What Now?!!
In the interest of fairness, WHAT NOW TOONS will now present the next issue ( we'd like to see ) of the New Yorker, this
time with the republican candidate for president this time, presented in the same light the New yorker portrayed Obama.
Here's their toon, then mine...
On the Program - July 15 2008
Hour One - Roger Shuler www.legalschnauzer.blogspot.com Topic: He was fired from his job at the University of Alabama for blogging about his support for Gov. Siegelman
Hour Two - Dan Gainor www.businessandmedia.org Topic: Is economic recession/ depression real or media manufactured?
Hour Three - Naomi Klein www.naomiklein.org author of The Shock Doctrine Topic: Naomi has joined the ACLU lawsuit claiming the new FISA bill prevents her from doing her work.
Thom's Travel & Events Coming Up…
July 18th - Grand Rapids, MI - Thom broadcasts from affiliate WTKG...then 6:30-7:30pm, booksigning & dinner buffet courtesy of Lanning's Catering at the UAW Regional Offices at East Beltline Avenue NE @ Leonard Street NE in Grand Rapids (3300 Leonard NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525-3363, ph: 616/949-4100)
August 2 & 3 - Madison, WI - Thom is speaking Saturday - NonStop Radio Symposium, Exhibition Hall, Alliant Energy Center, 1919 Alliant Energy Center Way www.nonstopradio.com
August 16 - Seattle, WA - KPTK 1090 AM - Looking Forward/Moving Forward/What Now - Roundtable Forum 6:30pm - 7:30pm Seattle Center Exhibition Hall
On the Program - July 14 2008
Hour One - How Phil Gramm and John McCain destroyed our economy
July 08 2008 show notes
- What is rational tax policy?
- Guest: Dr. Edgar Browning, professor of economics, Texas A&M University. Author, "Stealing from Each Other: How the Welfare State Robs Americans of Money and Spirit".
- Guest: Roni Deutch, head of the nation's largest tax resolution law firm. Who has a better tax plan - McCain or Obama?
- Taxes, investment.
- Guest: Former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman. Update on his case. Karl Rove has been subpoenaed.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
On the Program - July 11 2008
Anything Goes! Friday
"Brunch with Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders www.sanders.senate.gov taking your calls
Jon B. Eisenberg www.eandhlaw.com Topic: FISA - Jon's current case against the Bush Administration for the illegal warrantless wiretapping of Al - Haramain
Event Coming up - Thom is visiting Grand Rapids, MI on July 18th. Come meet Thom from 630p-730p for a booksigning and dinner courtesy of Lannings Catering at the UAW Regional Offices.
On the Program - July 10 2008
Hour One - Bishop Harry Jackson www.thetruthinblackandwhite.com Topic: Dilemma for black conservative voters...vote with their race or their faith?
Hour Two - Tom Hayden www.tomhayden.com Topic: election, politics, progressive issues and his books
Hour Three - Christy Harvey www.americanprogress.org Topic: News under the Radar
July 18th - Grand Rapids, MI - Thom broadcasts from affiliate WTKG...then 6:30-7:30pm, booksigning & dinner buffet courtesy of Lanning's Catering at the UAW Regional Offices
July 07 2008 show notes
- How badly will the conservatives destroy America before Obama becomes President?
- Guest: Allison Kasic, Independent Women's Forum. Does overturning DC's gun ban "empower women?"
- Guest: Barry Siegel. Author, "Claim of Privilege".
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
On the Program - July 9th 2008
Hour One - Jonah Goldberg www.jonahgoldberg.net Topic: Thom is challenging Jonah who is saying Obama's National Service plan is Slavery.
Hour Two - Howard Ruff www.rufftimes.com Topic: "How to Prosper During the Coming Bad Years In The 21st Century"
Hour Three - "Everything You Know is Wrong" Stephen Cass www.discovermagazine.com Topic: Surprise: NYC Air amy be healthier than you think.
On the Program - July 8th 2008
Hour One - Dr. Edgar Browning www.econweb.tamu.edu/profInfo.asp?id=8 Topic: Thom is challenging Dr Browning on his new book "Stealing From Each Other" and why he thinks Obama's economic plan will cost America it's future
Hour Two - Roni Deutch www.ronideutch.com Topic: Thom and Roni debate who has a better tax plan - McCain or Obama?
Hour Three - Former Governor, State of Alabama Don Siegelman www.donsiegelman.org
July 04 2008 show notes
- This was a "best of" show.
- Welcome to new affiliate 92.1 The MIC, Madison.
- Guest: Reverend Dr. Jesse Lee Peterson, Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny. What Role is Race going to play in the presidential campaign?
- Profits over Humanity - How low can we go? (transcript)
- Guest: Frank Gaffney, Center for Security Policy. Should individuals convicted of terrorist acts against America get the death penalty?
- Guest: Rich Trumka, Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO. AFL-CIO Working Families to McCain: Actions Speak Louder than Words.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
July 03 2008 show notes
- This was a "best of" show.
- Guest: Stephen P. Halbrook, Research Fellow, The Independent Institute. Supreme Court second amendment case.
- Guest: Anthony Romero, National ACLU Executive Director. Their largest civil rights and liberties fundraising campaign in history.
- Guest: Carrie Lukas, Vice President for Policy and Economics, Independent Women's Forum. Will deregulating the health care industry turn it into the wild, wild west?
- Guest: CNS Editor-in-Chief Terence Jeffrey. Drilling for oil. Transport.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
July 02 2008 show notes
- Marc Maron guest hosted the show today.
- Guest: Sarah Posner, American Prospect. Author, "God's Profits: Faith, Fraud, and the Republican Crusade for Values Voters".
- The framing of what Barack Obama is saying about his faith-based ideas.
- Do Republicans want Obama to inherit the mess that the country is in rather than McCain?
- Guest: Elizabeth Royte. Author, "Bottlemania: How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It".
- Guest: "Planet Bush Bureau Chief Lawton Smalls" (Kent Jones).
- Guest: James Wolcott, Vanity Fair. Author, "Attack Poodles and Other Media Mutants: The Looting of the News In a Time of Terror".
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
On the Program - July 7th 2008
Quote: When a whole nation is roaring Patriotism at the top of its voice, I am fain to explore the cleanness of its hands and purity of its heart. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Hour One - How badly will the conservatives destroy America before Obama becomes President?
Hour Two - Allison Kasic www.iwf.com Topic: Does overturning DC's gun ban "empower women?" And, is the Fair Pay Act unfair?
Hour Three - Barry Siegel www.barry-siegel.com Topic: His new book "Claim of Privilege" uncovering the foundation of the "States Secret Privilege" now used frequently by the Bush Admin
The Declaration of Independence-Thom Hartmann & B-17
Also check out Mark Fiore's brilliant new cartoon here: