Monday 13 May '13 show notes
By SueN
- Myron Ebell, Competitive Enterprise Institute: C02 levels at 400ppm is a killer
- Skip Coryell, Pro-second amendment activist & author (latest is "The Shadow Militia"): Game on for new civil war
- It's Time For a Manufacturing Revolution
Friday 10 May '13 show notes
By SueN
- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "Brunch With Bernie"
- Tommy Christopher, 7 year-old boy suspended for pencil "gun"...
- Ross Fraser, Feeding America: Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive
Thursday 9 May '13 show notes
By SueN
- Cody Wilson, Defense Distributed: Free market anarchist wants everyone to have a wiki gun
- Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR, 4th District): "Save the Post Office"
- Mike Papantonio, Ring of Fire Radio: Shouldn't we keep the NRA and Joe Camel away from our kids?
- Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR, 4th District): Chained CPI
- Vanessa Potkin, The Innocence Project: Will DNA tests be allowed for Willie Jerome Manning?
- Geeky Science - think twice before you diss snow!
Wednesday 8 May '13 show notes
By SueN
- Would Community policing have prevented kidnapping?
- Hayes Brown, National Security Reporter/Blogger-Think Progress: Why There Won’t Be Anything New In Today’s Benghazi Hearing
- Carl Gibson, Lead Organizer-"Shut The Chamber": Operation Green Jobs
- Steve Malzberg, The Steve Malzberg Show: What should be done about corporate terrorists?
- How much is a tree worth?
- WTF: one hospital charges $8k...another $38k...?!
Tuesday 7 May '13 show notes
By SueN
- Senator Sherrod Brown, U.S. Senator (D-OH): "Too Big to Fail"
- Rob Pincus, I.C.E. Training: Can states defy federal law?
- Annie-Rose Strasser, Think Progress: Does "slut-shaming" mark the return of the Christian Taliban?
Monday 6 May '13 show notes
By SueN
- Alan Korwin, Gun Laws: NRA's all about the kids
- Are you cynical?
- Who is murdering small business?
Friday 3 May '13 show notes
By SueN
- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "Brunch With Bernie"
- Anything Goes on Townhall Friday!
Thursday 2 May '13 show notes
By SueN
- Richard Perle, American Enterprise Institute: Should we live in fear of another terrorist attack?
- How big does Thom want the government to be?
- Gitmo by the numbers
- Geeky Science - What Conservatives Won't Buy
Wednesday 1 May '13 show notes
By SueN
- May Day / International Worker's Day
- SC Push Polls-What if I told you that Mark Sanford... tune in!
- Josh Eidelson, Labor Journalist / Contributing writer-The Nation & Salon: Happy May Day...latest on labor
- Barry Nolan, Former Newscaster-WBZ TV (Boston) / Professor of Journalism-Boston University: 3 more Boston bombing arrests...what's up?
- Bryan Fischer, American Family Association: Bryan Fischer is worried that Collins will be eyeballing players in locker room...
Tuesday 30 April '13 show notes
By SueN
- Wayne Allyn Root: Why Gitmo won't be closed...
- If Bangladesh can hold their corporate fatcats accountable - then so can we!
- The problem w/Maine's corporate personhood amendment
Monday 29 April '13 show notes
By SueN
- Noel Flasterstein, Attorney & host-The Gun Show: Are we powerless to prevent terrorists from buying guns?
- Congress flies while cancer patients die...
- Jeremy Scahill, America's "Dirty Wars": Jeremy Scahill goes inside America's "Dirty Wars"
Friday 26 April '13 show notes
By SueN
- In for Thom today, Dr. Mike Newcomb of "The Mike Newcomb Show" on 1480AM KPHX, Phoenix, AZ
- Workers Memorial Day
- Anthony Arnove, "Howard Zinn Speaks", "Voices of a People's History of the United States": Big retail ignores worker safety plan, hundreds dead in factory collapse
- Dr. Anthony Fauci, National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases (NIAID): What you need to know about the new bird flu
- Anything Goes on Townhall Friday!
Thursday 25 April '13 show notes
By SueN
- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "Brunch With Bernie"
- The right wing cult machine exposed...
- Attorney Mike Papantonio, host of "Ring of Fire Radio": No more trading rights for fear
- Geeky Science - Ants have jobs...nurses, foragers & janitors
- Ocean Robbins, CEO-Food Revolution Network & co-author (with his dad, John Robbins) "Voices of the Food Revolution": "Your food is deceiving you..."
Wednesday 24 April '13 show notes
By SueN
- Eli Lehrer, R Street Institute: Texas fertilizer plant explosion...welcome to the new Libertarian paradise
- Don't "balance" our constitutional rights for security...
- Les Leopold, Journalist/Author: How to Make a Million Dollars an Hour
Tuesday 23 April '13 show notes
By SueN
- In for Thom today, Dr. Mike Newcomb of 1480AM KPHX, Phoenix, AZ - The Mike Newcomb Show"
- J.D. Tuccille, Reason 24/7 at / author-High Desert Barbecue (a comic novel): NYC considers raising smoking age to about doing it nationwide?
- Wendell Potter, Health Ins. Industry Whistleblower / Author "Deadly Spin": United Health Group...$2.1 billion profit not enough
- Dr. William Ellert, MD, Family Practitioner: Healthcare ACO's...