Monday 4 November '13 show notes
By SueN
- Austin Peterson, The Libertarian Republic: Is the NRA guilty of murder?
- Richard Viguerie, Conservatives Betrayed: Stop Watching Us!
- The super rich don't need our middleclass infrastructure...
Friday 1 November '13 show notes
By SueN
- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "Brunch With Bernie"
- Judy Julin, Director of Development: What's next for Hunter School and how you can help
- Chris Esh, Washington Public Interest Research Group: Seattle voters to decide Tuesday on publicly funded elections initiative (Prop 1) and GMO labeling
Thursday 31 October '13 show notes
By SueN
- Halloween...happy spookfest...trick or treat (and, yes, Mercury is still retrograde)
- Wendell Potter, Deadly Spin: About that $700 million missing from Medicare
- Eliot Richardson, Chicago Small Business Advocacy Council: An ObamaCare cooperative success story
- Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nuclear: Humankind's Most Dangerous Moment?
- Ryan Barber: Transforming kids at Hunter School
- Peter Schweizer, EXTORTION: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own Pockets: Big Corps vs Big Govt
- Geeky Science rocks!
Wednesday 30 October '13 show notes
By SueN
- Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO): Should pot be a mainstream issue for Democrats?
- Robert Greenwald, Unmanned: America’s Drone Wars: Robert Greenwald on America's Drone Wars
- Renee Davis: Hunter School parent
- Norman Solomon: Why Edward Snowden's passport matters
Tuesday 29 October '13 show notes
By SueN
- Betsy McCaughey, PhD: Right (wrong!) hypes Obamacare myths
- Laurie Ferris, Hunter School: What is the Hunter School?
- Adrian Moore, Reason Foundation: Black Box...big brother riding shotgun?
- Should you bribe your kids?
- Carl Gibson, Exclusive...Who Killed Michael Hastings?
Monday 28 October '13 show notes
By SueN
- Cullen Hobeck, Terms and Conditions May Apply: NSA-Stop Watching Us!
- Nick Heltzel, The Hunter School: Permaculture at Hunter School
- To criticize or not to criticize the Democratic Party?
- Lee Fang, The Nation Magazine: Who are the scholars who shill for Wall Street?
Friday 25 October '13 show notes
By SueN
- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "Brunch With Bernie"
- Don Rojas, former Press Secretary-Prime Minister of Grenada, Maurice Bishop: Grenada...30 years since the U.S. invasion
- Congressman Alan Grayson (D-FL, 9th District): Is the Tea Party like the KKK...or not?
Thursday 24 October '13 show notes
By SueN
- Geri Byrne, Chair-Modoc County, CA Board of Supervisors: Can part of California secede?
- Racism
- Callista Gingrich, Yankee Doodle Dandy: Ellis the Elephant
- How America could be the happiest country on earth...
- Geeky Science - what makes everyone dumb and dumber?
Wednesday 23 October '13 show notes
By SueN
- Jennifer Burke, The Tea Is the Tea Party like the KKK...or not?
- Miriam German, No Nukes NW: Find out what the Fukushima fallout is on the West Coast
- Former Speaker Newt Gingrich: The cult of the Tea Party
- Callista Gingrich, Yankee Doodle Dandy: Ellis the Elephant
- Stop treating Capitalists as if they're gods
- John Bertucci, Fukushima Response: The on-going threat from Fukushima to the West Coast
Tuesday 22 October '13 show notes
By SueN
- Government...SIZE doesn't matter, COST does
- Professor Adam Grant, Give and Take: Does the study of economics make you greedy?
- How the Koch Brothers Fleeced America
- Congressman Peter DeFazio (D-OR, 4th District): Rep. DeFazio on Social Security
- Ari Rabin Havt, Media Matters: The Benghazi Hoax
Monday 21 October '13 show notes
By SueN
- David Selig, Conservative Commentator & Pro-Business Advocate: Conservative goes off on Obamacare
- How the Tea Party crashed the Obamacare website
- Nicole Sandler hosting: Thom Hartmann Program / Randi Rhodes Show simulcast
- Let the Dysfunctional Plantation-Based Red States Secede
- Shane Farnan and Danielle Guilday of the Thom Hartmann Program guest host for the last 10 minutes.
Friday 18 October '13 show notes
By SueN
- Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nuclear: Another leak at Fukushima?
- Tom Weis, Ride for Renewables: Help stop the KXL pipeline!
- Anything Goes Friday
Thursday 17 October '13 show notes
By SueN
- The Tea Party Cost us $24 Billion for What??
- William Gladstone, The Power of Twelve: Everything You Know is Wrong...about the # 12?
- Mike Papantonio, Ring of Fire Radio: What madness lurks in the Tea Party brain?
- Professor Peter Morici, Newsmax: the debt deal winners & sore losers...
- Geeky Science - where would we be without plants?
Wednesday 16 October '13 show notes
By SueN
- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "Brunch With Bernie"
- What's a Good Name for Corporate Welfare Queens?
- Alan Weisman, Countdown: Our last best hope for a future on earth...
Tuesday 15 October '13 show notes
By SueN
- Dennis Prager: The Tea Party...definitely not your parent's GOP
- Tommy Christopher, Will Obama 'Delay Obamacare for a Year If Republicans Would Agree to Delay Heart Attacks for a Year?