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  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 41 weeks ago

    Good morning HotCoffee, the homeless problem in CA has spread to Portland and Seattle and a few other liberal run cities like Minneapolis. Weak mayors and governors permit this stuff and it spreads. Thanks to Trump there are more jobs than people so I am not as sympathetic with the "homeless" as I once was.

    Here is an interesting development on my favorite little socialist, Bernie Freeshit Sanders,

    Bernie Sanders SUED Over Claims He Used Government To 'Punish' A Political Opponent

    I wonder if this will make the Thom Hartman highlights?

    Back later,

    Stay well

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 41 weeks ago

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  • Clinton: I'll defend Israel but push for 'two-state solution   5 years 41 weeks ago

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  • What's the Trump administration doing in the face of the rise of armed hatred in the United States?   5 years 41 weeks ago

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  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 41 weeks ago

    Hi Diane,

    Thanks for the good wishes,

    Been to teary eyed to read anything with this head cold...on the mend now.

    Trump is doing a great job, however Russian People are fed up with the dems poking Russia in the eye just to take down Trump and want Putin to get tough...China will side w/ Russia. Per Stephan Cohen, not to be confused with all the other Cohens. Hmmm, a world war started by the Dems stupidity?

    next topic,

    from my email......

    Good morning, California.

    “Our states and communities are working hard on the problem, even as they struggle against the headwinds of rising rents.”—U.S.Housing Secretary Ben Carson, releasing the latest census on homelessness.

    A glimmer of progress on CA homelessness

    Nearly a quarter of the nation's homeless population is in California.

    California’s homeless population dipped by 1.2 percent in 2018, according to federal data, a tentative sign that the billions the state has spent on the problem may be paying off.

    The decline may seem a baby step, but homelessness had increased 14 percent in 2017, and nearly a fourth of the nation’s homeless people live in the Golden State, according to the latest U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development census.

    HUD takes a “Point-In-Time” count on one night in January. Its bleak-yet-hopeful numbers from 2018:

    • California had 129,972 homeless people, either in shelters or on the streets. New York was second, with 91,897.
    • Thirty-three of every 10,000 Californians are homeless.
    • California accounted for almost half of the nation’s “unsheltered” chronically homeless—people living on the street, in other words. That number declined by 8 percent from the prior year.
    • California reported the largest numbers of homeless unaccompanied youth, 12,396. New York was No. 2, at 2,941.
    • California had 20,964 homeless people in families, down 25 percent from the previous count.
    • California accounted for 30 percent of all veterans experiencing homelessness, and half of all veterans living on the streets in the point-in-time count; that number fell by 5 .2 percent.

    Gov.-elect Gavin Newsom has pledged to appoint a first-ever cabinet-level position exclusively dedicated to solving homelessness. In November, California voters approved two bonds intended to provide affordable housing and housing for people who are chronically mentally ill.

    Yep, we definatly need more homeless from south of the border!....NOT!


  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 41 weeks ago

    HotCoffee, I hope you are better. I will piss off the lefties but Merry Christmas to all.

    I found this interesting but missed by radio bobbleheads and the mainstream media.

    "In the evil populist "Trump's America," here's what happened to energy-related carbon emissions: In 2017, they fell by 0.5 percent. But in the saintly globalist European Union, they went up by 1.5 percent in the same period. In fact, per-capita carbon emissions in Trump's America are nearly at a 70-year low."

    "America's poverty rate was lower in President Trump’s first year than at any point in the Obama administration."

    "The Trump tax cuts doubled the standard deduction to $12,000 for individuals and $24,000 for families. That's a huge change that takes millions of Americans out of federal income tax altogether and has effectively increased incomes for middle class families across the country."

    "the lowest unemployment rate since 1969. And the lowest African-American unemployment ever."

    Wages have risen all the way through the last two years and were up 3.1 percent in the last quarter – the highest level in a decade."

    Trump's pressure is working. China is on the back foot, making trade concessions, and now pledging to drop its "Made in China 2025" program, which was Xi Jinping's grand plan to achieve world domination in the industries of the future."

    "It was outgoing President Obama who told President-elect Donald Trump that North Korea would be his number one problem. Trump actually listened to him, did something about it, and turned our relationship around in a way that has made the world incomparably safer."

    "major new effort to revitalize urban America and rebuild low-income neighborhoods is being led by Ben Carson."

    "America last week became a net oil exporter for the first time in 75 years, enabling us to reduce the global influence of dodgy regimes in the Middle East and elsewhere."

  • Should Progressives Fight for a Federal Jobs Guarantee or Universal Basic Income?   5 years 41 weeks ago

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  • What The NRA Doesn't Want You To Know   5 years 41 weeks ago

    These type of things should be highlighted and showed publicly. Article related to this kind of events should be published and must be educated in schools and educational institutes and should be given as part of assignments (for assistance in assignment writing visit assignmenting) to teach students of what should be done in these situations.

  • Ishmael   5 years 41 weeks ago

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  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 41 weeks ago

    HotCoffee, get well, we can chat later.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 41 weeks ago


    Hey, it seems I caught a cold or flu when shopping ....under the weather for a bit.


  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 41 weeks ago

    Morning HotCoffee. Rain takes out your internet? I will speak to Al Gore about some sort of workaround.

    Every day brings us a new leftie comedy routine.

    Boys can have periods too, children to be taught in latest victory for transgender campaigners

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 41 weeks ago

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  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 41 weeks ago


    quick note ...Heavy rain interfering with computer and tv conections.


  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 41 weeks ago
  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 41 weeks ago

    ‘Twas a month before recess and all through the house,
    Deception consumed every mutinous louse.

    Jerry Corsi got snared in a perjury trap,
    Poppy Bush laid to rest for an underground nap.

    Now to Congress’s wondering eyes will appear:
    Jim Comey, evasive, and wearing a sneer.

    Subpoenas were postponed as long as they could,
    It would work if the tale that they told sounded good.

    They would stick to the story that Putin had hacked,
    Assange had colluded and the Russians attacked.

    They’d ignore all the experts and bury Seth Rich,
    All will believe Roger Stone was the snitch!

    Hillary’s book tour is Holiday fun,
    She’s shopping with cash from Uranium One!

    Not a word about Craig Murray’s thumb drive persists,
    “We must blame the Russians!” Chuck Schumer insists.

    The narrative Crowdstrike concocted will work,
    Jim Comey can posture, dissemble and smirk.

    With hearings concealed behind doors to be closed,
    He’ll stick to the Guccifer hack when deposed.

    The “Big Lie” will triumph with spurious clout,
    The public will yield to insertion of doubt.

    Trey Gowdy can bluster, Bob Goodlatte can pout,
    But Comey is smug and the clock’s been run out.

    The Q-dupes are thrilled and expect prosecutions,
    Those unsealed indictments might bring executions!

    They think those tribunals will get underway,
    With the swamp monsters tried at Guantanamo Bay!

    They want them all hung from the lamp posts with care,
    In the hope that the Clintons will also hang there!

    There’s lots of unrest way down south at the border,
    The troops have been sent to contain the disorder.

    Poroshenko’s in trouble, his ratings are thin,
    He just pulled a stunt like the Gulf of Tonkin.

    Bibi’s in trouble for public corruption,
    Kashoggi’s dismemberment caused a disruption.

    Gina insists MbS did the deed,
    Layoffs at GM and Ford will proceed.

    On Lockheed, on Boeing on Raytheon too,
    On Bell Helicopter, we’re counting on you!

    The stock market looks like it’s ready to tank,
    But Hillary’s still drinking sauvignon blanc!

    Merry Christmas to all, make America Great,
    With a nuclear war, we can end Russia-Gate!

    By F. G. Sanford
    December 5, 2018

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 41 weeks ago

    HotCoffee, Been busy today. I am sure the alt-lefties would cringe but we has a dozen first time handgun shooters, mostly kids in the 13-16 yrs. age along with their parents. Lot's of targets went home with happy kids. Again, we raise republicans one at a time starting at a very early age. They learn safety and respect of firearms and we made sure all their pictures will stay off Facebook and Instagram.

    In the last ten years the state High School Trap and skeet teams have shot over 30 million rounds without one accident of any kind. W wonder if that statistic will get into the so called experts writing about the second amendment. LOL

    I have never seen much good in the politics of Governor Moonbeam. You live in a tax and spend state and the only way to turn that ship around is to leave as proven by sooo many corporations and people.

    I wish Papadopoulos luck but he will be fighting the democrats voter fraud machine known as ballot harvesting.

    Till tomorrow

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 41 weeks ago

    Hey DianeR,

    Look what I found!

    2020: Papadopoulos Says He Will Run For Congress In Orange County, CA

    DC: Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos announced he will run for Congress in 2020 on Friday, just one week after being released from federal prison.

    Papadopoulos told reporters in his first interview since being released from prison that he partly joined President Donald Trump’s campaign so he could use it as a platform for 2020, adding that running for public office has always been on his agenda.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 41 weeks ago

    Good day DianeR,

    I agree...when it comes to sexuallity I really don't care what other people do...Seems like it should be a private matter, not something that is the main focus of politics or imposed on children until they turn 18 and have a chance to figure out who they are.

    Heres one for you...Brown has a moment of sanity now that he's leaving!

    Jerry Brown's Exit Interview: Don't Say He Didn't Warn You later....

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 41 weeks ago

    Thanks for shearing this post .

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  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   5 years 41 weeks ago

    I believe Trump is RIGHT about Mexico Paying for the Wall!!!! Tiquanana River is sending its first "deposit" up the coast, and polluting All the San DIego coastline...VIVA the Wall!!!

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