand their wealth to "lazy people". Those who are solidy D, for example black voters, are reluctantly D, they vote D because they know the RussianGOP will restore slavery, not because the Dems do anything for blacks. We would have almost 100% of ALL income classes if we simply point out that in America 1930-1980 and in China the last few decades, BILLIONAIRES benefitted the MOST by steadily increasing the wealth of working people. Economies are NOT ZERO SUM, run correctly EVERYONE wins.

    Few billionaires are stupid, Trump is an anomaly. Most billionaires would easily understand any of the excellent examples of how progressive Economics help THEM even more than working people. We are STUPID to drive away existing billionaires and every American who hopes to become one. Look at Tom Steier, he understands, as do Musk, Bezos, and the majority of rich people, but most believe the D's and R's when BOTH claim the D's want to tax them out of existence instead of making EVERYONE richer

    I'm leaving Thom's world forever because despite good intentions, he's part of the problem, not the solution.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago

    Morning HotCoffee,

    We ran a great class last night and the best part, live fire, goes on Thursday. A mix of young and old wanting to learn to defend themselves and not have to wait 10 minutes for the police to show up. Somehow these ladies prefer to defend themselves rather than be found beaten, raped, and strangled in a parking lot late at night. Ask me which way these people will vote.

    Nice to be away from the Television last night although from the results I have seen everything turned out to be a blue puddle. The $70 million in cash the celeberties, and democrat billionaires gave to Robert Francis O'Rourke to dump into the Texas economy was much appreciated. He can now go back to skateboarding on the late night shows.

    Feedin the creatures and having a relaxing day.


  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago

    Coalage3; Good thoughts. I was working last night so I still haven't seen all the results. If I had a wish, the results that I have seen so far, everything is great. The senate is firmly in the hands of the Republicans and all the anti-Trump senators are all gone so Trump really got the job done on that front. I wonder how RBG took the results last night.

    On the house side, the republicans had 40 members retiring. Expecting to retain control while losing 40 incumbent seats was a near impossibility.

    The good news,

    Now, instead of screeching from the sidelines, the democrat house now have to perform and that task will be interesting to watch. The mix of old and young have to solve healthcare and the environment all within two years. Oh, yea, they have to get their bills past the senate and the White House.

    Summed up, Trumps support shaped the senate into the most solidly conservative body it has been in decades which means Trump will probably have put nearly 150 judges on the bench before his first term ends in 2020.

    Who do we thank? Clearly the asses the democrats made of themselves during the Kavanaugh hearings made the difference. It looks like all the battleground state democrat Senators that voted against Kavanaugh are no longer in office, so thank you Diane Feinstein and Spartacus, your stunt cost you dearly.

    A news clip worth noting,

    "Incumbent Senate Democrats in battleground states who opposed the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination appeared to have paid a price on Election Day, with senators Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Indiana's Joe Donnelly, Claire McCaskill of Missouri and Florida's Bill Nelson all suffering defeat.

    In fact, every Democrat incumbent who opposed Kavanaugh in states rated "toss up" by Fox News lost their race. In contrast, the lone Democrat who voted for Kavanaugh, Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, won his race."

    All in all, I suspect Trump is smiling this morning. His rallies paid off yugely.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago

    A few observations from the election results:

    1. There was no blue wave but enough for the dems to regain House control, as expected. History was against Trump on this one, but at least he can take some solace that the repubs didn't receive the shellacking that Obama and the dems did in 2010.

    2. The senate majority increases for the repubs. The all important appointment of judges will proceed unabated.

    3. The transformation of the democrats to the party of the aristocracy and the 1% elite is now complete. To this there can be no credible argument. The dems clearly have decided to abandon the poor and working classes in this country in favor of the monied interests.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 47 weeks ago

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