Thursday - September 24 2009
Hour One: Will health care reform hurt or help the economy? Thom debates Dr. Todd Rubin of Doctors for Patient Care
Wednesday - September 23, 2009
Hour One: "Will Democracy die without Obama's newspaper bailout?" Thom spars with Dan Gainor of the Business and Media Institute
Tuesday - September 22 2009
Hour One: Are conservatives and trans-national corporations using the G-20 and the WTO to end the sovereignty of the United States?
Monday - September 21 2009
Hour Two: "Is President Carter right...racism is alive and well in America?" Thom debates conservative Lurita Doan who says no
Peace - Thom and Cindy Sheehan in Dallas
Thom and Cindy Sheehan in Dallas at the AM 1360 “Rational Radio Progress Forum” Saturday September 19th
Listen to Thom's Daily Newscast
Click the player below to listen to today's newscast
Friday - September 17th 2009
Hour One: "Brunch With Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) spends the hour with Thom discussing the issues and answering listener questions
Thursday - September 16th 2009
Hour One: China has eaten our lunch - are they now working on dessert? do we stop them? Clyde Prestowitz, Jr
Hour Two: Healthcare....
Tuesday & Wednesday- September 15 & 16 2009
Thom broadcasts live from radio row at the annual "Hold Their Feet to the Fire" event in Washington DC where he'll be challenging conservatives from around the country on immigration reform www.fairus.
Monday - September 14th, 2009
Medicare Part E – “Everybody”
The President this morning admitted on national television that he lost control of the message with health care. It’s time to reboot – and use a very, very, very simple message so all Americans can understand it.