
  • Monday 11 April '22 show notes

    • It's Time to Nationalize the Fossil Fuel Industry
    • What reaction would you expect if Trump is indicted?
    • What are the takeaways from the French elections? - Cole Stangler, Paris-based journalist covering labor, culture & politics - Contributor-NY Times, Jacobin and other news outlets / Writer & producer-France 24 (international news network)
    • Did Jared Kushner Get 2 Billion for Selling Out Khashoggi?
    • Is Trump guilty of more financial fraud because he always gets away with it? Who just loaned him 100 million $$?
    • Why are people acting so weird? Is it because America life has become clickbait?
    • How GA turned purple & broke the monopoly on republican power - Greg Blustein, Political Reporter - Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) / Host - Politically Georgia podcast / Author - Flipped: How Georgia Turned Purple and Broke the Monopoly on Republican Power
  • Friday 08 April '22 show notes

    • Are Trump & Republicans Willing to Die For the Right to Be Racist?
    • Why Are People In Power Afraid Of Trump?
    • Geeky Science! Are Sugar Substitutes Worse Than Sugar?
    • Shouldn't Americans Know What Security Issues There Are Surrounding UFOs Including "Unaccounted-for Pregnancies?"
    • Because I Got High Alert! What Do You Do When You Get Celery Instead of Pot?
    • It's Anything Goes Friday
  • Thursday 07 April '22 show notes

    • National Progressive Townhall Meeting - Representative Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Why Is the GOP Siding With Putin?
    • Right Wing Movements Around the World & the GOP Share a Common Goal With Putin
    • The Shanghai Lockdown "will have a global effect on almost every trade"
    • Could Solar Geoengineering Reduce Human Suffering? - Dave Levitan, Climate Reporter - Grid.News / Science Journalist & Author-"Not A Scientist: How Politicians Mistake, Misrepresent, and Utterly Mangle Science"
  • Wednesday 06 April '22 show notes

    • How the GOP Is Turning Up the Dial on Hate & Fear
    • There is a Deepening Scary Global Food Crisis Coming Soon
    • Death Cult Alert! Fox-So-Called News Talked About Ivermectin 300 times Then Ignored New Study of It's Ineffectiveness
    • Deutsche Bank is Forecasting a Recession Next Year - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System
    • The Bizarre War In the Right To Protest Revealed / How the Supreme Court Could Endanger Our Lives - Ian Millhiser, Senior Correspondent - Vox / Author - The Agenda: How a Republican Supreme Court is Reshaping America
  • Tuesday 05 April '21 show notes

    • Democrats Should "Take On the Swamp" and Mean It
    • The Union Movement is a Threat to Oligarchy & the Ones Who Support It...
    • 'Pick Up the Pen, Joe': DC Protest Calls on Biden to Erase Student Debt
    • While Ron DeSantis has spent weeks describing LGBTQ people as sexual predators or "groomers" of future victims - It Appears he is also trying help Rep. Matt Gaetz paying underage girls for sex?
    • The Threat to Medicare Revealed - Alex Lawson, Executive Director - Social Security Works / Strengthen Social Security
    • Geeky Science! Why Asthmatics are Less Susceptible to Severe Covid
  • Monday 04 April '22 show notes

    • We Must Cut Out the Middlemen & Get Our Energy Straight from the Sun
    • Betsy DeVos & Her Family is Showering Gov. Ron DeSantis W/Cash - Is He the Next GOP Presidential Candidate?
    • Is the "News" Hoping for a Trump (Or a Trump Wannabe like DeSantis?) Return to the White House, or Committed to a 2024 Rematch that Will Be Close & Entertaining for the Press?
    • Why Is it That Fox-So-Called-News Viewers Who Watch CNN Get Smarter?
    • What are the values and systems that Make Finland the Happiest Country in the World?
    • Geeky Science! Covid and Diabetes are Colliding in a Public Health Train Wreck
  • Friday 01 April '22 show notes

    • Why Blue State Living Makes You Healthy, Wealthy, & Wise
    • Progressive Town Hall - Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • Will Putin Kill the Global Economy?
    • Crazy Alert! MAGA Has Now Decided the Watching Sports Makes you More "Feminine" and Are Going After People Just Like the Anti-Maskers
    • Did Ya Know...World War II isn't over yet?
    • Sen. Mitt Romney Want's to Cut Retirement Benefits
    • Federal judge puts Florida on 10-year probation after ruling voting law disenfranchises Black voters
    • It's Anything Goes Friday!
  • Thursday 31 March '22 show notes

    • Biden To Mark Transgender Day Of Visibility With New Actions
    • How Can We Clean Up the Media to Avoid More "Nick Mulvaney" Disasters?
    • Tunisia: The Only Democracy in the Arab World Bit the Dust Yesterday... and, GULP... Marine Le Pen May Be Closing in on Macron in France - Can We Stop the Weakening of Democracy Around the World...?
    • Beware: The Human Vulnerability to "Patriotic Propaganda" - We made the same mistake average Russians are making right now. Repeatedly. It's all about human nature being exploited by ruthless politicians
    • Unprotected, Cannon Fodder, Unknowingly Suicidal, Russian Soldiers Not Only Didn't Know What Chernobyl Was But Drove Through & Disturbed Radioactive Dust
    • Crazy Alert! Surprise! Anti-Worming Horse Pills Found at Farm Stores Don't Work for Covid - Will the Far Right Stop Using? Hmm....
    • Inflation: CEO's Can't Stop Bragging About their Earnings As They Jacked Up Prices - Does Anyone Care?
    • Bernie Sanders Calls Hearing on Healthcare as a Right...Will it Make an Impact?
  • Wednesday 30 March '22 show notes

    • The Evil Reason the GOP Will Exploit Every Crisis The World Is Facing
    • Why Are the GOP Pretending Everything Is Fine When Trump Is Guilty as Hell?
    • Crazy Alert! In a Few Years Will You Travel to the First Space Hotel Instead of Mexico?
    • Will the Russia Ruble Oil Scheme Work? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System (now also available as an e-book)
    • Koch and Trump Refuse to Stop Doing "Business" in Russia
    • Geeky Science! The Green Crypto Currency Fossil Fuel Bull Pucky Exposed
    • Manchin Opposing Biden's Plan to Tax US Billionaires - Will Manchin Hurt Democrats in the Coming Election?
    • SHOULD Congress Revisit Trump's "Perfect" Phone Call To Zelinsky? Why Is Trump Getting Away With Sabotaging Ukraine?
  • Tuesday 29 March '21 show notes

    • "Coverup??": White House Logs Show 7-Hour Gap in Trump's Calls on Jan - Nixon Didn't Get Away This - Will Trump?
    • America Must Choose Between Great Wealth or Democracy.
    • WHO is Saying - It's Misinformation that Omicron is 'the last COVID-19 variant & there is a huge uptick worldwide - Is the Political Class Done With Covid? - Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding, Epidemiologist & Health Economist / Adjunct Senior Fellow - Federation of American Scientists
    • Will America Choose Wealth or Democracy? - Charles Sauer, Libertarian / Economist & President - The Market Institute / author of Profit Motive: What Drives the Things We Do
    • Will Oregon Becoming America's First "Assisted Suicide Tourism Capital?"
    • Will Manchin's Corruption Will Be His Legacy?
    • The Boring Bill in Tennessee We All Should Be Watching
    • Historic Moment & Good News for Canada - Ontario Strikes deal for $10-a-day Childcare

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