
  • Tuesday 14 April '20 show notes

    • Is the 40 Year Republican Plan Disintegrating?
    • How much trouble can Trump make for blue state governors? - Paul S. Ryan, Vice President, Policy & Litigation - Common Cause
    • Yale psychiatrist Dr. Bandy Lee: Trump's "Deadly" Briefings Display "Anti-Human" Psychology... - Dr Bandy Lee, Assistant Clinical Professor-Yale School of Medicine / Forensic Psychiatrist-Yale University Medical School / Co-Founder, World Mental Health Coalition & Editor - The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess the President
  • Is The 40 Year Republican Plan Disintegrating?

    Thom plus logo People are wondering why Donald Trump melted down yesterday in his press conference, but there's really a simple explanation.
  • Monday 13 April '20 show notes

    • America Has a BIG Decision to Make...How Do We End Shelter-In-Place?
    • Is Trump Destroying the Post Office Because He Doesn't Want Americans To Vote By Mail?
    • Trump's Covid-19 Response...Genocidal For the Poor & Elderly?
  • America Has a Big Decision to Make - How Do We End Shelter In Place?

    Thom plus logo Dr. David Nabarro of the World Health Organization says that until a vaccine is developed, the coronavirus will likely "stalk the human race" for quite a while. Shelter in place and all the other efforts to stop the spread of the coronavirus are designed to do, basically, only one thing: protect hospitals.
  • Friday 10 April '20 show notes

    • Is Trump Following the Herd Immunity Theory?
    • Money Over People Is NOT the American Way...
    • African Americans, the Poor & the Elderly are Dying in Grossly Disproportionate Numbers... What's Going On Here?
    • Anything Goes Friday... Thom Takes Your Calls...

  • Thursday 9 April '20 show notes

    • Issues of the Day - Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, U.S. Congressmember (D-WA, 7th District) & Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus / Senior Whip-Democratic Caucus & serves on multiple committees including the House Budget Committee & the House Judiciary Committee
    • Stimulus... Where Does the Money Come From and Where Will It Go? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work / Understanding Marxism / Understanding Socialism
    • How Are You Dealing w/Working From Home & What Have You Learned Going Forward?
  • Where Will The Money Go?

    Thom plus logo The Federal Reserve said yesterday that they could pump over $2 trillion into the economy, while other reports suggested it could be over $4 trillion. All of this is done without oversight and regulation by Congress, based on decisions made exclusively by the Fed.
  • Are We Going to Vote in November?

    Thom plus logo In two or three weeks we're going to start seeing people show up in hospitals in Wisconsin because of the stunt Republicans in the Wisconsin legislature, the Wisconsin Supreme Court, and the US Supreme Court pulled off this week. Many of those people will die, just so Republicans could suppress the vote in Wisconsin.
  • Wednesday 8 April '20 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Are we Going to Vote in November?
    • What Have You Learned From Sheltering In Place?
    • Could Another Zoonotic Pandemic Be Coming? - Zach Corrigan, Senior Attorney - Food & Water Watch
  • Tuesday 7 April '20 show notes

    • How Many Americans Are Republicans Willing to Let Die In Order To Win Elections?
    • Boris & the Queen... - Victoria Jones, Executive Director - DC Radio Company LLC
    • Science Revolution: Rights of Nature & More - Thomas Linzey, Esq., Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights (CDER) - Thomas Linzey Esq. Senior Counsel - Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights (CDER)

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