Thom's Blog

July 2 2009 - Thursday

banking-images1Hour one: Senator Bernie Sanders  is here - Do we have a Super Majority or not? Bernie says Yes! Harry Reid says  No! Who's right.

Also - Should we have a gasoline tax or a road tax?...complete w/GPS?

July 1st 2009 - Wednesday

space-imagesSign Up! for Thom's Free Daily Newsletter - just sign in as a member- you'll get the "Daily Stack" each day, what topics are coming up next, new stations on-board, Thom's travel schedule, his blog and more.

June 30 2009 - Tuesday

botrowitz-imagesHour One: Should every politician have a budget for hookers? Do you really care if they have a hooker or a mistress - or is this all just a ruse to get us not to talk about healthcare?

June 29th 2009 - Monday

michael-jackson-imagesHour One: Has Goldman Sach's caused both the 1929 and 2008 depressions?
Also - the real cause of Michael Jackson's death - It has not yet been discussed.

June 26th 2009 - Friday

under-the-radar-1images3Hour One"Brunch With Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) joins Thom for his 

June 25th 2009 - Thursday

healthcare-imagesOur Comment line - Concerns? Suggestions? Kudos? - 202-536-5306

Hour One: Michael Tanner  and Thom debate  COOP vs Public Option

June 24th 2009 - Wednesday

constitution-imagesHour Two: "Health care reform? Capitalism is the answer!" Thom challenges Dr. Jay Richards of the Discovery Institute

June 23 2009 - Tuesday

fishing-vessal-imagesHour Two: "Has the right 'LOST' it?" Thom debates the Law Of the Sea Treaty with Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy

June 22 2009 Monday

good-ol-girl-imagesOur Comment line - Concerns? Suggestions? Kudos? - 202-536-5306

June 19th - Friday

under-the-radar-1images2Hour One: "Brunch With Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) joins Thom for his weekly nationwide town hall meeting

June 18th - Thursday


What would you do if you received a post-dated check for $100.000 and a suicide note? Would you call the cops or hang on it a check? It happened for real.

June 17th Wednesday

banking-imagesHour One: "Obama the Terrible...czars, peasants and the 'shame' of being rich" Thom confronts Dan Gainor of the Business and Media Institute

June 16th - Tuesday

evolution-imagesHour One: Is this the end financially of the American empire?

Guest: Dr. Michael Hudson on The future of the US Economy

June 15th - Monday


Hour One: Professor Muhammad Sahimi www.tehranbureau on the Iranian election results & protests

After 45 Years, a Civil Rights Hero Waits for Justice


kennedy-imagesby Lamar Waldron & Thom Hartmann

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

Thom's Blog Is On the Move

Hello All

Thom's blog in this space and moving to a new home.

Please follow us across to - this will be the only place going forward to read Thom's blog posts and articles.

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