
  • Wednesday 12 August '20 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Is America Witnessing the Collapse of the GOP? - Charles Sykes, Founder & Editor-at-Large, The Bulwark / Host-Bulwark Podcast / Author, "How the Right Lost Its Mind"
    • Will the Republican Party Go the Way of the Whigs or Morph Into Something More Sinister?
    • Geeky Science: Do Plant-Based 'Meats' Improve Your Heart?
  • Is America Witnessing the Collapse of the GOP?

    Thom plus logo Around the same time Donald Trump issued an executive order to slash the revenue to Social Security, a Republican sheriff in Florida required police and people who come to the police station to take off their masks.

    This is the face of the Republican Party: greedy, petty, angry, and stupid.
  • Tuesday 11 August '20 show notes

    • Will Enough Americans Show Up to Stop Trump From Using the Dictator's Playbook?
    • How Will Biden Handle the Covid Crisis If/When Given the Chance? - Dr. Howard Koh, Harvey V. Fineberg Professor of the Practice of Public Health Leadership at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health / formerly, Assistant Secretary for Health w/HHS (nominated by President Barack Obama, confirmed by the U.S. Senate in 2009) / Dr. Koh oversaw the HHS Office of Public Health & Science, the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service, and the Office of the Surgeon General
    • Who's Going to Win - The Bullies or the Nerds...?
    • How Does China's integration into the US Economy, particularly regarding tech, threaten US Security & Safety? - Barry Lynn, Director - Open Markets Institute (previously wrote about monopoly & corporate power at The New America Institute)
  • Will Enough Americans Show Up to Stop Trump From Using the Dictator's Playbook?

    Thom plus logo The single most consistent defining characteristic of an emerging dictatorship in a country that started as a democracy is that the dictator regularly holds elections and always wins, because he uses the instruments of government to make sure he wins.

    Trump has now done this with the Justice Department, the Post Office, the Department of Homeland Security, The Department of Health and Human Services, the Federal Reserve, and our intelligence agencies.
  • Monday 10 August '20 show notes

    • America's Chief Grifter Strikes Again...
    • How Trump Is Going to Drop the Biggest Ever Great Depression on Joe Biden & America...
    • About That Vote From Home Idea...? - Ben Tyson, Co-Founder, Vote From Home 2020
    • Science revolution: Proof We Are Made Of Stars and We Depend On Them...
  • America's Chief Grifter Strikes Again

    Thom plus logo Trump says he is going to boost unemployment payments by $400, stop evictions, cut payroll taxes, and extend student loan relief.

    In fact, these are all lies. As usual, it's a new con job, a grift from our grifter-in-chief.
  • Friday 07 August '20 show notes

    • Everything Trump Touches Dies...Including Trade and Bringing Jobs Home
    • Canada to American Visitors: "Please Don't Sneak Across Our Border."
    • Protesters Are Facing Felonies Now For Trying To ID the Police...
    • Anything Goes Friday!

  • Everything Trump Touches Dies - Including Trade & Bringing Jobs Home

    Thom plus logo This just in from Lori Wallach, Director Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch - In his speech now underway at Whirlpool in Ohio, Trump claimed to have met all of his trade promises from 2016. NOT!
  • Thursday 06 August '20 show notes

    • Will the coronavirus wake Americans up to the cancer that has infected our political system?
    • Will Trump's "Kanye West" Voter Suppression Tactic Work?
    • The Trump campaign's latest contest is a scam. Here's proof... - Judd Legum, Founder - (former founding Editor-in-Chief, Think
    • Is Trump At the Center of the $60 Billion Utility Bribe Scandal In Ohio? - Professor Leah Stokes Assistant Professor-Department of Political Science | Bren School of Environmental Science & Management | Environmental Studies Department-University of California Santa Barbara / ClimatePower2020 Surrogate
  • Will the coronavirus wake Americans up to the cancer that has infected our political system?

    Thom plus logo The Republican hostility to helping people who lost their jobs because of the coronavirus, to expanding healthcare to all the American people, and their hostility to doing anything about climate change all come from the same source: greed and the big money it produces.

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