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  • Will America Allow the Slaughtering of the Kurds for Profit?   4 years 50 weeks ago

    Elections have consequences...

    How severely have Americans been gaslighted when virtually all the headlines of import in the daily news cycle monotonously and inadequately express the near-total chaos, both domestically and internationally, of Trump's fake presidency? His goofy-looking, sleep-deprived white bags bulging out under paranoid eyes glaring at us --his angry, unhealthy orange visage topped with a crop of clown hair, spewing hate and fear and idiocy -- is routinely plastered everywhere as if it's a normal thing, like a morning cup of coffee. Just how crazy has he made the rest of us?

    From the climate crisis and environmental degradation to military and nuclear proliferation (by far, two of society's greatest concerns); to the rise of dictators; to breaking treaties; to Middle East conflicts; to betraying the Kurds; to trade wars; to unfettered greed and its accompanying wealth disparity; to immigration; to racism; to religious bigotry; to sexism; to war-ravaged veterans trying to survive on the streets; to poverty; to addiction; to crime; to the militarization of our civilian police forces; to racist cops; to education; to science; to healthcare; to families; to workplace issues and unfair compensation; to dwindling retirement prospects -- basically, to the systematic destruction of the institutions of our once-respected democracy and its negative impact on our allies in the so-called "free world" -- which of these existential struggles have not been made worse by Trump's own words and actions and those of his enablers?

    And for what -- to further enrich the fabulously rich as the world burns?

    That Trump is one of the most corrupt autocrats on the planet is plain to all except his fascist cult of devoted followers who hang on his every word -- empty words that are flat-out lies, both big and small. He even lies about the weather.

    The flush-faced crowds of blind faithful who populate his Nuremberg Rally-style propaganda fests are too far gone to see the simple truth of this sick individual screaming down at them, someone who belongs in a mental institution rather than on a podium or, if true justice should be served, isolated in the mental ward of a prison. Certainly, he does not belong in the White House!

    But, naturally, any resistance to Trump's utter venality must be some elaborate, hard-to-follow plot, a "hoax and witchhunt" by all those wicked unbelievers who have not prostrated themselves before the Almighty Trump with his "great and unmatched wisdom." Evil Democrats are defying God's Will by destroying Christianity's Great White Savior, never mind Jesus. Is it any wonder why throngs of young people are not joining this flock of fools?

    Perhaps, in this modern dark age, it's time for the real Christians among us to revisit the deeper meaning of those conveniently overlooked passages, "...many false prophets are gone out into the world" and "Ye cannot serve God and mammon." And then vote accordingly while we still have a somewhat functioning democracy of, by, and for the People.

    The world is truly on the cusp. Your move.

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   4 years 50 weeks ago

    How far does all this conflict of interest go? Hopefully everything will be fine and end in Peace, Peace!

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  • Is Trump's Call For Civil War Really a Call For a Race War?   4 years 50 weeks ago

    This is the investigation stage, Trump will get his chance to question witnesses at the trial stage, which is in the Senate.

    During some investigations, and occasionally some trials, if witnesses are felt to be at risk of intimidation or harm by the accused or his followers, their identity is kept hidden. Sadly, that would appear to be justified in this case.

    Hopefully there will be so much corroborative evidence that the identity of the original whistelblower will become uniimportant

    In any case, I would not be surprised if Trump already knew it.

  • Is Trump's Call For Civil War Really a Call For a Race War?   4 years 51 weeks ago
  • Tuesday 8 October '19 show notes   4 years 51 weeks ago
  • Is America Ready for a Lawless President?   4 years 51 weeks ago

    "... regicide ... suicide bombers ..."

    Tch, tch -- such violent imagery conjured up by another repugnant perp of Fux News.

    Joe diGenova is a priggish, B-rated Washington DC lawyer and professional gadfly, who -- along with his prissy wife and partner in the betrayal of our Constitution, Victoria Toensing, and the bug-eyed crazy man and master of whisperers, Rudy Guiliani -- is working off the books on some weird civilian version of a black-op mission, no doubt on the taxpayers' dime, flying around the world and lying on behalf of We the People as a rogue thug for usurper King Joffrey, the perpetually angry and aggrieved man-boy ruler of fascists and racists in the dystopian fiefdom of Meerkkka, who seeks to subvert our democratic process by corrupting foreign governments and their leaders for personal profit and political advantage -- the very corruption of which he continuously and falsely accuses his Democratic rivals (classic projection).

    Or, to reduce a long sentence to three words: greedy, lying hypocrites!

    Okay then, as a dire warning to future generations, let's go with the all-too-common violent imagery of the radical right's all-too-common Joe Shmoe -- the Mad King should be killed! Yes! Slowly, painfully, burned forever into memory!

    Figuratively speaking.

    Of course, said "regicide" would not be achieved with poisoned wine, a sword through the heart, or dragon-fire but with the only lawful remedy left to us according to the Mueller report and the Constitution: impeachment.

    Whereas said "regicide by another name" is a good thing; for, our republic/democracy ("if we can keep it") does not allow for an unaccountable monarch who is above the law know, "by another name."

    Whereas said whistleblowers -- "nonentities and suicide bombers unleashed" -- are the kingslayers and heroes of this uniquely American tragicomedy.

  • Tuesday 8 October '19 show notes   4 years 51 weeks ago

    Yes, I'm on your newsletter mail list.

    What's New York Times article title today about whether House of Reps can send to prison the subpoena-refusing current Trump-conspirators? Thanks so much for all every day!!

  • Friday 14 April '17 show notes   4 years 51 weeks ago

    It's great to come to your blog gpa calculator

  • Did Trump Abandon Kurds To Keep His TurkishHotel?   4 years 51 weeks ago



  • Why is Trump Allowing Our Allies to Be Slaughtered?   4 years 51 weeks ago

    Yeah? When did you become such a traitor?

    Were you ever in the military? You don't leave your buddies in the field to die! You don't betray your most staunch ally so that their enemy can kill them!

    Besides, who started these endless Middle East wars in the first place? Who opened the gates of hell?

    But in a hot war, regardless of the politics back home, you don't leave a buddy to die, you don't stab a friend in the back, and you certainly don't abandon a strategic position without consulting everyone involved, especially your own military intelligence, for godsakes!

    But this is Trump, who doesn't understand any of that.

    A real U.S. Commander in Chief would never make such an impulsive strategic blunder or engage in such horrendous treachery, just to appease an angry autocrat (albeit ally) after being browbeaten on a phone call.

    And you still defend this weak-minded fool, who wet his pants when the big bad tyrant showed the whiny little boy how to wield actual power?

  • Why is Trump Allowing Our Allies to Be Slaughtered?   4 years 51 weeks ago

    HI Tom,

    Am a big fan from rural NYS just south of Montreal.

    When discussing the Kurds, why don't you devote some time to explaing the geography of that part of the world being configured by a British 25 yr old civil servant who knew or cared nothing about how this tribal place was run during the Ottoman times? There was no understanding of culture, history, psychology, colonialism, etc. which has causedthe world trouble ever since. TE Lawrence was thought to have bee suicidal after this military betrayal of his deal with the Arabs who helped the west win the war. Another Betrayal!!!

  • Would You Rat Out A Mob Boss?   4 years 51 weeks ago

    Deepspace, it's a pleasure to read your well measured response to Trump and his acolytes.

    I've been reading a book by Danny Kannerman, now considered among the elites in the field of behavioral science and the father of behavioral economics. In short he has done a lot to help us understand things like why people stick to world views and why it so maddening in terms of getting say, a die-hard Republican or Libertarian even consider ideas foreign to their worldview. Frankly, it's depressing to consider that by my estimate 35% of the nation will go down in flames with Trump rather than desert him.

    This does not bode well given Trump's play at establishing a 2016 alternative to reality that his people will suck up faster than Jonestown kool-aid.

    Even more disturbing is given the state of affairs today where the fuck are the Millineals? This is there moment to define history and frankly I'm afraid too many are busy Instagramming and FBing to see that there world will literally be in fire by 2030 and a nightmare of eco-dystopia by 2050.

    Every one of those young people with a Republican parent needs to ask Mommy and Daddy why they are trying to kill them and the world?

    OMG! Here I go.

    Anyway, I like your style and WTF we might just get lucky. Remember when "W" almost choked to death on a chicken bone watching a football game at the ranch?

  • Ronald Reagan launched an attack on the middle class. We must reverse it to save our democracy   4 years 51 weeks ago

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  • Ronald Reagan launched an attack on the middle class. We must reverse it to save our democracy   4 years 51 weeks ago

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  • Is Trump's Call For Civil War Really a Call For a Race War?   4 years 51 weeks ago

    My luck I'm dealing with a bot or Russian troll here, however for the sake of civility.

    I spent 18 months in Vietnam just so you could enjoy the right to believe in whatever you want and now I really see how misguided my thinking was.

    However, let me just suggest that after Charlottesville and the shooting of a black prayer group by a white rascist, not to mention the murder of Latinos in in the Austin WalMart slaughter (again by a White rascist) that it is hard for me to see minorities flocking to support the grifter, rascist Trump and his fascist loving supporters in Congress. Just sayin'.

    According to:

    the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research Polling of Cornell University

    • Blacks voted 89% Clinton and 8% trump.
    • Latinos voted 66% Clinton to 28% trump

    Virtually all the data from Pew to Annenburg etc. show this ratio. Just to show you though that I can accept and consider factual data:

    • In 2016 the Black vote for Clinton was 5% less than for Obama in 2012.
    • In addition there was a 2% increase in black votes for Trump.

    ​Now, I don't know how that correlates to specific swing states like Wisconsin that went Trump and allowed him victory in the Electoral College while losing by 3 million popular votes nationwide, but that's life when both Parties have allowed this vestige to support slavery was allowed to continue after the Civil War.

    BTW what is United American News? - I can't even find it in Google Were you trying to reference OAN?

  • Is Trump's Call For Civil War Really a Call For a Race War?   4 years 51 weeks ago

    Your analysis is excellent. There is one thing that is important to note and that is that with 89 to 90% of all Republicans prepared to say things like, "Trump is not a rascist." With the entire Republican Party in Congress in lockstep with him, it's time to see that Trump is both a mirror of and a bully pulpit for all the fascism in full glory that is the Republican party since Reagan.

    So, while Trump acts like a 30's mob boss on an international scale it's critical to not overlook his pathetic, racist, oligarch loving horde of Republican fascist who literally are prepared to go down with him like the Nazis facing the Red Arrmy in Berlin.

  • Ronald Reagan launched an attack on the middle class. We must reverse it to save our democracy   4 years 51 weeks ago

    A must-read history lesson -- and perfect timing! Thanks again, Thom.

    This is a poignant reminder of the deep-seated dichotomy in our collective human mindset as it has evolved down through the ages: the desire to be free of tyrants versus the fear of insecurity, which the tyrant deliberately both fans and calms. ("Only I can fix it!" --the Orange King)

    Greedy, self-centered powermongers have always found ways to manipulate basic human instincts -- forever preying on the resources of the lowly serfs and unwashed masses as the high lords and ladies, hiding behind thick castle walls, consolidate their stolen wealth and power through all means necessary, which usually means violence and cruelty built upon absolute lies.

    From time immemorial, kings and queens and armies have filled our history books with glorious tales of blood and treasure ...and mindless atrocities! Nothing much has changed except the critical level at which we now find ourselves on this pale blue dot.

  • The Push for War with Iran (w/Guest Juan Cole)   4 years 51 weeks ago

    I don't want to see another war, hope it wont happen

  • Ronald Reagan launched an attack on the middle class. We must reverse it to save our democracy   4 years 51 weeks ago

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  • Is Trump's Call For Civil War Really a Call For a Race War?   4 years 51 weeks ago

    The following is from United American News....

    "What’s particularly telling as the nation readies for the 2020 presidential election is that Hillary overwhelmingly carried black and latino voters in 2016 — and lost. President Trump reportedly earned only about 8 percent of African-American and 29 percent of Latino-American votes. More than a year away from the next election, President Trump’s support among Latino voters has reportedly topped 50 percent, and African-Americans are upwardly trending at 29 percent. With an increase in Black and Latino voters supporting President Trump, Americans can expect a landslide victory in 2020.".

    So, go ahead, take your shoots. Tell me how I'm a fox news watching trool. (Even if I don't watch fox news). The President is very popular with Black's and Latinos. All the racist talk about a race war only helps to increase his popularity.

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   4 years 51 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'}
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    Thank you !

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  • Is Trump's Call For Civil War Really a Call For a Race War?   4 years 51 weeks ago

    The internet is a jungle. Thanks for walking point. ;--))

  • Ronald Reagan launched an attack on the middle class. We must reverse it to save our democracy   4 years 51 weeks ago

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  • Ronald Reagan launched an attack on the middle class. We must reverse it to save our democracy   4 years 51 weeks ago

    Мы знаем, что интернет-знакомства очень часто они не приносят желаемого эффекта, поэтому здесь мы основали российский интернет-сервис с одной задачей: сделать онлайн-знакомства бесплатными, легкими и увлекательными в интересах всех без исключения. Еще не можете встретить свою вторую половинку? Кстати имеется в наличии превосходная замена этому - сайты знакомств без учетной записи в России. Можно в удобное именно для вас время найти родственную душу без особых затруднений на этом специальном сайте, где тысячи современных людей каждый божий день беседуют вместе.Даже несколько минуток приятного обычного человеческого общения сумеют до неузнаваемости изменить вашу сегодняшнюю жизнь, в которой, наконец, появится любовь и удовольствие. Независимо от того, где вы всегда живете, в Нашем государстве либо в ином крае, у вас есть возможность знакомиться с мужчиной или девушкой из Нашего государства. Для этого не нужно осуществлять процедуру регистрации на вебсайте, с тем чтобы получить доступ к базе данных. Всем известно, что online-знакомства часто они не доставляют хорошего эффекта, в связи с этим здесь мы основали данный вебсайт с одной идеей: сделать интернет-знакомства без оплаты, легкими и увлекательными для всех без исключения. Не можете найти свою вторую половинку? Теперь имеется в наличии крутая альтернатива - интернет-ресурсы знакомств не регистрируясь в России. Не представит труда в подходящее для вас время суток увидеть близкую душу без труда на представленном спец сайте в режиме онлайн, где тысячи пользователей повседневно разговаривают друг с другом.Только пару минуток приятного разговора могут изменить вашу повседневная жизнь, в ней, наконец, поселится любовь и удовольствие. Вне зависимости от того, где вы всегда пребывайте, в Рф или в ином государстве, у вас имеется возможность завести знакомство с представителем сильного пола либо дамою из Нашего государства. Для этой цели не нужно выполняться процедуру регистрации, чтобы иметь доступ к базе данных. Все записи и знаки внимания в виде даров останутся личными и не раскрываются. Если у вас великое стремление отыскать другую половинку намного раньше, оформите ВИП аккаунт, на котором имеется услуга персональных требований. Для таких, кто не любит спешки в поиске родного человека, сможет радоваться приятным разговором. Подарите для себя возможность быть счастливым. сайт знакомств - сайт знакомств светелка

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