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  • Trump Plays With WWIII   4 years 38 weeks ago

    Hi SueN,

    we were having a nice conversation until you veered off. Please answer my question, would you please point out some of the harm you perceived President Trump has done.

  • When Iran Strikes - Republicans Plan to Be Ready - Are You?   4 years 38 weeks ago

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  • When Iran Strikes - Republicans Plan to Be Ready - Are You?   4 years 38 weeks ago

    Congress needs to pass the proposed legislation on the War Powers Act.

  • When Iran Strikes - Republicans Plan to Be Ready - Are You?   4 years 38 weeks ago

    Thom - a couple of days ago, the BBC reported that observers in Iran said Suleimani was carrying a response to a Saudi peace proposal and that he was actually helping broker a deal between Iran and the Saudi's. Have you heard anything to validate this? I believe Trump's strategy is to prevent peace in the Middle East. Also, given that Eric Trump retracted his tweet about delivering a can of whoop ass (prior to the General's assassination), once again we have proof of a Trump family member putting our national security at risk.

  • Trump Plays With WWIII   4 years 38 weeks ago

    What you call far left isn't very far left at all. It is the Republicans who have veered right, dragging the centrists behind them.

  • Trump Plays With WWIII   4 years 38 weeks ago

    Hi SueN,

    Sorry, I need to be more clear. It's not all Democrats, it's a vocal handful who have captured the Democrat party, and pulling it to the extreme left.

    I don't see the harm, the President is doing. No Leader is going to please everyone. Would you mind pointing out some of the harm you perceive he has done.

  • When Iran Strikes - Republicans Plan to Be Ready - Are You?   4 years 38 weeks ago

    hi guys :). I am looking for help for me and my girl. i am from France

  • When Iran Strikes - Republicans Plan to Be Ready - Are You?   4 years 38 weeks ago

    hi guys :). I am looking for help for me and my girl. i am from France

  • When Iran Strikes - Republicans Plan to Be Ready - Are You?   4 years 38 weeks ago

    Tehran Thom

    What evidence do you have that the President has no Stratgery?

  • Will Trump's Reelection & Impeachment Strategy Work?   4 years 38 weeks ago

    Swamp: You can have as many strikes as you like

    The real issue is 'fractional reserve banking" and those who own the system... banksters!

  • Trump Plays With WWIII   4 years 38 weeks ago

    I'm not a Democrat. I'm only concerned about the harm he is doing, which is obvious from where I stand.

  • Trump Plays With WWIII   4 years 38 weeks ago

    Hi SueN.
    Here's what I know, since Trump has become President I've seen my annual income increase about 17%. Prices have remained stable. Unemployment is at an all time low. That's what makes my world go around. I don't care that the President received less popular votes than Hillary, he received 302 Electoral votes to Hillary's 228 and despite all the bitching by lefties, electoral votes is how we elect the president.
    You have however, hit upon the reason for the impeachment, Democrats cannot accept the fact they lost the bad.....YOU LOST.

  • Trump Plays With WWIII   4 years 38 weeks ago

    those who have access to Trump have the ability to "put shit in his head" namely Jared Kushner, Stephan Miller have been there since day one, I would suspect that Jared Kushner is constantly planting and suggesting actions be taken that favor Saudi Arabias Mohammed Bin Saladin, Israels Benjamin Netanyahu and clearing it with Putin not so much working at Putins direction proactively but trying to make sure any action Trump might take wouldnt directly cross Putin or embarrass Putin.

    After all Jared wanted a direct line to the Kremlin bypassing having any normal USA intelligence agencies who would be monitoring Jareds calls otherwise.

  • Will Trump's Reelection & Impeachment Strategy Work?   4 years 38 weeks ago

    Hi Thom, can never get through on the phone, so here I am. Sure do attract some non-solutional posters here. Geesh.

    Anyway, I've heard your opinion before on the the feasability of a general strike, But as we find ourselves once again historically in the grips of Oligarchs, what other non-violent avenue of offense do we have?

    Trump is a symptom. You had a caller a while ago trying to state the relationship between those with resources to create food and those that don't. I think he was pointing at the worker/master relationship whereby the few are served by the many.

    Pick a day World-wide and shut it down. I think they will get the point. If not, try two days. The world power is out of balance and we either continue to head towards the wood-chopper or take a stance. Social media is the key to making a world-wide general strike even possible. We have never been here before.

    What do you think? Love your show and the bits I learn everyday I can listen. I'm still a Bernie Believer and I blame that on you. ;)

  • Trump Plays With WWIII   4 years 38 weeks ago

    Check out whether he actually gets done what he says he does.

    And don't forget he got fewer votes than Hillary.

  • Will Trump's Reelection & Impeachment Strategy Work?   4 years 38 weeks ago

    Tehran Thom:

    you forgot Truman and Korea, Kennedy and Cuba, Johnson and Vietnam, Clinton and Serbia, plus Obama and Syria.

  • Will Trump's Reelection & Impeachment Strategy Work?   4 years 38 weeks ago


    Create a war to get re-elected?

    From the "so called" leader of the "free" world!

    Is it any wonder we mere mortals are totally screwed "hoist on his own petard"

  • Will Trump's Reelection & Impeachment Strategy Work?   4 years 38 weeks ago

    Never mind Trump and his election prospects

    This cat has killed thousands of human beings with impunity in the name of Iran


    Why are we pussyfooting here???

  • Trump Plays With WWIII   4 years 38 weeks ago

    SueN, I will agree the President is not a likeable guy. But he gets things done. Some Democrats have been calling for his impeachment since the day after the election. It's too much. It's the Chicken little syndrome. President Trump beat all his Republican competition for president using the same style he used to defeat Hillary. It's the same style he uses to defeat Democrats now. The more Democrats attack, the more popular the President becomes, and the more inept Democrats seem. At this rate, he will be reelected with 60+ % of the vote.

  • Trump Plays With WWIII   4 years 38 weeks ago

    Don't you find a lot of what he does outrageous?

  • Trump Plays With WWIII   4 years 38 weeks ago

    It's really hard to believe all the outrage expressed by Thom and some Democrats. Is the outrage legit, or more likely, the outrage is just another expression of hate for anything President Trump does.

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   4 years 38 weeks ago

    I wonder who it is

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  • Trump Plays With WWIII   4 years 38 weeks ago

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