Thom's Blog

What Now?!!

In the interest of fairness, WHAT NOW TOONS will now present the next issue ( we'd like to see ) of the New Yorker, this
time with the republican candidate for president this time, presented in the same light the New yorker portrayed Obama.
Here's their toon, then mine...

Keith Tucker - What Now?

On the Program - July 15 2008

Hour One - Roger Shuler Topic: He was fired from his job at the University of Alabama for blogging about his support for Gov. Siegelman

Hour Two - Dan Gainor Topic: Is economic recession/ depression real or media manufactured?

Hour Three - Naomi Klein author of The Shock Doctrine Topic: Naomi has joined the ACLU lawsuit claiming the new FISA bill prevents her from doing her work.

Thom's Travel & Events Coming Up…

July 18th - Grand Rapids, MI - Thom broadcasts from affiliate WTKG...then 6:30-7:30pm, booksigning & dinner buffet courtesy of Lanning's Catering at the UAW Regional Offices at East Beltline Avenue NE @ Leonard Street NE in Grand Rapids (3300 Leonard NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525-3363, ph: 616/949-4100)

August 2 & 3 - Madison, WI - Thom is speaking Saturday - NonStop Radio Symposium, Exhibition Hall, Alliant Energy Center, 1919 Alliant Energy Center Way

August 16 - Seattle, WA - KPTK 1090 AM - Looking Forward/Moving Forward/What Now - Roundtable Forum 6:30pm - 7:30pm Seattle Center Exhibition Hall

on the Program

On the Program - July 14 2008

Hour One - How Phil Gramm and John McCain destroyed our economy

July 08 2008 show notes

Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

On the Program - July 11 2008

Anything Goes! Friday

"Brunch with Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders taking your calls

Jon B. Eisenberg Topic: FISA - Jon's current case against the Bush Administration for the illegal warrantless wiretapping of Al - Haramain

Event Coming up - Thom is visiting Grand Rapids, MI on July 18th. Come meet Thom from 630p-730p for a booksigning and dinner courtesy of Lannings Catering at the UAW Regional Offices.

On the Program - July 10 2008

Hour One - Bishop Harry Jackson Topic: Dilemma for black conservative with their race or their faith?

Hour Two - Tom Hayden Topic: election, politics, progressive issues and his books

Hour Three - Christy Harvey Topic: News under the Radar

July 18th - Grand Rapids, MI - Thom broadcasts from affiliate WTKG...then 6:30-7:30pm, booksigning & dinner buffet courtesy of Lanning's Catering at the UAW Regional Offices

July 07 2008 show notes

  • How badly will the conservatives destroy America before Obama becomes President?

  • Guest: Allison Kasic, Independent Women's Forum. Does overturning DC's gun ban "empower women?"

  • Guest: Barry Siegel. Author, "Claim of Privilege".

Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

On the Program - July 9th 2008

Hour One - Jonah Goldberg Topic: Thom is challenging Jonah who is saying Obama's National Service plan is Slavery.

Hour Two - Howard Ruff Topic: "How to Prosper During the Coming Bad Years In The 21st Century"

Hour Three - "Everything You Know is Wrong" Stephen Cass  Topic: Surprise: NYC Air amy be healthier than you think.

On the Program - July 8th 2008

Hour One - Dr. Edgar Browning Topic: Thom is challenging Dr Browning on his new book "Stealing From Each Other" and why he thinks Obama's economic plan will cost America it's future

Hour Two - Roni Deutch Topic: Thom and Roni debate who has a better tax plan - McCain or Obama?

Hour Three - Former Governor, State of Alabama Don Siegelman

July 04 2008 show notes

Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

July 03 2008 show notes

  • This was a "best of" show.
  • Guest: Stephen P. Halbrook, Research Fellow, The Independent Institute. Supreme Court second amendment case.
  • Guest: Anthony Romero, National ACLU Executive Director. Their largest civil rights and liberties fundraising campaign in history.

  • Guest: Carrie Lukas, Vice President for Policy and Economics, Independent Women's Forum. Will deregulating the health care industry turn it into the wild, wild west?

  • Guest: CNS Editor-in-Chief Terence Jeffrey. Drilling for oil. Transport.

Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

July 02 2008 show notes

Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

On the Program - July 7th 2008

Quote: When a whole nation is roaring Patriotism at the top of its voice, I am fain to explore the cleanness of its hands and purity of its heart. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hour One - How badly will the conservatives destroy America before Obama becomes President?

Hour Two - Allison Kasic Topic: Does overturning DC's gun ban "empower women?" And, is the Fair Pay Act unfair?

Hour Three - Barry Siegel Topic: His new book "Claim of Privilege" uncovering the foundation of the "States Secret Privilege" now used frequently by the Bush Admin

The Declaration of Independence-Thom Hartmann & B-17

Also check out Mark Fiore's brilliant new cartoon here:

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

Thom's Blog Is On the Move

Hello All

Thom's blog in this space and moving to a new home.

Please follow us across to - this will be the only place going forward to read Thom's blog posts and articles.

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