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  • Who's Right About "freedom": Republicans or Americans?   4 years 14 weeks ago

    Hi buddies, just came across this wonderful website and would love to post some useful software resource which might be help, thanks!

  • Who's Right About "freedom": Republicans or Americans?   4 years 14 weeks ago

    So are you free to not use your seatbelt in you car or on a commercial flight?

  • Who's Right About "freedom": Republicans or Americans?   4 years 14 weeks ago

    yes they did. And Donny and the Grifters are happy to give what they ( my father included) fought and died for - all away - for profit. Traitors for sure.

  • Who's Right About "freedom": Republicans or Americans?   4 years 14 weeks ago

    from my post:

    Act Boldly Now While Protesters Are in the Streets!

    If we act boldly while the people are in the streets for racial justice, we can get those same people to protest for financial justice and medical justice as well. It’s all the same anyway. American racism evolved from guilt over slavery, which was largely financial hardships imposed on a select group. Autocratic cronyism makes us all targets – all slaves on some levels. You get that.

    But more have to understand that Trumpism seeks to enslave us all. BLM protesters can just add some new memes, speakers and banners at their rallies. We have what Trump wishes he had – a true populist movement. Shape it. Transform it. Mature it. Address it. Enroll it. They are our allies.

    We are on the same page. Now, we need our reps to get on that page. Katyal said it today. Time to be disappointed not only in the Senate, but the House as well. I never got why Pelosi turned impeachment over to the corrupted Senate knowing it would disappear. Has she waited a month, it all would have ended differently.

    We are out of time for mistakes. Play Hardball. We are 40 days away from 90 days out. And anything bold move then and Trump will cry fowl, even though it will be fine if he breaks that 90 day guideline.

    Impeach Barr. Call Bolton. Get Trump's and Barr's taxes too! The ONLY way Barr sells out is for CASH in a foreign bank account. Pompeo and McConnell in on it too.

  • Who's Right About "freedom": Republicans or Americans?   4 years 14 weeks ago

    More about fascism I would say

    Did men not die in 2 world wars to defeat it?

  • Will Democrats Turn Out Enough Votes this Fall to Overwhelm the Republican Anti-Democracy Machine?   4 years 14 weeks ago

    "Our forefathers had wisdom and foresight that people of today cannot imagine." Can you explain why? Or how?

    How many statues of Hitler do you think there are in Germany. Or anywhere for that matter. Why?

  • Will Democrats Turn Out Enough Votes this Fall to Overwhelm the Republican Anti-Democracy Machine?   4 years 14 weeks ago

    Thom, your whining because you lost an election is sad. Our forefathers had wisdom and foresight that people of today cannot imagine. Your attempting to change that because you lost is pathetic and childish.

    You do not like the rulings of the Supreme Court? Let's add enough so they do what YOU want. Can't accept a presidential election? Let's see. We can add more states, but only if we know they will vote YOUR way.

    In America, there are ten million encounters with the police every year. A handful of blacks are killed during those encounters. Let's see, cops are bad and the entire system needs to be disbanded, defunded, and disassembled. Oh yea, let's loot and burn down the businesses and stores in the very neighborhoods they need them the most.

    That statue of progressive Teddy Roosevelt on horseback with an American Indian and an African man beside him on the entrance to the American Museum of Natural History may be removed based on nothing more than stupidity. Just for the hell of it Thom, look up the history of that statue, its creator James Earle Fraser, and why he added those other two historic figures to that piece of art. You will never have the guts to defend the presence of that statue in NYC even though Teddy Roosevelt should be a hero of those on the left.

    Aunt Jemimah, Uncle Bens, the images on a box of Rice Krispies, best of all Eskimo Pie? WTF is going on in your heads people? Is this all your white guilt or is it just election year pandering. If it is the latter, the polls show more black support for Trump than ever before.

    The current progressive path appears to be attempting to stop supporting law and order, dismantling police departments, and promote the violence by pushing groups into more protesting which begets more violence and looting. Not a popular position with working Americans.

    If you think bashing police and supporting the tearing down of our country's statues and monuments, in an attempt attempting to erase and rewrite history is a path that will win your side elections I would strongly recommend you reconsider your position.

    Strict law and order and support for our second amendments are two of the cornerstones of the Trump campaign platform and your attempting to use this against him is foolish as even the sane on the left are now buying guns, forming neighborhood watch groups, and showing support for the police in their communities.

    Sorry for the long rant but you deserve far more than my few paragraphs.

  • Will Democrats Turn Out Enough Votes this Fall to Overwhelm the Republican Anti-Democracy Machine?   4 years 14 weeks ago

    I think that it is 22 smaller population states that add up to California's 40 million population. They get 44 senators, California gets 2. 6 states have less than 1 million poulation. California is 12% of the population. The Senate is to powerful for what it represents.

  • Will Democrats Turn Out Enough Votes this Fall to Overwhelm the Republican Anti-Democracy Machine?   4 years 14 weeks ago

    That's your mission in life, to enlighten!

  • Will Democrats Turn Out Enough Votes this Fall to Overwhelm the Republican Anti-Democracy Machine?   4 years 14 weeks ago

    Thom, you are my hero bro, but I couldn't vote for Hillary! This is not about left vs right! Our political system has been hijacked by "celebrity" brainwashing name recognition repetiton! (I blame the irresponsable voters) Sadly, they know not what they are doing!

  • Will Democrats Turn Out Enough Votes this Fall to Overwhelm the Republican Anti-Democracy Machine?   4 years 14 weeks ago

    I don't understand how another country, in this case China, can determine who gets to be in the White House of OUR country. They shouldn't meddle in our elections. If they can do that, then we no longer have a country. Then we are no longer the United States, but just a piece of land that is free for any one or country, or corporation to dominate.

  • Trump Rejects "Bringing Jobs Home" To Get Himself Reelected   4 years 14 weeks ago

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  • Trump Rejects "Bringing Jobs Home" To Get Himself Reelected   4 years 14 weeks ago

    Знаете ли вы? Жизненный путь абсолютного большинства звёзд известен заранее. Художник-карикатурист известен пародией на мунковский «Крик». Издательство «Шиповник» было задумано для публикации сатиры, однако вместо неё печатало Лагерлёф, Бунина и Джерома Джерома. Один из старейших музеев Амстердама находится в церкви на чердаке. Возможно, что американцы уже в 1872 году вмешались в канадские выборы.

  • Trump Rejects "Bringing Jobs Home" To Get Himself Reelected   4 years 14 weeks ago

    Знаете ли вы? Жизненный путь абсолютного большинства звёзд известен заранее. Художник-карикатурист известен пародией на мунковский «Крик». Издательство «Шиповник» было задумано для публикации сатиры, однако вместо неё печатало Лагерлёф, Бунина и Джерома Джерома. Один из старейших музеев Амстердама находится в церкви на чердаке. Возможно, что американцы уже в 1872 году вмешались в канадские выборы.

  • Why Isn't PG&E Getting the Death Penalty?   4 years 14 weeks ago

    Just listening this morning to Ro Khana on this topic. A caller asked if this would be the time to take advantage of the PGE problem and address Citizens United and to show how absurd this Supreme Court decision was. Rep Khana did not address the question only saying that PGE had done bad things. Does anyone else notice that Rep Khana often fails to answer the hard questions?

    Thom, will you please follow up with the questions asked if they are not answered? Thanks! Love you!

  • Trump Rejects "Bringing Jobs Home" To Get Himself Reelected   4 years 14 weeks ago

    @hankgagnon Peace brother. It felt like you were roaring and i almost missed your point.

    The DNC made its mistake (presumably not the first one) in 2016. The "good" thing was that this opened my eyes (and definetely a lot of others'. Most probably yours were already open, which justifies your anger). It was evident even to an idiot/naive like me, that strong forces inside DNC did not like the appeal of Sanders, especially among YOUNG voters (our immediate future). Retrospectively, it was not a matter of like or dislike. It was actual fear. Instead of thinking rationally and letting Sanders win the nomination, they succumbed to Hillary's hubris, revealing exactly what (i think) you are accusing them of, namely an opposition to what the majority of USA-ians need and are trying to express it politically (respectable education, health, income, UBI, free-time (play-time) for ALL, equal treatment by the Law forALL, i.e. re-enforcing that part of our Constitution (our (social) contract, as I heard from Tevor Noah recently),which implicitly or explicitly guarantees the above). Strategically, what you call the corrupt part of DNC, made (because of their panick) a stupid mistake. Sanders would have ,most probably, lost and the so called "left" (one of the shortest jokes for those of us who know Europe or Asia) would go on to hibernation for quite sometime. Hillary got what she deserved (Ok to lose, but by whom?)and despite her support by Sanders!!! Do you remember that till a few months ago, Hillary was hoping that DNC would officially beg her to join the nomination race? Remember how she paid back Sanders by opposing him? DNC again stepped in to stop Sanders, interfering once more with a people's process. Sanders wisely stopped his campaign early enough because he learned from 2016. This early acceptence, most probably, has already given him more leverage behind the scenes. Very smart move. On the inside he will have a better chance to pass some of his ideas to some extent, without taking credit. On the outside, people like us will see that DNC once more goes against its principles. Sanders may be physically too old to continue (that is what the corrupt part of DNC wanted to achieve). But will his ideas go away? Of course not. Mainly because these are not only his ideas. Sanders for decades has been the voice of an increasing number of USA-ians with the same or similar ideas. There are many other younger "Sanderss" carrying the torch, Andew Young and the personification-of-adrenaline AOC! Sanders (as a carrier of ideas) is much younger that what DNC believes. DNC will keep finding many "Sanderss" in front of it, till it either follows them or till it disintegrates in one or more pieces. Any guess which will be the largest one?

  • They Thought They Were Free   4 years 14 weeks ago

    This is from an email I'm sharing. Most Americans can’t see it coming …

    I’ve been writing about authoritarianism in America since 2005. I’ve watched it grow within the Republican Party and infect the Democratic party. I’ve come to understand it’s built into our 400 year old economic system. That our authoritarian economic system has stolen our democratic political system. That our authoritarian policing system was created by our authoritarian economic system to punish those who threaten the wealth of the profit looters. That our authoritarian military system, as a mega-extension of our internal policing system, has become another punishing tool of our economic system to obtain and protect foreign economic resources. That we now have an authoritarian Executive Branch of government supported by its authoritarian legislative branch, the US Senate. Both branches are working to convert our federal court system into another authoritarian system to protect and empower the profit looters, CxOs of the world.

    I’ve also learned about the history of America as seen from the eyes of the American worker. Workers have been abused by our authoritarian economic and policing systems for over 140 years. This abuse rises and falls depending on worker/citizen interest, resistance, and interest/abilities to participate in the political system.

    Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy of WWII, and other countries since, were run by authoritarian political systems that also created their own authoritarian policing systems and that coerced their complimentary authoritarian economic systems into financing their political and policing systems.

    In America, our march to an authoritarian state has taken a different path. Unlike Germany and Italy, where the political system used the economic system to enforce its hegemony, America’s movement to the extreme right has been driven by our centuries-old authoritarian economic system, which is described as Inverted Totalitarianism. This economic takeover of our government was first attempted in 1933 by the "Wall Street Putch," with Prescott Bush, when the oligarchs tried to replace our elected President with a military coup of disgruntled WWI veterans led by Marine General Smedley Butler, who actually exposed the plot.

    That violent, failed, fascist takeover of America in 1933 has been replaced by a decades-long stealth approach detailed in Democracy In Chains by Nancy MacLean, which under current national leadership has become more blatant Our current, profit looters, American fascist goals are to have a constitutional convention and rewrite the US Constitution to give corporations veto power over new government laws, eliminate majority rule with voter suppression, and neutering the Federal government by eliminating agencies, services, and social programs which were set up to protect and empower citizens. The new constitution will cast in concrete what has mostly been put in place and finish off what remains like privatizing Medicare and Social Security.

    In my life time I’ve lived under two opposing forms of government:

    Post depression/post WWII and pre 1980s government was closest to of, by, and for the People. It was a government with the moral purpose of equally protecting and empowering ALL the People such that 1) People’s individual freedoms are maximized and 2) Economic, social, racial, and environmental injustices are minimized. In other words, a government with a goal of maximizing equality.

    Now our government is closer to one who's focused purpose is protecting and empowering only successful white men (blue eyes, blond) such that their individual freedom and wealth are maximized without concern for any resulting injustices inflected on the majority of citizens. In other words, a government focused on maximizing inequality. Economic inequality is now at levels not seen since the late 20s.

    What follows is my description of our current broken and interrelated political, economic, and policing systems as the right-wing authoritarian extremists push us closer to complete Inverted Totalitarianism.

    The economic and policing system are authoritarian from birth. Capitalism grew out of the authoritarian feudalism and replaced the lord/surf structure with the employer/employee structure. As we have seen during the pandemic, capitalism is oriented to protect and empower the profit looter at the expense of all others.

    Protecting the profit looters required goons to stop unionizing in North America and protecting their slave property in the south They needed a policing system for protecting their property (human or not). This policing system has advanced into a legalized abusing and killing with “qualified immunity."

    Empowering the profit looters required an end to government oversight and regulations intended to protect and empower their customers. That was going to take some planning, including some favorable SCOTUS rulings in 1976 and 1978 assisted by the justice who wrote the Lewis Powell Memo plan and a lot of money. They had lots of money but needed more. Then comes Reagan’s Neoliberal, trickle-down, economics that provided tax breaks, lucrative war contracts, and large corporate welfare subsidies. This self-enrichment by the wealthy is called legalized looting Profit looters now occupy the White House, own the US Senate and, together, they are stacking the federal courts with corporate lackeys.

    In summary, a 400 year old authoritarian economic system gave birth to our authoritarian policing system to put property rights over human rights, legalized massive looting, stealthily stole ownership of the citizen’s government and is maneuvering to turn it into a fascist like totalitarian state.

    Others are more versed in authoritarianism as it relates to Nazi Germany and what can be said about its growth in America. Professor Altemeyer has studied it, helped John Dean write about it, and wrote about it himself. Progressive Thom Hartmann provides a review of They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45 by Milton Mayer and then suggests reading the book:

    “We must not allow it to happen in our nation. Read "They Thought They Were Free" and awaken as many as you can."

  • Trump Rejects "Bringing Jobs Home" To Get Himself Reelected   4 years 14 weeks ago

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  • Trump Rejects "Bringing Jobs Home" To Get Himself Reelected   4 years 14 weeks ago

    "Before sending it to the United States Senate Clinton added two side agreements, the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) and the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), to protect workers and the environment, and to also allay the concerns of many House members. The U.S. required its partners to adhere to environmental practices and regulations similar to its own.[citation needed] After much consideration and emotional discussion, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act on November 17, 1993, 234–200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993, 61–38.[21] Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats. Clinton signed it into law on December 8, 1993; the agreement went into effect on January 1, 1994.[22][23] Clinton, while signing the NAFTA bill, stated that "NAFTA means jobs. American jobs, and good-paying American jobs. If I didn't believe that, I wouldn't support this agreement."[24] NAFTA then replaced the previous Canada-US FTA."

  • Trump Rejects "Bringing Jobs Home" To Get Himself Reelected   4 years 14 weeks ago

    Thom, trying to figure out where you are coming from. The United States has not had a president in decades that is pushing for more products to be made in America. Even you who rely on an Apple phone should understand how vulnerable we have become to the hacking of your security by allowing the Chinese to know our every movement. The CCP is not the world's friend. Everything should be done to reduce our imports from one source, especially those that could be sensitive to our security.

    Hopefully, you recognize President Trump is well aware that administrations both democrat and republican have allowed the US to become even more and more dependent on Chinese technology and he is trying to take the necessary steps to slow their access to our security.

    Also re-evaluate your position NAFTA that you try to dump on republicans. William Jefferson Clinton was president and he had every opportunity to veto that as it crossed his desk.

  • Trump Rejects "Bringing Jobs Home" To Get Himself Reelected   4 years 14 weeks ago

    Знаете ли вы? Карьера не помешала фарерскому футболисту играть в гандбол, записать три музыкальных альбома, издать пять книг и сняться в восьми фильмах. Член Зала хоккейной славы готов был играть где угодно, лишь бы не переходить в тренеры. Фиктивно отменить рабство в Камбодже её короля заставили французские колонизаторы. Потомок наполеоновского генерала стал Героем Советского Союза. Сын политика-пьяницы помог принять сухой закон в своей провинции.

  • Trump Rejects "Bringing Jobs Home" To Get Himself Reelected   4 years 14 weeks ago

    Знаете ли вы? Карьера не помешала фарерскому футболисту играть в гандбол, записать три музыкальных альбома, издать пять книг и сняться в восьми фильмах. Член Зала хоккейной славы готов был играть где угодно, лишь бы не переходить в тренеры. Фиктивно отменить рабство в Камбодже её короля заставили французские колонизаторы. Потомок наполеоновского генерала стал Героем Советского Союза. Сын политика-пьяницы помог принять сухой закон в своей провинции.

  • Trump Rejects "Bringing Jobs Home" To Get Himself Reelected   4 years 14 weeks ago

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