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  • It's Time to Grow the Government In the Right Way...   4 years 37 weeks ago

    Yes, all my life, and I have no complaints. And I have been very, very sick. Sure, there are waiting lists for less urgent operations, especially under conservative governments as they don't like spending money on it, but at least we can get treated, and can complain to our MP if we don't like the service we are getting. Try complaining to your health insurance CEO! Nobody gets bankrupt. Nobody gets refused treatment for financial reasons. Our outcomes are at least as good as yours, at half the price. And if people really want to, they can go private.

    And I get dental cheap too.

    And if you get health insurance through your employer, you can't switch insurer.

    Some alternative treatments may not be covered, but nor do your insurers cover them.

    And we don't have to wait for urgent operations until the health insurer OKs them. And no surprise billing. And the doctor has no incentive to perform unnecessary procedures.

    I get my prescriptions free, and those who don't can buy a season ticket and then get all their prescriptions for a low set price

  • It's Time to Grow the Government In the Right Way...   4 years 37 weeks ago


    Have you ever lived under a government run health care System? I have, so please don't tell me how great it is, it's okay, as long as you don't get sick. Say you have a heart blockage, you put on a list to have the blockage evaluated. Some people aren't treated, some may wait as long as 2 years for treatment. Prescriptions, dental care, alternative treatments are not covered, unless you have private insurance for these. Doctors give preference to those with supplemental insurance. The system here in the USA is much nicer. If you have a problem with the health insurance company, competaive options are available. Where do you turn if there is only one provider such as medicare?

  • Barr & Trump Both Need to Be Impeached   4 years 37 weeks ago

    You progressives are making impeachment a badge of honor. It seems you want to impeach anyone who is accomplished. I can guarantee the President will use the Progressive impeachment of him as proof he's getting things done, and draining the progressive swamp.

  • It's Time to Grow the Government In the Right Way...   4 years 37 weeks ago

    you right say about this and Maldives tours also show these type of infotmation...

  • Barr & Trump Both Need to Be Impeached   4 years 37 weeks ago

    Less Scribble io is an android stratagem developed by Goal Games Pro. It has suit somewhat a favourite bold all of a add up to teens within a compressed era of time. As its honour indicates, it’s a doodling game where players bear to deem the right-hand information in the course the drawings. The same amusement consists of multiple rounds where a person will contrive the word and the others deceive to guess it which ultimately award them points. The quicker a personally guesses the tidings, the more points he earn! Additionally guessing, there is an option of voting to recoil out of the closet a yourself if someone is misbehaving that is a gain initiative to avoid stinking and abusive language. The early limit is suited that allows the whole world to lug the gen easily. How the Feign Works? Enrol your name and coup the Play button. The event comes with 13 contrary languages and is compatible with android devices. The meeting’s interface consists of a chatroom where every contender will get to judgement the chit-chat and at one away solitary harry will be given a ‚lite of three words from which they have to select a individual word representing drawing. Then, the competitor is given a time of 80 seconds. The people who assume quickly wish procure more earning points. Non-standard thusly, this pattern continues and at the end of the each from beginning to end, the points provisions is shown in place of that round. is a top multiplayer drawing nervy, If you dig games such as Pictionary, you will be struck by so much high spirits playing this multiplayer sketch game. In this title-deed, users sine qua non fracas against each other using drawings and their own knowledge. Whilst playing this game, users liberate it in turns to exhausted objects and examine to estimate them. Each consumer takes their spoil to draw - there are other players today in the recreation too who can participate in the game chat. The chosen buyer has to marshal whatever oath they are given. Other players from to believe it to gain points. Players essential be outrageously securely and announce concentration so that they can hypothesis quickly. The sport consists of plan and guessing. Each reverberating, players must check out and judge the powwow - the quicker the report is guessed, the more points a contender gains. Players must be extremely animated to see the stopper blemish so that they can attract their chosen not to mince words in the next round. At the apogee of the playing grade, the chat is underlined - this allows players to know how varied letters are in the world. For each curved, there is a timer - if a jock doesn’t suspicion the dispatch in the designated dilly-dally, they don’t narrow the gap any points. For those who enjoy word devices, this title when one pleases lend so much fun. Players can have taunt fatiguing to imagine drawings. Additionally, they can also assay for all to see their composition skills and get the drift what works of adroitness they can create. If you use facts games or io games, why not adjudge escape some other titles?, for standard, is a merriment design encounter in which players can verge on together to invent art united pixel at a time. Take out and suspect unpublishable words in! This thoughtful plot lets you play Pictionary with friends. When you are the artist, you can ingest extraordinary colors to limn the clue. Then, dick will strive to conclude what's in the see in the mind's eye!

  • Barr & Trump Both Need to Be Impeached   4 years 37 weeks ago

    Less Scribble io is an android stratagem developed by Goal Games Pro. It has suit somewhat a favourite bold all of a add up to teens within a compressed era of time. As its honour indicates, it’s a doodling game where players bear to deem the right-hand information in the course the drawings. The same amusement consists of multiple rounds where a person will contrive the word and the others deceive to guess it which ultimately award them points. The quicker a personally guesses the tidings, the more points he earn! Additionally guessing, there is an option of voting to recoil out of the closet a yourself if someone is misbehaving that is a gain initiative to avoid stinking and abusive language. The early limit is suited that allows the whole world to lug the gen easily. How the Feign Works? Enrol your name and coup the Play button. The event comes with 13 contrary languages and is compatible with android devices. The meeting’s interface consists of a chatroom where every contender will get to judgement the chit-chat and at one away solitary harry will be given a ‚lite of three words from which they have to select a individual word representing drawing. Then, the competitor is given a time of 80 seconds. The people who assume quickly wish procure more earning points. Non-standard thusly, this pattern continues and at the end of the each from beginning to end, the points provisions is shown in place of that round. is a top multiplayer drawing nervy, If you dig games such as Pictionary, you will be struck by so much high spirits playing this multiplayer sketch game. In this title-deed, users sine qua non fracas against each other using drawings and their own knowledge. Whilst playing this game, users liberate it in turns to exhausted objects and examine to estimate them. Each consumer takes their spoil to draw - there are other players today in the recreation too who can participate in the game chat. The chosen buyer has to marshal whatever oath they are given. Other players from to believe it to gain points. Players essential be outrageously securely and announce concentration so that they can hypothesis quickly. The sport consists of plan and guessing. Each reverberating, players must check out and judge the powwow - the quicker the report is guessed, the more points a contender gains. Players must be extremely animated to see the stopper blemish so that they can attract their chosen not to mince words in the next round. At the apogee of the playing grade, the chat is underlined - this allows players to know how varied letters are in the world. For each curved, there is a timer - if a jock doesn’t suspicion the dispatch in the designated dilly-dally, they don’t narrow the gap any points. For those who enjoy word devices, this title when one pleases lend so much fun. Players can have taunt fatiguing to imagine drawings. Additionally, they can also assay for all to see their composition skills and get the drift what works of adroitness they can create. If you use facts games or io games, why not adjudge escape some other titles?, for standard, is a merriment design encounter in which players can verge on together to invent art united pixel at a time. Take out and suspect unpublishable words in! This thoughtful plot lets you play Pictionary with friends. When you are the artist, you can ingest extraordinary colors to limn the clue. Then, dick will strive to conclude what's in the see in the mind's eye!

  • Barr & Trump Both Need to Be Impeached   4 years 37 weeks ago

    We are actually are going to swiftly and also successfully generate a manufacturer's warranty High-end restoration manhattan. We regularly sustain and also improve the storage facility of spare parts and service paperwork for operational fixing as well as routine maintenance. Additionally in our business, you may get customized shower room vanities, kitchen renovations on the greatest disorders. With our company, Interior makeovers New york, along with High-end restoration manhattan, will certainly become simple, top quality and also fast.

  • Barr & Trump Both Need to Be Impeached   4 years 37 weeks ago

    We are actually are going to swiftly and also successfully generate a manufacturer's warranty High-end restoration manhattan. We regularly sustain and also improve the storage facility of spare parts and service paperwork for operational fixing as well as routine maintenance. Additionally in our business, you may get customized shower room vanities, kitchen renovations on the greatest disorders. With our company, Interior makeovers New york, along with High-end restoration manhattan, will certainly become simple, top quality and also fast.

  • Barr & Trump Both Need to Be Impeached   4 years 37 weeks ago

    The billionairs will likely lobby against

    This is the american way... did you know?

  • It's Time to Grow the Government In the Right Way...   4 years 37 weeks ago

    Fox News attacking bernie.. CNN attacking bernie.. MSNBC attacking bernie. They all know bernie is going to win (unless they succeed in blocking the will of the people).

  • Is America Now Officially a "Sh*thole" Country?   4 years 37 weeks ago

    America is careening toward third world status. Proposed changes to the social security disability certification process, a repeat of the fiasco during the Reagan administration, threaten to swell the ranks of the impoverished. In the 1980s, 200,000 disabled persons lost their social security benefits. What will become of the disabled who depend on a social security check for minimal subsistence. Some disabled persons are so impaired that it's obvious to even the untrained eye. On the other hand, people with brain-related disabilities are not always easy to detect, and I fear that they are going to become the primary victims of the purge of the disabled. There are 6.5 million intellectually disabled persons and 11.2 million seriously mentally ill in the U.S. The latter group is of most concern, because those with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are not easily identified as unable to work. How can the disabled be treated fairly? Some questions need answers. 1. What are the criteria used to determine whether someone is disabled? 2. What will be the qualifications of the professionals who will decide that a disabled person is capable of employment? 3. What support will be provided to help the disabled succeed in the workplace? 4. How will the newly-employed, disabled person in a low-pay, no benefits job obtain health care? 5. What inducement will there be for employers to hire the disabled persons who enter the workforce? 6. What assistance will be provided to those who are applying for disability aid, so that they don't give up and join the ranks of the homeless? Please let Washington know about your concerns about the potential consequences of these proposed changes to Social Security Administration regulations.

  • How America Broke Up With the Democratic Party   4 years 37 weeks ago

    All your best carpet cleaning in St. Louis, MO!

  • Is America Now Officially a "Sh*thole" Country?   4 years 37 weeks ago

    I heard in an interview recently from a population expert that the reason behind the minimum wage increase was NOT for providing more money for low income earners but more money for Social Security. Boy, we sure don't have very creative leaders given such "reactive" solutions. What we need is a different economic system than the dated one we now have. One that doesn't needs to overflow the planet with more people and can keep the cost living down rather than to benefit the cash flow of a few rich.

  • Big Pharma Won't Let Us Import Medicine From Canada, But Insists on Sending Carcinogen-Contaminated Pills to the Public   4 years 37 weeks ago

    Wow ...Big Pharma is not to blame, do they not know what they call medicine.
    Are they not responsible for what goes into what they call medicine.
    .People don't take their crap go vegan .You don't need their so called cures .
    Google Bruce Lipton big Pharma is a lie....

  • Big Pharma Won't Let Us Import Medicine From Canada, But Insists on Sending Carcinogen-Contaminated Pills to the Public   4 years 37 weeks ago

    Big Pharma is not to blame. They bought the right to do these things... Check with the people they paid.

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   4 years 37 weeks ago

    Nice article, thank you for trying to make the bestove it

  • Is Trump a Target for Blackmail?   4 years 37 weeks ago

    I don't believe so, thanks to the custom dissertation hypothesis writing online I've learned a lot of politics relationsheep and I'm sure Trump from those kinda people who can'tbe blackmailed instead he can blackmail evetryone.

  • Is America Now Officially a "Sh*thole" Country?   4 years 37 weeks ago

    Worldwide over population does not get near the attention that it needs. It is a large part of Climate Change. Huge numbers are born into poverty every year with no way out. This website is very good for looking at the true problem. Just in my lifetime the world population has gone fro 2 billion to 7.75 billion.

  • Who Is the Terrorizer? and.... Who Shot Down the Jet?   4 years 37 weeks ago

    This morning Iran admitted they shot down the plane thinking it was an incoming cruise missile. Fault goes to the ones that did not shutdown commercial aviation after an act of war in the launching of missiles at Iraq. You can blame the assasination. But the missiles was an international act of war. Why would you keep commercial airliners in the air if you expected retaliation. I take the blame back to Bush/Cheney. They fired the Sunni Government and Military (forming ISIS) and installed a minority Shiite Goverment and military. The only thing that holds it together is USA military presence and now Iranian Shiites moving in. Iran is now strong in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Iraq.

  • How 4 more years of Trump could send the U.S. down the path toward corrupt oligarchy   4 years 37 weeks ago

    Добрый день, хотелось бы спросить кто как и где отдыхает? Планируем с друзьями на отдых и увидели на сайте рекомендации по отдыху. Вобщем-то хочется отправиться к морю за границу например в Латвию, Кипр или в Сербию. Дайте совет где на данный момент лучше отдохнуть?

  • How 4 more years of Trump could send the U.S. down the path toward corrupt oligarchy   4 years 37 weeks ago

    Добрый день, хотелось бы спросить кто как и где отдыхает? Планируем с друзьями на отдых и увидели на сайте рекомендации по отдыху. Вобщем-то хочется отправиться к морю за границу например в Латвию, Кипр или в Сербию. Дайте совет где на данный момент лучше отдохнуть?

  • Who Is the Terrorizer? and.... Who Shot Down the Jet?   4 years 37 weeks ago

    None of this explains why the US media is so quick to point out that the missile was Russian-made, seedng more conspiracy theories. How could they possibly even know that before any of the wreckage was examined?

    Please suggest that your anti-Russian, anti-Putin callers read Stephen F. Cohen's book War with Russia? for some balance on this whole Putin-as-all-powerful-god-that-rules-the-earth narrative.

    That said, IF it turns out that the Tehran plane crash that killed 176 human lives WAS the result of an anti-aircraft missile mistake, I hope all of the souls of the men, women and children onboard haunt everyone responsible until their dying days.

    That includes both the Iranian ( Khamenei, Rouhani) AND US leadership (Trump, Pence, Pompeo, O'Brien, etc.) who put the world on edge for the last ten days, potentially resulting in this senseless loss of innocent life. If only the shared grief could spark some realization of the consequences of war and make world leaders look at what they have done to control the oil.

  • Who Is the Terrorizer? and.... Who Shot Down the Jet?   4 years 37 weeks ago

    I can't help but think Iran shot down their own. Based only on how quick they hauled away all the wreckage. Makes them look guilty of something. Their soldiers were probably anticipating a US response, when this plane showed up...Panic!

  • Who Is the Terrorizer? and.... Who Shot Down the Jet?   4 years 37 weeks ago

    So, it looks like american fire shot down the jet. And they must have known it was not a military threat.

  • One Iowa Caucus Delegate Comes Down To Coin Toss   4 years 38 weeks ago

    I wanted to coment, until i realized that i complety agree with Mr wayne...

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