Recent comments

  • Who Will Stop World War III?   5 years 14 weeks ago

    Yakkety yak, yakkety-yak ...Hot Mess is "dump-trucking" all over the place as usual.

    >>>BACK ON TOPIC<<<

    "Will the Republicans have the courage to do what's right ...?"


    So far, there is little evidence of that on any front. It's possible a major proxy war between superpowers will wake them up to their maniac president ...when it's too damn late!

    To their credit, however, the Senate did block the immoral sale of arms to the Middle East, this time around anyway. But then, it doesn't take a whole lot of courage when his cowed sycophants in Congress know Trump will veto the bill anyway.

    Hopefully (without sounding too naive), Iran can convince the U.N. that the drone was in their airspace. At this point, the world is undoubtedly prone to believe Iranian intelligence instead of our own, since Generalissimo Trump has destroyed the credibility of the United States with both our allies and our enemies. Certainly, he has with the majority of Americans.

    Why is the Liar in Chief provoking them in the first place? If memory serves correctly, didn't Republicans accuse Clinton of "wagging the dog" of war when they were trying to impeach him for lying about consensual sex with another adult? Drumming up a fake war is the ultimate distraction. Where is all that feigned Republican outrage now, when it really matters?

    Besides, the world remembers it was the United States, not Iran, who broke the nuclear agreement and proved we can't be trusted, which has brought us to the brink of war. Iran was fully in compliance up to that point.

  • Who Will Stop World War III?   5 years 14 weeks ago


    Hey, I saw your Thursday post. I have a friend that knows Gavin quite well...yes the Newsoms and Pelosi's are related by marriage. Haven't heard if Gavin's ticked about his ex hooking up with Don jr. lol.


    In primetime, CNN ranked number 14 in all of cable, while Fox News and MSNBC ranked number one and two, respectively.

    In total day, CNN squeaked into the top at number nine. Fox and MSNBC again took the top two spots.

    Total Primetime Viewers

    Fox: 2.26 million

    MSNBC: 1.5 million

    CNN..LOL: 744,000

    Total Day Total Viewers:

    Fox: 1.23 million

    MSNBC: 850,000

    CNN..LOL: 519,000


    I hear folks are getting fed up here in Ca. and starting a recall of the LA mayor.


    Oregon: Republicans walk out of legislature, refuse to vote on Marxist bill, Communist governor orders state troopers to arrest them and bring them in.By - on June 20, 2019

    Republican walk out of legislature, refuse to vote on Marxist bill. Communist governor orders state troopers to arrest them and bring them in.

    Oregon – on verge of violence, civil war.

    Republicans tell Dems to “come heavily armed as we won’t be taken political prisoners in our own state.”

    The west coast just might be getting fed up! :)

    Michael Moore and Piers Morgan both say'in Trump going to win!!

    Catching up on the Iran situation.....more later!

  • An economic crash is looming, and it could determine the fate of Trump - and the country   5 years 15 weeks ago

    Due to all those trillions that Republicans borrowed in our name to enrich the already rich, for which the rest of us poor folk and our kids will be paying out the nose, our hollow, "sugar high" economic expansion -- that primarily benefits the lucky few soaring into the stratosphere-- will be the longest in American history come July.

    Although even the experts can't predict for sure when the bubble will finally pop, rest assured that it will most certainly pop, sooner rather than later, especially in view of such weak, meat-and-potato fundamentals.

    What goes up will come down. And this time it very well could be a lot worse than 2007-8, considering that there's a lot less of a cushion to soften the impact. Karma would be that the culprits responsible for reaching these dizzying heights of mindless greed will be left holding the bag politically. One can only hope.

    Now tell us again, all you fake "conservatives," why exactly unregulated capitalism is a good thing. While you're at it, please explain what you are actually "conserving" if not the power of the rich over everyone else.


  • What Would Prevent You From Going Vegan If It both Saved the World & Your Body?   5 years 15 weeks ago

    Even as a vegetarian, it's vitally important to select the right kinds of foods. But you're right that everyone is unique; thus, if a human body relies on vegetables, grains, nuts, fruits, etc. for its vitamins and protein (which is usually superior to animal protein -- again, depending on one's selection), then it's equally vital (even more so for meat eaters) to get a thorough physical examination at least once a year. (Cory Booker a former football player, certainly is not anemic, and neither are most smart vegetarians.)

    Otherwise, generally speaking, modern medical science absolutely recommends to radically reduce one's red-meat intake from the levels most Americans are used to.

    BTW, the many resulting benefits of veganism for this very overcrowded planet is not an ideological stance; it is simply science. Ideology and science are completely unrelated -- except in Republican minds.

  • With The Dalai Lama   5 years 15 weeks ago

    Great post! A very respectable man and a religious leader. How I wish to meet him in person. towing manassas va | towing chantilly va

  • It's to Be a Democracy, Ma'am, if You Can Keep It   5 years 15 weeks ago

    If the democrats succeed in winning back Congress and the presidency in out. Let the fascist goose stepping begin. The dems try to "talk a good game" when it comes to democracy, but its only lip service. Which party demands obedience on every issue? Which party tries to limit free speech? It ain't the repubs. The "big tent" is a joke. Look at what's happening now to Joe "Hands" Biden. He tried to reminisce about the good old days he had with some former democratic segregationist senators and now he's the second coming of David Duke. Even ABC is running a story about his dirty dealing in Ukraine and his son suddenly showing up on the board of directors of a Ukraine natural gas company. Poor Joe...doesn't he understand that his many years of service in the senate and the White House don't mean anything in the modern democratic party. Its all about your identity. And Joe has the wrong one.

  • What Would Prevent You From Going Vegan If It both Saved the World & Your Body?   5 years 15 weeks ago

    Anemia. Vegan diets are not a good solution. We used to argue this all the time on the old message board. This included arguments from medical practitioners. Nutrition is not an ideology. You need to eat what your body needs not what someone else thinks you should eat to save the world.

    That said, reducing meat intake is okay as most of the populace eat meat more than necessary but many cannot do entirely without or they may incur medical problems. Biological individuality is the cornerstone of ancient oriental medicine like Indian Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. It is also the cornerstone of modern national typing. And modern medicine may be catching on:

  • With The Dalai Lama   5 years 15 weeks ago

    Wow! Very honored to meet a very inspirational man and a spiritual leader.

    Rhey - bookkeeper arlington va & digital services

  • What Would Prevent You From Going Vegan If It both Saved the World & Your Body?   5 years 15 weeks ago

    Ha! Good one, Thom. It's a no-brainer for the world and the human body. The science is solid.

    My dad came out of the depression era as a voracious meat eater, along with lots of milk and cheese -- breakfast, lunch, and supper. As expected, he had high cholesterol, suffered multiple heart attacks, and finally died from a massive coronary at 62, even though he was fairly slim and active most of his life, until near the end when his health began to fail. That was a huge wake-up call for the rest of the family.

    I ended up more flexitarian than total vegan, insofar as having egg whites in a veggie omelet now and then (from organic, free-range, vegetarian-fed hens). And while camping out, there's nothing like freshly caught Rocky Mountain cutthroat cooked just right over a fire with lemon, butter, basil, lightly salted and peppered. (You can take my skillet when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.)

    The Native American friends I had during my youth were avid hunters but only killed to eat. They taught the sacredness of all things, to take a moment in silent prayer before eating to honor the life that gives us life, including plant life.

    That's about it nowadays -- no red meat at all. Even leather shoes, belts, gloves, wallets, furniture, etc. can be replaced with non-animal products that are usually superior in quality and much cheaper. It's just a matter of overcoming one's cultural conditioning. The downside, however, is that it's tough to walk into a regular restaurant, where the smell of burning meat can trigger the gag reflex.

  • Are Drug Prices Higher Because Congress Has Invested in the Stock Market?   5 years 15 weeks ago

    In either case, members of Congress helping cover up major rip offs of the American

    cong ty quang cao google

  • Whose Base is Bigger - Democrats or Republicans?   5 years 15 weeks ago
  • Whose Base is Bigger - Democrats or Republicans?   5 years 15 weeks ago

    Diane....a little humor!

    San Francisco Holds Nation’s First Plastic Straw Buyback Event


    New Blame-a-Lyzer App Automatically Determines Who Deserves to Have You Blame Them for Your Problems

    and last but not least

    Liberals Furious Over Trump’s “Secret Russian Ties” Men’s Neckwear Line


  • Whose Base is Bigger - Democrats or Republicans?   5 years 15 weeks ago

    Trump troll (#7) and Granny butt-buddy:


  • Whose Base is Bigger - Democrats or Republicans?   5 years 15 weeks ago

    ...and, naturally, a lying Trump troll (#6) lies about lying:

    "As for Hatrmanns [sic] lies. I don't think he even knows what he is babbling about. Repeat it often enough and ...." --Dianereynolds

    The only truth in that statement is, yes, you "don't think."

    The big takeaway here is that Trump's proselytes have been so thoroughly lobotomized by a closed feedback loop in the wingnut galaxy, they can no longer (if indeed they ever could) distinguish a truth from a lie. These seriously disturbed minds simply lack the skillset and mental versatility it takes to conduct objective research, preferring instead to languish in a prison of ignorance built on decades of Republican big lies. Trump is only the latest manifestation of superstition, mythology, and a hopelessly contorted distortion of reality.

    Case in point: Lost on gun-totin' Granny is the delicious irony of falsely accusing Thom of lying (Where's the proof?) while lamenting that she couldn't attend a liefest palooza by King Trump the Liar-- someone who has lied directly to her oh-so-trusting face well over 10,000 times in just two and a half years. Although, since he has rapidly increased his rate of lying to the American people (and the world), it's likely over 15,000 times by now, since the latest tally by investigative reporters -- or in Trump's duplicitous vernacular, "FAKE NEWS!"

    Really? Guns and "armed teams" roaming around in "churches, synagogues and mosques"? It sounds just like the war-torn countries in the Middle East (brought to us by another immoral Republican president, along with his CIA Whisperer, Dickhead Cheney). Gee, you'd think all-powerful beings could at least protect their own flocks from evildoers, like waving a magic wand or something.

    Otherwise, what good are they?

    Or, perhaps the gods prefer working through the people and the system for common-sense legislation, as have most modern, civilized nations: banning high-capacity magazines and weapons of war on civilian streets, restricting them to armories and shooting ranges; licensing and insurance requirements for lawful gun owners (to compensate victims, as in automobile accidents) in case their guns are stolen and used in crimes; strengthen background checks and enforcement; prevent ownership by violent felons, crazy people, terrorists, and other looney tunes, such as white-male, radical Christianists who hate people of color and who account for most of the terrorist attacks in the United States.

    And what would Jesus do?

    Nope. Republicans' so-called "leadership" is captivated by donations and bribes from the NRA, a thoroughly corrupt organization from top to bottom. Ever mindful of their deplorable basket-case base -- macho (haha) civilians who only play at soldiering -- they have pugnaciously resisted nearly every common-sense proposal ...and, no doubt, sharp admonishment from the pulpit and their preferred cloud being.

    Otherwise, what good are they?

  • Whose Base is Bigger - Democrats or Republicans?   5 years 15 weeks ago

    G'afternoon Diane,

    Whose Base is Bigger - Democrats or Republicans?

    Well lets see....

    PRESIDENT TRUMP Has BIGGER ORLANDO CROWD THAN DISNEY — Mountain of Media… to Joe Biden’s 85 People

    Joe Biden scored 85 people at his rally last week in Iowa.

    It was an exciting stop for Creepy Sleepy.

    WOW! Trump Hauls In Whopping $25 Million on Launch Day For Re-Election Campaign

    Who to believe ? Thom or your lying eyes??

    Back soon.

  • Whose Base is Bigger - Democrats or Republicans?   5 years 15 weeks ago

    Good Wednesday HotCoffee. I am about to pour a cup right now as I was teaching a basic pistol class last night to a group that included young women and get this, three Muslim Clerics. We are setting up training classes and creating armed teams that will be present in churches, synagogues and mosques in our cities.

    That class prevented me the opportunity to see President Trump's rally so with my hot coffee,I will be watching it over the internet this morning.

    Cannabis does have medicinal benefits and I am a big supporter.

    As for Hatrmanns lies. I don't think he even knows what he is babbling about. Repeat it often enough and ....

    Maybe later today.

  • Thom speaking in Minneapolis in 2011   5 years 15 weeks ago

    Thom knows what he's talking! One of the best speaker I ever listened to. Hope to attend again in one of your talks!

    Chris | shelfgenie

  • Whose Base is Bigger - Democrats or Republicans?   5 years 15 weeks ago

    Truly sad.

    Now the trolls are pretending that Trump didn't have an evil policy that resulted in locking up little brown kids in cages after being ripped from their families, despite extensive evidence and testimony to the contrary.

    Linking to an old article with outdated facts about a random incident of false evidence or people spouting off on Twitter does not make this pathetic, distinctly Republican scandal go away. Sorry, two-thirds of the electorate in 17 short months will still remember these horrible atrocities committed in our name and burned into our memory. Dead-enders lying about it only reinforces the truth of it.

    Trump's immigration policy is racist to the core, a fake emergency to satiate a psychopath's simmering cruelty, who has no empathy for anyone but himself. Tony Schwartz, who regretfully wrote "The Art of the Deal" for Trump, said that even his own kids can't stand him.

    No matter how Trump trolls try to slice and dice facts to fit their false narratives, human rights abuses in the United States have only worsened under Trump, particularly at the southern border in a failed policy to handle asylum seekers.

    Perhaps Greg Sargent said it best: "Trump’s threat of mass arrests stinks of weakness and failure."

    Here's what Human Rights Watch had to say in their 2019 World Report about the United States:

    "The United States continued to move backward on human rights at home and abroad in the second year of President Donald Trump’s administration. With Trump’s Republican party controlling the legislative branch in 2018, his administration and Congress were able to pass laws, implement regulations, and carry out policies that violate or undermine human rights."

    And further into the report:

    "More than 2,500 families were forcibly separated at the US border as the Trump administration targeted parents traveling with children for criminal prosecution. As part of this policy, children with disabilities were separated from their families, including in one case, a 10-year-old girl with Down Syndrome from her mother.

    "Though a federal court and tremendous public outcry put a stop to mass separations in late June, reunifications of hundreds of families lagged for months. According to media reports, families continued to be separated on a smaller scale after Trump issued an executive order supposedly ending the practice. Reportedly, many of these continued separations were based on vague or unsubstantiated allegations of wrongdoing or minor violations against the parents. Ramped-up criminal prosecutions for illegal entry continued. Mental health professionals warned that separation was very likely to cause trauma, both immediate and long-lasting.

    "Hundreds of parents were deported separately from their children, including many whose asylum claims were improperly dismissed by US border agents. A June administrative ruling by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions sought to restrict access to asylum for people claiming persecution by non-state actors, including victims of domestic and gang violence. In November, the administration issued an interim final rule barring migrants who enter between ports of entry from asylum, in violation of US and international law; it was temporarily enjoined by a federal judge. A peaceful march by migrants on November 26 seeking asylum at the US-Mexico border ended with US border agents lobbing teargas projectiles at migrants, including young children."


    Two more pertinent sources:

  • Whose Base is Bigger - Democrats or Republicans?   5 years 15 weeks ago


    It's sad... Thoms not happy unless he gets at least 2 lies in every story.

    Thanks for the corection!

  • Whose Base is Bigger - Democrats or Republicans?   5 years 15 weeks ago

    Hi Diane,

    A busy day today....I read what you wrote in the last comments...:)

    Great Trump rally tonight, hope you got to see it.

    Just for fun


  • Whose Base is Bigger - Democrats or Republicans?   5 years 15 weeks ago

    Regarding putting immigrants in cages, check out the following article from the Associated Press including its photos.

    2014 photo wrongly used
    to hit Trump policies


  • Whose Base is Bigger - Democrats or Republicans?   5 years 15 weeks ago

    I vote for the latter as more likely. The moderate, traditional Republican base is shrinking faster than Trump's atrophied brain and wee cock. Never mind "Sleepy Joe" -- any Democrat with a pulse and a microphone could beat the flaming orange bigot now fouling the Oval Office, especially after four years of kakistocracy. So they may as well choose the most progressive, just as Republicans in 2016 chose the most regressive.

  • The American Dream is Alive & Well In China   5 years 15 weeks ago


    I hear ya, bro, on factory farms.

    Nevertheless, as important as that particular subject is, it's still just one aspect of the larger problem. Such a hugely politically tricky issue should be a film in its own right, adding to the growing body of knowledge. Although, the framers of the nuanced argument must surely be aware of being heartily dismissed as whining about "cow farts" by the stubborn deniers.

    The producers of "Ice on Fire" couldn't cover everything, having their hands full (and budgets drained) attempting to reach out to the widest audience possible, just on the basic science of global warming, including to America's most intractable deniers (virtually all Republicans), who actually have "been living in a vacuum for the last few decades."

    By the way, it's never "a waste of time" to point out a looming crisis of such magnitude. And, trying to comprehend all the complex causes as well as the full impact of ACD (anthropological climate disruption) is something that never grows old. At least it shouldn't!

    Of course, the primary cause of climate catastrophe, from which all other causes derive, is the human mind. Now that would be the most eye-opening documentary of all!

  • The American Dream is Alive & Well In China   5 years 15 weeks ago


    Mmmm, tasty. What a huge plate of delectable road apples heaped high with a steaming pile of mushy manure that you are having for breakfast so early in the morning.

    The aroma is thick in the air. Truckin' Granny must breathe Trump's butt-stench halitosis 24/7.

    Eeew! Waiter! Bucket and mop! Vomit everywhere!

    So, Trump's enduring corruption, 10,000 lies as fake president, and wide-ranging, lifelong criminal behavior is somehow always the fault of those pesky Democrats who dare point out the many lies of a congenital liar and the many crimes of an habitual criminal.

    C'mon, get real, all you spiteful hypocrites out there in the Jesusland wastelands of racist Meerkkka -- what if Trump had a "D" behind his name? Hannity, Limbaugh, Ingraham, Pirro, Carlson, Cavuto, et al, would be in the coronary unit under intensive care by now, still quivering from vein-popping contempt and indignation.

    Continually blaming others for one's own words and actions is the predictable reaction of a mentally unstable asshole who is guilty as hell. Continually defending such a degenerate perp is the predictable reaction of a blind fool who thinks an impious incubus is God's gift to the world.

    Yes, good Christians in the real world, that's exactly what Truckin' Granny and her servile sidekick, Hot Stuff, actually believe as a central tenet of their false religion.

    "Repent! Turn from your idols and renounce all your detestable practices!" --Ezekiel

    Or at the very least, Trump's devoted disciples should just shut up, sit down, turn off FUX "News," and read the goddamn Mueller report while wolfing down their high-fat grits. Perhaps digestion will improve over time with a healthy dose of reality.

    Don't hold out much hope though; consuming so many lies over so long may lead to incurable mind-rot, which ain't good for the ol' brain-stomach connection.

  • The American Dream is Alive & Well In China   5 years 15 weeks ago

    So I watched Ice on Fire, and heard the same thing minus the elephant in the room. Factory farming was totally left out of the equation. Were the lobbyist too powerful? A really disappointing film with just regirgitation of old stories that we've known for decades. Maybe Decapprio will do a part II and take bring attention to the other half of the problem as well as bring attention to the cruelty that factory farms are. I sure hope so. Otherwise, I would say don't waste you time on Ice on Fire until you'be been living in a vacuum for the last few decades. Nothing new here. Peace, Just Sam

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