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  • How should America respond when its president commits negligent homicide?   4 years 2 weeks ago

    I kept trying to figure out his rationale about not wanting to start a panic. Did he think so little of Americans that there would be mobs running around the streets with torches and axes? (Well he hates America and Americans but I doubt if he had that vision.) Then today I saw the text of his last phone conversation with Woodward in which he kept talking about the Dow doing well and equating that with the economy. Suddenly it made sense. He didn't want the stock market to go down. Traders are often short-term emotionally driven so he figured such an announcement would affect them, which is likely quite true. That was his only audience, no matter how many citizens died.

    Criminal. If he ran around with an ax at least that would have been honest murder.

  • How should America respond when its president commits negligent homicide?   4 years 2 weeks ago

    Need to say this... Pence is nothing more than a --ck suking sycophantic dirt box licking brown-nose

    He and his missus have issues with being alive,,, they have serious problems with the power to believe... i.e., don't have any of your own

  • How should America respond when its president commits negligent homicide?   4 years 2 weeks ago


    With respect... outrage will not fix this situation

    We need to start communicating with those who support this wacko

    Their immediate emotional fears are baseless... e.g., a human is no less so because of irrational fear of percieved difference

  • How big money controls the stories the media tells   4 years 2 weeks ago

    Hello There. I found your blog using msn. This is a very well written article. I will make sure to bookmark it and come back to read more of your useful info. Thanks for the post. I will definitely comeback. moderne gennembrud tekster

  • How big money controls the stories the media tells   4 years 2 weeks ago

    Hello There. I found your blog using msn. This is a very well written article. I will make sure to bookmark it and come back to read more of your useful info. Thanks for the post. I will definitely comeback. moderne gennembrud tekster

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   4 years 2 weeks ago

    Thank you for sharing this information with us.

  • How big money controls the stories the media tells   4 years 2 weeks ago

    Legend, Re: Caputo, Very, very, interesting! Sadly, not surprising.

  • Let us not forget...   4 years 2 weeks ago


    Good on you for broadenig your news input to include Thom Hartmann.

    Regarding the Georgia report about double voting via absentee ballot and in-person voting:

    Everyone, R's & D's, is glad GA spotted this issue. What's inexplicable is why Mr. Trump expressly encourages this type of double-voting.

  • How big money controls the stories the media tells   4 years 2 weeks ago

    Remember last winter when Australia was burning. Now our west is burning. Maybe there is a link.

  • How big money controls the stories the media tells   4 years 2 weeks ago
  • How Can We Force Congress to Give Money to Average Americans, Instead of High Level Grifters?   4 years 2 weeks ago

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  • Let us not forget...   4 years 2 weeks ago

    This is actually the kind of information I have been trying to find. Thank you for writing this information Road Trip Planning

  • How big money controls the stories the media tells   4 years 2 weeks ago

    One more thing that drives me crazy is when I hear Trump talking about forest management and clearing out all the old dead leaves and fallen trees. As insane as that is, it doesn’t bother me as much as of those that I hear rightfully criticizing Trump, I've yet to hear anyone of them point out that even if you could actually rake up all the forest floors and clear out all the dead brush, the forests would cease to be. They would likely all die off or cease to florish because the forests rely on all those fallen leaves and trees to decompose into compost and feed the new growth as well as the older trees. Without this process, forests would be gone. It’s not fucking rocket science. No food! No trees!

    God almighty! How stupid are these idiots???

  • How big money controls the stories the media tells   4 years 2 weeks ago

    Legend, Unaffordable healthcare and ending Social Security are in my #8 rant. Incidentally, I said this before, Whatabout is not a real person but probably computerised thinktank propaganda. You may notice that he never responds to any posts other than Thom's and then only the one time.

  • How big money controls the stories the media tells   4 years 2 weeks ago

    I’m sure I’ll be ridiculed for saying this but it is time for the Biden campaign to lighten up on the political correctness and “man up” a bit. Forget about the fuckin’ issues for a while. Issues are how you keep the base. Biden has the base, now its time to get the the votes of those outside the base that are needed to win the election. Victory in a presidential election is not just about the base. It’s about Perception! Perception! Perception! And Trump is starting to win that war with the independent voters.

    It’s time for Biden to stop being the “nice guy” and start being the “angry liberal.”

    During the Kavanaugh hearings, Kavanaugh was losing the battle until they took a break. Sure enough, during the break he was told by his advisors, that if he didn’t go back out there and start acting angry as hell, he was gonna lose. As soon as I saw him walking back down the hall into the hearing room it was obvious to me that he had been coached to paste an angry scowl on his face and stomp back into the battle. His demeanor had immediately turned from polite to confrontational. That was all it took for him to win the hearing and then the nomination.

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day and I fear that Trump, even though his remark about Latinos liking a tough guy was considered by some to be racist stereotyping, may have some credence. When I was in college in California, though this was over 40 years ago, during a Latin American Studies class my gringo essay was compared by the Latino professor to another Latino in the class on the same subject. The gist was, that Chicano was a culture rooted in “machismo” and mine was just purely white bread academic. Just saying this for whatever it’s worth.

    I just heard Trump telling Latinos about how great he was for them and about how many jobs he got for them. Would it hurt for Biden to paste and angry scowl on his face stomp out in front of a camera and shout to the world that Trump is personally responsible for the massive unemployment in the Latin community and they have millions of fewer jobs than when he took office. That Trump came into office and rode the Obama economic train until he crashed it into the Covid-19 virus, that he downplayed and lied about.

    That Trump is personally responsible for the high rate of Covid-19 in the Latin community!!!

    Goddammit, get out there and make some noise!!! Perception! Perception! Perception!

    Another thing. Trump may have a point about always wearing masks. If wearing masks is patriotic, at least get some masks that are red, white and blue with stars and stripes. Perception! Perception! Perception! You’re not fighting to win the votes of the base anymore. You’re fighting to win the votes of the independents!!! And at least drop the “if elected I will impose a mask mandate.” Telling independent voters that they will be forced to do something that they resent is Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

    Now, get out there and kick this corrupt, pig-faced, pathological lying blowhards stinking’ ass!! The future of the free world depends on it.

  • How big money controls the stories the media tells   4 years 2 weeks ago

    You forgot his desire to dismantle Social Security and the Healthcare System.

  • How big money controls the stories the media tells   4 years 2 weeks ago


    Maybe its just me, but the evidence keeps piling up and up that Trump is not trying to control the virus. In fact, he’s doing everything possible to spread the virus and make it more and more catastrophic, and has since early January.

    The Woodward tapes give credence to this. He knew the danger of Covid-19, but rather than taking action to contain and control the virus and keep it out of the country and minimize the danger, he has done just the

    opposite, and is doing so even to this day.

    Its not surprising that Trump would call those that go to war “suckers and losers.” That’s exactly what he thinks about his adoring lemming like supporters that he uses as pawns to attend his super spreading event, clan rallies. No doubt resulting in endangering themselves, guaranteeing eventual exposure to the virus ultimately spreading it to their friends and communities and insuring that the pandemic gets worse and worse, snowballing the turmoil and hardship the nation is reeling under.

    After all, "what’s in it for them?" What is this Trumptopia? A shattered economy, high unemployment, moves to ending Social Security by eliminating the Payroll Tax, soaring eviction rates, polluted water and unbreathable air, crumbling infrastructure, working for lower wages, billionaire corporations that merge merge and merge snuffing out any would be competition, unaffordable healthcare, racial strife, pissing on the Constitution over and over, the end to fair elections, soaring deficits, running up debt used mostly to further line the pockets of himself and his billionaire cronies, making the US the laughing-stock of the world, an end to the great American democratic experiment, a leader totally incapable of truth, unbridled effects of climate change. All this apocalyptic insanity and infinitely more just so hid supporters can fly their bigot flag high and feel liberated to strut around with their AKs strapped to their shoulders and indulge themselves in their Hee-Haw basest hate fantasies at his shit-head rallies.

    His supporters rail on and about how much they hate Big Government Socialism, yet they smugly charge headlong into an autocratic trap, ceding their right to free and fair elections, living at the mercy and whims of a single, irrational incompetent dictator…The Great All Knowing…All Powerful Trump. Do these shit-heads really think that Trump gives a flying fuck about them? Do they really think that four more years of Trump will magically reverse his disastrous, seat of the pants, fly by night policies that he rips out of his ass and foists on to the citizenry without even the slightest consideration of any possible down sides or negative effects that might result from them? His 2016 campaign statement “only I can fix it,” that alone should have automatically disqualified him with any rational thinking voter.

    In fact, everything we see from the Trump administration is not to create an environment conducive to “Making America Great,” but unleashing total chaos and turmoil…and they are just getting warmed up for November.

    So, what is the point of the Trump administration purposely doing everything they can to sabotage the Postal Service, exacerbate the worst pandemic of the modern era, foment racial strife, turn American against American and so…what is the end goal?

    Imagine Trump, Barr, Steven Miller, realizing that Trump could never fairly be reelected and that they would likely end up in prison if Trump is not in the White House. After all, Trump actually lost the popular vote of the 2016 election and nothing has gotten better. Consider that Trump has never done anything to reach out to anyone other than his unwavering, goose-stepping base. Even though Trump has blown through a billion dollars of campaign money, he has only used that money to make his base angrier and angrier and to ramp up chaos and vitriol in an effort to solidify their animosity towards non Trumpers.

    At this point I have no doubt that Trump could care less about the results of the election, no matter what. The October surprise will likely be declaring a NATIONAL EMERGENCY or whatever twisted excuse Bill Barr and his cronies can fathom to negate the results of the election and install Trump as the intermediary…wink wink…President for life, during the endless time of their self-imposed national unrest. Everything they are doing points to this direction and this conclusion!

    Still, an over whelming turnout at the polls by Democrats and lovers of democracy is imperative to counter those that would consider abetting this treasonous administration. Our democracy is surly in the balance.

  • How big money controls the stories the media tells   4 years 2 weeks ago

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  • How big money controls the stories the media tells   4 years 2 weeks ago

    Cute teen Chloe Carter orale punita con il grosso cazzo di Pascals.Ragazzo gratis xxx Buddy Davis sembra piГ№ sexy e si strappa piГ№ forte. Giorgia nanni. stanza singola catania via etnea altavendita immobili matera subito it. Coppia amatoriale che fa sesso dopo una giornata estenuante.Baby Dick Sissy Jeffrey dipinge le dita dei piedi.Giovane bionda in bikini verde soffia gallo e ottiene la fine posteriore. Video gratis pompini gay.

  • Is a second American civil war really possible?   4 years 2 weeks ago

    Mega countries (empires) are inherently unstable and so is unchecked capitalism. The two have combined to foster a time of crisis.

    We are toward the end of a four-generation cycle--about 80 years--or a 4th Turning as described by Neil Howe. The years from early Reagan to about 2007 were the unraveling and now the crisis has risen to the surface. The civil unrest that we now see has been bubbling below the surface for well over a decade. People are very scared, and rightfully so.

    What the 80-year model misses is that there are cycles of cycles and we are likely at the end of both the 80-year generational cycle and a more significant end of empire phase. David Murrin describes this in a five-phase cycle of empires.

    Murrin's ideas suggest that the legacy phase is next. What does that mean? Probably not a continuation of the current U.S. constitutional government or a unified country. History would suggest a breaking apart or fragmentation. If, when, and how that happens are the most important questions to answer.

  • How big money controls the stories the media tells   4 years 2 weeks ago
  • How big money controls the stories the media tells   4 years 2 weeks ago

    whatabutt, Constant ranting about a minor issue is a sure sign of senility. They have a much larger issue in Oregon, that is Fires caused by climate change. 10% of the state population has had to evacuate their homes.

  • How big money controls the stories the media tells   4 years 2 weeks ago

    This is how Fox (so called) News covered the Bob Woodward book. Makes you realize how much people that watch Fox News are brainwashed.

  • Let us not forget...   4 years 2 weeks ago

    Thom, only you could tie the events on 911 and turn it into an anti-Trump rant and an inaccurate one at that.

    On a more important note,

    1,000 people double-voted in Georgia primary, secretary of state says

  • How big money controls the stories the media tells   4 years 2 weeks ago

    The source of the problems in democrat party run states and cities.

    Growing numbers of district attorneys are out to undermine the law

    "One reason for the surging, often protracted violence in US cities is the rise of a host of progressive prosecutors who actually tilt against law and order.

    The trend is most glaring in places known for their kooky left-wing politics, like Portland and San Francisco, but extreme leftists have also taken over as district attorneys in cities like Chicago and Boston. Many owe big thanks for their elections to funding from far-left fatcat George Soros.

    In Portland, violent “protests” have dragged on for months, thanks to the idiocy of Mayor Ted Wheeler, who let hoodlums drive him out of his own condo — but also to Multnomah County DA Mike Schmidt, who dropped charges against hundreds of people arrested for offenses like interfering with cops, disorderly conduct, criminal trespass and rioting. Schmidt also made it harder to prosecute assaults on cops."

    A little history on San Francisco's top cop. If this doesn't tell you what is wrong with America...

    Raised by radicals in Chicago, he’s about to become San Francisco’s new top prosecutor

    After his parents went to prison for murder, Chesa Boudin was raised in Hyde Park by former Weather Underground leaders Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.

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