Thom's Blog

What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...

We're 5 months in to Trump's presidency, and he's just as vicious and vulgar as ever.

Is Trump's latest tweet storm proof that he'll never have the temperament to perform the duties of President?

The New Privatization Nightmare Coming Soon…

The Trump administration has just put the drinking water for 1 in 3 Americans in danger.

The Trump administration has begun the process of repealing President Obama's Clean Water Rule - which protected two million miles of streams and 20 million more acres of wetlands from pollution.

GOP Is Going To Pull A Reagan On Healthcare… I'll Explain

As more and more Republicans come out against the Senate GOP's so-called healthcare bill, is it even going to pass?

As the Senate Republicans move to delay a vote on their murderous healthcare bill, the White House says it's optimistic that changes will be made.

But will those be real changes?

The "Morally Bankrupt" GOP

The Congressional Budget Office has released its score of the Senate Republican healthcare bill.

According to the CBO, the so-called Better Care Reconciliation Act would cause 22 million people to lose their health insurance.

Which - when you really think about it - is pretty weird.

TrumpCare Is Monstrous!

How can Senate Republicans possibly defend their healthcare bill when it's so obviously a ploy to pay for tax cuts for the rich by cutting Medicaid?

Even Republicans are now coming to the realization that the Senate Republican healthcare bill is terrible.

The Secret On TrumpCare Is Now Out

The Senate Republican healthcare bill is secret no more.

There's just one problem - it's not really a healthcare bill.

Don't let Mitch McConnell fool you.

Contrary to what you might have heard - Senate Republicans DID NOT unveil a healthcare bill yesterday.

They unveiled a tax cut for the rich DISGUISED as a healthcare bill.

Another Special Election Loss - Is It Time for Democrats To Move Left?

Poll after poll shows that America is a democratic socialist country.

So why do Democrats like failed Georgia congressional candidate Jon Ossoff continue to run on a Republican-lite message? Is it time for Democrats to move left?

After this week's disappointing loss in the special runoff election for 6th District of Georgia, Democrats are looking for answers.

Can The Democrats Blockade TrumpCare?

With a vote on the still-secret Republican healthcare bill scheduled for sometime next week, Democrats are finally taking action to try and stop Mitch McConnell and the GOP.

Is This Any Way To Run A Democracy?

As they begin slowing the Senate down to a virtual halt to protest the secret GOP healthcare bill, are Democrats finally learning what it means to "resist"?

With healthcare for millions hanging in the balance, senate Republicans are STILL refusing to hold hearings on their secret bill to repeal Obamacare.

Will Republicans in Congress actually impeach Trump?

With an obstruction of justice investigation into the president now more or less confirmed, will Republicans finally dump Trump?

Or are they craven enough to stick through this circus to the end?

Donald Trump has officially admitted that he's under investigation.

Is Trump dumb enough to fire Mueller?

Is Donald Trump about to send us into a constitutional crisis?

It turns out Donald Trump is under investigation after all.

Lessons From the Shooting?

Republican Congressman Steve Scalise was among the wounded yesterday when a gunman opened fire at a congressional baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia.

With one of their own now a victim of a mass shooting, will Republicans finally start thinking sensibly about gun control and finally rethink their penchant for violent political rhetoric?

Republicans Are Trying To Repeal Obamacare In Secret

Mitch McConnell and company are trying to destroy Obamacare in secret -- and Senate Democrats look like they're going to roll over and let it happen.

They talk an awful lot about "Resistance" - but are Senate Democrats doing enough to stop Republicans from repealing Obamacare?

Will The "Pay Trump Bribes Here" Lawsuit Succeed?

The Attorneys General of Washington, DC and Maryland are suing Donald Trump for violating the constitution's anti-corruption provisions.

They announced the case at a joint press conference yesterday - with DC Attorney General Karl Racine explaining exactly what's at stake:

The GOP Just Laid the Foundation for the Next Financial Crisis?

Have Republicans just laid the foundations for the next big financial crisis?

The country has just barely emerged from the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

So why are Republicans trying to help Wall Street crash the economy - again?

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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