The oligarchs openly talking about a coup d'état in America?
Multi-millionaire lobbyist Grover Norquist is calling for the impeachment of President Obama. In an interview with the right-wing National Journal – Norquist warned that if President Obama wins re-election and decides to let the Bush tax cuts for the top 2% expire at the end of the year – then Republicans will “have enough votes in the Senate in 2014 to impeach [him].”
An Impartial Judiciary is now just a Myth...
According to a survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation – 75% of Americans believe the Supreme Court is driven by ideological views rather than objective legal analysis. Of course – the justices themselves have done one heck of a job advancing this notion. Scalia, Alito, and Thomas have attended and spoken at right-wing gatherings – gone hunting with prominent Republicans like Dick Cheney – accepted gifts from right-wing or
Is Indiana the new front line for the war on the working class?
Indiana is screwed as it crept one step closer to becoming the 23rd state in the nation to pass a right-to-work FOR LESS law. The State House passed legislation that was passed by the Senate earlier in the week to bring right-to-work-for-less to the state – putting an end to closed union shops and pitting workers against workers across Indiana, thus killing off the union movement in that state.
What do you think of President Obama's State of The Union speech?
President Obama declared the state of the union is “Getting stronger” last night before a joint-session of Congress. But to ensure the nation continues to get better – the President laid out a series of proposals he's challenging a Republican Congress to pass and send to his desk.
The President is set to deliver his State of the Union address tonight - What will he talk about?
Early reports indicate the President will focus on the issues that are absent from most Republicans debates, which are help for the middle class, ways to reduce wealth inequality, and a plan for renewable energy. Despite 22 straight months of private sector job creations, glimmers of hope in an economic recovery, and one fewer war abroad since the President took office three years ago – the state of our union is still weak.
The Republican Party has a serious problem on its hands – and its name is Newt Gingrich.
Newt shocked the establishment on Saturday night crushing Mitt Romney in a landslide victory in the South Carolina Primary. By referring to President Obama as the “Food Stamp President” as often as he could – and characterizing the poor, and in particular minorities, as lazy – Newt proved that race baiting in the South is still a winning strategy…at least when only Republicans are voting.
Occupy the Courts! Today – in over 100 cities across America...
Occupy the Courts! Today – in over 100 cities across America – demonstrators are rallying in front of federal courthouses – and in front of the Supreme Court here in Washington, DC – to protest the two-year anniversary of the Citizens United decision. The grassroots organization Move To Amend is spearheading the day of action to raise awareness and encourage people to fight back against the radical ruling of the Supreme C
President Obama said NO! to the Oil Barons...
The State Department officially rejected the Keystone XL pipeline – that would have transported highly toxic Canadian tar sands 1,600 miles across America, on top of the nation’s largest aquifer, down to Texas where transnational oil corporations could ship it off to Asia, South America, and Europe. Canada says it will now look into sending the tar sands to China.
In Solidarity Thom Hartmann is blacked out - with a few candles....Watch Now!
A good portion of the web is blacked out today in protest of two online piracy bills being considered in Congress: The Stop Online Piracy Act – or SOPA – in the House, and the Protect IP Act - or PIPA - in the Senate. Both bills are being heavily lobbied for by giant corporate media outlets and thus have been ignored in the mainstream news they own.
Let The Recall Begin
Wisconsin Democrats are expected to turn in a truckload of signatures today in their recall Governor Scott Walker effort. While the exact number of signatures collected is still uncertain – organizers claim they have collected far more than the needed 540,000 signatures to trigger a recall against both Governor Scott Walker and Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch.
Is Colbert right - Mitt Romney is a Serial Killer?
Comedian Stephen Colbert is taking the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision to its logical conclusion. As Colbert flirts with the idea of running for President in South Carolina – his SuperPAC just launched it’s first negative attack ad – going after front-runner Mitt Romney. Noting that Romney believes corporations are people and that Romney made a living slicing up and killing off corporations – Colbert’s SuperPAC called Rom
Is Government by "Hostage Taking" Over?
The days of the Tea Party controlling Congress may be numbered. Congressional aides are suggesting that Speaker of the House John Boehner is planning to work around his Tea Party members and negotiate with Democrats on a deal to extend the payroll tax cut when Congress reconvenes later this month.
Is America a nation in the midst of a class war?
More Americans think the nation is in the grips of class warfare than ever before. According to a new Pew Research Center survey – two-thirds of the nation believes there are “strong” conflicts between the rich and the poor in America – that’s an increase of 19-points since 2009. Across all demographics – white, black, Hispanic – and across all political affiliations – Republican, Democrat, and Independents – as well as across all clas
Are Republicans redistributing massive amounts of money to the top 1%?
Between all the debates, the interviews, and the campaign ads – doesn’t it seem like the Republicans candidates only care about helping rich people? That’s because that IS all they care about. According to a report by the Citizens for Tax Justice – which examined all the tax cut plans proposed by the candidates – the average tax cut for the 1% is 270 times greater than the tax cuts being proposed for the middle class. Not only th
What will be the results of the New Hampshire primary?
It’s primary day in New Hampshire – and the votes are already being counted. Two New Hampshire communities – Dixville Notch and Hart’s Location – have a tradition of casting ballots at midnight – and out of 22 votes cast – Mitt Romney has a very, very early lead with 7 votes – Ron Paul has 5 – and Jon Huntsman has 4. Romney is expected to win big in New Hampshire – or at least he was before he inexplicably went on a tirade yesterday ab