Monday 26 January '14 show notes
By SueN
- Rick Moran, PJ Media / The American Thinker: Anti-austerity Syriza wins election in Greece
- Professor Stephen Cohen, The Nation: The media's dangerous anti-Russian jingoistic game...
- Anything Goes Snow Day
Friday 23 January '14 show notes
By SueN
- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "Brunch With Bernie"
- Anything Goes on Townhall Friday!
Thursday 22 January '14 show notes
By SueN
- Mike Papantonio, Ring of Fire Radio: issues of the day
- What would you add to the progressive platform?
- Is John Boehner committing sedition?
- Kai Newkirk, Progressive Organizer & Co-founder of 99Rise: 99 Rise stand up to SCOTUS on Citizens United 5th anniversary
Wednesday 21 January '14 show notes
By SueN
- The myth of Obama moving to the left
- Greg Palast, Billionaires & Ballot Bandits: How Greece was 'Goldman Sacked' by the euro
- Carrie Lukas, Independent Women's Forum: What's at stake for women in the net neutrality debate?
Tuesday 20 January '14 show notes
By SueN
- Neil McCabe, The Washington Mercury: How expensive is it to be poor?
- Is it child abuse to let your kids walk home alone?
- State Of The Union...what do you want to hear?
Monday 19 January '14 show notes
By SueN
- How do we fulfill Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream?
- Rev. D. Alexander Bullock, Change Angent Consortium: Time to end police brutality
- Dr. Clarence Lusane, American University / The Black History of the White House: What would MLK, Jr. think of America today?
Friday 16 January '14 show notes
By SueN
- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "Brunch With Bernie"
- Anything Goes on Townhall Friday!
Thursday 15 January '14 show notes
By SueN
- Phyllis Schlafly, Eagle Forum: women are to blame for campus rape?!
- Dahr Jamail, Truthout: The methane monster roars...
- Who needs lobbyists?
Wednesday 14 January '14 show notes
By SueN
- In for Thom today, Progressive Commentators Danielle and Shane-O.
- Maya Schenwar, Truthout / Locked Down, Locked Out: Is it time to rethink our "tough on crime" stance?
- Jeremy Travis, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York (CUNY): Is it time to rethink our "tough on crime" stance?
- Ian Millhiser, Center for American Progress / Think Progress: Did Scott Walker just save...Obamacare?
- Brad Friedman, The Brad Blog: Why our beliefs make us vulnerable
- Democratic Messaging
Tuesday 13 January '14 show notes
By SueN
- In for Thom today, Progressive Commentators Danielle and Shane-O.
- Shawn Fremstad, Center for American Progress: What is a "traditional" family?
- John Fugelsang, Tell Me Everything-Sirius/XM Ch. 121: Why we need humor in politics
- Richard Eskow, Campaign for America's Future / The Zero Hour (radio): GOP-first they came for the disabled...
- Shahid Buttar, Bill of Rights Defense Committee: Officer involved shootings...did NM D.A. just set a precedent?
Monday 12 January '14 show notes
By SueN
- In for Thom today, Progressive Commentators Danielle and Shane-O.
- Dave Saldana, PipeLIES Exposed: KXL Pipeline scores a win in Nebraska, what's next?
- Lee Camp, Redacted Tonight: Should there be limits on free speech?
Friday 9 January '14 show notes
By SueN
- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "Brunch With Bernie"
- Labor Secretary Thomas "Tom" Perez, U.S. Secretary of Labor: Jobs report out today
- Alec Rexroat, iSaveTeam Union for Mechanical Insulation: Reducing greenhouse gases
- Anything Goes on Townhall Friday!
Thursday 8 January '14 show notes
By SueN
- France Can't Afford To Make The Bush Blunder...
- America's Lawyer Mike Papantonio, Ring of Fire Radio: Paris terrorist attacks
- Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH): GOP's sneak attack on Social Security
Wednesday 7 January '14 show notes
By SueN
- Terrorism is terrorism...
- Rev. Bill Keller, Live Prayer: Right wing fundamentalism kills again
- Dan Sisson, The Revolution of 1800: Thom Hartmann University Book Club - chapter 8
Tuesday 6 January '14 show notes
By SueN
- Austin Petersen, The Libertarian Republic: Why are Libertarians embracing KXL pipeline?
- Professor Harvey J. Kaye, U of WI-Green Bay / The Fight for the Four Freedoms: What Made FDR and the Greatest Generation Truly Great: How America would look with FDR's Four Freedoms
- Is it too late to attain FDR's ideas for the US?
- Jan Frel, Alternet: The state of progressive media