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  • Is Trump a Target for Blackmail?   5 years 14 weeks ago

    Thanks for sharing. You can do effcient screen recording for Windows and Mac with snagit screen recorder.

  • Who Will Stop World War III?   5 years 14 weeks ago

    I keep thinking the party of death will come to their senses after the primaries are over. If they want to see Trump have another term, they are really making it easy for him. Keep talking about abortion on demand for any reason at any time, slave reparations, open borders, abolishing private insurance, etc. Oh, and keep trotting out AOC as the new face of the party.

    Lefties seem to think that Trump supporters really like him. I don't think that is the case at all. The party of death is not providing a reasonable alternative. And with the economy humming along, the dems will have a hard time getting traction pushing extreme, out of the mainstream issues.

  • Who Will Stop World War III?   5 years 14 weeks ago

    Coalage3, the democrat party has been off the rails since Nov. 2016 when Hillary got her rear end kicked by a bunch of "deplorables". They are getting worse every day. Hate, hate, and more hate is all they got. Watching the 25+ in the democrat clown car each promising more free shit than the last is just flat out amazing.

    Now with Google executives caught with their pants down and of all things a knitting website banning anyone who supports president Trump. Honest to God, this s**t cannot be made up and the democrat party thinks the average working American is not tired of their desperate BS?

    They are in for a yuge surprise in 2020 and after that date, we will no longer have need to listen as all of their collective heads will have their minds boggled and explode in unison.

  • Who Will Stop World War III?   5 years 14 weeks ago

    Coalage3, the democrat party has been off the rails since Nov. 2016 when Hillary got her rear end kicked by a bunch of "deplorables". They are getting worse every day. Hate, hate, and more hate is all they got. Watching the 25+ in the democrat clown car each promising more free shit than the last is just flat out amazing.

    Now with Google executives caught with their pants down and of all things a knitting website banning anyone who supports president Trump. Honest to God, this s**t cannot be made up and the democrat party thinks the average working American is not tired of their desperate BS?

    They are in for a yuge surprise in 2020 and after that date, we will no longer have need to listen as all of their collective heads will have their minds boggled and explode in unison.

  • What Would Prevent You From Going Vegan If It both Saved the World & Your Body?   5 years 14 weeks ago

    Yes I would; however, there is a way to get protien that would be good for you: BUGS!

    If they can make plant based burgers that taste like meat, and I've had some good ones, they sure could use bugs for the same purpose - and aesthetically improve the experience. I've had several varieties of bugs and they taste just fine if you don't look.

    Millions of people in the world eat bugs. They are plentiful, reproduce at and astounding rate, and are aren't loveable enough to inspire guilt.

  • Who Will Stop World War III?   5 years 14 weeks ago

    Now it looks like AOC is holding up approval of some additional funding that would go to improve some of the conditions in southern border detention centers. I thought this was for the poor children. Now we all know that Trump should just tell Pelosi and AOC that there are a bunch of pregnant illegals that want abortions. Boy, then the money would flow from the house of representatives.

    Trump is showing that the dems really don't care about the illegal immigrant children, or the dreamers, or their parents, or for that matter, the law. It is painfully obvious that the party of death, also known as the democrats, do not want to improve the border situation. They just want to try and keep the issue going so they can try and blame Trump until the election. Of course, this strategy will backfire.

    The democratic party has completely gone off the rails in this country.

  • Who Will Stop World War III?   5 years 14 weeks ago

    Good Tuesday HotCoffee. As I was reading your post the announcement that Mexico was putting 15,000 troops on their northern border which is in addition to 5000 already in place on their southern border. This is a show but it could help slow the flow of phoney "refugees' that for some reason do not want to stop and stay in Mexico which according to leftie/socialists has free education, free college, low taxes, and free healthcare for all. Why they would want to travel an additional 2500 miles in flip flops and a tee shirt is beyond me. I was always puzzled why Somalis who live in a climate that is 90-100° year round would ever migrate thousands of miles to Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota where two thirds of the year it is below freezing? Answer: look at the map of the 2016 election map by county.

    Alexandria Occasional Cortex, Talieb, Omar, and a couple all make Hank Jonhson seem like a genius. They are all an absolute gift to the Republican party.

    see ya,

  • Who Will Stop World War III?   5 years 14 weeks ago


    The whole border looks like that! I ran into this article this morning.

    The Unfolding Revolution In Honduras Will Prove to be the Catalyst for 150 Million Migrants Eventually Coming to Our Southern Border


    So it's not a new Trump problem It's a problem ignored by dems for decades and still ignored today...except for the whine about Trump that is. And please stop using Obama border cages to frame're not fooling anyone....nor do we expect border agents to be babysitters although they do have a heart and bring their childens diapers from home for the children at the facilities.

    Do you think Pelosi will get anything done in 2 weeks or is she to busy with the diaper mentality of the AOC crowd?

    we'll see.


  • Who Will Stop World War III?   5 years 14 weeks ago

    Hey HotCoffee, A while back I did some research on Google Sensovault. It had tracked my every movement over a period of years and plotted them on a map. Dangerous stuff.

    On the illegal immigration front, this goes on daily in TX and AZ. Less than a minute long.

  • Who Will Stop World War III?   5 years 14 weeks ago

    I forgot to add this

    Insider Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent "Trump situation" in 2020 on Hidden Cam

    Here’s what Gennai says in the undercover video:

    We all got screwed over in 2016, again it wasn’t just us, it was, the people got screwed over, the news media got screwed over, like, everybody got screwed over so we’re rapidly been like, happened there and how do we prevent it from happening again.

    We’re also training our algorithms, like, if 2016 happened again, would we have, would the outcome be different?

    Gennai also declares her opposition to Democrat presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren’s proposal to break up Google. Why? Because, says Gennai, if Google is broken up it can’t prevent another “Trump situation.”

    Elizabeth Warren is saying we should break up Google. And like, I love her but she’s very misguided, like that will not make it better it will make it worse, because all these smaller companies who don’t have the same resources that we do will be charged with preventing the next Trump situation, it’s like a small company cannot do that.

    Gennai also declared that no amount of soft pressure from Congress or the White House will make Google change its ways. In other words, talk won’t help — if politicians want to change Google’s behavior, they’ll have to go beyond committee hearings and actually change the law.

    We got called in front of Congress multiple times, so we’ve not shown up because we know that they’re just going to attack us. We’re not going to change our, we’re not going to change our mind. There’s no use sitting there being attacked over something we know we’re not going to change. They can pressure us but we’re not changing. But we also have to be aware of what they’re doing and what they’re accusing us of.

    According to her professional profile, Gennai works on “responsible innovation” in the Global Affairs division of Google — the same division run by Kent Walker, the Google VP who has declared his intention to make the populist-nationalist movement represented by Donald Trump a “blip” or “hiccup” in history, which he said “bends towards progress.”

    Walker made these statements just days after the 2016 election, in a confidential video recording that was leaked to Breitbart News

    later again!

  • Who Will Stop World War III?   5 years 14 weeks ago

    Diane & coalage,

    Sorry Diane you'll have to fill me in ... no way I could stomach watching 2 days of the left trying to promise more free stuff than the last canidate. Or, one complaining that Trump wants to take us to war while the next complains that Trump is weak and won't go to war. Dammed if you do and dammed if you don't crap. Being in Ca. thats all you hear here anyway.

    I agree coalage I don't know anyone who wants more war either....or a free trip to Iran.

    S.F. rumor....Gavin Newsome....Nancy Pelosi's nephew will run for president in 2020.

    Don't know if it's true but it's a rumor going around.

    Meanwhile when will the left stop complaing and and send some soap & toothbrushes to the border?? They can't even help with that!!

    If complaining was a prerequisite for being president they would win.


  • An economic crash is looming, and it could determine the fate of Trump - and the country   5 years 14 weeks ago

    Since when have we had unregulated capitalism? And don't forget, there are just as many rich so-called democrats as there are republicans.

  • Who Will Stop World War III?   5 years 14 weeks ago

    I still don't know what war you are referring to. Did I miss the congressional declaration of war resolution this weekend?

    The only people who want a war with Iran are the Iranians (so the price of oil will go up), John Bolton, and the democratic presidential candidates. Other than that, I don't know anyone who feels like going to Tehran.

  • Who Will Stop World War III?   5 years 14 weeks ago

    Good Monday to you Hot Coffee. Today's beauty comes from Fauxhontas, who in a desperate attempt to out leftie the 25 others in the democrat party clown car, decided the US government needs to pay reparations to same sex couples.

    I can't wait for the democrat debates. That will be a must see TV shitshow of the highest order.

  • Who Will Stop World War III?   5 years 14 weeks ago

    #4: "Not being one who gives two thoughts about the Mid-East [sic]..."

    #5: "...turned on the computer this morning and heard about Trump's move."

    Trump trolls suddenly become experts, however, simply by cherrypicking wingnut articles wending their way through the daily news cycle. Impressive.

    Well, let's snatch a snowflake out of this blizzard of trivia, gossip, innuendo, and below-the-fold stories of little import, and check it out. That quick, cut-and-paste job in flake #7 is somewhat on topic. Dang, on closer examination though, like most, it only advances the cause of ignorance and confusion, misrepresenting the terms and aims of the Iran nuclear accord. It figures.

    Few of us are experts on Iran, especially Trumpies, so sources matter. The classic, yellow-journalistic screed in the link insinuates that Iran broke the agreement somehow. It didn't. The jingoistic, hit-job piece implies that the accord allows Iran to get The Bomb some day. It doesn't.

    The crank who penned this monstrosity conveniently left out key details: the percentages of uranium enrichment; the number of centrifuges; the disposition of stockpiles; decommissioned facilities; legitimate peaceful uses; timelines, etc., etc. If the so-called "shakedown payments" accusation is a reference to Iran's own money that was lawfully released back to them once they were in compliance, then he mischaracterized that as well. But who knows what the hell tangent he goes off on. He projected his own wild, domestic political conspiracy theories onto the leaders of Iran, which makes him sound as paranoid as Alex Jones. And, for good measure, he misconstrued who is provoking whom.

    Incongruously, he then concluded with the salient point that Uncle Sam's dick is bigger than Iran's (in more military-sounding words). Why doesn't this fossil-fuel apologist, warmonger, and ranting bigot just come right out and say it plainly? "Who cares about a theocracy that ain't Christian in some "sh*t hole" country that ain't Meerkkka? Do what Big Daddy Trump says or suffer the wrath of God, ya little pagan bastards!"

    See, that's how this whole thing got started after WW II. Uncalled-for aggression begets hate that can last generations. We were the bad guys in Iran. We still are. It was over greed and oil. It still is. It's hard to see into the mind of one's enemy, but at least hearing them out may lead to more constructive communication and de-escalation. Otherwise, it's war -- extreme politics by another name.

    Meeting jaw to jaw is better than war.” --Winston Churchill

    In 1953, the CIA and their rogue agent, Kermit Roosevelt, at the behest of British oil interests, a forerunner of BP, fomented a coup against Mossadegh, a highly popular Prime Minister elected overwhelmingly by a democratic parliament. In his place, the infamous Shaw of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, was installed as a puppet friendly to Western oil interests.

    The people despised him and, by extension, us. Who can you blame them? It would be as if Iran fomented a coup against Eisenhower, installed the Ayatollah, and tried to steal all the gold in Fort Knox.

    Right-wingers in Iran love it when right-wingers in the United States provoke them. It increases their power over the moderate forces. Backing a well-armed nation into a corner and expecting cowardly compliance is totally naive. Why would anyone willingly look weak in front of their neighbors by submitting to a puffed-up clown with crazy-hair? Iran is an ancient and proud land; they will never bend a knee to King Trump the Dishonorable, even if we beat them to a bloody pulp.

    But Iran is not some minor military force, like Saddam's Iraq or the Afghan warlords; it's tough, smart, and modern -- a formidable foe. Sure, we'll prevail, but it'll be a bloodbath like no other since the Iran-Iraq war in the 80s. Is that what it takes to stop a nuclear weapons program nowadays? Because without "Obama's deal" in place, that's a real possibility.

    What most military-minded leaders with nuke-envy totally get is that if you have the Big Bomb you get respect. Ask "Little Rocket Man," Kim Jong Un of North Korea. Like his daddy dictator and his daddy dictator before him, he figured out how to flaunt his phallic symbols and charm his enemies like King Trump the Immature, who "loves" blustering bullies like himself. Why won't we ever attack that little freak? Because he has the Big Bomb, but also because he has enough conventional forces that could kill millions.

    Whatever Trump the Liar says, the opposite is true. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is a good thing, not a bad thing. It prevents Iran from making the bomb and therefore prevents war with us over the issue. But, despite all evidence to the contrary, wingers will forever conflate Iran's peaceful nuclear-energy program with a fantasy nuclear-bomb program.

    Trump broke the word of the United States and is threatening military action. Iran is appealing to the U.N. So, who's winning the battle of perception? It looks like good ol' Uncle Sam is the one who can't be trusted. Trump sure proved that to everyone. Despite Republicans' best spin, it's a pesky fact of history now, right up there with the Mossadegh coup. To Iran, we're still the bad guys with the guns.

    Basically, the accord is twofold: it recognizes a sovereign nation's right to create a nuclear program for energy production and other peaceful purposes; it prevents Iran from ever using their program to make nuclear bombs.

    It was never intended as a grab bag for every other grievance against Iran, such as funding terrorists (as Suadi Arabia does), fighting proxy wars (as Saudi Arabia does) harassing ships in the Straights of Hormuz (as U.S. drones apparently do). Those can be hashed out without affecting the terms of the JCPA, which, separate and apart, does not preclude further negotiations on lesser matters.

    Among other things, the accord kept uranium U-235 levels very low, only for power plants; it radically reduced the number of centrifuges and stockpiles; it repurposed facilities; it substantially increased "breakout time" with enough lead to effectively respond and re-impose sanctions, or worse if necessary; it established stringent inspections and monitoring procedures.

    It was far from perfect (What is?), but it was effective in achieving the main objective: keeping Iran out of the nuclear club. The proof is that Iran remained in full compliance, even though we're still geopolitical enemies in so many other ways. In other words, two implacable enemies, along with the most powerful nations on Earth, were able to cooperate successfully over several years on an extremely difficult issue -- a remarkable achievement without firing a shot, a positive example for the world.

    Now, Trump the Cry Baby is flying by the seat of his diaper, upsetting the delicate balance, as he does with most of his relationships.

    He's angling for the most punishing sanctions to cripple their economy just short of war -- a vicious, needless attack on innocent civilians -- after trashing the agreement for no good reason, other than to feed red meat to his howling dogs. Yet, he took away the one thing that precluded the necessity of warfare to stop weapons-grade enrichment. This thoughtless, arbitrary action, like exiting the Paris accords, will go down as one of history's greatest foreign policy blunders.

    Like most countries in the world, Iran is trying to diversify its energy sources, so that it's not a slave to oil -- a wise course of action, even though it's towards nuclear power. (Solar and wind would be even wiser.) Meanwhile, oil is still Iran's principal source of revenue, so the sanctions threaten their entire economy. By destroying so many people's livelihoods and ability to support their families, how exactly will that improve relationships between our two heavily populated nations?

    So, what are Generalissimo's options if Iran does decide to go all out for nukes in retaliation for the sanctions? He can rattle his saber and hurl empty threats and insults, looking weak and foolish (because he is). Or, he can start the bloodiest war in the Middle East. It sounds like the dilemma of a deranged medieval king rather than of a world statesman.

    Actions have consequences. The Mad King should have tamed his inner dragons instead of burning "Obama's deal" to ashes, as most rational observers at the time tried to warn against. This is a crisis of his own making, added to his growing list of fake emergencies.

    We were cocked & loaded..."

    Jaysus! Dethrone this stupid sonuvabitch!

    Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

  • Who Will Stop World War III?   5 years 14 weeks ago


    Sanders lost much of his support when he let Hillary screw him and then he kissed her behind. Showed he had no principles or spine!

    Now he's losing support as people find out what being a socialist really is!

    No worries Giulani has it covered.....

    Giuliani Lashes Out At Clintons: You Are "America's Number One Crime Family"

    and Bernie did nothing!

    article here

    and more coming....

    Judicial Watch: FBI Admits Hillary Clinton Emails Found in Obama White House



  • Who Will Stop World War III?   5 years 14 weeks ago

    HotCoffee. Wonderful video on past presidents clamouring for more border security. Hatrmann would shrug this off with some deflection. The leftie/socialists seem to "forget" a lot of the past.

    Love your list of leftie/losers. One you mentioned was Lena Dunham, a nobody who was an alumni from.... You guessed it Oberlin College that bastion of leftie/socialists that lost their case in court and may have to pay $44 million in damages to a local bakery they tried to run out of business when a couple of shoplifters screeched discrimination when they were caught red handed and the college stepped in and supported their claims. God how I live justice.

    Let's add another one to the list. Read the history of this self important clown.

  • Great Minds P2: Medea Benjamin Compares Saudi Labor System to Slavery   5 years 14 weeks ago

    Great info, thank you!

    Real Estate Agent Vallejo CA

  • U.K. Pound Falls As Markets Get Brexit Jitters   5 years 14 weeks ago

    Thanks for the great info

    Realtors Vallejo CA

  • Who Will Stop World War III?   5 years 14 weeks ago

    Hey Diane,


    Trump single handedly broke Barack Obama's legacy -snapped it like a twig; he broke Hillary Clinton's perfidious ass, and he reduced her to a frail and bitter old dystaxic drunk. He broke Michael Moore and turned him into a quadruple chinned mumbling fool . He broke Barbara Streisand and Lena Dunham, he made one eat and one not eat themself into a stupper. Trump made Jeb spend 100 million dollars for zero primary delegates and broke him. He broke Kathy Griffin so badly that she was fired for being too offensive to be a spokesman for a company that makes and sells outhouses; He broke both Michael Avenatti and Stormy Daniels. Trump Broke “Never Trumper”,Bill Kristol, and bankrupt his Neocon leg humping magazine. He broke Rosie O'Donnell -several times.

    Trump broke Robert De Niro's high school drop out brain beyond repair, and he drove him mad; He broke Jim Carrey, and he turned him into a drooling loon sketching out maniacal fantasies; He stomped on Michael Cohen's gemmies and broke him -broke him ugly; Trump left Alec Baldwin baying at the moon, spiteful, and broken; He Broke Rachel Maddow and sent her into a nervous breakdown crying on national TV with her ratings plunging. Trump broke the Paris Climate Change Accord, and finished it off. John Kerry and his bought and paid for Iran Nuclear Deal... broken by Trump.

    Michele Wolf. Samantha Bee, Omarosa Manigault and The White House Correspondents Dinner, Santa Clause bearded David Letterman broke, broke, broke, broke, broke. He broke CNN so completely the only audience they have left is the captive audiences in airport terminals and hospices.

    Everyone who goes up against Trump loses. It's like a curse. It's uncanny how some celebrity or athlete focuses on Trump and goes off on an anti-Trump rant and then fails professionally in some fashion. Sometimes it is in unrelated ways like Jussie Smollett, Casey Affleck, Jerry Brown, Candice Bergen, Vincente' Fox, Tom Brokaw, Cher, George Clooney, John Conyers, Teresa May, Justin Trudeau, Bill Cosby, Johnny Depp,Eminem, Will Ferrell, Al Franken, Morgan Freeman, Jemele Hill, Megyn Kelly, Garrison Keillor, George Lopez, Louis C.K., Emmanuel Macron, Rob Reiner, Brad Pitt, Jorge Ramos, Amy Schumer, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kevin Spacey, George Takei, and many more. All raged against Trump,all were broken.

    Trump just keeps on taking on all comers and then he breaks them...LOL

  • Who Will Stop World War III?   5 years 14 weeks ago

    Happy Sunday Diane,

    AOC = Off her Rocker!

    did you see this?

    The video the Left don’t want many to see!

    When do you think they will quit playing their sick game??


  • Who Will Stop World War III?   5 years 14 weeks ago

    Good Sunday HotCoffee. The concentration camp thing points out how flat out stupid people can be. People should understand that Alexandria occasional Cortex has the IQ of a geranium and she is the best thing the Republicans have going.

    A bit on Cortez,

    Your video of LA's homeless is telling but it reverberates all up the coast. Seattle and Portland are worse in many respects. I would love to see the people rise up and start ousting these inbred democrats that have infested our once great cities politically.


  • U.K. Pound Falls As Markets Get Brexit Jitters   5 years 14 weeks ago

    Yep that's the question we're all wondering, what's going to happen? Lawn mowing Torrance CA Lawn mowing Carson CA

  • U.K. Pound Falls As Markets Get Brexit Jitters   5 years 14 weeks ago

    Yep that's the question we're all wondering, what's going to happen? Lawn mowing Bakersfield CA Lawn mowing Glendale CA Lawn mowing Burbank CA

  • Who Will Stop World War III?   5 years 14 weeks ago

    OK, The not so funny Saturday link...

    Video: La, SF, Seattle, Portland... Everyday Life In The Democrat Utopia..

    Did ya know?

    Confirmed: Study Finds 92% of Left-Wing Loser Activists Live at Home with Mommy and Daddy

    yep...right here


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