
  • The Trump administration is a death cult

    Thom plus logo They revel in their efforts to end Obamacare and cut millions of Americans off healthcare.

    They celebrate last night's resumption of federal executions.

    They enthusiastically authorize the use of formerly banned pesticides that cause cancer and neurological damage to children.
  • Monday 13 July '20 show notes

    • Trump Has Only Had One Job In His Entire Life. Will It Work For Him In November?
    • The Shooting of A Peaceful Protester in Portland...Is Trump Going Full "Brown Shirt?"
    • How the Benefits of Protecting 30% of the Planet will Outweigh the Costs.... - Dr. Enric Sala, Expolorer in Residence-National Geographic / Co-Author of the new report, Protecting 30% of the Planet for Nature: Costs, Benefits, Economic Implications & Author of the forthcoming book, The Nature of Nature: Why We Need the Wild (out 8/25/20)
    • What They Don't Tell You About Surviving COVID...
    • Why a Disease with a 1% Mortality Can Shut Down the Planet
  • Trump Has Only Had One Job In His Entire Life: Celebrity. Will It Work For Him in November?

    Thom plus logo With one simple understanding, everything about Trump's life and presidency comes into focus.

    Why would it be that Trump refuses to do his job, including reading intelligence reports? Why would Trump revel in lies and outrageous statements? Why would he retweet a game show hosts conspiracy theories about the coronavirus while trashing his own scientists? Why is Trump, every day, waking up and asking how he can capture the news cycle regardless of its impact on public health or democracy?
  • Friday 10 July '20 show notes

    • It's Anything Goes Friday...Thom Takes Your Calls...
    • What's Going On With Trump's Crazy Fundraising Pitches???
    • Have You Heard? Mexico Doesn't Want U.S. Covid Crossing the Border... They're Building a Wall...!
    • Who's Your Pick For Biden Veep?

  • Thursday 09 July '20 show notes

    • Who Is Organizing the Civil War Experiment?
    • Will forcing kids and teachers back to school be Trump's Waterloo?
    • Federal Regulators Are Mortgaging the Country to Wall Street... What Can We Do About It? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work / Understanding Marxism / Understanding Socialism
    • If Trump's Tax Returns Showed Illegal Activity Would the GOP Care? They already refused to impeach.
    • How Do We Stop Meatpacking Plants From Killing People? - Chloë Waterman, Program Manager - Friends of the Earth
  • Will Forcing Kids and Teachers Back to School Be Trump's Waterloo?

    Thom plus logo Trump's first major policy change on his first full day as president was to gut implementation of the "Waters of America" Act.

    His change allowed coal mines and factories to increase their profits by dumping massive amounts of poison in our rivers and waterways.
  • Wednesday 08 July '20 show notes

    • To keep Americans safe, we have to get billionaires and money out of politics
    • The New Slave Labor? - Laura Starecheski, Senior radio editor - Reveal from the Center for Investigative Reporting
    • Some New Climate Models Are Projecting Extreme Warming... Are They Correct? - Dr. Michael Mann, Professor of Meteorology & Director, Earth System Science Center-Penn State University AND recipient of this year's 'Nobel Prize for the Environment', the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement / Member-National Academy of Sciences / author of several books including The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy
  • To Keep Americans Safe, We Have To Get Billionaires and Money Out Of Politics

    Thom plus logo Jim Jones, who only killed 900+ people, was a piker, perhaps because he just wasn't rich enough to be truly effective. Billionaire Donald Trump has beat him more than 130 times over, with far more to come.

    Canada, a country run by competent leaders and actual civil servants at the provincial and federal level, largely has the coronavirus under control and have largely closed their border to Americans.

    The Guardian is reporting how Mexican border towns are asking Americans not to come, for fear of further spread of the virus there.
  • Blowing the lid off the billionaires' big con - and its deadly link to the coronavirus pandemic

    Thom plus logo About 75 percent of Americans trusted the federal government to "do what is right" when polled during most of the last years of the Eisenhower administration and early years of Lyndon B. Johnson's presidency.

    In 2019, when the Pew Research Center released its most recent poll of public trust in the government, only 17 percent of Americans trusted their government. It's so bad that armed protesters have shown up nationwide to protest the "tyranny" of having to wear masks during a pandemic… and have been cheered on by the president of the United States and Fox News.
  • Tuesday 07 July '20 show notes

    • Was Carsyn Davis's Mom a Cult Follower of Trump? New Details Emerge in Death of the Florida Teen Treated At Home For Coronavirus...
    • It's time to tax money bins!
    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Coronavirus Continues to Spread But NO Enforceable Healthcare Standards Are Forthcoming...?! - Remington Gregg, Counsel for Civil Justice and Consumer Rights - Public Citizen
    • Thom Takes Your Calls...

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