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  • How Do We End the Looting?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    This is a very nice post, thanks for sharing Tellthebell

  • How Do We End the Looting?   4 years 17 weeks ago
  • How Do We End the Looting?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    It appears the guy in grayish short pants collected a device from individual that was grabbed by the crowd and handed to police for vandalism. It's from twitter. Tweet from Nick Flor-ProfessorF

  • How Do We End the Looting?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Today's piece on "How do we end the looting?" is probably the most cogent, comprehensive, and concise bits of writing on the subject that I have ever read. So, we work on to get out the vote, go Robin Hood legislatively, and redistribute wealth and power to create a just Nation and world.

  • How Do We Heal America From the Damage Caused By Right Wing Media?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Interesting, The POTUS want to label Antifa as a terrorist Organization. Antifa is short for anti fascist. So are they admitting that they are Fascists?

  • How Do We Heal America From the Damage Caused By Right Wing Media?   4 years 17 weeks ago

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  • How Do We Heal America From the Damage Caused By Right Wing Media?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    I will buy cheap lg all models. Regards. with expedition. I will buy cheap mobile phone lg all models. Used, in refurbished, no difference. Can be broken down. For parts only. P.S. Thank you for any advice) ... You can reply to the Tel.:8808527353.

  • How Do We Heal America From the Damage Caused By Right Wing Media?   4 years 17 weeks ago
  • How Do We Heal America From the Damage Caused By Right Wing Media?   4 years 17 weeks ago
  • How Do We Heal America From the Damage Caused By Right Wing Media?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    The "Liberal Redneck" says it like it is...

  • How Do We Heal America From the Damage Caused By Right Wing Media?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Haha, funny you should mention that. I was thinking the same thing this morning waking up to another day in Trumptopia -- how the world must view us. RSF (Reporters Without Borders) is a good site for world news too. And thanks for the timely links you provide that keep the ball rolling.

    As these events unfold so quickly, it helps to have a ready cache of reliable news outlets for multiple sourcing and different perspectives. It's hard to keep focused on the big picture(s) through just the US lens, which is getting pretty damn cloudy closer to the election, even worse than 2015-16.

  • At Nordeck   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Wow, what an amazing historic site to experience. It would be quite an adventure to explore that area. It would be great to be able to see more of it, I have been to a number of other historic mideval castle's that are still standing and constructed, in fact a bathroom of one castle near Turkey, Saranda Kolones, still holds parasites from feces centuries ago! Talk about something historic! Anyhow, I also hope to visit Stadtsteinach some day.

  • How Do We Stop Them From Killing More People?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Hi Thom,

    There is more to policing history than slave patrols. Check out this history that adds the northern history of police to protect corporations from unions and union workers:

    Policing is not about suppressing crime, it's about suppressing disorder (real or imagined). "More than crime, modern police forces in the United States emerged as a response to "disorder." What constitutes social and public order depends largely on who is defining those terms, and in the cities of 19th century America they were defined by the mercantile interests, who through taxes and political influence supported the development of bureaucratic policing institutions. These economic interests had a greater interest in social control than crime control. Private and for profit policing was too disorganized and too crime-specific in form to fulfill these needs. The emerging commercial elites needed a mechanism to insure a stable and orderly work force, a stable and orderly environment for the conduct of business, and the maintenance of what they referred to as the "collective good" (Spitzer and Scull 1977). These mercantile interests also wanted to divest themselves of the cost of protecting their own enterprises, transferring those costs from the private sector to the state." t

  • There's Only One Reason Trump and the GOP Don't Want Mail-in Voting   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Then there's Martin Luther, who is said to have posted his theses on a church door.

  • How Do We Heal America From the Damage Caused By Right Wing Media?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    I find it interesting to read foreign newspapers at times. There is English versions in virtually every country. We paint China as terrible against freedom. But if you go there you certainly do not see it. You see a booming economy. I was at one town on the coast and I counted over 200 tower cranes from my hotel window view. You are also led to believe that they do not report the news accurately. But read it yourself for a few days and see how much you feel is wrong. They are reporting on our riots. We are not perfect.

    Some others:

    Easy to find.

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Thanks, i hope relations between USA and North Korea will be better.


  • How Do We Heal America From the Damage Caused By Right Wing Media?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Remember "Shock and Awe?" That was another victory for the right-wing fringe peddling bigotry, hate, and white nationalism, when corporate media with their war-themed newsrooms and splashy chyrons picked up the neo-liberal wingnut flag and charged into needless, endless battle, armed with packs of lies and wild conspiracies, which were sanctioned, indeed conceived, by another Republican White House that considered itself above the Constitution and international law.

    Ah yes ...the good old days. It's doubtful we'll ever reverse that damage either.

    Look how their jingoistic, "America first" rhetoric of military and economic supremacy and world domination changed the world for the worse, forever. How many hundreds of thousands if not millions have died as a result of that twisted ideology and overt racism? And that was when "only" 3,000 souls perished on our home soil!

    So where's their bitter outrage now? Shouldn't an all-out wingnut propaganda blitz be directed at all those wicked "evildoers" whose actions and inactions led to the agonizing deaths of well over 100,000 fellow Americans in just a few short months, with many more to come -- a 9/11 tragedy every other day?

    Oh, that's right; it's their own people this time who are the godless killers and destroyers of economies. All is forgiven. Next question...

  • There's Only One Reason Trump and the GOP Don't Want Mail-in Voting   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Dang, lost the link to the maskless winger woman outside a Denver salon tearing down a flyer requiring customers to wear masks. Typing in different combinations of search parameters into the google machine nonetheless produced an avalanche of articles from around the world (one random example) that highlights the raw power of Trump's simplistic words and actions that can whip his army of wild-eyed Orcs into a frothing frenzy as they rampage across the Un-united States in defiance of all civil responsibility and moral sensibility. It's the rotten apples from a diseased tree -- a deliberate and deadly campaign of disinformation orchestrated by the right-wing, fascist death cult occupying the White House.

    Anyway, quickly skimming the legalese of ordinances didn't uncover a specific citation, but the general sense is that, yes, it would seem to be against the law most everywhere to deface or remove any official city, county, state, or federal order or informational sign posted on a public street or building, and probably so for any private business voluntarily disseminating the same, under ordinances about defacing public or private property.

    One thing is crystal clear: In typical fashion, from armed protests on capitol grounds threatening public officials to the wanton killing of blacks and other minorities by racist police thugs let loose in civilian streets, the so-called Party of "law and order" picks and chooses which laws should apply exclusively to Republicans, or not, as opposed to everyone else.

    As a side adventure, this article about "wild posting" (flyposting), which discusses the legality of ordinary citizens posting flyers in the streets, is rather interesting on its own. It brings to mind the civil disobedience that led to the infamous Boston Tea Party. Thom's own research revealed the story of anonymous malcontents (patriots), under the pen name "Rusticus," who distributed subversive pamphlets and posted illegal fliers around town that ultimately led to revolution and independence. Is that what Wall Street reactionaries supporting King Trump's monarchy are afraid of these days?

  • How Do We Stop Them From Killing More People?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    I am white and now 66. When I was fourteen, a man, Vinny, who had an issues with my step-father, Dean, fired thirteen bullets into our apartment at 3am in North Hollywood, CA. Bullets came within inches of everyone, my deaf sister, my mother, my step-father, Dean, and me.

    It resulted in 24 officers entering our apartment and the apartment the shooter fired from. In that apartment was my mother’s friend, Phyllis, and her six-month old baby, another friend Tina, a 5’ tall 90-pound Latina, and Vinny the shooter. None of them liked Dean. Vinny had convinced the ladies that the bullets were blanks. He worked in the studios. Just the same, they tried to stop him but were unable to.

    Once in the apartment the officers started searching. I was standing there when the officers found Dean’s drugs, lots of them. In court they claimed that they began their search after finding seeds in my room. They lied in court many times over. Such a good lesson for a fourteen-year old.

    Once they found the drugs, they gathered everyone into Phyllis’s apartment. They handcuffed all the adults and sat them down in a line against the front window. Tina yelled at the officers. They grabbed her, threw her face up on the floor and beat her with their clubs hitting her breasts repeatedly. They hit all of the adults with their clubs while they sat against the window. Please note that the person beaten the worst was Latina.

    My sister and I, were allowed to roam freely between the two apartments with the baby. In Phyllis’s apartment I stood next to an officer who planted pot in a dining room draw.

    The adults were taken into custody while my sister, the baby and I were left to wait for a family friend to pick us up. I am certain that if we were people of color, they would have sent us to Juvenile Hall. We were left with a rookie officer who sobbed as he apologized to me for what had happened that evening. He said he had not become an officer to participate in anything like what he had witnessed that night. He said he would be resigning from the force the next day. He did not want to ever want to experience that evening again.

    That night a good officer was lost. Twenty-three officers covered up the violence and the planting of drugs by their fellow officers.

  • There's Only One Reason Trump and the GOP Don't Want Mail-in Voting   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Hello! Advise dear buddies[url=],[/url] where can I stay? CPU during the day clogged by 100%[url=],[/url] on the online site maximum 600 guests[url=],[/url] as seen the 403 error pops up[url=].[/url] How many of uniques per day it[url=]’[/url]s hard to say for sure[url=],[/url] everywhere the statistics diverge[url=],[/url] but on average I think 20-30k[url=].[/url] Topic of the site[url=]:[/url] entertaining[url=],[/url] there are no streams[url=],[/url] but there are a lot of pages[url=].[/url] Guests from all countries[url=],[/url] the site is multilingual[url=].[/url] Site weight plus minus 2 gigabytes. Dedicated server expensive for me[url=],[/url] because I don’t make money on advertising[url=].[/url] P[url=].[/url]S[url=].[/url] Thank you in advance You can reply to the mail[url=]:[/url] j.udbayneor@yahoo[url=].[/url]com

  • There's Only One Reason Trump and the GOP Don't Want Mail-in Voting   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Hello! Advise dear buddies[url=],[/url] where can I stay? CPU during the day clogged by 100%[url=],[/url] on the online site maximum 600 guests[url=],[/url] as seen the 403 error pops up[url=].[/url] How many of uniques per day it[url=]’[/url]s hard to say for sure[url=],[/url] everywhere the statistics diverge[url=],[/url] but on average I think 20-30k[url=].[/url] Topic of the site[url=]:[/url] entertaining[url=],[/url] there are no streams[url=],[/url] but there are a lot of pages[url=].[/url] Guests from all countries[url=],[/url] the site is multilingual[url=].[/url] Site weight plus minus 2 gigabytes. Dedicated server expensive for me[url=],[/url] because I don’t make money on advertising[url=].[/url] P[url=].[/url]S[url=].[/url] Thank you in advance You can reply to the mail[url=]:[/url] j.udbayneor@yahoo[url=].[/url]com

  • There's Only One Reason Trump and the GOP Don't Want Mail-in Voting   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Not sure. Is it silencing conservative voices? Trump claims that social media only silences Conservative Voices. So my voice must be safe. Checkout the source of this headline.


    Masks work.

    China just passed strict laws in Hong Kong and the Trump Administration is outraged. I worked in China when the Berkley riots happened. I will guarantee that the Minneapolis riot is on every tv channel and front headline on every newspaper over there today.

  • There's Only One Reason Trump and the GOP Don't Want Mail-in Voting   4 years 17 weeks ago

    I am not a lawyer. Is it illegal to take down flyers that have been fly posted in the street?

  • There's Only One Reason Trump and the GOP Don't Want Mail-in Voting   4 years 17 weeks ago

    If Russians constantly attack this little site, imagine their influence on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc.

    Trump has issued an Executive Order that seems to give the Russians Freedom of our Social Media. All because Twitter offered an optional fact check of one of Trumps lying Tweets. So question for Thom or whoever screens this site. Is it legal to delete the Russian posts? Coincidentally the Tweet that Twitter offered the optional fact check was on voting by mail.

    What is good for the goose? We have voting by mail in Colorado. Makes a lot of sense.

  • How Do We Stop Them From Killing More People?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Question; how are the actions of djt and the republican senate with respect to our country any less demeaning then the actions of the cop against George Floyd?

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