On the Program - Sep 18th 2008
Quote: "The only title in our Democracy superior to that of President is the title of citizen." --Justice Louis D. Brandeis
Hour One - Guest: William "Bill" Bamber former Sr. Managing Director at Bear Stearns & Co. (has remained anonymous til now) Topic: author of "The Bear Trap" gives inside info on financial crisis starting w/Bear Stearns
Hour Two - Mark Krikorian www.cis.org/NewCase Topic:The New Case Against Immigration: Both Legal and Illegal
Guest: "Taking our Country Back" Jeff Merkley www.jeffmerkley.com Topic: Jeff Merkley running for the U.S. Senate for Oregon against Senator Gordon Smith
Hour Three - Guest: Camille Conti (goes by"CC") Host of The Cutting Edge on www.kudo1080.com Topic: McCain/Palin have sent lawyers to Alaska to squash troopergate (one is a former fed. prosecutor from NY)…what are they trying to hide?
Guest: Bill Wielechowski Alaska State Senator www.aksenate.org/index Topic: Troopergate and Alaska's new "McCain Administration"
Guest: Christy Harvey www.americanprogress.org Topic: News under the Radar
September 10 2008 show notes
- Guest: Bruce Wilson, Talk to Action. Should
On the Program - Sep 17th 2008
Quote: “You can never have arevolution in order to establish a democracy. You must have a democracy inorder to have a revolution.”— Gilbert K. Chesterton
Hour One - Brad Miner www.harpercollins.comTopic: Thom challenges Brad about his book "Smear Tactics: The LiberalCampaign to Defame America"
Hour Two - Terry Jeffrey www.cnsnews.com Topic: How big should government get? Is it bigger than we can afford?
HourThree - "EverythingYou Know is Wrong" Melanie Miller www.isi.orgTopic: Today is the 221st anniversary of the U.S. Constitution...butapart from the “Big Three”—Washington, Jefferson, and Madison—few Americansknow anything about our Founding Fathers
Guest: LarryScott www.vawatchdog.org Topic: Vets issues
September 09 2008 show notes
- Guest: David Horowitz. "The Politics Of Bad Faith: The Radical Assault on America's Future",
- Guest: Patrick J. Michaels, Senior Fellow in Environmental Studies, Cato Institute.
- Guests: Rick Green, a producer, director and comedian, and Patrick McKenna, an anchor comedian, from Canadian television, globaltv.com. "ADD and Loving It".
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
An Evening With Norman Solomon and Thom Hartmann
Friday, September 19th 2008
7PM to 9PM (doors at 6:30PM)
Broadway Studios
435 Broadway Street
San Francisco, CA
Map It!
No-Host Bar
Admission: $10 at the door
more info at www.green960.com
On the Program - Sep 16th 2008
KPOJ’s Carl Wolfson filling in for Thom today – Thom will be back tomorrow…
Hour One
Guest: David Moore Topic: His book - THE OPINION MAKERS: An Insider Exposes the Truth Behind the Polls.
Guest: Gareth Porter Topic: His article "Intel Council Warned Against Raids in Pakistan”
Hour Two
Guest: Jonathan Stein www.motherjones.com/people/Jonathan-Stein.html
Guest: James K. Galbraith Topic: What are the causes of Fannie's Collapse -- and how can we stop the speculators?
Hour Three
Guest: George Farah www.opendebates.org Topic: Why has the Commission on Presidential Debates refused to release the debate contract to the public?
On the Program - Sep 15th 2008
Hour One - Thom does his show “live” from Peru – Where he just returned from – the archeology site of Caral - the most ancient city in the Western Hemisphere.
Hour Two - Mark Weisbrot http://www.cepr.net/index.php/bolivia-page Topic: Is Eva Morales about to be overthrown? CEPR has issued a statement today which "called on the U.S. State Department to release information detailing whom it is funding in Bolivia
Hour Three - Chalmers Johnson Topic: In a new Mother Jones article Chalmers claims - Thanks to the policies of the Bush administration these past eight years, large majorities in numerous countries are now strongly anti-American
The Thom Hartmann Program - Weekly Report Sep 15-19 2008
September 15th - 19th 2008 Radio Guest Highlights for the Week
Monday – Thom does his show “live” from Peru – Where he just returned from – the archeology site of Caral - the most ancient city in the Western Hemisphere.
Guest: Mark Weisbrot http://www.cepr.net/index.php/bolivia-page Topic: Is Eva Morales about to be overthrown? CEPR has issued a statement today which "called on the U.S. State Department to release information detailing whom it is funding in Bolivia
Guest: Chalmers Johnson Topic: In a new Mother Jones article Chalmers claims - Thanks to the policies of the Bush administration these past eight years, large majorities in numerous countries are now strongly anti-American
Tuesday – Guest Host - KPOJ’s Carl Wolfson is filling in as Thom flies back from Peru
Guest: Brad Miner Topic: Thom is challenging Brad on his book Smear Tactics: The Liberal Campaign to Defame America
Guest: Terry Jeffrey www.cnsnews.com Topic: The issues of the day through the lens of both conservative and liberal
Guest: Mark Krikorian www.cis.org/NewCase Topic: The New Case Against Immigration: Both Legal and Illegal
Guest: “Taking our Country Back” Jeff Merkley www.JeffMerkley.com Topic: Jeff Merkley running for the U.S. Senate for Oregon against Senator Gordon Smith
Guest: Christy Harvey www.americanprogress.org Topic: News under the Radar
Friday – “Brunch with Bernie” – Senator Bernie Sanders taking your calls
Events with Thom Hartmann Coming Up….
September 15th – Thom does his show “live” from Peru – Where Thom just returned from – the archeology site of Caral the most ancient city in the Western Hemisphere for research on a book he’s writing.
September 17th and 18th – Thom is recording a several TV show specials for Link TV– times and topics to be announced
September 19th San Francisco - Green960 Radio presents and evening with Thom Hartmann and Norman Soloman location and time TBA
October 3-4 Palm Springs Thom is speaking at The Evolution of Revolution... Shining Dawn's Early Light on Spirit, Science and the System conference at Renaissance Esmeralda Resort and Spa Indian Wells, California
October 18 – Thom is participating in a panel of both conservatives and liberals at Hebrew University in LA details TBA
October 19 – Booksigning at Powells Book Store 7p Cracking the Code
November 16 – 22 – Air America Cruise to Belize
September 08 2008 show notes
- Why is thedownfall of Freddie and Fannie not considered a failure of privatization?
- Guest: Tim Graham, director of media analysis, Media Research Center.
- Guest: Cliff Arnebeck, chair of legal affairs for the committee of Common Cause Ohio. www.rovecybergate.com,
- Guest: Dr. Siegfried Othmer, Homecoming for Veterans.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
September 05 2008 show notes
- "Brunch with Bernie" with Senator Bernie Sanders, Independent of Vermont.
- Guest: Mike Farrel, actor, Joe Giarratano campaign.
- Guest: John Garcia, Assistant Dog Care Manager, featured in the National Geographic TV Series DogTown tonight. Saving the Michael Vick dogs.
- "Anything Goes" Friday.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
September 04 2008 show notes
- Show live from the radio row of the 2008 Republican National Convention, St. Paul.
- Guest: Katrina vanden Heuvel, "The Nation". Sarah Palin's speech.
- Guest: John Nichols, The Capital Times, Madison, Wisconsin, and The Nation, author of "The Genius of Impeachment ".
- Guest: Ron Reagan.
- Guest: Fred Clarkson. Editor, "Dispatches from the Religious Left: The Future of Faith and Politics in America". Sarah Palin, religion.
- Guest: Dr. Deal Hudson, publisher of "Inside Catholic", author of "Onward Christian Soldiers: The Growing Political Power of Catholics and Evangelicals in the United States".
- Guest: Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!
- Guest: Christy Harvey, Director of Strategic Communications at the Center for American Progress, MicCheckradio.org.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
On the Program - Sep 9th 2008
Hour 1 - David Horowitz www.horowitzfreedomcenter.org Topic: Whathas happened to honest conservatives and liberals in America?
Hour 2 - Dr. PatrickMichaels www.cato.org Topic: Thom is challengingDr. Michaels who is claiming - Obama's energy plan is snake oil
Hour 3 - Joan Bokaer www.theocracywatch.org Topic: Why we should worry aboutSarah Palin's dominionist views
1130am - (NationalCanadian TV network) Currents called ADD And Loving It - Rick and Ava Green are interviewingThom on ADD in studio – on the air - for a documentary.
On the Program - Sep 8th 2008
Hour one - Why is thedownfall of Freddie and Fannie not considered a failure of privatization? Hour two - Tim Graham www.mrc.org Topic: Why is the corporate pressignoring the lies in Palin and McCain’s convention speeches and since then? Hour Three - CliffArnebeck www.commoncause.org/Ohio
Topic: election fraud Labor Segment Victoria Kaplan
Topic: SweatFree Communities Dr. Siegfried Othmer www.homecoming4veterans.org Topic: PTSD and how Homecoming for Veterans helps
September 03 2008 show notes
- Show live from the radio row of the 2008 Republican National Convention, St. Paul.
- Guest: Former Senator Rick Santorum.
- Guest: Former Arkansas Republican Congressman Asa Hutchinson,
- Guest: C.C., afternoon talk host on KUDO radio, Alaska.
- Guest: Greg Clapper, Republican, Libertarian consultant.
- Guest: CNS Editor-in-Chief Terence Jeffrey.
- Guest: Drew Nannis, AARP.
- Guest: "Everything You Know is Wrong": Win McCormack, author of "You Don't Know Me: A Citizen's Guide to Republican Family Values".
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.