
Transcript: The Rise of "the New Chinese Order" - Peter Navarro 7 December '15

[Starts at 35:39]

Thom Hartmann: In screwed news... Before he started going after Muslims, Donald Trump's main target - besides Mexican immigrants, of course - was China. He literally couldn't stop talking about it.

[montage of clips of Trump saying the word 'China']

Transcript: Understanding Climate Change: A Conversation with Michael Mann - 10 November '15

Thom Hartmann: Hello, I'm Thom Hartmann in Washington, D.C. and tonight we talk to one man for the hour, climate scientist Michael Mann in a special climate change edition of The Big Picture.

Transcript: Thom Hartmann: "Brunch With Bernie" - Bernie Sanders Would Consider Running for President - 15 November '13

Thom Hartmann: Todd, in Aurora, Colorado, watching in Roku. Hey, Todd.

Todd: On Roku, yes. Bernie, I was wondering when you might be running for president and, or, if you're not, when we can expect to see a real progressive running for president?

Bernie Sanders: Well, Todd, thank you very much. That question is kind of asked of me quite a bit.

Thom Hartmann: About once a week.

Transcript: Thom Hartmann: Camping out for Coverage - Andre Butler - 27 June '13

Thom Hartmann: Welcome back to the place where despair is not an option, the Thom Hartmann Program. Andre Butler is on the line with us, a banquet server, part of the campout at the Pennsylvania capitol in support of expanded Medicaid coverage. And Andre, welcome to the program.

Transcript: Thom Hartmann: What the Reagan Revolution has brought us... - 27 June '13

Thom Hartmann: And greetings my friends, patriots, lovers of democracy, truth and justice, believers in peace, freedom and the American way, Thom Hartmann here with you.

Transcript: Thom Hartmann: That giant sucking's the Oligarchs. 25 March '13

Thom Hartmann: And greetings my friends, patriots, lovers of democracy, truth and justice, believers in peace, freedom and the American way, Thom Hartmann here with you.

Transcript: Thom Hartmann: Occupy the Classroom...the rich/poor education gap. 10 February '12

Did you know that Thomas Jefferson's tombstone in Monticello makes no mention of him ever being President of the United States?

Instead it reads:

Transcript: Thom Hartmann: G8/Chicago - Will the whole world REALLY be watching? 9 February '12

Why is there a seemingly endless number of young people showing up at Occupy Wall Street movements?

The first and obvious answer is because this is the first generation since the 1930s who are coming of age in a world where it's unlikely they'll do as well as their parents.

Thirty years of Reaganomics has ripped a hole in The American Dream.

Transcript: Thom Hartmann: OWS - Revolutionary vs. Reactionary? 6 February '12

Well, the press is reporting that there was an incident at the Occupy DC movement - a brick thrown at a cop - apparently in court they said it was just a plastic bottle. If you combine that with the recent act of vandalism in Oakland, and you wonder, what's going on, with this Occupy incident.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

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