Thom's Blog

The President's plan for homeownership gets mixed reviews...

Yesterday in Phoenix, President Obama laid out his plan to help more Americans become homeowners.

The Tea Party is turning on Republicans

Many hard-right conservative voters are threatening to sit out the 2014 midterm elections, because they say some Republican lawmakers aren't doing enough to obstruct healthcare and immigration.

DEA officials conspired to hide NSA spying.

New documents obtained by Reuters show that the Drug Enforcement Administration is helping the NSA cover up government surveillance. The Special Operations Division of the DEA, otherwise known as SOD, funnels secretly-obtained information to authorities around our nation to initiate criminal investigations of American citizens.

Mitch McConnell doesn't keep "gentleman's agreements."

Republicans may finally push Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to fix the filibuster. After last month's so-called gentleman's agreement between Senator Reid and Mitch McConnell, a few of President Obama's nominees finally cleared the Senate. But, Republicans couldn't keep themselves from going right back to their old tricks.

Snowden finally leaves airport!

After more than a month of being stuck in a Moscow airport, NSA-whistleblower Edward Snowden has been granted a one-year asylum in Russia. Snowden managed to slip out of the Russian airport unseen, and then fled to a secret location. When asked where Snowden would be going, a Russian lawyer representing the whistleblower told reporters, “He is the most wanted man on planet Earth. What do you think he is going to do?

Once again, Republicans reject their own plan.

Only hours after President Obama proposed a new “grand bargain” for job creation, Republican leaders quickly condemned the idea. On Tuesday, the President spoke at an warehouse in Tennessee, where he unveiled a new plan that paired corporate tax cuts with infrastructure spending, in an effort to gain bipartisan support.

Reagan-appointed judge says religious rights are "inherently human"

The Third Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled on a new aspect of corporate personhood – a corporation's right to the free exercise of religion. Judge Robert Cowen rejected a company's claimed that it should not have to provide birth control under Obamacare for religious reasons.

The economic terrorists are at it again...

Republicans are gearing up to hold our economy hostage yet again. The last fight over the debt limit cost our economy $18 billion dollars, and despite that, the GOP is ready to do it all over again to try and force President Obama to accept even more extreme austerity measures. Last week, House Speaker John Boehner said, “we're not going to raise the debt ceiling without real cuts in spending.

Eric Holder is taking on the Wild West!

When the Supreme Court struck down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act last month, Attorney General Eric Holder promised that the Justice Department would continue to fight voter suppression using every tool at its disposal. Now he's making good on that promise.

Can Obama defeat the Republican cult?

Yesterday, President Obama spoke at Knox College in Illinois - about his vision for the American economy. Throughout his speech - the President highlighted facts - like how middle-class Americans are struggling to survive - while CEO pay and earnings for the top 1% of Americans have skyrocketed.

NC GOP puts the "extreme" in extremism!

Ever since Pat McCrory took office as governor earlier this year - GOP lawmakers in North Carolina have turned that state into ground zero for Tea Party extremism - gutting social services- slashing taxes - and - yes - even banning Sharia law. And now, Republicans in the Tar Heel State are kicking that extremism into overdrive with the worst voter suppression law in our nation.

Disaster capitalism killed Detroit.

Republicans are thrilled that Detroit has filed for bankruptcy. Because - for the GOP - the fall of Detroit is a talking point goldmine. Over the past year , the American public has started to wake-up about the total failure of austerity both here in the United States, and across the Atlantic in Europe.

Zimmerman will be gifted a new gun!

An Ohio gun group, The Buckeye Firearms Foundation, says, "We’re buying Zimmerman a new gun." Yes - you heard me right!

Detroit is broke.

On Thursday, the Motor City became the largest in U.S. history to file for bankruptcy. After decades of factory closings, and a massive decline in population, even Governor Rick Snyder's little dictator – Kevyn Orr – couldn't save the city from financial ruin. Now that Mr. Orr has moved Detroit into bankruptcy court, creditors will be forced to accept pennies on the dollar for the city's debt.

The NSA isn't the only one spying on you...

You local police department may be tracking your every move. A new report from the ACLU shows that automatic license plate readers are snapping photos of our cars, even when we're not speeding or running a red light. And, those photos are being stored in mega databases just like our phone and internet data, which is being captured by the NSA.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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