Recent comments

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 44 weeks ago

    It gets better. Now the unhappy malcontent leftie/socialists are distraught over the Christmas decorations at the White House.

    I cannot imagine what it must be like to wake up every morning with bile in the stomach roiled up over the election of Donald Trump as president. The really odd part, back a couple of years before Trump was elected, the leftie radio and TV bobbleheads were angry at something different every day even when Obama was president. My God, is their no end to their misery?

    Meanwhile most of us just get up and enjoy the day.

    Catch you tomorrow.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 44 weeks ago


    I didn't know Carlos Danger was running around free again. Hide your daughters everyone!

    More on the border.....

    Honduran President’s Brother Charged for Trafficking Tons of Drugs with Help of National Police & PoliticiansAs the migrant caravan that originated in Honduras treks north, the brother of that country’s president—a former lawmaker in the Central American nation—has been arrested and indicted in the U.S. on drug and weapons charges. His name is Juan Antonio Hernandez and he is the younger brother of Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez, who has blamed leftist interests for manipulating migrants to destabilize the country. The younger Hernandez is a former member of the National Congress of Honduras and the feds say he’s a bigtime drug trafficker who has moved tons of cocaine through the region in the last decade with the help of Honduran politicians and law enforcement officials. more


    Help WikiLeaks sue The Guardian for fabricating a story that Julian Assange had secret meetings with Paul Manafort

    The Guardian has published claims from unnamed sources that Paul Manafort had "secret talks" with Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on three occasions. These claims are completely false and the story has been fabricated.

    until later!

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 44 weeks ago

    Wow HotCoffee, you are just a fountain of information this morning.

    Occasional Cortex, the new darling of the leftie/socialists will be nothing but punch lines for the next two years. I am sure she means well but sadly her IQ appears to match her age.

    So far, a few dems have probably already squandered their opportunity to be on the democrat debate podium when it comes to the 2020 presidential bid. Clinton, Harris, Spartacus, and Fauxohontas, immediately come to mind. Each have made complete fools of themselves in the last six months. I am personally pushing for a Avanetti/Mad Maxine Waters ticket but who knows, Anthony Weiner aka Carlos Danger is out and loose among the populace.

    I was aware of the firearm statistic. Even the CDC reports that guns are used to prevent crime over 2 million times per year. Remember firing a gun is not needed to prevent a crime, sometimes it is just the display of a firearm that does the job. That fact will be left out of Mr. Hartmann's rewrite of the second amendment socialist style.

    Ah! The Clintons again. What has always amazed me about these two grifters is the fact they never acknowledge the reality that their time is over, in fact it was over many years ago. After the A&E running a six hour special "the Clinton Affair" I am surprised Bill and Hillary leave their separate homes without a heavy disguise. I cannot imagine how those two egos fit in the same auditorium.

    Gotta run,

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 44 weeks ago

    Good Morning DianeR,

    RBG not lasting on the court IS looking good!

    I hear this morning that Blasey is finally closing her go fund me account after raising over $600,000. for protection.

    Also Gillibrand wants to run in 2020....Dems not happy,...but then are they ever happy?

    This is one you might like...

    Study: Concealed carry firearms owners have a 94% success rate stopping potential mass shooters

    And the never ending saga of.....

    Clintons’ Tour Begins In a Mostly Empty Stadium, Tix Sell for $10ByS.Noble-November 27, 20182

    Hillary and Bill mark the first leg of their 13- city post-election speaking tour in Toronto. The original prices were cheap when you consider what they usually charge. The price range was from $53 to $434 per seat. Some seats were as high as $750. Now they are selling for $10.

    The tour is billed as ‘An Evening With The Clintons‘– a conversation with their ‘unique perspective on the past, and remarkable insight into where we go from here.’

    However, StubHub still has seats for $10 and the event is this evening. After that, you have to pay $11 for front row seats. By way of comparison, the Toronto Maple Leafs game costs $73 for upper tier seats.


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  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 44 weeks ago

    Good Morning HotCoffee, I had not seen that very interesting Ginsberg story. I wonder if her health is actually far worse than advertised. The court actually sits pretty well balanced right now. Never forget Roberts has ben a wild card and although the leftie/socialists whine, Roberts is the one that saved their obamacare.

    I have thought that sometime in the near future Thomas may pull the plug insuring at least four solid young conservatives would be there for years.

    A Ginsburg replacement would hopefully mean a mass exodus of malcontent progressives to Canada and Mexico. One could only hope.


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  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   5 years 44 weeks ago

    I really hope not. We need to come together and help one another. Especially as health professionals, we're all about helping others get better and accomplish any health goals that they may have.

    Mark - Roseville Chiropractor

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 44 weeks ago

    one more.....

    Left attacks Ruth Ginsburg

    The long knives on the left are out for Justice Ruth Ginsburg. She failed to retire when Democrats could replace her. They worry that she is not long for the court.

    "What the Cult of Ruth Bader Ginsburg Got Wrong," Mother Jones said in a headline this weekend.

    The story was brutal.

    Stephanie Mencimer wrote, "It’s not considered polite to point this out, but Ginsburg has been falling asleep on the bench during oral arguments for years. Back in 2006, she dozed off during a redistricting argument for a good 15 minutes — long enough for the courtroom artist to sketch her in repose. The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank wrote, 'It’s lucky for Ginsburg that the Supreme Court has so far refused to allow television in the courtroom, for her visit to the land of nod would have found its way onto late-night shows.'

    more here

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 44 weeks ago


    I was thinking that the world deserves better in the airports, bars, etc.

    I'm sure they aren't listening to Voice of America as CNN has had a monolopy.

    next on my radar is....

    Senator Lindsey Graham Calls Out Anti-Semitic Democrat Senator For Her Inane Holocaust StatementPosted on November 26, 2018 by DCWhispers

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s is dangerously dumb and today Senator Lindsey Graham rightfully called out another of her stunningly stupid comments. This one came in the form of a pro-invasion stance in which Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez likened the would-be illegals crashing the gates of the U.S. southern border to Jewish Holocaust victims and families fleeing Rwandan genocide in the 1990’s. Six million murdered Jews and 800,000 slain Rwandans has no similarity to five or six thousand (primarily young men) attempting to illegally enter the United States. To attempt such a comparison is a terribly insulting gesture but sadly one that has become all too common with the intellectually challenged Ocasio-Cortez who herself has literally embraced Muslim fanatics who openly call for the destruction of Israel and the subjugation of women to the medieval laws of Sharia. Her attacks on our border and ICE agents, (many of whom are minorities) likening them (directly and/or indirectly) to Nazis, are utterly deplorable.

    Shame on her.

    I must have missed the part where the Jewish people ran, carrying German Flags!

    Tomorow it is...

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 44 weeks ago

    HotCoffee, I have to think a bit before I sign on to creating a national news network. That makes it all too easy for the opposition to complain even more then they are currently.

    CNN has fallen so low in the ratings, the talking heads will have to pay them to work there.

    I really think their influence is in their rear view mirror.

    Some of the FOX lineup is really news and presented very well Brett Baker for example. Lately, having switched over to Limbaugh, I am reminded of the genius of his presentation. Little hidden stories pointing out how absolutely loonies the leftie/socialists have become. The guy is a really fun listen.

    Till tomorrow

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 44 weeks ago

    Trump Proposes 'Worldwide Network' to Counter CNN Overseas

    President Donald Trump is raising the possibility of starting "our own Worldwide Network" to counter news spread internationally by CNN.

    Still kind of busy today....but this sounds like a good idea.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 44 weeks ago

    HotCoffee, Paul Ryan and for that matter, much of the entire republican congress has been a disappointment in my eyes. Ryan is/was clearly never in Trumps camp and you are correct, he should have left early and let another fill his spot.

    It took much of the house and senate nearly 1-1/2 years to figure out that those who voted for Trump remain loyal to him and really wanted him to complete as many campaign promises as possible. Given the lack of support Trump has received from either side, he has amazed me with what he has accomplished.

    We can hit the Clinton Foundation otherwise known as the Clinton slush fund at a later time. Great to see that coming to an end and how fitting the bulk of the cash came from the mid-East and Saudi Arabia leading the list and them there is all that Russian $$$. All now dried up. I guess nobody wants to put money on a loser. Probably explains why she wants to run again.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 44 weeks ago

    Hi DianeR,

    Seems like we could start implementing E Verify, that would send a message that would get through as people left complaining they can't get a job. It would also send a message to Paul Ryan. He should have left when he resigned.

    I have a busy day as well, I'll check back tonight.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 44 weeks ago

    Good afternoon HotCoffee;

    Watching the border today. Love the leftie media screeching the words young mothers and children in diapers followed by "chemical weapons". Bullshit begats more bullshit. Note to President Trump. Shut the border unless Mexico starts deporting all the troublemakers. This is Mexico's problem, let them do the fix.

    It sounds like some border crossings are processing and investigating 60 of them per day. At that rate there will not be enough let in to sway an election so the lefties will have to go back to finding more votes in boxes and trunks in every election they lose.

    Stuff to do, back later

  • U.K. Pound Falls As Markets Get Brexit Jitters   5 years 44 weeks ago

    This is indeed an indication of possible recession. But lets hope that the citizens will respond also positively. unblocked games

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 44 weeks ago

    The lefties have beat the word "racist into the ground. It just pours from their mouths freely and they have used it so much nobody really pays attention anymore. That was one of my big complaints about radio shows like Thom's. He could repeat stories like Rubio killed Medicare and it was 100% BS and many times on his old forum people posted the fact Thom was lying. He never blinked and I suspect he would still promote this bullcrap. I could go through a dozen or so if his inaccurate rants but I have real things to do.

    Stay dry,

    Until tomorrow.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 44 weeks ago

    Poor Al Gore just can't win.

    I'll stay as long as you do...just let me know when your done. :)

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 44 weeks ago



    here's one

    DOG ACCUSED OF Racist Hate Crime…Not Kidding

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 44 weeks ago

    HotCoffee, If web privacy is tightened say goodby to stock from Google and Facebook two of the most guilty predators on earth, both run entirely by democrats oddly enough.

    We probably will never see this happen because Thom Hartmann promised us the minute congress passed net neutrality, Al Gores entire internet would come to a halt and you and I would be paying hundreds of dollars a month just to cone to Thom Hartmann's blog.

    Maybe he was correct as there seems to be only three of us left.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 44 weeks ago

    Al Gore isn't gonna be happy!

    Inventor of the Web Prepares to Launch Web 3.0, Predicts Privacy Revolution

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 44 weeks ago


    I'm not so sure that will work....why...well look back on this...did it work?

    Why Hillary’s Super-Predator Comment MattersHillary’s comment holds more significance than simply referring to gang members.

    Referring to black kids as super-predators back then is like how people use “thug” now. It was used to justify mass incarceration for many addicts and small dose marijuana users, not dealers.

    04/11/2016 01:37 pm ET Updated Apr 12, 2017

    more at

    They totally blew it off when she called Donna Brazille a dumb buffallo.....They just don't hold there own accountable for anything.

    Hillary says this crap and then we're the racisist.

    Same game different faces.

    I don't see that changing anytime soon.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 44 weeks ago

    I have come to the conclusion that by becoming so over the top with all their little petty personal issues, their hate rhetoric, and attempts at dividing this country into segments, the sane people of this country will turn them out and they will have set their agenda back 30 years. Much as they did in 2016.

    Occasional cortex from NYC is the best example of how a completely clueless individual elected to congress by a few idiots, will ruin the leftie/socialist cause in a very short time. One could only hope she and the billionaire Robert Francis O'Rourke from TX will team up and take over the democrat party ASAP.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 44 weeks ago

    Generators, Coors and canned food. How these ‘mountain boys’ are surviving in Paradise

    By Ryan Lillis

    November 24, 2018 03:00 AM

    Updated 49 minutes ago


    Brad Weldon has lived in Paradise his entire life, and wasn’t about to leave his home or his blind, 90-year-old mother behind when the Camp Fire hit.

    And he’s not going to leave now that the fire is gone, though not much is left of the town he remembers.

    When the flames came up to his neighborhood in the central part of Paradise, Weldon grabbed a garden hose and beat back the blaze. When the hose line cut out, he started throwing buckets of water, five gallons at a time. His home was spared, but everything around him was wiped out.

    Two weeks later, Weldon is still at his house, one of a small group of self-proclaimed “mountain boys” who have defied evacuation orders and are surviving on meat stored in their generator-powered freezers, bagged lunches dropped off by PG&E crews and supplies provided by a mysterious band of volunteers that Weldon calls “the redneck underground.”


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