
  • Friday 25 September '20 show notes

    • Has Trump Declared War on "We the People?"
    • Issues of the Day - Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • How Pot Might Help Your Memory...
    • Anything Goes Friday...What's On Your Mind?

  • Republicans ruthlessly reshaped America to hold onto power - can Dems do the same thing to save it?

    Thom plus logo In the power grab to fill the Supreme Court seat announced the same evening as the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Mitch McConnell didn't do anything new. The GOP has a long history of playing hardball power politics.
  • Thursday 24 September '20 show notes

    • Can Trump Get Away With Normalizing a Coup?
    • The Economics of Police Brutality & Racism - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System
    • How the Trump Administration is Turning Bolivia Towards Authoritarianism - Mark Weisbrot, Co-Director, Center for Economic & Policy Research / President-Just Foreign Policy / Author of several books including "FAILED: What the "Experts" Got Wrong about the Global Economy"
  • Can Trump get away with normalizing a coup?

    Thom plus logo One of the big lessons that Donald Trump has learned through his years at the center of the New York tabloid media is that he can normalize just about anything.

    When he was getting bad press because he was having an affair on his first wife, for example, he called newspapers pretending to be his own assistant to say that Marla Maples was astonished with "the best sex ever." It changed the entire newspaper narrative, and Trump proved to himself one more time that he can normalize just about anything.
  • Wednesday 23 September '20 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Why Does Ron DeSantis Want It To Be Legal To Hit Protestors With Cars? - Commissioner Nikki Fried (D-FL) Florida Commissioner of Agriculture & Consumer Services / Attorney & Activist (highest ranking Democrat in Florida & was a keynote speaker at the Democratic National Convention.)
    • Trump Has Told Us How He & the Republicans Plans to Steal This Election - Can We Stop Him & Save Our Republic?
    • "My Dad Was Not a Nobody..." - Kristin Urquiza, MPA Co-Founder & Chief Activist - Marked By Covid / she is the daughter of Mark Anthony Urquiza who died from Covid-19 in June ("...his only underlying condition was believing Donald Trump.") (Kristin also spoke at the Convention)
    • Why GA's Secretary of State Is Worried About THIS Lawsuit - Greg Palast, The Guardian / Investigative Journalist/Author/Filmmaker, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy / His new book, How Trump Stole 2020: The Hunt For America's Vanished Voters.
  • Trump has told us how he and the Republicans plan to steal this election: can we stop him and save our republic?

    Thom plus logo Donald Trump became president by exploiting a loophole called the Electoral College. The majority of Americans did not want him or vote for him as president, but he's there anyway.

    Now he's planning on using a different loophole, the 12th Amendment, to hang onto power.
  • Tuesday 22 September '20 show notes

    • Trump "never noticed" a modern-day American genocide
    • Trump courts cult - Judd Legum, Founder - (former founding Editor-in-Chief, Think
    • Will New Mexico Be Getting a Radioactive Waste Dump? - Kevin Kamps, Radioactive Waste Specialist - Beyond Nuclear
  • Trump "Never Noticed" A Modern-Day American Genocide

    Thom plus logo Donald Trump said in a rally last night that the coronavirus, "Affects virtually nobody."

    Apparently "virtually nobody" means 200,000 dead Americans, ranging in age from the elderly to infants.
  • Monday 21 September '20 show notes

    • A Hard-Right Supreme Court Nominee Could Completely Alter Life As We Know It...
    • Community Policing, RBG & What's At Stake In This Election? - Laura Flanders, Host-The Laura Flanders Show on PBS stations nationwide / / host-Grit TV / Contributor-The Nation Magazine & Author of 6 books including, Blue GRIT: True Democrats Take Back Politics from the Politicians
    • White Supremacists Are a Threat To This Election - Ken Klippenstein, DC Correspondent - The Nation Magazine
    • What's At Stake With the Courts? - Alphonso David, President - Human Rights Campaign (the nation's largest organization fighting for LGBTQ equality)/ Attorney & LGBT Civil Rights Leader
  • A Hard-right Supreme Court Nominee Could Completely Alter Life As We Know It

    Thom plus logo Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died, and while everybody is focusing on abortion, the Supreme Court, if it falls into hard-core conservative hands, could do massive damage to the entire spectrum of life in America.

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