Thom's Blog

December 19 2007 show notes

  • How do we recover the moral high ground in America Political debate?
  • Guest: Scott Swett, "To Set The Record Straight: How Swift Boat Veterans, POWs and the New Media Defeated John Kerry".
  • Campaign Finance reform.
  • Is the use of torture destroying the America the founders fought and died for?
  • The purpose of torture.
  • Guest: Bart Jones. Author, “Hugo!”: The Hugo Chavez Story From Mud Hut To Perpetual Revolution.

Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

Thom Hartmann Presidential Straw Poll 12/20/07

Who would you vote for if the election were held today?

Senator John Edwards 38

Congressman Dennis Kucinich 27

Senator Hilary Clinton 4

Senator Barack Obama 3

Gov. Bill Richardson 2

Senator Chris Dodd 2

Senator Joe Biden 1

Former VP Al Gore 1

Congressman Ron Paul 1

Former Pres. Jimmy Carter 1

The Thom Hartmann Program - Dec 20 2007

Hour One - Cliff Kincaid Topic: Cliff and I will debate if Michael Savage's anti-Muslim statements should be considered "hate" talk or his 1st Amendment right to free speech?

Hour Two - Why are the Republicans stopping some states from saving the environment?

Hour Three - Guest: Naomi Klein Topic: Guns Beat Green: The Market Has Spoken

Guest: Isaiah Poole

Guest: Christy Harvey Topic: News from under the radar

December 18 2007 show notes

  • Is the Republican Party's criminal machine starting to become unraveled?
  • Look at the federal attorneys who kept their jobs, not those who lost them.
  • Video of Don Siegelman on the theft of his election.
  • Guest: Senator Chris Dodd, presidential candidate, who filibustered FISA yesterday.
  • Last night the House passed an omnibus spending bill.
  • Guest: Lawrence Mitchell. Author, "The Speculation Economy: How Finance Triumphed over Industry".

Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

Today on the Program - Dec. 19th 2007

Hour One - How do we recover the moral high ground in America Political debate?
Guest: Scott Swett author of - To Set the Record Straight: How Swift Boat Veterans, POWs and the New Media Defeated John Kerry

Hour Two - Is the use of torture destroying the America the founders fought and died for?

Hour Three - Guest: Bart Jones Topic: HUGO! The Hugo Chavez Story from Mud Hut to Perpetual Revolution


Thom Hartmann interviews Senator Chris Dodd on the FISA filibuster 12/18/07


Thom Hartmann interviews Senator Chris Dodd on the FISA filibuster - 12/18/07


December 17 2007 show notes

Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

Today on the Program - December 18th

Hour One - Is the Republican Party’s criminal activity starting to become unraveled?

Guest: Chris Dodd
Topic: FISA and the Filibuster

Guest: Rep. Steve Israel
Topic: Revealing the Omnibus bill

Hour Two - Guest: Larry Pratt
Topic: Larry and I will debate - Should a school principal or teacher carry a concealed gun at school to stop a school massacre?

Hour Three - Guest: Lawrence Mitchell
Topic: Lawrence’s book - The Speculation Economy: How Finance Triumphed Over Industry

The Thom Hartmann Program - December 17th 2007

Guests & Topics

Thom Hartmann Program debates Sam Kazman

Thom Hartmann 12-12-07 debates Sam Kazman

December 14 2007 show notes

  • "Brunch with Bernie" with Senator Bernie Sanders, Independent of Vermont.
  • "Anything goes" Friday.
  • Intelligence Authorization Bill.
  • Bush's vetoes and threats to veto.
  • Calvinism - the belief that those blessed by God with wealth should rule.
  • Carbon-Dioxide Levels At 650,000-Year High.
  • Debt spending.

Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

December 13 2007 show notes

Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

December 12 2007 show notes

Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

The Thom Hartmann Program - Dec 13th 2007

Guests & Topics

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