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  • What Do Democrats Really Want?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    Epstein was Trump's buddy, and they both shared the same taste for young and vulnerable females. Even his own daughter is not spared.

    here, here, and here

    Sick person!

  • What Do Democrats Really Want?   5 years 10 weeks ago


    This is going to explode................

    “It’s Going to Be Staggering, the Amount of Names”: As the Jeffrey Epstein Case Grows More Grotesque, Manhattan and DC Brace for Impact

    and check this out

    Hammam Yalbugha

    and here the one on Epsteins lsland

    Sick people!!


  • What Do Democrats Really Want?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    It's the young and UNhealthy who should be worried. Great price for insurance ...unless you actually need it to cover the many things it doesn't cover. It's just like the Trump University, the Trump Foundation, the Trump Anything and Everything -- a total scam, a giveaway to rapacious insurance companies and their greedy billionaire owners who profit by denying coverage.

    Pink-skinned racists/fascists should go back to where they came from.

  • What Do Democrats Really Want?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    Hey HotCoffee,

    President just gave the young and healthy a great gift.

    Federal judge upholds a Trump alternative to ‘Obamacare’

    If only 11 million people have Obama-Care, how will 24 million people die if it is repealed? Will an additional 13 million people be randomly shot?

    BTW, President Trump is up to 129 appointed judges on the bench and at least 50 to 75 more to go. Thanks, Mitch.

    Have a great night.

  • What Do Democrats Really Want?   5 years 10 weeks ago


    Good god, you are one ignorant f*ck!

    Ergo, Mentalage3.

    You haven't even read the Mueller Report, have you? Yet, here you are, opining stupidly about something of which you obviously know very little, other than the mind-numbing garbage that Fux Fake News, Trump, and his Republican party churn out on a daily basis. You and your butt-buddy Trump-trolls are their feckless victims, the poster children of a study that concludes people who watch Fux Fake News are more ignorant of current events than those who don't watch any news at all. Go figure. The troll trio on Thom's Blog is proof in the pudding.

    Mueller Report Volume I: Although it did not rise (almost but not quite) to the very high standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt of criminal conspiracy with a foreign government or its agents -- a most exacting standard of law -- the self-dealing and unpatriotic "collusion" (not a legal term) of Trump and his campaign with Russia for corrupt purposes was extensive and serious.

    The most important conclusion of Volume I is that the Russian military viciously attacked the beating heart of our democracy in an unrelenting campaign to denigrate Hillary and elect Trump (Why was that?) through electronic and social media warfare -- a war still being waged to this day, about which the Trump "Administration" and his lackeys in Congress are effectively doing nothing, presumably hoping for a repeat in 2020.

    Also in evidence are ample facts that Trump and numerous key campaign officials knew about Russia's aggression, welcomed it, sought it out, benefited from it, did not report it to the FBI, and lied about it repeatedly, betraying their consciousness of guilt. Putin totally played them, knowing they were too stupid and inexperienced to formally "conspire" as actual double agents. So he just used Trump's dummies to sew discord and undermine our democracy. In that, the Russian military-grade attack against the United States succeeded beyond Putin's wildest wet dream.

    In view of such hard facts, how can anyone misconstrue Trump as being a patriotic guy? It's as clear as the rising and setting of the sun that this greedhead cares about nothing and nobody except his money and himself. He should go back to Germany, where his grandfather was stripped of citizenship in the old Kingdom of Bavaria for refusing military service. (Bone spurs?)

    Mueller Report Volume II: The Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) issued an obscure internal memo (which is nowhere in the Constitution) during the Spiro Agnew corruption scandal in 1973, which stated that a sitting president cannot be indicted and cannot even be accused of a crime.

    (Horsesh*t -- in our country, no one is supposed to be above the law, especially a president, for god sake!)

    Mueller, being the tight ass he is, strictly followed that guideline throughout the report. Therefore, he only presented the clear and plentiful evidence of obstruction of justice in several instances without arriving at a charging decision, leaving that unpleasant chore to Congress in his rather vague, double-negative prose.

    Over a thousand of our nation's most venerable prosecutors -- from all political stripes -- are in total agreement that anyone else who is not the president would easily be charged and no doubt convicted with numerous felonies. If not for that constitutionally-suspect OLC memo, we would now have a convicted felon as president, who would be immediately tried, found guilty as hell, and sent to prison upon removal from office, either through impeachment or by way of an election defeat.

    BTW, sh*thead, the only reason you are able to post worthless opinions, which are backed up neither by facts nor outside reality, is that Thom loves to entertain other points of view, whether they are based on truth or not. Anyone who listens to his program is well aware of that fact.

    No one is "afraid" of your ridiculous lies; they are simply disgusted. To me, your shallow, sophomoric efforts to defend the indefensible are more amusing than anything else. Every word that a Trump troll utters is just more rope to hang the whole Republican Party of reprobates. Trump trolls are the poster children of a study that demonstrates Fux Fake News viewers know less about current events than those who don't watch any news at all.

    It's vitally important that the rest of the electorate understands the depths of Republican depravity -- in their own words.

  • What Do Democrats Really Want?   5 years 10 weeks ago


    Pretty amusing AOC claims shes threatened and wants police protection...while she trys to get ICE and HS just how does that work?? Gee would you mind protectng me as I try to get your asses go for it dumb shit.

    About as smart as losing all those Amazon jobs.

    That sure is a whole lot of info on holes!....geez

    Just got home...ended up having lunch in town with friends.

    maybe later.....

  • What Do Democrats Really Want?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    to sleep in cheap beds and HotCoffee, inside today so lots of computer time :)))

  • What Do Democrats Really Want?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    HotCoffee, inside today so lots of computer time.

    I never thought of plumbing but I remember back a couple of years,

    An expert weighs in on the ‘front hole’ debate

    And then there is this idiot,

    AOC Is the Gift That Keeps Giving

  • What Do Democrats Really Want?   5 years 10 weeks ago


    Well the left should stay out of hardware stores...all the plumbing fttings are male or female...such as.... a short threaded piece of pipe is called a nipple.

    No more plumbing for lefties! :)

    They are creating a language...but it isn't based on english.

  • What Do Democrats Really Want?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    Good morning Diane & coalage,

    Trump is getting signifintaly more campaign contributions from California than expected....

    SHOCK DATA: Trump Has Raised More Money in Liberal-as-Heck California Than Most Democratic Candidates

    According to a Quinnipiac University poll released this week, 35% of California voters approve of the president’s job performance.

    Also....Trump approval rating jumps, just shy of locking in reelection

    What a lovely day!!

    As for Omar of the jihad squad.....

    Earlier this week a Somali American patriot reached out to The Gateway Pundit to share some more on Ilhan’s radical past. The man also expressed to TGP that not everyone in the Somali community is a fan of Ilhan Omar. We have heard that from several of our sources.

    Here is his letter to The Gateway Pundit:

    As one of their fellow clansmen who has moved to America and embraced the American Dream, I am not happy with how they are representing Somali Americans. There are many patriotic Somali Americans who have fought for this country, some of which gave the ultimate sacrifice. She doesn’t espouse our beliefs nor our love for our adopted country. She has more loyalty to Somalia and our clan than she has towards this great country.

    We left a country where we were indoctrinated to believe things like Northern Somalis are Jewish and should be exterminated, only for them to have brought that ideology here with them which may explain her antisemetism. I spoke out to my fellow clansmen during Ilhan’s election here, but I was silenced and nearly ostracized by the community here under the orders of the tribal-chiefs President of Somalia Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo paid off in Somalia to garner votes for her in her election here. Unbelievably, as we’re one of the biggest donors of the current Somali government, my taxes in America are still funding the warped ideology we all fled!

    That same extreme ideology and anti-Semitism that Ilhan displays, is what led to the genocide in Somaliland and Al-Shabab taking over, and I don’t want that ideology to set foot in our great nation. I’m also not happy about the influence that Ilhan has on our foreign-policy towards Israel.

    I don’t want another generation of Somalis to be indoctrinated by that twisted ideology, that by the way, Ilhan’s dad personally helped formulate during his time as a propagandist in the Barre regime.

    The story about Ilhan marrying her brother is well known and is a very common thing among Somali people in the diaspora. Ilhan had a child with her real husband while married to her brother to get him US residency and ultimately obtain US citizenship. This is clear example of someone who does not respect the laws of this country and probably thinks that the Sharia marriage with her actual husband is the one that counts.

    He did not want his name to be public at this time due to threats by Ilhan suppporters.

    Going to town... back this afternoon.

  • What Do Democrats Really Want?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    That guy Richard who's been calling the show IS a troll. For years he's called into Norm Goldman and even Stephanie Miller's shows, sometimes daily, to harp on the same two issues: Some supposed all out war on Christianity that's happening in America, and against womens reproductive rights. He's especially virulently anti-abortion. Says he's a union member and small business guy, etc etc etc but never seems to be at work all day, unless it's a call center.

  • What Do Democrats Really Want?   5 years 10 weeks ago
  • What Do Democrats Really Want?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    Good morning HotCorree, Coalage.

    Loved the coffee story. I see people lined up at a drive through and always wondered.

    You tell me as I have been busy most of the week. I don't expect Hatrmann to ever change his tune but have any media outlets actually quoted President Trump's full quote? Didn't think so.

    Are the leftie socialist radio talking heads claiming that some RW kook will take a shot at one of the four horseladies of the apocalypse? I found the truth to be one of the most vile among the four America hating bimbos, Talieb, actually accuse Pelosi of being the creator of the threats.

    Back to SF renaming "manholes", If leftie/socialists don't believe in biological gender, then why did they march for women's rights?

    Back a bit later

  • What Do Democrats Really Want?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    Thanks for agreeing with me DS. The reposting of Peter Van Buren's article about the Mueller witch hunt, er sorry, investigation is spot on. And there is no doubt that the party of death has now turned into a facist, bigoted group that will tolerate no dissent from the party line. Sounds like Germany in the mid 1930's.

    The democrats have totally abandoned what made them the party of choice for most americans when I was growing up. Trump has stolen some of their economic policies (if you don't believe that, just listen to Warren for a few minutes and you won't be able to tell them apart), they offer nothing in the way of world matters, and the best they can come up with now is that everybody is a racist. Oh and lets not forget how the democratically controlled state legislatures cheered when they said it was okay to go ahead and kill a baby born alive after an abortion attempt. Along with open borders, free everything, climate change lunacy, etc., dems are now completely out of the mainstream and out of touch with most americans.

    How come Thom's blog hasn't morphed into a liberal posters paradise? Afraid to hear other points of view?

  • What Do Democrats Really Want?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    [LMAO ...kinda hung up on the whole coffee thing, aren't ya, óinseach? Better cut back on the jitter juice and partake more of that Humboldt bud up there on the backwaters of the Eel River.]

    HotCoffee [radical false religionist, posted the following]:

    They will say things about this man, but it will not affect him, and they shall say it rolls off of him like the duck, for as the feathers of a duck protect it, so shall my feathers protect this next president. Even mainstream news media will be captivated by this man and the abilities I have gifted him with, and they will even begin to agree with him says the Spirit of God.

    [Follow the link ...if you dare.]


    [LMAO ...from the bowels of shoot-'em-up Texass.]

    Dianereynolds [racist/fascist/liar, posted the following]:

    Sorry for the long quote but it is dead on point.



    Time is like a river. You cannot touch the water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Franklin Graham was speaking at the First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida, when he said America will not come back.

    He wrote:

    "The American dream ended on November 6th, 2012. The second term of Barack Obama has been the final nail in the coffin for the legacy of the white Christian males who discovered, explored, pioneered, settled and developed the greatest republic in the history of mankind.

    A coalition of blacks, Latinos, feminists, gays, government workers, union members, environmental extremists, the media, Hollywood, uninformed young people, the "forever needy," the chronically unemployed, illegal aliens and other "fellow travelers" have ended Norman Rockwell's America.

    You will never again out-vote these people. It will take individual acts of defiance and massive displays of civil disobedience to get back the rights we have allowed them to take away. It will take zealots, not moderates and shy, not reach-across-the-aisle RINOs to right this ship and restore our beloved country to its former status.

    People like me are completely politically irrelevant, and I will probably never again be able to legally comment on or concern myself with the aforementioned coalition which has surrendered our culture, our heritage and our traditions without a shot being fired.

    The Cocker spaniel is off the front porch, the pit bull is in the back yard The American Constitution has been replaced with Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" and the likes of Chicago shyster David Axelrod along with international socialist George Soros have been pulling the strings on their beige puppet and have brought us Act 2 of the New World Order.

    The curtain will come down but the damage has been done, the story has been told.

    Those who come after us will once again have to risk their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to bring back the Republic that this generation has timidly frittered away due to white guilt and political correctness.."



    [Of course, the Trump-troll clown show on Thom's Blog wouldn't be complete without Mentalage3 (self-deluded MAGA Redhat) adding his two cents through an upside-down, inside-out looking glass]:

    "Are you kidding me? The party of racism is the democratic party. And by the way, they are also now the party of fascism as well. They will do whatever it takes to silence any dissenting voice. Anitfa? They are just the new fascist brownshirts. Beat the hell out of anybody they don't like. Sure sounds and looks like fascism to me, and the leadership of the democratic party just remains silent. As the saying goes, their silence speaks volumes. Per Don Lemon, they "aren't perfect". Yeah, just like the KKK is not perfect either.

    The democrats have now totally abandoned the working people and unions in this country in favor of the 1% elite and their minions. Kind of ironic, isn't it?

    What has happened to the democratic party in this country?"


    [And this gem that Mentalage3 dredged from deep within the Republican swamp where minds go to die.]:

    From Peter Van Buren:


    The core problem—at least that we know of—is that Mueller hasn’t found a crime connected with Russiagate that someone working for Trump might have committed. His investigation to date hasn’t been a search for the guilty party—Colonel Mustard in the library—so much as a search for an actual crime, some crime, any crime. Yet all he’s uncovered so far are some old financial misdealings by Manafort and chums, payoffs to Trump’s mistresses that are not in themselves illegal (despite what prosecutors simply assert in the Cohen sentencing report, someone will have to prove to a jury the money was from campaign funds and the transactions were “for the purpose of influencing” federal elections, not simply “protecting his family from shame”), and a bunch of people lying about unrelated matters.

    And that’s the giveaway to Muller’s final report. There was no base crime as the starting point of the investigation. With Watergate, there was the break-in at Democratic National Headquarters. With Russiagate you had…Trump winning the election. (Remember too that the FBI concluded forever ago that the DNC hack crime was done by the Russians, no Mueller needed.)

    Almost everything Mueller has, the perjury and lying cases, are crimes he created through the process of investigating. He’s Schroeder’s Box: the infractions only exist when he tries to look at them. Mueller created most of his booked charges by asking questions he already knew the answers to, hoping his witness would lie and commit new crimes literally in front of him. Nobody should be proud of lying, but it seems a helluva way to contest a completed election as Trump enters the third year of his term.

    Mueller’s end product, his report, will most likely claim that a lot of unsavory things went on. But it seems increasingly unlikely that he’ll have any evidence Trump worked with Russia to win the election, let alone that Trump is now under Putin’s control. If Mueller had a smoking gun, we’d be watching impeachment hearings by now.

    [How very prescient ...face palm.]


    [Thom's Blog, like nearly every other social media platform these days, has morphed into an exposé of the Republican inner mind -- the racist, sexist pigs that populate the Mad King's looney-toon base of chanting chumps. Each passing day reaffirms the complete fecking idiocy of the American kakistocracy that is the Trump WHITEMAN House.

    Keep the hits a' comin', all you sad, angry, hateful trolls ("Russia, if you're listening..."), but the winter of 2020 is coming for the Republican Party. They had their chance to show America their stuff, and it made the People sick. Now, the flaming racist/sexist/fascist Redhats must face Judgement Day.]

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  • U.K. Pound Falls As Markets Get Brexit Jitters   5 years 10 weeks ago

    If pound falls every overseas workers are affected especially on small countries like Philippines. But i guess in few weeks pounds will increase it depends on political status and economy. Click here

  • What Do Democrats Really Want?   5 years 10 weeks ago



    Suze Orman wants young people to stop “peeing” away millions of dollars on coffee. Last month, the personal-finance celebrity ignited a controversy on social media when a video she starred in for CNBC targeted a familiar villain: kids these days and their silly $5 lattes. Because brewing coffee at home is less expensive, Orman argued, purchasing it elsewhere is tantamount to flushing money away, which makes it a worthy symbol of Millennials’ squandered resources.

    Orman’s not alone in this view. The old guard of personal finance has spent years turning the habit of buying coffee into a shorthand for Americans’ profligacy, especially that of young Americans. Dave Ramsey, a finance personality who hosts a popular radio show on getting out of debt, says that forgoing lattes is one of four keys to saving thousands of dollars. Kevin O’Leary, one of the investors on the entrepreneurial reality show Shark Tank, once told CNBC, “I never buy a frape-latte-blah-blah-blah-woof-woof-woof.” Even the official Twitter account for Chase Bank has gotten in on the fun, intimating via meme that a failure to brew at home is why young people don’t have any money.

    In the face of coffee shaming, young people usually point to things like student loans and housing prices as the true source of the generation’s instability, not their $100-a-month cold-brew habits. Nonetheless, coffee endures as a personal-finance flash point because it provides such a tidy intersection of generational tensions. A cup of coffee embodies changes in everything from how younger Americans eat to where they live and how they approach their finances. For young people who buy one each morning, the walk up to the barista can be a shame-tinged tug of war.

    Finance media has seized on coffee in part because, in the space of a generation, how Americans drink coffee has changed dramatically. In 1994, Starbucks had fewer than 500 locations in the United States. Today, it has more than 14,000. With this expansion, the Seattle-based coffee chain pioneered a more European approach to coffee throughout the country, replacing the mediocre-at-best cup of mud many Americans were accustomed to with espresso-based drinks and beans sourced from far-off locales.

  • Will Racism Backfire on Trump...Or not?   5 years 10 weeks ago


    The truth is out there but the left never quite seems to find it.

    Such as....

    Gaetz Questions Federal Prosecutor for Not Charging Man Responsible for Death Threats Against His Office

    In several explicit voicemails to the congressman’s office, a caller threatened the congressman’s life. One such message said:

    “Gaetz, you pathetic piece of s***. You know that I could blow your f***ing head clean off your shoulders from over a mile away. Watch your back b****, you pathetic little piece of s***. You got your head so far up Trump’s a** but I could still take it off your shoulders. F*** you, Gaetz. I’m coming after you.”

    Clearly, this is a violent threat against a member of Congress. It didn’t take federal agents long to track down the man who made the threat, but prosecutors are declining to arrest the man responsible.

    During an interview on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Gaetz wondered his criticisms of the intelligence community are the reason his harasser hasn’t been arrested for his actions.

    Watch Gaetz’s interview:

    Mad maxines wet dream coming true. and lets not forget Scalise. being shot playing baseball.

    The left wants to start a new civil war while blaming the right...sick!

  • Will Racism Backfire on Trump...Or not?   5 years 10 weeks ago
  • Will Racism Backfire on Trump...Or not?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    Forgot to mention....when will Thom be changing his name to Thom Hartperson?

    Person Thom must be a racisist since person Thom has man in person Thoms name and hasn't changed it !!!! Oh and the name of person Thom's blog is racisist too.

    Look out Thom your dear socialist friends will be comming for you soon...or do you think you stand to gain a better outcome than racisist Pelosi?

    Now back to those racisist person hole covers in S.F.

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  • How Has the Right Wing Takeover of the GOP and the Media Changed America?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    After reviewing those right news outlets CNN and MSNBC (ha..ha), there was barely any mention of the real news from yesterday. Did you hear? 137 democrats voted against impeaching Trump. I thought they couldn't wait to impeach him. Thom must be in tears.

    Did you hear? The hush money case investigation was dropped by the district attorneys in NY. I guess I missed that on CNN. I thought Trump was definitely going to jail over this. The talking heads said so.

    The only news being broadcast today is the "send her back" chant from the Trump rally. Apparently Trump has tried to say he was against it (Wink...wink). I'm sure the talking heads on those right wing news shows on CNN and MSNBC will be saying that this is now the end of Trump.

    Funny, but the earlier chants of "lock her up" at the Trump rallies only seemed to boost the Donald. Of course, it was about Hillary. So never mind...

  • Will Racism Backfire on Trump...Or not?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    G'Day Diane & coalage,

    Well... it seems millions of voters are a bit tired of 2 1/2 years of falsley being accused of being rascist....and from the people I speak to many of Dems are fed up with it too.

    Now S.F. is renaming the rascist man hole covers in the street...I kid you not! I guess it's cause they don't have any pressing problems like the homeless & feces to deal with.

    The election policy on the left is to file frivolous never ending lawsuits spending as much as possible on Attorneys...that way there's no time to deal with the chaos at the border, Such as the 22 MS13 murderers just picked up...or any other congressional business. They sure have plenty of time to bitch and complain though.

    coalage is is 100% correct in post #4.

    In the meantime the American workers money goes as US aid to Somilia...but Ormar seems to forget about that....not to mention the somali welfare fraud thats goes on in Minnesota....well documented for anyone that wants to look.

    Here we sit in a country where people sneak and break into because they want to be here, why? cause were racisist!....I haven't heard of anyone trying to sneak into any African countries lately have you? Middle Eastern Countries? Hmm why not?

    Um...and what about racisist Mad Maxine and her calls for violence...never mind, she's too brown to be accountable for her vomitious words....shes the mother of antifa.

    People are unique and should be judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin.

    maybe later!

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