We need to plan now in case Trump loses in November - but refuses to leave the White House
By Thom Hartmann A...
What's the Truth on the Coronavirus Testing?
By Thom Hartmann A...
Should The 25th Amendment Be Invoked to Get Trump Out of Office - Due to His handling Of the Coronavirus?
By Thom Hartmann A...
Trump Won't Help Us; Can We Help Ourselves?
By Thom Hartmann A...
Trump Is Fiddling While America Is Burning
By Thom Hartmann A...
Trump Is Using the Same Logic on COVID 19 That He Used for Pesticides
By Thom Hartmann A...
Why Joe Biden is Up...
By Thom Hartmann A...
COVID-19: First Trump Ignored It, Then He Promoted It As A Hoax, Then He Tried to Cover It Up, and Now It's About To Explode
By Thom Hartmann A...
By Thom Hartmann A...
Coronavirus: Many Claim We Can't Afford Medicare-for-all, But, It Appears We Are About To Discover How Costly Our For-Profit Healthcare Is
By Thom Hartmann A...
The coronavirus is now in the United States, and apparently the infection in California goes beyond just one person, because they can't figure out how that one person got it. Which means lots of people need to get tested, particularly if they have symptoms of a severe cold or flu which could indicate that they have the coronavirus.
How To Bring Back A Middle Class
By Thom Hartmann A...
From the 1930s to the Reagan Revolution, America grew the largest and most robust middle class in history. Along with strong unions, the main driver of that was that people earning more than about $10 million in today's money confronted a top tax rate of 91% until the 60s, and 67% until Reagan came into office.
"The Saddest Thing Is This Won't Be Breaking News"
By Thom Hartmann A...
Is November 2020 Too Late?
By Thom Hartmann A...
Can A Disruptor Win Against Trump?
By Thom Hartmann A...
Americans love disruptors, and always have. It's part of our political DNA, stretching all the way back to the American Revolution. Thomas Jefferson ran for president as a disruptor, dedicated to bringing down the conservative regime of John Adams who had already put more than 20 newspaper owners in prison for saying bad things about him.